Village Hall at 302 S. Wabash Avenue

Brewster Village Officials


The elected and appointed officials who serve the Village of Brewster are a dedicated group who put serving the public above all else.  We are committed to providing exceptional citizen service at all times.  As a small town Brewster officials offer the unique ability to provide their neighbors and friends with services, and to allow those residents to have the ability to voice their concerns as they encounter members of Council and the Mayor during their daily life.   Residents are urged to attend Council Meetings or to phone or e-mail their Village government representatives.  Each are in office solely to serve you.

Mayor Chuck Hawk  - BXMayor@brewsterohio.com
Village Clerk-Treasurer Kris King -  BXClerkTreasurer@BrewsterOhio.com

Councilmember Dale Fox   
Councilmember David Godwin
Councilmember Thomas Hilliard
Councilmember Brett Long
Councilmember Sydney Radich
Councilmember Mike Schwab 

Specifics for these elected officials is on the Mayor & Council page that may be reached by clicking on that heading at the left


Village Administrator Mike Miller - BXAdmin@brewsterohio.com

Office Phone: 330-767-3931 or 330-767-4214
FAX: 330-767-4607

Appointed by Council & the Mayor to supervise the Utility and Street Departments as well as act as the Zoning Inspector




   Village of Brewster            302 S. Wabash Avenue                 Brewster, Ohio 44613