Utility Billing Questions
Where is the Utility Billing Office located ?
The Utility Billing office is located at 310 South Wabash, Brewster, Ohio.
What are the Utility Billing Office business hours ?
The Utility Billing office is open from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday to assist customers, excluding holidays. Customers can call (330) 767-3312 Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Where can I pay my utility bill ?
You can pay your bill:
In the office, in person during regular business hours, or
In the drop-off box after regular business hours (checks or money orders only)
By mail (checks or money orders only (DO NOT SEND CASH), or
Online, or
Through your bank's website (There are no authorized payment centers)
What forms of payment do you take in the office ?
Cash, check, money order, or specified credit cards.
What forms of payment do you take online ?
E-Check, Visa®, MasterCard®, or Discover Card®.
When will my online payment post to my account ?
Credit/Debit Card payments made through the online payment system will post within 3 business days.
I lost my water bill. What should I do ?
Stop in at the Utility Office at 310 South Wabash and we will print you a duplicate bill.
I received a water bill even though I was out of town for four months and didn't use any water. Why?
Customers who have not used water must still pay a minimum charge if water service is available to the property.
Who should I call to correct a misspelled name or incorrect address on my water bill?
Stop in at the Utility Office at 310 South Wabash, call 330-767-3312, or e-mail us at BXUtilities@BrewsterOhio.com and we will correct it.
What if I bounced a check?
Our bank will attempt to collect on the check twice. If your bank refused payment the second time, you need to come to the office to pay the full amount of the check, any outstanding balance on your utility bill and a $36.00 NSF fee with verifiable funds. You must pay with cash or money order to cover an NSF check.