Village Street Department

Location: 1451/2 W. First Street (Behind the Police Station)
Phone: 330-767-4414

Superintendent: Ricky Patterson
Village Technician: Rick Page

Email address:

Calling this department the Village Street Department does not do justice to the many tasks these two Village employees handle on a daily basis.   It is a given that their primary task is to maintain the Village roadways, but on any given day Ricky and Rick may be found installing catch basins, constructing a building, working in one of the Village parks, planting a tree, assisting with the installation of a water or sewer line, and so forth.  You name it and this department is involved.  Their talents are many and their fear of attempting something new is nonexistent.  Ricky Patterson also holds the title of Construction Foreman and in this capacity, he oversees many of the Village's construction projects from inception to completion.  If the project is handled by a contractor Supt. Patterson is on sight ensuring all specifications are followed, and if the project is handled in house Ricky may be manning a backhoe or driving nails.

Ricky and Rick are probably the most visible Village employees as they are on the streets daily patching potholes, pushing snow, vacuuming tree leaves, and making Brewster look good.


Brewster Snow Removal Guidelines

Safety is always the first concern of a municipality’s snow removal or treatment.   The snow plow operator’s main objective is to keep our roadways open for the safe passage of traffic.    This is accomplished in a manner by which the more heavily traveled main streets receive first-priority, followed by secondary neighborhood streets, and lastly the clearing of alleys after the preceding roadways can be safely traveled. 

Salt will be used conservatively, as spreading sufficient salt to produce black pavement throughout the Village has several adverse consequences.  Salt is a corrosive substance that will breakdown anything that it contacts.  This includes asphalt pavement, catch basins, piping, as well as the pollution of area waterways and the area underground water table which is the water that each of us drinks.  It is also expensive and unnecessary on neighborhood streets, on which each of us are not to exceed 25 mph.   When required, salt is used at intersections, hills, and similar areas where traction may be suspect.

·         When snow is expected Street Department personnel will be on call.

·         The Village Police Department will monitor roadways during off hours and contact Street personnel when roadway conditions begin to deteriorate

·         Priority is given to the more heavily traveled streets

·         When appropriate, salt will be spread at intersections and on hills

·         Residents are asked to park their vehicles off the street if possible, as a parked car creates a snow island after the plow passes

·         Residents should not place snow from their property or driveways in the street.

·         Residents are asked to keep hydrants adjacent to their properties clear of snow

·         Residents should drive safely according to weather conditions present. 


·         Salt is not effective below 15 degrees in temperature

·         Salt normally is not spread when additional snow is forecast

·         Salt is most effective with traffic and sunshine.  Neighborhood streets may lack sufficient traffic.