Highway Safety
Safe Routes to School...

The purpose of Safe Routes to School is to encourage and enable students in grades k-8 to walk or ride their bicycle to school.
Projects can be either engineering (improved crossings, sidewalks, etc.) or non-engineering (education and encouragement programs).  Since the program begin in 2008, walking and bicycling to school has increased in Ohio communities with active Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs.

The responsibility of a safe route to school is ultimately shared by the user, government agencies, elected officials and safety advocates.

The Village of Brewster in conjunction with Fairless Schools, which have their Elementary, Middle, and High School campuses in the Village southeast side on State Route 62, made application in 2018 for a grant to construct walk and bike ways for students to access to the three Fairless School buildings.  The Safe Routes to School program awarded a $ 150,000 Grant for this project with funds becoming available in 2022.  Village and Fairless officials are at this writing working with an engineering firm to complete preliminary construction plans in preparation for 2022.  The Safe Routes to School program in Ohio is administered by ODOT.  The Award letter from ODOT is shown below.
