August 20, 2012 - Employee Committee Meeting

Employee Committee Meeting

Council as a Whole

August 20th 2012

6:00 p.m.

Meeting was called yo order at 6:00 p.m. By Chairperson Bichsel, the Mayor, Clerk Village , Village Administrator,and all council persons were present with the exception of Mr. Huff. Several employees were also in attendance.  This meeting was held to discuss our employee wage ordinance, benefits, and safety.


Councilwoman Bichsel passed out the present wage ordinance and a five year forecast for each of the funds. She explained each forecast for each of the funds, with the aid of clerk King she also explained that the forecast is a conservative one and no increase of utilities was figured into the five year forecast.

Percentage vs specific a specific amount was discussed.

Several positions were discussed, construction foreman, Ricky Patterson stated that he would like to see this added to his present wage. The Mayor recommended that the Street foreman position be taken out of the ordinance as this position has never really been held.

A 3 year ordinance was recommended.


Councilman Hillard concerned about the general fund and if it was smart to give raises due to the levy issue.

Councilman Tharp concerned about making a decision tonight would like to have more time.

Things brought to light concerning wages are as follows:

Councilman Hillard: A stipend for officer Denise, who is heading the neighborhood watch. He also asked about the Mayor and council raises and was told they had received raises.

Councilman Godwin: On call pay for our employees, Administrator Hartman advocated for this. Godwin also asked that the clerks wages be looked at, saying that she is paid below what she should be paid, Councilwoman Bichsel asked Godwin to provide his information to council.

Administrator Hartman: Would like to have the mileage rate looked.

Councilwoman Bichsel brought up a letter they had received from Tammy Fox in regards Tharp suggested that we might look at if a person works the day before and the day after that person is eligible. This issue deals with part time employee.


glasses and steel toed boots were covered.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55