November 5, 2012 - Parks and Grounds Committee Meeting


NOVEMBER 5, 2012





Mayor Mike Schwab

Chairman Dave Duff

Council/Board Member Dave Godwin

Council/Board Member Jay Huff

Councilwoman Sherri Bichsel

Councilman Tom Hilliard

Councilman Steven Tharp, Jr.

Clerk-Treasurer Kris King


The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dave Duff.


Chairman Duff wants to get the police garage off the table.  He wants to get it moving.  He wants to see which garage would look better and which one the Village can afford.  It took six years to get the electric garage going and doesn't want this to happen with the police garage.  VA Hartman has spoken to Jeff Day from Harris-Day who were the architects for the Police Department building.  Councilwoman Bichsel suggested asking Roseman, the builder of the electric garage to take a look at it.  Mayor Schwab stated it was just a 36' x24' garage with three doors.


Chairman Duff then moved the discussion on to signage in the park.  He suggested to stick with the latest signs that were purchased but to add more of them.  Mayor Schwab suggested putting them at all entrances.  He stated they need to be placed at the McKinley, Washington, and First Street entrances.


The dumping of tires by the boy scout building was the next topic discussed.  The Village is paying $3 for car tires and $14 for tractor tires to be removed.  Chairman Duff stated there are two recycling center that take tires, one of them is in Perry.  VA Hartman stated that Perry will only take six tires at a time.  He suggested using cameras to monitor and apprehend the people who are dumping them.  Councilman Hilliard said he suggested that two years ago and was laughed at.  Chairman Duff stated they were going to put more signs up.  It was suggested that the Ohio Basic Code section be put on the sign.  It is enforceable by Section 93.25 and fines can be imposed. 


Councilman Hilliard asked if there was a cost in mind for the police garage.


Chairman Duff suggested contacting the computer store on Erie Street and get a cost on monitors for the area where the tires are being dumped and also one in the park.  The Mayor told Chairman Duff to go for it.  Hunting cameras were also discussed.


Chairman Duff brought up the grants that he has asked Mayor Schwab to apply for.  One grant will be for a gazebo in the park.  Mayor Schwab said a 30' circle, oval, or rectangular gazebo would cost around $50,000.  By the time a base and all the other needed work would be completed it would probably total between $60,000 and $70,000.  There are Natureworks grants available that would pay 75%.  The other grant application would be for an extension to be put on the end of the fireman's pavilion.  It would be 60' x 25' with garage doors the whole way around.  It would cost between $60,000 to $70,000.



Meeting adjourned at 6:38pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Chairperson Dave Duff