May 3, 2021 - Meeting Minutes
MAY 3, 2021
7:00 P.M.
Due to COVID-19 and the social distancing requirement, this meeting was held at the Brewster/Sugarcreek Historical Society’s Wandle House at 45 Wabash Ave S in Brewster. Notification was sent to the Massillon Independent, posted on Village Hall front doors, and posted on the website.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Andrew Hess, Council Member
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member Brett Long, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the April 19, 2021 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to approve the minutes as read. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $94,087.91. The vote: All yes.
Police Chief Keith Creter and Ray Heitger were also present.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing Increasing the Number of Members of Council on the Tree Board from Two (2) to Three (3).
First Reading: An Ordinance Amending Codified Ordinance Section 91.05 (A) (7) Addressing the Planting Distances for Tree Devil Strips.
First Reading: An Ordinance Amending Codified Ordinance Section 91.06 “CARE OF TREES” Section (F) (2) Addressing Keeping Trees Clear of Utility Lines.
First Reading: An Ordinance Amending Codified Ordinance Section 91.06 “CARE OF TREES” Section (J) Addressing Tree Trimming and Removal.
First Reading: An Ordinance Adding to Codified Ordinance Section 91.06 “CARE OF TREES” by Adding a Section (K) Addressing Tree Trimming and Removal on Private Property.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Chris Colucy (excused)
- The Monthly report contained 676 calls for the month of April.
- The department received Gold Status in the Lexis Training Program for having all Officers achieving training within the program.
- The Mother’s Day 5K is scheduled on May 8th from 9am – 12pm. Sergeant Truman will be in charge of security of the event. He has also done a great job in the planning for the safety of the participants.
- May 28th there will be another traffic blitz.
- Council Member Fox asked the Chief about the position of tasers in relation to the position of our Officers service revolvers.
- Liquor Permits: The Solicitor outlined applicable sections to object to a Liquor License located in ORC Section 4303.292.
- State Centralized Income Tax: The Solicitor reported on a challenge in the Ohio Supreme Court of state centralized income tax collections. It was determined to be a violation of Home Rule. It was resolved to the lower court to resolve the issue. Franklin County Court Judge issued an order to return the fees.
- We received a bill from the law firm working on the Jefferson Health Plan lawsuit. Solicitor Anthony has contacted Attorney LaFayette and is expecting a call back with an update on the case. He will have an update for the next meeting.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the VA’s May 3, 2021 report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting. The vote: All yes.
VA Miller wished to state the following items in addition to his report from Friday:
- VA Miller has been receiving calls for park pavilion rentals. Does Council wish to permit the rentals?
- There are 11 parcels eligible for Land Reutilization. It consists of 3.68 acres that has a combined amount of delinquent taxes of $42,088.41. VA Miller would like a motion to move forward for the SLRP Department. The owners are both deceased and no one is taking care of the taxes. The property has some sanitary sewer running through it.
- Looking into a long-term lease or property purchase from the Virginia Land Holding Company on the north side of town for a possible location for the new electric building. They asked us to provide a price we are willing to pay for the property.
- Council Member Hilliard asked if the light at 320 Needham had been replaced. VA Miller stated that it was working when the guys looked at it. Council Member Hilliard stated that it flickers. VA Miller will have the guys change it out.
Administrator’s report for period 4/20/2021 thru 5/3/2021:
Ø Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project. Construction activities have continued for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Change order #4 was approved by the Stark County Board of Commissioners April 21st. Currently, with all four (4) change orders, Change Order #4 in the amount of $83,647.00 brings the total increase due to change orders to $96,711.72, or slightly less than a 12.5% increase over the original contract amount.
Amount |
New Amount |
Original Contract |
$776,433 |
$776,433 |
Change Order #1 |
$12,253.90 |
$788,686.90 |
Change Order #2 |
($5,135.80) |
$783,551.10 |
Change Order #3 |
$5,946.62 |
$789,497.72 |
Change Order #4 |
$83,647.00 |
$873,144.72 |
What remains for Shelly (having purchased Central Allied) is basing in asphalt, milling 5th and its intersection at Cleveland, and paving.
I indicated that there should be no more change orders. There still shouldn’t be any.
HOWEVER … it has been revealed that the plans we had initially from Hazen & Sawyer only called for 3 inches of asphalt on Jefferson and the “new” portion of 5th Street – 2 inches of base and 1 inch of surface. It is Thrasher’s, Superintendent Patterson, and my assessment that that amount of asphalt even with feet of gravel beneath is not adequate. So, to get Shelly closed out it has been determined the best approach is to have all 3 inches be base asphalt on Jefferson and the “new” portion of 5th Street but leave a gap of 1 ½ inches from the gutter plate so that we can have our paving contractor place 1 ½ inches of surface asphalt on top. That may require removing one (1) of the streets currently on the Paving Project List.
The good news is that in advance of the next construction bill from Shelly, where that payment request will begin our drawdown of OPWC Funds, we submitted the cost of the sign and the Construction Administration costs charged by Hazen & Sawyer ($29,716.47), which has been approved. OPWC has indicated that OPWC will draw down first against our grant funds, and once those are exhausted then draw against our loan funds.
- 2021 Paving Program. I have forwarded the contract documents to Superior Paving & Materials on April 15th, the first day after the 30-day waiting period between Council passing the ordinance for the 2021 Paving Program. I plan to meet with Superior in the near future to identify the final locations of ADA Ramps and for curb and gutter.
As a reminder, the streets included in the 2021 Paving Program are:
Street |
From |
To |
Chestnut NW |
Muffly |
Drive to just before 13415 Chestnut (1630 feet) |
Main Street SE |
Wabash |
Cleveland |
2nd Street SW |
Wabash |
McKinley |
McKinley Ave SW |
2nd |
North Terminus |
Grant Ave SW |
2nd |
1st |
McKinley SW |
Bimiler |
7th Street |
2nd Street SE |
Jefferson |
East Terminus |
Harmon Ave NE |
Wabash |
just past Mohican |
- 2021 Paving Program – McKinley north of 2nd Street. I am continuing to work with the residents on McKinley regarding installation of curb, gutter, and sidewalk on the east side, which lines up with the existing entrance/sidewalk at the end of McKinley.
- Handicapped Access – Bimeler Park from Second at SE Corner. The contract was awarded to the low bidder on the sidewalk option for handicapped access to Bimeler Park from 2nd and Wandle Court for $3,565, a significant reduction in cost from the ramp option.
We will also have to reinstall the wall where it was removed for the storm sewer at an additional cost, but overall, the sidewalk option is the better and less expensive option in both the short and long term in my opinion. I am soliciting proposals.
- Storm Drainage Projects. Street Superintendent Rick Patterson and I met and discussed the priority order for various storm sewer projects. These are not necessarily on a first come/first serve basis but based on their criticality and/or ability to fit into the schedule. The current list, in order of priority, is:
- 2nd Street at the alley from the junction to the south side (before paving)
- Yard Waste Drop-off pad
- Cleveland & 7th Street Catch Basins
- 12935 Elton Catch Basin/junction Box relocation
- East end of 1st Street SE
- East Main Street Drainage.
- Dartmouth/Amherst relief line
- Open ditch east of Mohican
We are also looking to repair deteriorated catch basins, so if any Council person is aware of any, please let me know.
- Water Department – Backflow Prevention. We have been notified that we have an upcoming inspection/visit from Ohio EPA of our water plant. In providing preliminary information, and in networking with other entities in the area that are also being (or have been) inspected, one of the areas that we believe we need to address is backflow prevention. It appears to be one of the areas of emphasis for this year’s inspection.
Backflow prevention devicesare required by the EPA, State law (Ohio Administrative Code 3745-95), and Ohio Plumbing Code (chapter 608) to be installed where there is a potential health or contamination threat within the consumer's plumbing system.
Backflow prevention devices are installed onto a pipe so that water flows in one direction. Backflow prevention devices protect potable water supplies from contamination or pollution due to backflow. In simple terms, backflow prevention devices prevent water from flowing back into the public water supply from various sources, such as irrigation systems or even toilets. Normally Brewster’s water system is maintained at a high enough pressure to enable water to flow from the tap, shower, or other fixture rather allowing water to flow in the opposite direction. It is a one-way device that allows water from the city's public water supply to flow into customer’s piping but stops water if and when it ever tries to flow backwards into the main water supply.
The Village receives annual inspection reports on backflow prevention devices from various entities that currently are required to have them. Based on our current information the Ohio EPA is going to require much more than just obtaining annual inspection reports. Based on initial research, one of the ways some other entities in the area comply with the backflow prevention requirements of Ohio EPA is to contract with Backflow Solutions, Inc. Superintendent Maybaugh and I have viewed a presentation by BSI. A summary of their program and some additional OPTIONS are attached. In addition to those entities and contacts listed below, the City of North Canton, City of Hudson, and City of Ravenna also use BSI for backflow prevention compliance. The cost to the Village is $495 per year. The cost to consumer’s subject to backflow prevention requirements is $14.95 fee from BSI per device, which would be charged directly by BSI through the qualified entities currently inspecting their backflow prevention devices annually.
I am not looking for action at this time, as we will await the EPA visit to determine exactly what will be required before responding. A committee meeting probably should be scheduled to discuss this subject more fully on May 17th, 2021.
- Clearwell Painting. The Village solicited prices from firms to prepare and paint the Village’s 330,000-gallon Clearwell while it remains in service. We solicited prices to do so without emptying the Clearwell, knowing that it will be more difficult due to scheduling the work during favorable weather conditions that prevent the tank from sweating and a specific paint.
We received two (2) proposals (attached). One is from Central Painting & Sandblasting, Inc of Navarre Ohio in the amount of $28,000. The second is from L. C. United Painting of Sterling Heights Michigan in the amount of $23,200. L. C. United Painting was the low bidder and painted our North Water Tower two (2) years ago. A third company was solicited and visited the site but declined to submit a proposal.
The cost to paint the Clearwell is in the Water Department budget and is accounted for in the 5-year capital plan, as has been discussed in Committee Meetings. According to Superintendent Mike Maybaugh, painting the Clearwell will push out into the future complete rehabilitation of the Clearwell. After completion of the inspection of the Clearwell, we can proceed with this project.
- SRTS – Right-of-Way Acquisition. Fairless Local Schools has passed a resolution to donate the easements necessary for construction of the Safe Routes to Schools Path on School property.
We are proceeding with acquisition of right-of-way acquisition for the SRTS Project for the rest. O.R. Colan has been contacting property owners on the Village’s behalf. I met with Thrasher on site to discuss some of the alignment and proposed construction, which affects the cost of acquisition because of the number of trees that potentially need to be removed.
- Electric and Street Department Garages. I want to bring Council up to date on an option we are exploring with the proposed new Electric Garage. The original plan is to build a virtually identical 3 bay garage next to the newest 3 bay garage.
However, an option was proposed that deserves exploration: instead of building a new 3 bay Electric Garage and a new Street garage at 4 bays plus an office, build instead a new 6 bay Electric Garage with office and have the Street Department move into the existing Electric Buildings. The Street Department would have to reimburse the value of the existing Electric Buildings to the Electric Fund, but ultimately that might be less expensive than the new building for Street.
Now, to make it work we need a location for a new 6 bay Electric Garage and office. What is being explored right now is:
- Option A: in the open area at the Substation. Pluses = all electric together. Minuses = it would on leased land and potential issues with US Army Corps of Engineers. I meet with US Army Corps of Engineers next Wednesday. US Army Corps of Engineers approvals if required could add time.
- Option B: at the old substation on Chestnut. Pluses = we own. Minuses = constricted due to west line.
- Option C: Replace old north Fire Station. Pluses = we own. Another plus is that value of land would have to be reimbursed by Electric Fund to General, offsetting amount Street would have to reimburse for Electric buildings. Minuses = constricted space.
- Option D: Locate on old baseball field area on Chestnut: Pluses = space. Minuses = Virginia Holdings Corporation owns, and acquisition cost is unknown. I am in contact with Virginia Holdings Corporation, but negotiations could also add time.
Ultimately, not all Street Department operations could be moved to the existing Electric Buildings. Salt storage and/or brine could not be located near wells/water supply. But it would potentially open more area for baseball parking/Bimeler Park.
ØAMPT – Second Transmission Line. As I mentioned, there has been a “competitive window” opened regarding the proposed second transmission line. The development is that PJM regards the preferred second transmission feed that traverses two (2) different zones (AEP & First Energy) as requiring open competition. PJM has opened the thirty (30) day window. During the open window period AMPT and potentially other entities can submit plans to address the core “issue” of providing redundancy for Brewster’s substation transmission feed. During this open competition window alternatives that will achieve that goal and build the second feed can be submitted. I had a meeting and have continued to follow up with AMPT about what some of those alternatives might be. As I also touched on during the March 1st Council Meeting, any alternative that feeds off the same transmission line and/or goes back to First Energy’s Harmon Sub is not acceptable to the Village, as it would not meet our redundancy goals/target. Without going into detail as it would create potential competitive disadvantage for AMPT during the open competition period, we are on the same page with AMPT on options to provide redundancy. The competitive window closed April 2nd. At this time AMPT has indicated that PJM who is overseeing the bid evaluation will discuss the bids in May.
- AFEC Gas Prepayment. AMP has reported that in April, Morgan Stanley and Tennergy successfully completed a gas prepay transaction on behalf of AMP and Michigan Public Power Agency (MPPA) for use at the AFEC facility. The AFEC Participants and AMP Board had
approved up-to 35,000 MMBTu/day of prepaid gas with a minimum $0.30/MMBTU initial
discount target to be closed prior to December 31, 2021. The Morgan Stanley/Tennergy
transaction provided for 10,000 MMBTu/day at a $0.30/MMBtu initial discount. The
prepaid gas will begin delivery on November 1, 2021.
AMP will continue to look for additional opportunities to fulfill the 35,000 MMBTu/day
- Solar Facility Mowing Schedule. I forwarded the mowing schedule for inside the fence at Brewster’s Solar Facility. The first cutting was completed sometime before the afternoon of April 28th. Scheduled cuttings are for on or about May 31st , June 28th, August 9th, and September 27th.
- Electric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). Work continues by GPD on the SCADA system at our substation. I will keep Council informed as to the progress on the project.
- Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI). The AMI Project continues to move forward. We are still preparing to begin putting in AMI meters. After meters are installed and showing up in the RNI, we will have our RNI training scheduled, and we will also be ready to integrate Sensus Analytics into our billing software.
- Electric – Annual EIA-861 Report. The annual EIA-861 Report to the Energy Information Administration Contractor for the United States Department of Energy was submitted on behalf of our Electric Department by Superintendent Ryan Swan.
- Tree Program – 2021. Proposed revisions to some of the Village’s ordinances have been reviewed by the Tree Board. I have drafted legislation which will be introduced to Council. Activity on removal, sidewalk replacement due to trees, and purchasing replacement trees has restarted. Two (2) Elms were planted on Scioto for the Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony. I anticipate that the Tree Board will have a number of meetings in the upcoming weeks, as this time of year has a great deal of activity.
ØNickle Plate Place. Last year the Village widened Nickle Plate Place to provide better access to the new Fire Offices that were part of the Fire Station expansion. In addition to ordering a street sign, with an accompanying sign identifying the Fire Department Offices. The Tree Board approved “landscaping” adjacent to the alley on the south side by creating a small mound and planting small crabapples on top. Six (6) Royal Raindrop Crabapples have now been planted along Nickle Plate alley as a first step to cleaning that area up between the Sturm Parking lot and the alley.
As Council stated when they upgraded to glass doors for the Fire Department, the Village Hall and Fire Department complex is a “showpiece” for downtown Brewster.
- Brewster Parke Hydrant Project. W.E. Quicksall continues their work to engineer a water line extension to the main driveway of Brewster Parke to allow for the installation of a fire hydrant for enhanced fire protection. The proposed location will also provide a safer location for our Fire Department employees to attach a hose in the event of a fire, as opposed to stopping at locations on Wabash and having the hose and/or fire truck partially block traffic. The extension will also provide for additional service points for Brewster Parke for water as well.
Included in W.E. Quicksall's work is the provision of plans so the project can be bid will be creation of easement documents. Bidding may be informal, provided the cost is below $50,000.
The plan is to utilize American Rescue Plan Funding the Village is slated to receive. The ARP Funding is specifically allowed to be used "To make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure". This project is water infrastructure. It addresses enhanced safety of the 120 residents of Brewster Parke (and growing); it addresses enhancement for future economic development (Brewster Parke indicates they have $70,000 in payroll every 2 weeks – that is $1,400 to Brewster every 2 weeks or $36,400 annually); it also sets up adding future water “customers”.
Also, as I indicated once the water line is installed in Wabash, the Village can install a crosswalk with Rapid Flashing Beacons (like Route 62) to allow residents to safely cross to the east side to walk through the underpass to downtown, or visa versa. I have confirmed with ODOT that since the proposed crosswalk is entirely within Brewster corporate limits that we have authority to install and make the upgrades to the crosswalk.
- Parks Mowing and Maintenance.
- Plan A – Reminder of the 2021 Boulevard & Memorial Planting Plan. Bruce Moyer of Moyer's Nursery and Landscaping has been contracted to plant the Memorial again in 2021; take up the old grass and sod the grass areas and sod the grass area in front of the Memorial; and to plant the ten (10) pots on Wabash. As I previously informed Council, I have spoken with Legion members who agree with the plan.
- Plan B - Seasonal Employees. As Council is aware, we advertised for seasonal employees to assist with maintaining Village property, including mowing and other maintenance. We received three (3) applications. One (1) of those individuals accepted another position. The other two (2) do not have the experience we are seeking. We also received from that same advertisement computer generated “notices of interest” instead of a completed Village Employment Application. We emailed each of the individuals who submitted the computer generated “notices of interest” a copy of the Village Employment Application to fill out and asked they return a Village Employment Application. NONE of those individuals responded.
- Plan C – Full-time Employees. As Council is also aware, we advertised for a full-time Technician for the Street Department, as the former Technician in the Street Department resigned to take a position with another Political Subdivision at $18,000 more per year. The application deadline was April 16th. A thought (Plan B) is that since we did not get satisfactory responses to seasonal, that possibly for the summer we hire two (2) individuals from the “full-time” application list.
UPDATE: Interviews with six (6) of the applicants concluded Wednesday April 28th. Currently two (2) candidates are coming back for a follow-up. In a review of finances with Clerk-Treasurer Kris King it is clear that the funding is not available to hire two (2) individuals from the “full-time” application list. We will move to get a replacement Street Department Technician in place as soon as possible.
- Plan D – Outside Companies/Contractors. Anticipating SOME of the foregoing issues, we have been and continue to solicit prices for companies/individual contractors to mow specific “high intensity” locations (i.e. hand mowing), such as the Boulevard and Village Hall. That remains an option.
- Plan E – Assistance from other Village Departments. Despite the restrictions put in place last summer due to COVID, and with one (1) employee in the Street Department for a good part of the summer, we were able to keep up because other Departments chipped in and insured that we kept current with Park maintenance. For example, the Water Department cut Fields #5 and #6 on occasion in addition to cutting their facility. The Electric Department chipped in on a few occasions to help with Sabo Park. I am sure we can count on that same dedication again this year. With COVID restrictions hopefully lifted for employees in the next month or so once they are able to be vaccinated, they will have more “hours” to do so BUT we have to keep in mind that there are a number of projects that need to be addressed. I will state though that I do not plan to assign the Water Technician to the Street Department for an extended period of time again this summer so he can continue his progression to achieve his Class 2 EPA Water Certification.
- Paving Income Tax Renewal.On May 4th the voters of Brewster will vote on Issue 5, an income tax continuation. Issue 5 includes .3% towards paving Brewster streets. It is not a new tax – it is a continuation. And because it is an income tax, for every dollar that Brewster residents pay, another nine (9) dollars is collected from non-residents who work in the Village.
It is important also to be able to show residents that the income tax allocated to paving has been well spent.
Over the past four years that the .3% income tax for paving streets has been in place, $639,394.59 in income tax funds have been spent to repave Village streets.
The Village has also used the funds collected through the income tax to leverage additional funds for paving Village streets. The Village has received a total of $163,439 in OPWC Grants that without the income tax the Village would not have qualified to receive. Using income tax funds as a match, we were able to obtain another $111,475 in OPWC Grant funds to have the entire length of 7th Street repaired and repaved. Also, using those income tax funds as a match, the Village was able to obtain a $51,964 OPWC Grant for East Main Street Project. The income tax matches returned an additional 20% in OPWC funds to pave Village streets.
There is another way to look at how the money raised from what the existing, versus what has been spent. Again, approximately 90% of Village income taxes come from persons that live outside the Village. So, of the $639,394.59 spent from the Village income tax, only $57,545.51 spent on Village streets in the past 4 years has come from local residents.
- Community Room – American Rescue Plan Funding. I received a proposal from Bill Griffith of Sol/Harris/Day Architecture. They have quoted a cost of:
- Complete Construction Drawings: $5,200.00
- Bidding Services: $1,900.00
- Construction Administration (4 months | 48 hrs.): $5,760.00
- TOTAL AE Fee: $12,860.00
- Recommended Reimbursable Expense Allowance separate from AE fee listed above (reproduction costs, mileage, permit applications fees, etc.) Two Thousand Dollars: $2,000.00
To recap, we believe that Brewster is slated to get $420,000 in the American Rescue Plan. We still do not have either guidance or information about how these funds can LEGALLY be spent yet. The previous funding we received under the CARES Act had specific limitations for how it could be LEGALLY spent. I have previously provided an article out of Governing magazine that addresses some ways governments plan to spend their American Rescue Plan Funding. But, again, until the rules are put in place the “what” of how those funds can be spent is up in the air.
The CARES Funds were to help with addressing needs that were related to COVID. Presumably, the American Rescue Plan Funding is tied to loss of revenue due to COVID and/or expenditures/projects that would address future pandemics.
One good suggestion that I believe COULD be a legitimate expenditure, as it ties into Council’s ability to hold in person meetings and/or partial in person with access via computer during pandemic conditions, would be to complete the “meeting room” where the Tahoe and Grass Fire Truck used to be stored as meeting space. That space can accommodate more individuals “socially distanced” than our current Council Chambers, and could be done in such a way that the technology to broadcast/record/observe could be integrated into the construction. It also is needed for the FD teaching classes such as CPR and/or employee safety meetings, and/or Fire Department training or meetings, and/or PD training.
So, that is why we have a proposal for Architectural Services to complete the “meeting room” where the Tahoe and Grass Fire Truck used to be stored as meeting space. It would address the issue that Council cannot meet in person at Village Hall and properly social distance, nor is our current setup conducive to remote meetings (streaming)
My recommendation is to commence with awarding ONLY the $5,200 to complete construction drawings at this time, plus authorize a Reimbursable Expense Allowance separate from that fee (reproduction costs, mileage, permit applications fees, etc.). I am recommending ONLY commencing with completing construction drawings at this time, UNTIL we verify that American Rescue Plan Funding can be used to create the Meeting Room so that Council can meet and properly social distance AND provide remote access to their meetings. Once/IF it is verified that it is a proper use of ARP Funds, the expenditure can be taken/switched to ARP Funding.
I have consulted the Clerk-Treasurer, and she recommends encumbering this cost at this time out of the Capital Fund. Again, Once/IF it is verified that it is a proper use of ARP Funds, all the costs can be encumbered out of ARP Funds.
- Generator for Police Department. Based on information we received from one of the vendors, we are also running to ground the potential cost savings of using a natural gas generator versus a diesel generator. Proposals are still coming in. I will keep Council informed.
- Field #1 Restoration. We are still exploring options to getField #1 playable.
- Mosquito Spraying. I have contacted the Stark County Health Department about renewing the contract Brewster had with them to do mosquito spraying for 2021. They indicated we should be getting information shortly.
- Internet Sales. We are progressing on being able to sell items that are no longer needed for public use on the internet, per the ordinance passed by Council. The “legal” documents associated with sales have been approved by the Law Director, and Public Surplus has uploaded them. A training will be scheduled in the near future, which will allow the Village to start posting items online for sale.
- Efficiency Smart – Rebates. Heating and cooling make up the largest portion of the average household’s energy bill. Efficiency Smart offers rebates on products that can help you save on these costs, including a $750 rebate on cold climate air source heat pumps and a $100 rebate on air source heat pumps. Visit and select “Home Energy Rebates” or call 877-889-3777 for more information on available rebates.
- Efficiency Smart – “Buy Local” Program. For a limited time, Efficiency Smart is offering small businesses an increased incentive for purchasing qualifying LED products from a designated local business. Contact Bob Golden with Efficiency Smart at or (614) 468-4904 for a list of designated local suppliers and contractors or for more information.
- Efficiency Smart - 2021 Retail Lighting. A participation agreement is in place with Belloni for reduced cost LED light bulbs. The inventory has been delivered.
- May is Motorcycle Awareness Month.
- Planted two trees on Scioto on Arbor Day.
- Tree board meeting scheduled for Tuesday May 4th at 10AM
- Shed at the north side car wash – Council denied putting the shed on public property six-months ago. The owner has since asked a business owner and the owner agreed to it. The shed is too close to the road and is blocking visibility. The car wash is in a residential area and has a conditional use variance that only permits a car wash otherwise reverts back to residental use only. The shed is being removed.
- One of the ambulances has low oil pressure and is at the garage getting it looked into.
- The Invoice Report for tonight’s meeting were put in Council’s mailboxes on Friday for review.
- I attended a webinar on Thursday, April 29th for review and clarification of what is and is not permitted uses of the ARP Funds. They are waiting for guidance from the Feds.
- Health Insurance estimate for July 2021- June 2022. Health insurance is expected to increase 3.9%. This would be an increase of $31.01 per month for four individual plans and $75.32 per month for eleven family plans. That works out to an increase of $952.56 a month, less the 15% employee deduction of $142.88, for a net increase of $809.68 per month. We are also eligible of two holiday months in which will pay no insurance.
4. All Village Liquor Licenses expire 07/01/2021. The Ohio Department of Commerce sends a letter each year with instructions on how to object or renew liquor permits. In order to object, a resolution must be passed and submitted by legal counsel and a hearing will be scheduled for each objection. Chief Creter has been forwarded the letter.
- Our first request for disbursement for the Jefferson Project has been submitted in the amount of $29,716.47.
- We received our first half of the Tuscarawas Township contract in the amount of $34,953.75.
- Year-to-date and April financials were placed in Council’s mailboxes.
- Council Member Schwab asked how many active liquor licenses there were in Brewster. Chief Creter stated five.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
VA Miller reported on the Council of the Whole meeting earlier this evening. The plan is to turn two old fire bays into a community center. Getting drawings and going to hold the architect’s feet to the fire to get what we want.
Tabled at Third Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to Contract with Wood Electric to Install a Back-up Generator for the Police Department. Still getting prices.
OLD or NEW BUSINESS: Council Rules require a two-week waiting period before any expenditure of funds unless determined an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to reopen pavilion rentals as long as the Governor’s guidelines are followed. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to authorize the Village Administrator to solicit prices from the architect for the construction of a community room in the first two bays of the old fire station. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to pursue the 11 parcels eligible for Land Reutilization consisting of 3.68 acres that have a combined amount of delinquent taxes of $42,088.41 through Stark Land Reutilization Program. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to advertise that there will be four seats open for re-election on the November ballot. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Schwab reminded everyone to vote tomorrow.
Ray Heitger of 317 - 7th St SE stated the first summer concert will be on Friday, June 18th with Tim Gang performing.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor