July 19, 2021 - Meeting Minutes
JULY 19, 2021
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation, provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Thomas Hilliard, Council Member
Andrew Hess, Council Member Brett Long, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member Mike Schwab, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the July 6, 2021 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to approve the minutes as read. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $439,469.82. The vote: All yes.
Ray Heitger , 317 7th St SE, reported on the last concert. He stated they had a nice crowd of about 60 people. He reported that there were two issues that he had not run into before. Someone went around and took up a collection for the band. The Village had already paid the band and he felt it was inappropriate. The concerts are free for the community. If there is a tip jar sitting on the stage, that is fine, but going up to people and asking for money should not be done. The other issue was a woman that was associated with the band was walking around with a beer in her hand. She was asked to get rid of it and she did. Later in the evening she was drinking beer again. Mr. Heitger stated the band will probably not be asked to come back next year. The Mayor asked the Police Chief if an Officer could make a presence for future concerts. The Recreation Board will let future bands know not to take collections for the concerts.
Jill Quinn, 1st St SE, attended to bring a complaint and bill to Council. She recently had a Fireman fill her pool from the hydrant. The water was rusty. Because she couldn’t clean it herself, the Mayor instructed her to get it cleaned and present the bill to Council. The pool is acrylic and the rust could stain the pool if not taken care of promptly. She presented pictures and a bill for $375.00. The pictures and bill were given to the Clerk-Treasurer.
Police Chief Creter and David Quinn were also present at the meeting.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
ORDINANCE 33-2021: An Ordinance Authorizing the Amendment of Employee Handbook 5.01 to add June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, as a Holiday to the Village Employee Handbook was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented. Council Member Hilliard stated that he is taking it that most state and local municipalities will be passing this. VA Miller stated the State of Ohio already has passed it. The vote: All yes.
Second Reading: An ordinance Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with Fairless Local School District for the Village to provide a School Resource Officer from the Brewster Police Department for the 2021-2022 school year.
Second Reading: A resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to advertise and receive bids for the water filter media rehabilitation and replacement project.
First Reading: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Advertise and Receive Bids for a Water Main Extension and Hydrant Addition for Brewster Parke and to Fund with the American Rescue Plan Funds.
First Reading: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Prepare and Submit an Application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for Park Drive Rehabilitation Project Phase One, and Execute the Contracts as Required.
First Reading: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Prepare and Submit an Application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for a Tuscarawas-Locustdale-Pinewood Water Line Replacement Project, and Execute the Contracts as Required.
First Reading: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Prepare and Submit an Application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for West Main Street Reduction and Rehabilitation Project, and Execute the Contracts as Required.
First Reading: A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of the 2025-2028 Fixed Volume Energy Supply Schedule with American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP).
ORDINANCE 34-2021: An Ordinance Authorizing an Agreement with the City of Massillon Providing for the Transportation of Prisoners and Related Services for 2021 and declaring and emergency was given first reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented. The vote: All yes.
- FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chris Colucy (excused)
VA Miller answered questions concerning the Chief’s request for new radios. Council Member Schwab asked if the existing 39 radios could be link layered for $6,251.25 instead of purchasing radios at a cost of approx. $33,000. He is concerned about the financing since the department has a loan payment of $264,000 in February and is expressing the need for a new ambulance at a cost of approx. $250,000. VA Miller stated the current radios would be paperweights in 2025. He explained an available option that would make five of the current radios able to be activated for the Police Department in an emergency.
- POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Keith Creter
Chief Creter provided the following report to Council:
Ohio Law Enforcement Body Armor Program
We once again have been approved for the purchase of a body armor vest through the Ohio Law Enforcement Body Armor Program, with Capt. Taylor’s work on it. The grant is a 25% match, we applied for 16 vests:
- Cost for 16 vests $16,952.00
- Grant pays 75% $12,714.00
- Less %25 match requirement $-4,238.00
- The Village will purchase the vests for the $16,952.00
- The Village will be reimbursed $12,714.00 after the purchase has been completed.
The vests are rated for 5 years, we are up in November. To explain the rating, when worn every day for shift work, the mesh Kevlar will start to expand in areas, possibly weaken in areas, the vests companies will not cover beyond 5 years due to this. In reality, the vests are still usable up to 10-12 years after being taken out of everyday use, with this, we will offer the Fire Department the use of the vests if they decide to use them, and also keep some back for protection of citizens if needed for certain incidents we respond to.
The grant cycle ended on June 30th, 2021. I am asking for Council’s approval for the purchase of 16 Body Armor Vests. I have attached documents about this also.
The gas line has been installed by Dominion, they have begun the repair work to the alley and concrete.
- Update on the Purdue Pharma lawsuit: Our vote was submitted and received in the case.
- Entertainment License for the concerts in the park: Clerk-Treasurer King filled out the application and the payment will put the license in place.
- Transport Agreement with Massillon: The emergency language in this agreement needs to be in force at this time. Past Due. Clerk-Treasurer King to include the following language in the emergency clause “due to the need to have this agreement in force without delay and to preserve the health, welfare, and safety of the residents.”
- Storm Water Easement Proposals from Thrasher: Reviewed and approved.
- Emsar EMS Maintenance Agreement: Reviewed and determined the Indemnity Provision needs to be removed due to the Village being a local government.
Jerry Hollinger, Tuscarawas Township Trustee, was in to speak to the Mayor. He stated the Fire and Ambulance Contract is being reviewed. Brewster Fire Department needs to put what they want on the table. Tuscarawas Township has additional personal protection equipment (PPE) money available.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the VA’s July 7th through July 19th 2021 report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting. The vote: All yes.
Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project. Shelly completed their work on the Jefferson Project Tuesday June 8th. The Village’s paving contractor (Superior) applied the surface layer of asphalt on a portion of 5th Street and Jefferson. Crack sealing will take place in the near future.
This project is all done except for the billing. We are assisting Stark County in attempting to get all the required information from Shelly and to get the final bill submitted and paid. The Clerk-Treasurer is working to submit documentation to OPWC of project costs that the Village expended but for which reimbursement is not being requested, such as the design drawings/specifications and the $441,959 in CDBG funds that count as the Village’s match, so that when the final payment request is made, there will be no impediments.
- Storm Drainage Projects. The current list of storm sewer projects in their priority order, with updates on their status:
1. Yard Waste Drop-off pad - the extension of the Yard Waste Drop-off cement area is complete. A final/second catch basin still needs to be installed.
- Cleveland & 7th Street Catch Basins. The cement contractor completed the work. We completed landscaping this week. We may install guardrails and/or signage.
- NEW ADD ON –Cleveland Ave south of Main on east side – failed catch basin
- 12935 Elton Catch Basin/junction Box relocation
- East end of 1st Street SE
- East Main Street Drainage.
- Dartmouth/Amherst relief line
- Open ditch east of Mohican
- NEW ADD ON –drainage from Harmon west of 264 Harmon.
These are not necessarily on a first come/first serve basis but based on their criticality and/or ability to fit into the schedule. We are also looking to repair deteriorated catch basins, so if any Council person is aware of any, please let me know. Also, if there are any storm drainage projects/issues not on this list please let me know.
- Handicapped Access – Bimeler Park from Second at SE Corner. The contract was awarded to the low bidder on the sidewalk option for handicapped access to Bimeler Park from 2nd and Wandle Court for $3,565, a significant reduction in cost from the ramp option. We are awaiting that work to be scheduled.
- Water Department – Backflow Prevention & EPA Notice of Violation. The Ohio EPA has accepted the Village’s written response and compliance timeline. The Village was notified during the inspection/visit from Ohio EPA on May 6th that we need to address our backflow prevention program. It is an area of emphasis – the number of water treatment facilities that have been told to address backflow prevention is approximately 9 out of 10.
We are addressing the vast majority of the listed concerns/issues with BSI. As I indicated previously to Council in VA Reports and detailed in the Public Utilities Committee Meeting May 17th, one of the ways some other entities in the area comply with the backflow prevention requirements of Ohio EPA is to contract with Backflow Solutions, Inc. Superintendent Maybaugh and I have viewed a presentation by BSI. A summary of their program and some additional OPTIONS have been forwarded. In addition to those entities and contacts listed in their information, the City of North Canton, City of Hudson, and City of Ravenna also use BSI for backflow prevention compliance. The cost to the Village would be $495 per year. The cost to consumer’s subject to backflow prevention requirements is $14.95 fee from BSI per device, which would be charged directly by BSI through the qualified entities currently inspecting their backflow prevention devices annually. There would be an additional charge if we use BSI to conduct the 5-year inspection where the Village or its designee must physically inspect the backflow devise rather than obtaining a third-party report.
We are in the process of completing and implementing the Village’s Agreement with BSI.
- EPA Water System Inspection - Recommendations. The Village also received a letter from the Ohio EPA making a number of recommendations as a result of their recent inspection of Brewster’s water system.
I suggest we schedule a Public Utilities Committee to review what steps we need to or are taking to address those recommendations.
ØAMPT – Second Transmission Line. AMPT is still navigating the PJM process. AMPT has scheduled a follow-up meeting with AEP regarding Brewster’s second transmission line. The discussion is about connecting to a proposed new AEP substation near Wilmot. AMPT is also still cooperating with both AEP and First Energy regarding the second transmission feed to Brewster that will essentially interconnect the two utilities. AMPT is also attempting to work with PJM to create more stability/predictability in PJM processes and decision making.
I will keep Council informed when new developments occur or new information arises.
ØElectric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). Work continues by GPD and the Electric Department on the SCADA system at our substation. I will keep Council informed as to the progress on the project. We are still at approximately 80% complete.
- Legislation Authorizing Purchase of 1 or 2 MW of Off-Peak Block of Power for 2025-2028. I have forwardedlegislation and an associated exhibit for the potential purchase of 1MW or 2MW of off-peak power through AMP. Both Courtney and Associates, the firm that has been preforming Brewster’s rate studies, and AMP, recommend using the market or AFEC to cover our energy shortfall beyond 2024. In this case we are looking at 2025-2028. Both agree that at this time Brewster is better off covering our off-peak needs in 2025-2028 by either buying from the hourly market or running AFEC, whichever one is cheaper. However, Courtney and Associates added “… that is our recommendation for now. If we see an upturn in the market that recommendation may change, but for now the projected energy market prices appear to be stable.”
Reacting to a market change very likely needs to be done quickly. However, because Brewster (like nearly every other City/Village) is slow to enact legislation, we still should pass an ordinance in place with AMP to buy a 1 or 2 MW off-peak block of power for 2025-2028 to hedge our bets, not for immediate implementation (or maybe never depending on the market). Having an ordinance/agreement in place will allow the Village and AMP to act quickly IF there is an upturn in the market that would change your recommendation not to buy a 1 or 2 MW off-peak block of power for 2025-2028 to hedge our bets. If the market changes and we do not have an ordinance/agreement in place with AMP, and Brewster approaches the purchase as a non-emergency (like Council prefers to do), that means time to get an ordinance in place, three readings, and 30 days to take effect. That is approximately 3 months, which is an eternity if we are attempting to react to an increase in market rates that would require hedging our bets. We would be way behind the curve, and maybe back to our higher rates that we are just now seeing go off the books from 2000 teens.
I request Council adopt the draft ordinance with the associated exhibit to buy a 1 or 2 MW off-peak block of power for 2025-2028 to hedge our bets. It will be in place IF NEEDED in the future due to market changes.
- Electric Department Garage. Work continues on the plans for the proposed new Electric Garage, to be located in the open area of the Substation. We are moving forward on a new 7 bay Electric Garage and office. EA Engineering is revising the agreement for preparing plans to adjust for the change in the Village’s plans. I have reached out to both GPD and AMPT to ensure that the location we pick for the building will not impede a future ring bus in front of the substation. The plan is to have Street Department reimburse the Electric Department for the value of their two (2) facilities, but that should be much less expensive and more efficient than building new. Ultimately, not all Street Department operations will be able to be moved to the existing Electric Buildings. Salt storage and/or brine cannot be located near wells/water supply.
As I indicated in the Committee Meeting site walkthrough, the estimated cost will not be known until more work is done by EA on complete plans, versus the layout currently available. As I also indicated, based on a high estimate of $500,000, our firm that provides rate studies, Courtney and Associates, the Electric Department Budget can absorb the cost without an increase in rates.
- Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI). The AMI Project continues to move forward. We continue to put in meters. The electric meters were delivered, so those have been installed and programming is winding up. Our RNI training has been completed, and we are preparing to integrate Sensus Analytics into our billing software. One additional item of note is that the Electric Department has come up with a revised list of 60-amp services while installing their new meters.
- Electric Department – Transfer Bus. The Electric Department continues to work on the transfer bus at the Substation. It is approximately 45% complete. the outgoing transfer bus at the Substation. The transfer bus is used to divert power from a feeder line that has a breaker issue. If a breaker has an issue power can be put on the transfer bus and restored (fed) to the distribution feeder that has the breaker issue.
- Electric Department – New 7th Street Line. So that the poles in the path on the north side of 7th Street can be relocated, the Electric Department will be renting an 80’ track bucket to finish the 7th Street line. The track bucket is needed to work in the easement across the US Corps of Engineer’s property, which is wet under normal conditions but with recent rains is extremely wet. The rental cost is $6500 plus the cost to deliver and pick up of $855 each way.
- Community Room – American Rescue Plan Funding. The estimated amount of American Rescue Plan Funds we believe that Brewster is slated has been reduced to $225,529. We still do not have either guidance or information about how these funds can LEGALLY be spent yet. The previous funding we received under the CARES Act had specific limitations for how it could be LEGALLY spent. I have previously provided an article out of Governing magazine that addresses some ways governments plan to spend their American Rescue Plan Funding. But, again, until the rules are put in place the “what” of how those funds can be spent is up in the air.
One good suggestion that I believe COULD be a legitimate expenditure, as it ties into Council’s ability to hold in person meetings and/or partial in person with access via computer during pandemic conditions, would be to complete the “meeting room” where the Tahoe and Grass Fire Truck used to be stored as meeting space. That space can accommodate more individuals “socially distanced” than our current Council Chambers, and could be done in such a way that the technology to broadcast/record/observe could be integrated into the construction. It also is needed for the FD teaching classes such as CPR and/or employee safety meetings, and/or Fire Department training or meetings, and/or PD training. It would address the issue that Council cannot meet in person at Village Hall and properly social distance, nor is our current setup conducive to remote meetings (streaming).
We have the construction drawings complete. I am reviewing the plans/costs with the Architect. I do NOT recommend any more steps be taken UNTIL we verify that American Rescue Plan Funding can be used to create the Meeting Room so that Council can meet and properly social distance AND provide remote access to their meetings. Once/IF it is verified that it is a proper use of ARP Funds, the expenditure can be taken/switched to ARP Funding. The US Treasury has under the caption Information for Non-Entitlement Units of Local Government a tab with Frequently Asked Questions that states that eligible uses for the funds include “… adaptations to public buildings to implement COVID-19 mitigation tactics.” But again, Once/IF it is verified that it is a proper use of ARP Funds, all the costs can be encumbered out of ARP Funds.
I met with the architect to revise the base bid so that the amount of the estimate will be as low as possible.
- OPWC 2021 Applications for Fund Year 2022. We received the schedule for OPWC Applications for 2022 funding year. The deadline for applications is September 17th, 2021. It will be submitted online this round. Possible projects to submit for OPWC Funding are below.
- 2021 Potential OPWC Project – Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Waterline Replacement. As I previously indicated, the water line on Tuscarawas between Locustdale and Chestnut needs replaced, as do the water lines on Pinewood and Locustdale due to two (2) factors. The first is age. The water lines are in excess of 60 years old and sandcast iron. The water line to the north (same vintage) in Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon was replaced in 2018. The second is the prospective paving of Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Locustdale. The Water Superintendent indicated that the water lines on Tuscarawas should be replaced prior to/concurrent with paving or rebuild, as stress on cast sandcast water lines that are over 60 years old (or more) might cause breaks, requiring tearing up new pavement if they are not replaced prior to or concurrent to paving/rebuild.
The plan is to get the water line replaced, and after the water line is replaced determine whether Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon, as well as Pinewood and Locustdale, need to simply be repaved or need to be completely rebuilt. Based on that determination, the Village can either add it to a future Paving Program or prepare specs for a rebuild and apply for a subsequent grant. A PRELIMINARY cost estimate is $251,155.00.
- 2021 Potential OPWC Project – Park Drive Rehabilitation & Paving Phase 1. To refresh, Park Drive Rehabilitation & Paving Phase 1 would be Park from Main Street to the south side of parcel 7001911 (just north of the levee). It runs approximately 510 feet, would realign slightly at the north end, and widen from 20 feet wide to 22 feet wide, plus install curb and gutter. It would also include the Safe Routes to Schools (SFTS) Shared Use Path (SUP) on the east side. Council had passed an ordinance last year approving submission of the Park Drive Rehabilitation & Paving Phase 1 as an OPWC project in 2020, but later withdrew it because of the uncertainty of renewal/continuation of the Income Tax. Thrasher already prepared the specifications and can provide an updated Engineer’s estimate. If the application is successful, Thrasher has quoted an amount of $3,000 for bidding services. Even with the 10 points for plans, this project will likely not score high enough at the local (District 19) level for funding, but will go to Small Governments at the State level, where we previously received funding for projects.
- 2021 Potential OPWC Project – West Main Width Reduction, Paving and Connector Project. One of two streets that the Village needs to start addressing are West Main and McKinley. West Main potentially fits into a OPWC Application. It also fulfills the Comprehensive Plan that the Village adopted addressing connectivity of its parks. In addition, when we addressed the Safe Routes to Schools the idea was to build it in such a way that ultimately it and other Village projects would put in place in Brewster portion of the eventual Stark County Parks Trail that is planned to connect the Towpath Trail in Navarre to the Wilderness Center through Brewster.
West Main between Lincoln and Washington needs paving. That portion is also 42 feet wide, much wider than it needs to be to accommodate vehicles parked on both sides (seldom happens) and two-way traffic. My suggestion is to reduce the width of West Main between Lincoln and Washington (and eventually do the same down to McKinley) by 8 feet. This will in the long term save money each time it is repaved. There is no sidewalk on this portion of West Main. I would suggest narrowing the street on the south side only, to allow space for a sidewalk (and ultimately a “path” or “Trail”) and an adequate tree lawn for midsize trees. Because of the established trees at the west end, the sidewalk for a portion of West Main between Lincoln and Washington on the south side would be against the curb, then shift back mid-block. Rather than construct a 10-foot path initially on the south side, I would suggest a “regular” 5-foot sidewalk that down the road could be expanded to 10 feet. The Village could ultimately apply for a separate “trail” grant to expand the sidewalk into a “path” or “trail”. I would also explore concurrently putting in a “regular” 5-foot sidewalk on the north side provided OPWC Funds will reimburse towards those costs.
- Municipal Road Fund -2022 Application. At this point I am resigned to the fact that Chestnut will not be added to the MRF eligible roads in Brewster. We are down to Elton, Wabash, and 7th Street. So, I suggest that Council apply for a percentage of the cost for those roads, to be banked or set aside each year, beginning in 2022. As asphalt lasts 10-12 years, and all three (3) are at least two (2) years old, I suggest we apply for 10% of the cost of each in 2022, to be set aside for 2032. 7th Street was $227,000. The Villages share of Elton was $80,000 west of Wabash and $45,000 east of Wabash. Not factoring for inflation (can be added to later years) that comes to $22,700 for 7th Street; $8,000 for Elton west of Wabash; and $4,500 for Elton easy of Wabash.
The application deadline is October 1, 2021. I would ask that Council authorize legislation.
- Brewster Parke Hydrant Project. W.E. Quicksall has finalized their work to engineer a water line extension to the main driveway of Brewster Parke to allow for the installation of a fire hydrant for enhanced fire protection. A Permit to Install has been submitted to the Ohio EPA. I am reviewing W.E. Quicksall’s estimate with them. A decision on whether we will have to formally bid the project will be made shortly. Bidding may be informal, provided the cost is below $50,000. Easement(s) will also need to be obtained.
The plan is to utilize American Rescue Plan Funding the Village is slated to receive. The ARP Funding is specifically allowed to be used "To make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure". This project is water infrastructure. It addresses enhanced safety of the 120 residents of Brewster Parke (and growing); it addresses enhancement for future economic development (Brewster Parke indicates they have $70,000 in payroll every 2 weeks – that is $1,400 to Brewster every 2 weeks or $36,400 annually); it also sets up adding future water “customers”.
Also, as I indicated once the water line is installed in Wabash, the Village can install a crosswalk with Rapid Flashing Beacons (like Route 62) to allow residents to safely cross to the east side to walk through the underpass to downtown, or visa versa. I have confirmed with ODOT that since the proposed crosswalk is entirely within Brewster corporate limits that we have authority to install and make the upgrades to the crosswalk.
I am requesting Council to proceed with authorizing bidding the project, contingent upon ARP funds being deposited into a Village account before passing.
- Paving Program 2022. Work has begun to identify what streets should be included in the 2022 Paving Program. McKinley from 7th to 2nd is going to be expensive to pave, as there are portions that do not have adequate base. Most of it cannot be narrowed for future savings as there are apartments and houses that use McKinley for parking, and McKinley is only 33 feet +/- wide. So, at this time I would suggest that we start with the worst block – 7th Street to 6th Street in the 2022 Paving Program. We will need to for this block and each succeeding block determine how much of the Street will need rebuilt due to inadequate base or other issues, so we can get the cost set for each years Paving Program.
- Winery(s). I was asked again about the ability to locate a winery in Brewster. While the answer at this time would be “NO” based on our current ordinances, I am bringing the request up to Council’s so you can weigh in before I say “NO”.
The major issue beyond the fact that our ordinances only allow a winery in agricultural zone is the proposed location – the Shooting Club or Monroe Hall property (5.16 acres). The minuses are obvious such a commercial in a residential, but most of the wineries I take my wife to are quiet, with only a few having outdoor “noise” such as music.
- Decorative Street Lighting – Wabash north of Underpass. In keeping with the recent theme of suppliers raising prices and giving us a deadline to order or face the “new” price, we have been informed by our supplier of decorative lights that the costs will be going up 8% after Friday.
As I have discussed with Council, the plan is to install decorative lights north of underpass on Wabash. The cost we have in hand is $22,104 for poles, heads, and flag holders (the high price items). So, if we did not put our order in by tomorrow the price would go up a minimum of $1,768.32. I put in the order.
There will be additional costs for this project, such as boring in the conduit and bases, which I will update Council on.
- Mosquito Spraying – Stark County Health Department. The tentative remaining dates for 2021 mosquito spraying for Brewster Village, which are of course subject to change and dependent on weather, are:
- July 27, 2021
- August 10, 2021
- August 24, 2021
- September 1, 2021
Spray dates affected by weather will be rescheduled as soon as possible. The Stark County Health Department will also take care of placing notices in advance of each spraying.
- Employee Compensation Committee. I have begun gathering comparables for review by the Employee Compensation Committee for wage increases for 2022. This process was used in 2017 to establish a three (3) year schedule. I intend to use the same wage comparables for each group/category of employees again.
I am requesting that the Employee Compensation Committee meet to discuss and approve the process to be used this year.
- Internet Sales. We are now in a position to be able to sell items that are no longer needed for public use on the internet, per the ordinance passed by Council. The “legal” documents associated with sales have been approved by the Law Director, and Public Surplus has uploaded them. The registration process has been completed by the Clerk-Treasurer. We are waiting to post our first items (2 Police Department vehicles) online until August, with a plan to set the minimum bid at the same amount the Village could get for scrapping the vehicles.
- Yard Waste. The second quarter yard waste report was completed and submitted.
- Efficiency Smart – Tip Jar. Efficiency Smart has launched the Tip Jar contest on its Facebook page where residents nominate a locally owned, independent restaurant to win up to $1,000 in energy efficiency improvements. Restaurants can also self-nominate.
Nominations will be open through June 30. Efficiency Smart will then select five restaurants as finalists and will hold a vote on its Facebook page between July 15 and 29. The restaurant that receives the most votes will win up to $1,000 towards energy efficiency improvements. In addition, three people will be selected to win a $50 gift card to the restaurant that they nominated.
Will you please help us increased awareness of the contest by sharing Efficiency Smart’s post on your Brewster’s social media channels?
- Efficiency Smart - 2021 Retail Lighting. A participation agreement is in place with Belloni’s for reduced cost LED light bulbs. The inventory has been delivered.
- Efficiency Smart – Rebates. Heating and cooling make up the largest portion of the average household’s energy bill. Efficiency Smart offers rebates on products that can help you save on these costs, including a $750 rebate on cold climate air source heat pumps and a $100 rebate on air source heat pumps. Visit www.efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio and select “Home Energy Rebates” or call 877-889-3777 for more information on available rebates.
- Efficiency Smart – “Buy Local” Program. For a limited time, Efficiency Smart is offering small businesses an increased incentive for purchasing qualifying LED products from a designated local business. Contact Bob Golden with Efficiency Smart at rgolden@efficiencysmart.org or (614) 468-4904 for a list of designated local suppliers and contractors or for more information.
- Appliance Recycling Rewards. The Appliance Recycling Rewards program is back for a limited time. There is a brochure that is available in Village offices.
- Home Energy Rebates. Home Energy Rebates have been increased for many measures through the end of 2021. There is a brochure with details as to the amounts available in Village offices.
Additions and questions to the report:
The painting of the crosswalks and parking spaces have been started. They ran out of paint and have to return to finish.
There are drainage issues at the Wandle House that will be addressed.
Council Member Hilliard: A resident on East Main Street was going to get their driveway apron fixed and was concerned that it would be affected by the narrowing of the street. VA Miller determined that she does not live in the area being changed and should go ahead and complete her project.
Council Member Schwab brought up the winery question. He stated that he found that most wineries are in agricultural zones or mixed zones when he searched the internet. There was discussion that a winery may fit into a neighborhood depending on what they wish to do. The Village may have to be creative to allow a winery in our community. May be able to have acreage perimeters. VA Miller stated he was open to discussion. Council Member Schwab would like to see this put in the Planning Commission’s lap. Council Member Hilliard would like to see the plans before moving forward, we need to see what they have plans to do.
Council Member Hilliard asked if Supt. Patterson had the East Main storm sewer still on his list of things to do. VA Miller stated it is still on the list and they would be using street grindings to help stabilize the pipe.
1. Delivery of pool water
1. Delivery of pool water
- Appointment of Adam Haas as a part-time paramedic
JULY 19, 2021
JULY 19, 2021
- The bill report was available for Council over the weekend in the mailboxes.
- SRO Budget for the school has been prepared and submitted to Superintendent Bidlack.
- We received the first half of 2021 payment for the Sugarcreek Township Fire and Ambulance Contract - $38,540.00.
- We received a check for $18,800.00 to go into the Fire Loss/Demolition Fund. The Village holds the funds until the property on East 2nd is demolished and inspected by the Village. Once the Village approves the site, the money is turned over to the property owner to pay the demolition company.
- Welty Cemetery Balance Sheet as of 06-30-2021. Council provided with a copy.
- ARPA Application. I’ve been attending all the webinars provided by OBM for guidance. I completed the application and received notification the application was approved. We will receive a deposit of $112,764.52 within the next ten business days.
- All the paperwork for Public Surplus has been approved. We have August 4th setup with one of their representatives to show us how to work the site. We will need photos and descriptions of the items we wish to sell.
- I would like to officially thank Nancy Bucher for covering the meeting during my vacation. She did a great job.
- FYI: We will no longer be able to use the Far Corner for advertising. They have closed their doors. I tried to contact the Bargain Hunter this afternoon to get pricing but haven’t been able to get anyone on the phone.
- I am continuing to submit applications for disbursement to OPWC for the Jefferson Project.
- And finally, I’d like to wish Dale Fox a “happy birthday”!
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
- Report of the street meeting July 6: Went over the plans and are getting more detailed plans from our engineer.
- Report of the tree meeting July 14: Removing 9 park trees and are able to replace due to OPWC funds were used for the trees for the Jefferson Project.
- Report of the cemetery meeting July 14: Brief meeting accepting Buzz Belloni’s resignation from the board.
- Report of the finance meeting July 19: Reviewed costs and funding for six projects.
- Report of the cemetery meeting July 19: Opened bids for the mowing 3 acres of the cemetery property.
Concert in the park on August 20th: Spicy Rhyme at 7:00.
OLD or NEW BUSINESS:Council Rules require a two-week waiting period before any expenditure of funds unless determined an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the recommendation of the mayor for the appointment of Adam Haas as a Part-time Paramedic. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to approve the Village’s 25% portion of an Ohio Law Enforcement Grant to purchase 16 Kevlar vests for the Police Department with a cost of $4,238 coming from the Police Income Tax Fund. The vote: All yes. Council Member Schwab also thanked Capt. Taylor for his successful work on this grant.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to create legislation for Council’s consideration to make application for County 2022 Municipal Road Funds a 10% of the cost to pave W&E Elton St. and W&E East 7th St. to begin providing funds for future paving of the streets. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to approve the renewal of the LifePak maintenance agreement at a cost of $3,618.12 per year. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to ask the Planning Commission to look at the winery proposal for East Main Street. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to schedule a Council of the Whole meeting at 6:30pm on August 16th to review and discuss the Ohio EPA’s recommendations for the Village Water System. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Hilliard stated that he was not a swimming pool expert but once worked on pools. He stated the person filling the pool should have stopped when he noticed how rusty the water was. He is not in favor of filling pools because it is not worth the liability. He has no problem paying Ms. Quinn’s pool cleaning bill. VA Miller stated pools should not be filled from hydrants. The opening of the 4-inch hydrant loosened particles in the pipes because of the pressure. Council Member Fox stated we need to quit filling pools. “You don’t hire an electrician to fix your plumbing.”
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to reimburse Ms. Quinn $375.00 from the Water Fund. Mayor Hawk asked if this would satisfy Ms. Quinn and she stated it would. The vote: All yes.
Mayor Hawk asked if Council still wanted to sell water to fill swimming pools? Council Member Hess stated he thought it was fine as long as the residents used their hoses. It was stated that the Bulk Water Sales would have to be amended in the ordinance.
VA Miller suggested a moratorium on the bulk sale of water from the tanker or the hydrants to anyone not already in the process.
COUNCIL MEMBER HESS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to put a moratorium on the sale of bulk water from the tanker or hydrants except the one already in process. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Hilliard asked that Council take a look at the Heroine Sign in the middle of town. He had two residents decline to sign his petition to run for another term of Council until that sign was removed. Councilman Hilliard doesn’t see the purpose of it. He stated it only gets changed once a year.
Mayor Hawk asked for Chief Creter’s opinion. Chief Creter stated the crisis of heroine addiction is still going on. He receives a weekly update and the loss of life is up. From the standpoint of the Police Department, it should stay up. The Village’s Metro Officer had 2 DOA’s last week from heroine. Taking it down could jeopardize our backing from the Stark County Sheriff’s Office. The Chief stated that everyone needs to realize the fight is still very alive for those with family members affected by this addiction and those that have lost family members to heroine.
Ms. Quinn wanted Council to know that she had gotten water through the Fire Department previously and it was fine.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor