July 6, 2021 - Meeting Minutes

JULY 6, 2021
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation, provided by Mayor Hawk, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS motion carried to excuse Council Member Fox and Council Member Hilliard.  The vote: All yes.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Brett Long, Council Member                       Sydney Radich, Council Member                              
Mike Schwab, Council Member                 Andrew Hess, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor                                Nancy Bucher, Assistant Utility Clerk
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the June 21, 2021 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the minutes as read.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $213,094.78.  The vote: All yes.
Chief of Police Keith Creter and Ray Heitger were present. 
Alisha Anderson, JR Banks and Shaun Banks(members of Boy Scout Troop 72).  The Scouts are working on their Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge.  Mayor Hawk welcomed them and noted that there are three Eagle Scouts present tonight.  VA Miller, Council Members Brett Long and Andrew Hess.  
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
Ordinance 31-2021- An Ordinance Assigning the First $22,000 of the Fire Income Tax per Month to the Fire Debt Fund.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.  The vote:  All yes.
Ordinance 32-2021- An Ordinance Assigning $4,000 of the Fire Income Tax per Month to the Fire Equipment Capital Improvement Fund.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.  The vote:  All yes.
Second Reading:  An Ordinance Authorizing the Amendment of Employee Handbook 5.01 to add June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, as a Holiday to the Village Employee Handbook.
First Reading:  An ordinance approving a memorandum of understanding with Fairless Local School District for The Village to provide school resource officer from The Brewster Police Department for the 2021-2022 School.
FIRST READING:  A resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to advertise and receive bids for the water filter media rehabilitation and replacement project.
New Hires
As you are aware, we have revamped our hiring process. With this, it now takes a little longer to conduct the process. We have 3 spots open for the Part-time officer position. We had 4 applicants this round, with only two completing, and passing all steps involved. With Mayor Hawk's recommendation, I will be presenting the two candidates information at the July 6th meeting. The two will not be at the meeting due to work and prior commitments, but I will be asking for the Council's approval so we can get them sworn in and started on their 120 hour training with us. The Tentative Oath of Office date will be Thursday July 8th @ 6:00 pm
Emily Ruble--Emily resides in upper Akron. She recently worked for Hartville PD. Emily has a great family backing with her law enforcement career, she performed above standards during the 23 scenario-based topics during the panel interview. Although Emily is newer in this line of work, she shows good initiative, shows the willingness to train and retain the information. Emily will be a great asset not only to this department but to the community she will serve and protect.
Mitch King--Mitch resides in Dover. He currently works for Beach City PD. as a part-time patrol officer, works full-time at Union Hospital/Cleveland Clinic in Dover with security. Mitch has 5 years of law enforcement experience, with 4 years at Navarre PD. Mitch performed above standards with 23 scenario-based topics during the panel interview. Mitch will resign his position from Beach City PD if/when he is sworn in here. Mitch is well-liked by our officers, due to mutual aid encounters. Mitch is familiar with our community already, making him also not only an asset to our department but the community he will serve and protect.
Both will be part-time officers, both have completed all steps, including the physical, drug test and psychological tests. I will be glad to answer any questions before the meeting if needed.
The generator has been ordered, expected delivery date is sometime September/October. Dominion Gas has requested a location and will be here July 6th @ 8 am to complete the line. We have reached out to the Station Rest., the residents behind the PD, Wandle House @ Railroad advising them of the alley being shut down during the time of line install.
Monthly Activity
The activity report was emailed prior to the meeting.
Police Department Portables/Mobile Radios
As you may know through the FD, our radios will also need to have Link Layer Authentification. It seems the current pricing will only be good until June 30th, 2022. As it stands now, it would cost $1,526.25 to have all of our radios “Link Layerd”. This will be included in the PD’s 2022 budget proposal, in case there are changes again prior to June 30th, 2022. V.A. Miller has been in contact with Chief Colucy reference the PD purchasing extra 800 radios (5 at this time) which would give us 11 portables with those additions. We would then need to add those on the list of “Link Layer Authentication”. We will keep you updated on this.
PD Mobile Phone
We have begun the process with switching mobile phone services from Verizon to Firstnet. I have attached information explaining Firstnet itself. We currently pay $50.28 per line for phones and $40.11 per line for air cards (in cruisers). With Firstnet, we will be paying $37.99 per line for phones and $32.99 per line for air cards, per month. With Firstnet, we will have first priority during any events, disasters etc., giving us the option to purchase more equipment (phones), activating and handing out to village officials for direct communication with each department involved, simply turning the phones back off when the incident is complete. The equipment will remain ours, and if needed again, can be reactivated and handed out again. I can answer questions if needed, a lot more offered if needed. 
B. FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Chris Colucy (excused)
  1. Update on the Purdue Pharma lawsuit.  Brewster joined in the Attorney General’s lawsuit.  The company has since filed bankruptcy.  The Bankruptcy Court has since framed a plan and the village has until July 14th to either accept or reject the plan.  Solicitor Anthony has reviewed the plan and recommends that we vote to accept (with the ballot that has been provided).   Granted, our vote might not matter but it will be on record as to where we stand in this issue.  At the August 9 court hearing, all parties will be bound by the court ruling.
  2. Solicitor Anthony was asked by Mayor Hawk to review our legal responsibility for an Entertainment License.  This was brought to Mayor Hawk’s attention by Chris McBurney (owner of McB Café).  Solicitor Anthony suggests that we purchase the license with ASCAP at a yearly cost of $367.00.  This will enable the Village to continue with concerts, movies, etc., with no fear of legal issues regarding copywrite permission.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the VA’s July 7, 2021, report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting.  The vote: All yes.
Below is a summary of the new developments regarding the second transmission line that I spoke about last night.
  • AMPT – Second Transmission Line. AMPT is still navigating the PJM process. AMPT has had a meeting with AEP and First Energy regarding Brewster’s second transmission line, and they are supportive of a second transmission feed to Brewster that will essentially interconnect the two utilities. At this early stage, AEP may own the ring bus at the interconnection point with AEP.
AMPT is also reaching out to LS Power, who submitted proposals during the open window process, which as Council knows was subsequently cancelled by PJM. LS Power is frustrated with the unpredictability of the PJM process, and AMPT is attempting to work with them to create more stability/predictability in PJM processes and decision making.
I will keep Council informed when new developments occur or new information arises.
 Administrator’s report for period 6/22/2021 thru 7/6/2021:
  • Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project. Shelly completed their work on the Jefferson Project Tuesday June 8th
The Village’s paving contractor (Superior) has applied the surface layer of asphalt on a portion of 5th Street and Jefferson. Crack sealing will take place in the near future.
This project is all done except for the billing.
  • Handicapped Access – Bimeler Park from Second at SE Corner. The contract was awarded to the low bidder on the sidewalk option for handicapped access to Bimeler Park from 2nd and Wandle Court for $3,565, a significant reduction in cost from the ramp option. We are awaiting that work to be scheduled.
  • 2021 Paving Program. Superior Paving & Materials began and completed the work established in the 2021 Paving Program, other than crack sealing joints. As a reminder, the streets included in the 2021 Paving Program were:




Chestnut NW


Drive to just before 13415 Chestnut (1630 feet)

Main Street SE



2nd Street SW



McKinley Ave SW


North Terminus

Grant Ave SW



McKinley SW


7th Street

2nd Street SE


East Terminus

Harmon Ave NE


just past Mohican

  • Storm Drainage Projects. The current list of storm sewer projects in their priority order, with updates on their status:
 1.      Yard Waste Drop-off pad - the extension of the Yard Waste Drop-off cement area is scheduled to begin the week of June 21st. For approximately a week while that work is being done the yard waste drop off area will be closed off and a temporary area will be established so traffic can be kept off the new cement.
  1. Cleveland & 7th Street Catch Basins. The cement contractor completed the work. We still need to landscape and possibly install a guardrail at the SW corner.
  2. NEW ADD ON –Cleveland Ave south of Main on east side – failed catch basin.
  3. 12935 Elton Catch Basin/junction Box relocation.
  4. East end of 1st Street SE.
6.      NEW ADD ON –catch basin on Tuscarawas to address sump pump.
  1. East Main Street Drainage.
  2. Dartmouth/Amherst relief line.
  3. Open ditch east of Mohican.
  4. NEW ADD ON –drainage from Harmon west of 264 Harmon.
These are not necessarily on a first come/first serve basis but based on their criticality and/or ability to fit into the schedule. We are also looking to repair deteriorated catch basins, so if any Council person is aware of any, please let me know. Also, if there are any storm drainage projects/issues not on this list please let me know.
  • Water Department – Backflow Prevention & EPA Notice of Violation. the Village was notified during the inspection/visit from Ohio EPA on May 6th that we need to address our backflow prevention program. It is an area of emphasis – the number of water treatment facilities that have been told to address backflow prevention is approximately 9 out of 10. 
We are addressing the vast majority of the listed concerns/issues with BSI. As I indicated previously to Council in VA Reports and detailed in the Public Utilities Committee Meeting May 17th, one of the ways some other entities in the area comply with the backflow prevention requirements of Ohio EPA is to contract with Backflow Solutions, Inc. Superintendent Maybaugh and I have viewed a presentation by BSI. A summary of their program and some additional OPTIONS have been forwarded. In addition to those entities and contacts listed in their information, the City of North Canton, City of Hudson, and City of Ravenna also use BSI for backflow prevention compliance. The cost to the Village would be $495 per year. The cost to consumer’s subject to backflow prevention requirements is $14.95 fee from BSI per device, which would be charged directly by BSI through the qualified entities currently inspecting their backflow prevention devices annually. There would be an additional charge if we use BSI to conduct the 5-year inspection where the Village or its designee must physically inspect the backflow devise rather than obtaining a third-party report.
We are in the process of completing and implementing the Village’s Agreement with BSI.
I completed a written response to the Ohio EPA’s Notice of Violation and submitted it. It has been accepted by the Ohio EPA.
Ø  EPA Water System Inspection - Recommendations. The Village also received a letter from the Ohio EPA making a number of recommendations as a result of their recent inspection of Brewster’s water system. I suggest we schedule a Public Utilities Committee to review what steps we need to or are taking to address those recommendations.
ØAMPT – Second Transmission Line. AMPT is still navigating the PJM process and reaching out to AEP and First Energy regarding Brewster’s second transmission feed to our Substations. I will keep Council informed when new developments occur or new information arises.
ØLegislation Authorizing Purchase of 1 or 2 MW of Off-Peak Block of Power for 2025-2028. As part of AMP’s Annual Power Supply Update, AMP submitted their recommendations/options for 2025 and beyond for Brewster’s power supply. The two options are whether the Village should purchase a block of energy, to rely on AFEC, or rely on the market. I asked our consultant Courtney and Associates for their input, and they agree with AMP’s recommendation of just using the market or AFEC to cover our energy shortfall beyond 2024. One of the specific questions I asked was should we consider buying a 1 or 2 MW off-peak block of power for 2025-2028 to hedge our bets. Courtney and Associates answer was “… that is our recommendation for now.  If we see an upturn in the market that recommendation may change, but for now the projected energy market prices appear to be stable.” With all that said, I reached back out to both Courtney and Associates and AMP to ask one “last” question - should we get an ordinance in place so that we can act quickly IF there were an upturn in the market that would change their recommendation and make it wise to buy a 1 or 2 MW off-peak block of power for 2025-2028 to hedge our bets? If it is approached as a non-emergency, that means time to get an ordinance in place, three readings, and 30 days to take effect. That is approximately 3 months, which is an eternity if we are attempting to react to a market change.
Both feel that is a valid approach, and AMP will be submitting legislation to accomplish that goal in the near future.
  • Electric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System).  Work continues by GPD and the Electric Department on the SCADA system at our substation. I will keep Council informed as to the progress on the project. We are approximately 80% complete.
  • Electric Department Garage. Work continues on the plans for the proposed new Electric Garage, to be located in the open area of the Substation. We are moving forward on a new 7 bay Electric Garage and office. Council visited the area at 6:00 pm June 21st and was briefed on the layout and plans.
EA Engineering is revising the agreement for preparing plans to adjust for the change in the Village’s plans. I have reached out to both GPD and AMPT to ensure that the location we pick for the building will not impede a future ring bus in front of the substation.
The plan is to have Street Department reimburse the Electric Department for the value of their two (2) facilities, but that should be much less expensive and more efficient than building new. Ultimately, not all Street Department operations will be able to be moved to the existing Electric Buildings. Salt storage and/or brine cannot be located near wells/water supply. I will keep continue to keep Council informed.
  • Brewster Parke Hydrant Project. W.E. Quicksall has finalized their work to engineer a water line extension to the main driveway of Brewster Parke to allow for the installation of a fire hydrant for enhanced fire protection. A Permit to Install has been submitted to the Ohio EPA. I am reviewing W.E. Quicksall’s estimate with them. A decision on whether we will have to formally bid the project will be made shortly. Bidding may be informal, provided the cost is below $50,000. Easement(s) will also need to be obtained.
The plan is to utilize the American Rescue Plan Funding the Village is slated to receive. The ARP Funding is specifically allowed to be used "To make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure". This project is water infrastructure. It addresses enhanced safety of the 120 residents of Brewster Parke (and growing); it addresses enhancement for future economic development (Brewster Parke indicates they have $70,000 in payroll every 2 weeks – that is $1,400 to Brewster every 2 weeks or $36,400 annually); it also sets up adding future water “customers”.
Also, as I indicated once the water line is installed on Wabash, the Village can install a crosswalk with Rapid Flashing Beacons (like Route 62) to allow residents to safely cross to the east side to walk through the underpass to downtown, or visa versa. I have confirmed with ODOT that since the proposed crosswalk is entirely within Brewster corporate limits that we have authority to install and make the upgrades to the crosswalk.
Waiting on seeing ARP funds in a Village account before I request Council to proceed with authorizing bidding the project.
  • Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI). The AMI Project continues to move forward. We continue to put in meters. The 916 electric meters were delivered, so those are now being installed as well. Our RNI training is scheduled, and we are preparing to integrate Sensus Analytics into our billing software.
Something has come up that was unexpected - there have been approximately a dozen residents have their electricity go out after the new AMI electric meters were installed. This was a result of one of the new AMI electric meters’ safety functions operating correctly. Our new AMI electric meters are designed to shut off in the event that there is overheating at the residence, that could be caused by something like a bad meter base, loose wiring, undersized wiring, or similar situations. Our old electric meters continued to supply power regardless of overheating.
The best comparison I can provide between how the new AMI electric meters and the old electric meters perform is to use old fuse panels in homes. Think of the new AMI electric meters as a fuse that shuts off (burns through) if there is overheating because for example too large a load that is going through the fuse. That can be compared to our old electric meters being inserting a penny into the socket instead of a fuse so that power continues to flow, which endangers the residence and potentially causes a fire. So, the dozen or so residents who had their power go out, while inconvenienced, are now aware they have a safety issue in their distribution system beyond the meter, which they need to have diagnosed and addressed.
We will be working with those residents as they address their electric issues. However, from a liability standpoint the Village cannot, now that we are aware that there is a safety issue that could cause a fire, remove the new AMI Electric meter (fuse) and put an old meter back in (penny).
  • Yard Waste Drop-Off Area. The Village of Brewster received a 2021 Program Start-Up Grant from the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District in an amount of $18,000 to extend the yard waste drop-off area (in cement) and add/extend drainage. The storm drain in the drop-off area was installed and extended so that the extension of the yard waste area could begin. The enlargement of the Yard Waste Drop-off cement has been completed. There was a period of time the regular yard waste drop-off area was closed off and a temporary area was established so traffic could be kept off the new cement.
  • Community Room – American Rescue Plan Funding. The estimated amount of American Rescue Plan Funds we believe that Brewster is slated has been reduced to $225,529. We still do not have either guidance or information about how these funds can LEGALLY be spent yet. The previous funding we received under the CARES Act had specific limitations for how it could be LEGALLY spent. I have previously provided an article out of Governing magazine that addresses some ways governments plan to spend their American Rescue Plan Funding. But, again, until the rules are put in place the “what” of how those funds can be spent is up in the air. It would address the issue that Council cannot meet in person at Village Hall and properly social distance, nor is our current setup conducive to remote meetings (streaming).
The CARES Funds were to help with addressing needs that were related to COVID. Presumably, the American Rescue Plan Funding is tied to loss of revenue due to COVID and/or expenditures/projects that would address future pandemics.
One good suggestion that I believe COULD be a legitimate expenditure, as it ties into Council’s ability to hold in person meetings and/or partial in person with access via computer during pandemic conditions, would be to complete the “meeting room” where the Tahoe and Grass Fire Truck used to be stored as meeting space. That space can accommodate more individuals “socially distanced” than our current Council Chambers, and could be done in such a way that the technology to broadcast/record/observe could be integrated into the construction. It also is needed for the FD teaching classes such as CPR and/or employee safety meetings, and/or Fire Department training or meetings, and/or PD training.
We have the construction drawings complete. I am reviewing the plans/costs with the Architect. I do NOT recommend any more steps be taken UNTIL we verify that American Rescue Plan Funding can be used to create the Meeting Room so that Council can meet and properly social distance AND provide remote access to their meetings. Once/IF it is verified that it is a proper use of ARP Funds, the expenditure can be taken/switched to ARP Funding. The US Treasury has under the caption Information for Non-Entitlement Units of Local Government a tab with Frequently Asked Questions that states that eligible uses for the funds include “… adaptations to public buildings to implement COVID-19 mitigation tactics.” But again, Once/IF it is verified that it is a proper use of ARP Funds, all the costs can be encumbered out of ARP Funds.
I met last week with the architect to revise the base bid so that the amount of the estimate will be as low as possible.
  • OPWC 2021 Applications for Fund Year 2022. We received the schedule for OPWC Applications for 2022 funding year. The deadline for applications is September 17th, 2021. It will be submitted online this round. Possible projects to submit for OPWC Funding are below.
  • 2021 Potential OPWC Project – Park Drive Rehabilitation & Paving Phase 1. To refresh, Park Drive Rehabilitation & Paving Phase 1 would be Park from Main Street to the south side of parcel 7001911 (just north of the levee). It runs approximately 510 feet, would realign slightly at the north end, and widen from 20 feet wide to 22 feet wide, plus install curb and gutter. It would also include the Safe Routes to Schools (SFTS) Shared Use Path (SUP) on the east side. Council had passed an ordinance last year approving submission of the Park Drive Rehabilitation & Paving Phase 1 as an OPWC project in 2020, but later withdrew it because of the uncertainty of renewal/continuation of the Income Tax. Thrasher already prepared the specifications and can provide an updated Engineer’s estimate. If the application is successful, Thrasher has quoted an amount of $3,000 for bidding services. Even with the 10 points for plans, this project will likely not score high enough at the local (District 19) level for funding, but will go to Small Governments at the State level, where we previously received funding for projects.
  • 2021 Potential OPWC Project – Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Waterline Replacement. As I previously indicated, the water line on Tuscarawas between Locustdale and Chestnut needs replaced, as do the water lines on Pinewood and Locustdale due to:
  • Age. The water lines are in excess of 60 years old and sandcast iron. The water line to the north (same vintage) in Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon was replaced in 2018.
  • Prospective Paving of Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Locustdale. The Water Superintendent indicated that the water lines on Tuscarawas should be replaced prior to/concurrent with paving or rebuild, as stress on cast sandcast water lines that are over 60 years old (or more) might cause breaks, requiring tearing up new pavement if they are not replaced prior to or concurrent to paving/rebuild.
The plan is to get the water line replaced, and after the water line is replaced determine whether Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon, as well as Pinewood and Locustdale, need to simply be repaved or need to be completely rebuilt. Based on that determination, the Village can either add it to a future Paving Program or prepare specs for a rebuild and apply for a subsequent grant. A PRELIMINARY cost estimate is $251,155.00.
  • 2021 Potential OPWC Project – West Main Width Reduction, Paving and Connector Project. One of two streets that the Village needs to start addressing are West Main and McKinley. West Main potentially fits more into a OPWC Application. As I have been telling Council, the Comprehensive Plan that the Village adopted talks about connectivity of its parks. In addition, when we addressed the Safe Routes to Schools the idea was to build it in such a way that ultimately it and other Village projects would put in place in Brewster portion of the eventual Stark County Parks Trail that is planned to connect the Towpath Trail in Navarre to the Wilderness Center through Brewster. West Main between Lincoln and Washington needs paving. That portion is also 42 feet wide, much wider than it needs to be to accommodate vehicle parked on both sides (seldom happens) and two-way traffic. My suggestion is to reduce the width of West Main between Lincoln and Washington (and eventually do the same down to McKinley) by 8 feet. This will in the long term save money each time it is repaved. There is no sidewalk on this portion of West Main. I would suggest narrowing the street on the south side only, to allow space for a sidewalk (and ultimately a “path” or “Trail”) and an adequate tree lawn for midsize trees. Because of the established trees at the west end, the sidewalk for a portion of West Main between Lincoln and Washington on the south side would be against the curb, then shift back mid-block. Rather than construct a 10-foot path initially on the south side, I would suggest a “regular” 5-foot sidewalk that down the road could be expanded to 10 feet. The Village could ultimately apply for a separate “trail” grant to expand the sidewalk into a “path” or “trail”. I would also explore concurrently putting in a “regular” 5-foot sidewalk on the north side provided OPWC Funds will reimburse towards those costs.
I would like to have the Streets, Alleys, Curbs, Storm Sewers, & Sidewalks Committee Meeting be “onsite”, similar to what was done with the Safe Routes to Schools Path so that Council can get a better idea of what I am proposing.
  • Paving 2022 - McKinley from 7th to 2nd. McKinley is going to be expensive to pave, as there are portions that do not have adequate base. Most of it cannot be narrowed for future savings as there are apartments and houses that use McKinley for parking, and McKinley is only 33 feet +/- wide. So, I would suggest that we start with the worst block – 7th Street to 6th Street in 2022 Paving Program. We will need to review this block and each succeeding block to determine how much of the Street will need rebuilt due to inadequate base or other issues, so we can get the cost set for each years Paving Program.
  • Mosquito Spraying – Stark County Health Department. The Village has entered into an agreement with the Stark County Health Department for mosquito spraying for 2021.The agreement with the Stark County Health Department is to do six (6) sprayings this summer, between the months of June and September, weather permitting. The cost will be $714.00 per spraying, the same cost as last year. The total will be $4,284.00 if none of the sprayings are cancelled due to weather conditions, again the same as last year. They will also be taking care of placing notices in advance of each spraying. The tentative dates for Year 2021 mosquito spraying for Brewster Village, which are of course subject to change and dependent on weather, are:
  • June 29, 2021
  • July 13, 2021
  • July 27, 2021
  • August 10, 2021
  • August 24, 2021
  • September 1, 2021
Spray dates affected by weather will be rescheduled as soon as possible.
  • Winery(s). I was asked this morning again about the ability to locate a winery in Brewster. While the answer at this time would be “NO” based on our current ordinances, I am bringing the request up to Council’s so you can weigh in before I say “NO”.
The major issue beyond the fact that our ordinances only allow a winery in agricultural zone is the proposed location – the Shooting Club or Monroe Hall property (5.16 acres). The minuses are obvious such a commercial in a residential, but most of the wineries I take my wife to are quiet, with only a few having outdoor “noise” such as music.
  • Internet Sales. We are progressing on being able to sell items that are no longer needed for public use on the internet, per the ordinance passed by Council. The “legal” documents associated with sales have been approved by the Law Director, and Public Surplus has uploaded them. A training will be scheduled in the near future, which will allow the Village to start posting items online for sale, as soon as the Clerk-Treasurer and I can schedule the time to train.
  • Field #1 Restoration. We are still exploring options to getField #1 playable.
  • Efficiency Smart – Tip Jar. Efficiency Smart has launched the Tip Jar contest on its Facebook page where residents nominate a locally owned, independent restaurant to win up to $1,000 in energy efficiency improvements. Restaurants can also self-nominate.
Nominations will be open through June 30. Efficiency Smart will then select five restaurants as finalists and will hold a vote on its Facebook page between July 15 and 29. The restaurant that receives the most votes will win up to $1,000 towards energy efficiency improvements. In addition, three people will be selected to win a $50 gift card to the restaurant that they nominated.
Will you please help us increased awareness of the contest by sharing Efficiency Smart’s post on your Brewster’s social media channels?  
  • Efficiency Smart – Rebates. Heating and cooling make up the largest portion of the average household’s energy bill. Efficiency Smart offers rebates on products that can help you save on these costs, including a $750 rebate on cold climate air source heat pumps and a $100 rebate on air source heat pumps. Visit www.efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio and select “Home Energy Rebates” or call 877-889-3777 for more information on available rebates.
  • Efficiency Smart – “Buy Local” Program. For a limited time, Efficiency Smart is offering small businesses an increased incentive for purchasing qualifying LED products from a designated local business. Contact Bob Golden with Efficiency Smart at rgolden@efficiencysmart.org or (614) 468-4904 for a list of designated local suppliers and contractors or for more information.
  • Efficiency Smart - 2021 Retail Lighting. A participation agreement is in place with Belloni’s for reduced cost LED light bulbs. The inventory has been delivered.
  1. Appoint Jason Robinson to fire department.  He is also one of our paramedics.
  2. Appoint Emily Ruble to police department.
  3. Appoint Mitchel King to police department.
  4. Please sign resolution of appreciation for police officers.
  5. Buzz Belloni has resigned from the Welty Cemetery Board.  Mayor Hawk will appoint someone in the near future. 
  1. The Village’s SAMS registration has been renewed.  This is required to receive any Federal money.
  2. Month and Year-to-Date reports were put in Council’s mailboxes last week.
  3. 25 employees furnished proof of vaccinations before May 31, 2021 for a cost of $3,750 out of the ARP Fund.  Two more from the Fire Department have submitted proof since those checks were prepared.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
VA Miller provided a recap of the Streets, Alleys, Curbs, Storm Sewers and Sidewalks Committee meeting earlier tonight on West Main, Washington, and Lincoln Streets.  The proposal is to continue the school pathway with sidewalks to Sabo Park.  The masterplan being that there will be a connection to the Navarre Towpath and eventually the sidewalks at the end of West Main Street, Washington, or Lincoln. VA Miller will be applying for funds from OPWC for sidewalks and curbs for this area.  Note that by adding sidewalks, curbs, and tree lawn the size of the streets will decrease, which will lower the future cost of paving those streets.      
Summer Concert Series in the gazebo: Brewster’s own: Wing It! On Saturday, July 17th at 7:00.  Please bring your own chairs as the bleachers will not be available.  Ray Heitger is working with Just Ice Cream for ice cream tickets at the August concert. 
OLD or NEW BUSINESS: Council Rules require a two-week waiting period before any expenditure of funds unless determined an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB asked VA Miller about the revised bids for the Community Room.  VA Miller explained that the first bid was much higher than anticipated.  Therefore, VA Miller requested a “bare bones” bid.  Bare bones bid would frame walls, drop ceiling, move fridge, and make handicap accessible.   We are now waiting to see what funds are going to be available. COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB volunteered to do the demolish work.  VA Miller would also help with the demolish but suggested that we wait for the bids. 
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB complimented VA Miller on the many projects VA Miller has accomplished this past year. 
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB would like to have a Tree Board Committee meeting this month.  It was decided that July 14 at 10 a.m. would work for all.  
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept Jason Robinson as a probationary Firefighter to the Fire Department.  The vote:  All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept Emily Ruble as a Part Time Police Officer.  The vote:  All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept Mitchell King as a Part Time Police Officer.  The vote:  All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to reserve the second Saturday of EACH August (this year and years to come) for soccer’s opening day at the park.  The vote:  All yes. 
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RACICH and motion carried to cast a YES ballot, at the recommendation of Solicitor Anthony, in the Purdue Pharma lawsuit.  The vote:  All yes. 
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to obtain an Entertainment License Fee with ASCAP at a cost of $367.00.  The vote:  All yes.  
Mayor Hawk asked the scouts if they had any questions. The scouts are looking for community service projects to do.  Do we have any?  Mayor Hawk suggested that VA Miller provide them with his business card.  VA Miller is available Monday thru Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to discuss projects with the scouts.
VA Miller updated mosquito spraying schedule to July 6 and July 15.  The rest of dates will remain the same, dependent on weather. 
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB asked COUNCIL MEMBER LONG how baseball season went and how can the Village make it better?  COUNCIL MEMBER LONG said baseball went well and had a very large signup.  Field 1 had issues but is looking better.  COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB received complaints about the dirt.  Would it benefit to have “baseball dirt” brought in. COUNCIL MEMBER LONG said it would be great idea and would be appreciated.   Mayor Hawk also said that a rake is being purchased for the baseball fields.  COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB asked how soccer is coming along??   COUNCIL MEMBER LONG reported that there is increased participation this year and that fields 1, 2, 3,5, and 6 will be used.  Still not sure about use of field 4.  VA Miller stated that there was a double booking with the use/rental of park/ballfields on August 14.   Soccer has moved their opening date from August 14 to August 18.  Moving forward, the second Saturday of August will be reserved for the opening day for soccer and the park/ballfields will not be rented out till the end of the soccer season. 
COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Bucher, Assistant Utility Clerk
Charles Hawk, Mayor