November 15, 2021 - Finance Committee Meeting

November 15, 2021
Finance Committee Meeting
Mayor Hawk opened the meeting and turned it over to Chairman Mike Schwab at 6:30.
Chairman Schwab provided the following agenda that was read and followed:
A.            Ambulance Replacement – 2022
  1. Chief Colucy advises that the 2009 Ford Ambulance has had a number of recent repairs
  2. The 2009 Ford Ambulance is slated to be replaced at a 14-year interval – 2023
  3. Chief Colucy advises that currently from the time of ordering to delivery of a new ambulance is a minimum of 12 months
  4. The Ohio Coop program places the cost of a bare bones Type 1 Superliner 2021 Dodge 4500 4WD Diesel w/192” wheelbase, 96” body & 72” headroom at $ 196,834 (A cost example)
  5. Kris King advises that the Ambulance Replacement Fund balance is at $ 158,607.14
  6. Kris King advises that due to the recent updating of the Fire Levy Property Tax by the Voters which has provided additional tax revenues as well as modest expenditures by the Chief in 2021 the Fire Operations Fund is in excellent financial shape as we near year’s end
  7. After thorough review Kris King suggests that in 2022 Council could safely encumber $75,000 of the Fire Operations Fund for the purchase of an ambulance
  8. Kris King advises that with the additional $ 75,000 encumbrance would provide around $235,000 in late 2022.
  9. With the one-year order to delivery time factor and the availability of $ 235,000 by encumbering $ 75,000 of the Fire Operations Fund.  Council member Schwab suggests that Council direct Chief Colucy to make preparation to purchase a new Ambulance for delivery on January 1, 2023 at a maximum total of $ 235,000 to purchase and make road ready
  10. Q & A: Everyone seemed satisfied with the information provided.
B.            Proposed Lease or Sale of the former Sturm’s Properties (copy of Co. Auditor’s Map provided)
  1. History: In 2014 Brewster Village obtained the two parcels via a Sheriff’s Sale for back taxes and special assessment at a cost of around $ 45,000; this followed an arson fire of the main structure, abandonment of the property by the owner, and razing of the damaged structure at Village cost
  2. In 2014 the intent of Village Officials was to use the properties for a Village use or to sell or lease to a business acceptable to the Village
  3. Recently an overture from a businessman to either purchase or lease the property has been received
  4. The Solicitor and Village Administrator has been researching the Village’s options and the processes involved for each
  5. Q & A
C.            Donation Policy – Pending Legislation
  1. Mike Miller presentation: VA Miller went over a proposed draft of legislation for donations.  He stated that it would have to be determined who would review and approve donation requests.  He stated that real property would come back to the legislative body for approval.  Another item to consider is whether the donation involves the Village to have to install or maintain the donation in the future.
  2. Q & A:
Chairman Schwab stated he would like to see Council to approve anything that involved cash.
Council Member Fox is concerned that there may become an overwhelming amount of people that want to donate items with loved one’s names on them.  VA Miller stated that there has to room for donations, example: only a certain number of benches will fit in the park.
VA Miller also stated that controversial donations will have to be watched out for.  An example he gave was a woman donated something in her boyfriend’s name and the wife did not appreciate it.
D.            Seasonal Worker P. T. Hourly wage
  1. Village Employee Compensation Legislation pending:  Is the $13.48/hour sufficient to attract applications.  VA Miller stated we need to keep the salary responsible to other part-time salaries including those in the office.
Kris King asked that Council consider encumbering $130,000 from the Fire Income Tax Fund for the Fire Station Expansion loan.  The money set aside so far this year will not cover the loan as setting it aside did not start until August.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:59pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer