June 21, 2021 - Public Utilities Meeting

Public Utilities Committee Meeting
June 21, 2021
6:00 p.m.
Tom Hilliard, Council Member                     Sydney Radich, Council Member               
Dale Fox, Council Member                          Mike Schwab, Council Member              
Brett Long, Council Member                      
Michael Miller, Village Administrator
Chuck Hawk, Mayor
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer                            
This meeting was a show and tell of the area for the proposed seven-bay electric building.  The building will hold the reels, mowing equipment, three bucket trucks, the pickup truck, and the Digger Derrick.
Council walked the area and was shown the blueprint for the building.  The Street Department will be purchasing the current electric buildings and the Police Department will purchase part of the current Street Garage.
The overall budget is being calculated at $500,000 but the VA is waiting on the engineers for a better price, and he is expecting it to be lower.  Superintendent Ryan Swan was asked if the size and location was satisfactory, and he was happy with it.  A pole building and a metal building were discussed.  The extra transformers will be stored in the far corner of the plot.  A backup generator was discussed.  The old Police Department generator will be used, or a gas generator will be purchased.  The generator only needs to be big enough to open the garage doors.
The fact that the land is being leased was discussed.  There is still 75 years left on the lease.  VA Miller stated that the village will probably have to obtain a variance.  It is currently an I1.
The fund being used to pay for the building was discussed.  Clerk King stated the Electric Improvement Fund would be used. 
It was asked when the Digger Derrick truck was going to be completed.  Supt. Swan stated it was to be delivered in August.  It was asked how it was going to be paid.  Clerk King stated there is a special Capital Outlay line items for vehicles and accessories.
Meeting adjourned at 6:12 pm
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer