March 15, 2021 - Meeting Minutes
MARCH 15, 2021
7:00 P.M.
Due to COVID-19 and the social distancing requirement, this meeting was held at the Brewster/Sugarcreek Historical Society’s Wandle House at 45 Wabash Ave S in Brewster. Notification was sent to the Massillon Independent, posted on Village Hall front doors, and posted on the website.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Andrew Hess, Council Member
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member Brett Long, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the March 1, 2021 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the minutes as read. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $105,584.13. The vote: Schwab, yes, Fox, yes; Hess, no; Hilliard, no, Long, yes, Radich, yes. Motion passes.
Fire Chief Chris Colucy, Police Chief Keith Creter, and Ray Heitger were also present.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
ORDINANCE 15-2021: An Ordinance Authorizing the Awarding of a Contract for the 2021 Brewster Paving Program was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to bring the legislation forward for passage. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to complete the ordinance by inserting Superior Paving as awarded contractor with the bid of $ 205,472. 00, and alternate one (Chestnut, from drive to the south to just before 13415 Chestnut (970 feet)) and alternate two (McKinley, from 2nd Street to north terminus)being included in the project. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Hilliard asked if the alley behind the Fire Station is on the list. VA Miller stated he plans to patch at this point and maybe put some concrete at the east entrance for now.
Council Member Schwab asked Clerk King if the money would be available for this project. Clerk King responded that with the current flow of income taxes, the Village could afford this project.
The vote to approve this legislation as amended: All yes.
RESOLUTION 16-2021: A Resolution Approving the Recommendation of the Tax Incentive Review Board for Brewster Cheese was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented. The vote: All yes.
Second Reading: An Ordinance Vacating a Portion on Virginia Court (an alley) and Utah Court (an alley).
First Reading: A Resolution Establishing a Cemetery Fund for the Operation of the Welty Cemetery.
First Reading: A Resolution Establishing a Permanent Fund for the Endowment Care Trust for Welty Cemetery.
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to Contract with WE Quicksall for Services to Prepare Specifications and Required Bid Documents for a Water Line Replacement Project for Tuscarawas, Locustdale, and Pinewood to be passed on an emergency basis on second or third reading.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Chris Colucy
- There were 168 calls so far in 2021, 60 of which were in February.
- The grant for turnout gear, gear dryer, and hose has not been awarded yet. Also waiting for the FEMA (Pumper) grant.
- The Firemen’s Association is paying to have epoxy put on the new bay floors. The floors are guaranteed for 10-15 years. VA Miller would like to propose that the floor in the future community room and EMS training room also have epoxy put on the floor. The cost for the area proposed by VA Miller would be approximately $3,405.
- Chief Colucy is waiting to determine whether or not to have the festival until Governor DeWine provides the safety parameters. The problem will be controlling the crowd. There are too many entrances to the park to control the number of people. The Chief feels that unless there is a “full go”, a festival will not be possible. At this point it is up in the air and he doesn’t think it’s going to happen.
- We will be conducting a traffic blitz Wednesday, March 17th, 1800 hrs. to 0200 hrs. We will have several units out working traffic enforcement in all areas of the Village, we will be using grant money from the Stark County OVI Task Force.
- The new body and in-car camera system will be installed the week of May 17th.
- As of now, the Fairless Student Council will hold the Mother’s Day Marathon, Sgt. Truman has been assigned to the detail, further information on the date and time coming soon. This will involve street closures on the S.E. side only.
- Reviewed the requirements set out on the Stark Department of Health website for sports facilities and organized sports activities: Basically, they are the same as last year with regard to restrictions. Spectators are limited to 30% of seating capacity. The rules utilized by Brewster worked okay for the field that was open last year. The other fields that were shut down can be reopened as long as they also comply with the current restrictions.
Masks are mandatory except for the reasons given in the Governor’s order of last July. They are to be utilized in accordance with the rules contained in the organized sport directive poster and as well as the directive related to outdoor activities. There are some exceptions. Most noted are medical reasons and when outdoors the person is unable to maintain a consistent six-foot distance. My information is based upon a conversation I had with Todd Paulus at the Stark County Health Department and a review of current orders in effect. Based upon the foregoing the fields may be opened and utilized subject to the covid restriction directives.
- Indigent burial- The Village had a request to partially pay for an indigent burial. In reviewing current law, which is a really old law, a municipality under OR.C. 9.15 is obligated. As used in this section, "legal residence" means a permanent place of abode used or occupied as living quarters at the time of a person's death, including a nursing home, hospital, or other care facility. When the body of a dead person is found in a township or municipal corporation, and such person was not an inmate of a correctional, benevolent, or charitable institution of this state, and the body is not claimed by any person for private interment or cremation at the person's own expense, or delivered for the purpose of medical or surgical study or dissection in accordance with section1713.34 of the Revised Code, it shall be disposed of as follows:
(A) If the person was a legal resident of the county, the proper officers of the township or municipal corporation in which the person's body was found shall cause it to be buried or cremated at the expense of the township or municipal corporation in which the person had a legal residence at the time of death.
This deceased person was a resident of the nursing home here in Brewster and no one was claiming the body. Brewster was asked to pay a portion the other portion is covered by the catholic church and the funeral home. Brewster was asked to pay $ 500.00. This is not really discretionary. It is essentially a statutory obligation of the municipality. The law is clear and is supported by several interpretive opinions of the state attorney general.
- Welty is proceeding. We should be closing the last week of this month.
- I approved and prepared papers to begin the process of selling unneeded equipment of the Village online. I anticipate that these docs will be put on the website if that hasn’t been done yet.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to accept the VA’s March 15, 2021 report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting. The vote: All yes.
Administrator’s report for period 3/1/2021 thru 3/15/2021:
- Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project. Construction activities continue for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project.
Work on the new sanitary main is complete.
The water line has been installed, and the new line on 7th recharged. When recharging the line a leak started on 7th in front of 317 7th Street. We have had more than one water main break in this section (between Jefferson and Ray’s driveway) previously. We patched the break to get 8 houses back in service that were without water. But since we have had multiple breaks and because this section from on 7th Street between Jefferson to the levy is the oldest remaining water line that hasn’t been replaced, we are going to:
- Get price from Central Allied to replace section from Jefferson to just past 375 7th Street and insert valve
- Get price to replace entire section of 7th from Jefferson to levy
We should at a minimum consider replacing the portion we have had 3 or more breaks in the recent past. I do not envision a way this could be included in the Jefferson Project as a change order, as it is well outside the original scope/area. So, it would have to come out of Water Line Replacement or Water Capital funds. I will keep Council informed.
In addition the water main (loop) from Jefferson and 7th to Cleveland and 5th was installed. We are, as we did 7th, chlorinating the line and bacterial testing before we can put it in service. Once it is put in service, the Contractor will begin switching water services over to the new line before the old line is abandoned.
As a reminder our next payment request will begin our drawdown of OPWC Funds. I spoke with our OPWC representative, and it was indicated that OPWC will draw down first against our grant funds, and once those are exhausted then draw against our loan funds. Our representative also indicated that we will be able to ask for reimbursement of some of our engineering costs (Construction inspection)
- Electric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). SCADA work has commenced by GPD. I will keep Council informed as to the progress on the project.
- Generator for Police Department. I initially obtained two (2) quotes for installing the Police Department Back-up Generator (old Village Hall/FD Generator). The low bid was/is Wood Electric at $27,470. I requested a bid from another contractor but received no response.
Installation of the back-up generator will assure continued operations of the Police Department in the event of a power failure. It can only serve the Police Department. The current configuration is two meters/panels – one at the PD and one at Street. Code and safety considerations don’t allow us to mix.
A Councilperson suggested that since the Village did not explore the comparative cost for a NEW Generac style back-up generator for the Police Department, that that cost should be explored as well, so the legislation has been tabled to allow those costs to be determined. Currently there are four (4) additional companies coming in to view the facility and provide a quote. The quote is based on providing a generator to supply current and future electric load of the Police Department in the event of a power outage, both a generator and the appropriate installation costs to install it up to code. Proposals are still coming in. I will keep Council informed.
- ADA Ramps at East Main & Cleveland. Our contractor completed the ADA Ramps ahead of paving East Main this summer from Wabash through the Cleveland intersection. Photos are:
- SW corner crossing north across East Main
- SE corner crossing north across East Main
- NE corner receiving the crossing across Eat Main from south
- NE corner crossing west across Cleveland Ave
- NW corner receiving the crossing across Cleveland from the east and the crossing from the south across East Main
The plan is when East Main is paved the intersection will be paved also to just north of the ADA Ramps on the north side of East Main and to the end of the new curbing on the south side of East Main.
- Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI). The AMI Project continues to move forward. We finally had good enough weather that allowed NOASH construction to be on site (Thursday February 25th and Friday February 26th). The base station, the antenna/receiver, and other infrastructure necessary to support the AMI Meters at the North Water Tower has been installed. Core and Main is scheduling to commission the base station. That process usually only takes one (1) day. We should be ready to begin putting meters shortly. After meters are installed and showing up in the RNI, we will have our RNI training scheduled and we will also be ready to integrate Sensus Analytics into our billing software.
Letters have gone out to all customers to inform them of the AMI upgrade.
- AMPT – Second Transmission Line. As I mentioned in the February 16th VA Report and mentioned again during the March 1st Council Meeting, there has been a “competitive window” opened regarding the proposed second transmission line. The development is that PJM regards the preferred second transmission feed that traverses two (2) different zones (AEP & First Energy) as requiring open competition. PJM has opened the thirty (30) day window. During the open window period AMPT and potentially other entities can submit plans to address the core “issue” of providing redundancy for Brewster’s substation transmission feed. During this open competition window alternatives that will achieve that goal and build the second feed can be submitted. I had a meeting and have continued to follow up with AMPT about what some of those alternatives might be. As I also touched on during the March 1st Council Meeting, any alternative that feeds off of the same transmission line and/or goes back to First Energy’s Harmon Sub is not acceptable to the Village, as it would not meet our redundancy goals/target. Without going into detail as it would create potential competitive disadvantage for AMPT during the open competition period, we are on the same page with AMPT on options to provide redundancy. The competitive window closes April 2nd.
Again ultimately Brewster is still programmed to get the second transmission feed for redundancy.
- 2021 Paving Program.The apparent low bidder was Superior Paving & Materials, Inc., with their bids as follows:
Superior Paving & Materials Inc |
Base Bid |
$166,096 |
Alternate #1 |
$19,566 |
Alternate #2 |
$19,810 |
Total |
$205,472 |
As a reminder, the streets included in the Base Bid are:
Street |
From |
To |
VA Estimated Cost |
VA Budget Running Total |
Chestnut NW |
Muffly |
Drive to south (660 feet) |
$18,000 |
Main Street SE |
Wabash |
Cleveland |
$42,976.50 |
2nd Street SW |
Wabash |
McKinley |
$29,000 |
Grant Ave SW |
2nd |
1st |
$8,190 |
McKinley SW |
Bimiler |
7th Street |
$24,024 |
2nd Street SE |
Jefferson |
East Terminus |
$32,524 |
Harmon Ave NE |
$32,875.50 |
$187,590 |
Alternate #1 was Chestnut NW from the drive to south east to just before 13415 Chestnut (970 feet), which I estimated for budgetary purposes at $27,000, bringing the running overall total to $214,590.
Alternate #2 was McKinley Ave SW from 2nd to the north terminus, which I estimated for budgetary purposes at $14,938, bringing the running overall total to $229,528.
The VA estimates were subsequently firmed up by the engineer, Thrasher, as the Village is required to have an engineer’s estimate to go to bid. The engineer’s estimate was:
Engineer’s Estimate |
Base Bid |
$231,790.13 |
Alternate #1 |
$30,831.41 |
Alternate #2 |
$16,955.40 |
Total |
$279,576.94 |
To bring it into perspective, Thrasher has been ultra conservative in their estimates since East Main came in well over 10% of their estimate in 2019. But obviously, we are below the engineer’s estimate and slightly below the VA estimate, so Council can award a contract.
As I previously indicated, the Clerk-Treasurer has indicated that:
- we have in the paving fund approximately $72,000
- we will have another projected/approximate amount of $160,000 in the paving fund by July 1st, 2021
- TOTAL projected amount for 2021 Paving Program of $232,000
So, as the low bid for the Base streets plus both alternates is below what we have available to spend, and we have approximately 10% contingency in the event that we run into issues that would require additional asphalt (fabric or no base). I anticipate that Thrasher will recommend awarding the contract to Superior after their review. Pending review of the bids by Thrasher, I anticipate I will be recommending that Council award a contract to Superior Paving & Materials Inc for the base streets and alternates 1 & 2 in an estimated amount of $205,472, with the final cost to be determined by actual quantities and unit prices.
- 2021 OPWC Application – Potential Project.On January 20th and in the VA Report for February 1st, I outlined potential projects that could be submitted for OPWC Funding. I have forwarded a proposal for Engineering Services for the Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement Project. The Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement Project, with over 24 taps to be reinstalled is a good OPWC candidate.
As I previously indicated, the water line on Tuscarawas between Locustdale and Chestnut needs replaced, as do the water lines on Pinewood and Locustdale due to:
- Age. The water lines are in excess of 60 years old and sandcast iron. The water line to the north (same vintage) in Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon was replaced in 2018.
- Prospective Paving of Tuscarawas between Harmon and Locustdale. The Water Superintendent indicated that the water lines on Tuscarawas should be replaced prior to/concurrent with paving or rebuild, as stress on cast sandcast water lines that are over 60 years old (or more) might cause breaks, requiring tearing up new pavement if they are not replaced prior to or concurrent to paving/rebuild.
I met with W.E. Quicksall regarding the scope of engineering services. Scope is necessary step before a price proposal can be negotiated. The scope is going to be limited to the water line replacement. While replacing the water line and repaving or rebuilding at the same time could make sense, it also could put the Village in the position of doing more work and therefore spending more money than necessary. The plan is to get the water line replaced, and after the water line is replaced determine whether Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon, as well as Pinewood and Locustdale, need to simply be repaved or need to be completely rebuilt. Based on that determination, the Village can either add it to a future Paving Program or prepare specs for a rebuild and apply for a subsequent grant.
So, the cost to engineer the project from W. E. Quicksall and Associates, Inc. is $19,900. They have also proposed estimated fees to complete bidding and on-going services during construction, if required. Finally, I have also attached a PRELIMINARY cost estimate of $251,155.00.
I am requesting that Council authorize the Village Administrator to enter into a contract with W. E. Quicksall and Associates, Inc. in an amount of $19,900 for engineering services for the Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement Project.
While I recognize that Council does not wish to pass legislation on an emergency basis, and I am certainly at this point reluctant to make emergency requests, IF Council wants to be able to turn this project in for THIS year’s OPWC Round, Council should consider passing the authorization for the Village Administrator to enter into an engineering contract on an emergency basis, although the legislation doesn’t have to be passed on the first reading.
- Decorative Lighting – East Main between Wabash & Cleveland. The Electric Department began work installing the new decorative lighting on East Main between Wabash and Cleveland. The bases are installed. When weather permits the installation will continue.
- Tree Program – 2021. All Tree City activity as well as all work on tree removal, sidewalk replacement due to trees, and purchasing replacement trees has stopped pending a meeting of the Tree Board. I have forwarded information to the Tree Board to allow it to make all decisions going forward on tree removal, sidewalk replacement, and tree replacement as well as other relevant actions regarding the Tree Program. The Tree Board is scheduled to meet at 6:30 PM on March 15th.
- AMPT – Operation and Maintenance Contract. The AMPT O & M Agreement was passed on the third reading February 16th. The O & M Agreement can be executed March 19th, at which time the Village can also bill for its costs for the insulator damage last Fall of 2020.
- Vacating Portions of Virginia Place and Utah Place. An advertisement has been placed in the Massillon Independent on March 9th, March 16th, March 23rd, March 30th, April 6th, and April 13th for the Public Hearing scheduled for April 19th at 6:45 PM. I will begin notifying the abutting owners by regular mail.
- SRTS – Right-of-Way Acquisition. We have received authorization from ODOT to proceed with right-of-way acquisition. OR Colan has begun contacting property owners on the Village’s behalf.
- Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) – Brewster Dairy. The process for submitting the Village’s annual report for commercial abatements (Brewster Dairy only active commercial abatement) is different than that for residential CRA abatements.
The process for submitting the Village’s annual report for commercial abatements (Brewster Dairy only active commercial abatement) is different than that for residential CRA abatements. The abatement must first be reviewed by a Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC), which is established by Ohio Revised Code 5709.85 and Brewster’s enabling legislation to be made up of:
- Three representatives appointed by the Board of County Commissioners
- Two appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of Council
- The County Auditor (or their designee)
- A representative from the affected Board of Education in the CRA (Fairless)
The TIRC meeting has been set for Monday, March 15, 2021 9:45 AM-10:45 AM. The TIRC will make a recommendation to:
- continue the tax abatement in place for Brewster Dairy
- modify the tax abatement in place for Brewster Dairy
- reject (terminate) the tax abatement in place for Brewster Dairy
After the TIRC meets and makes a recommendation on Brewster Dairy’s CRA Tax Abatement to accept, modify, or reject the current CRA tax abatement, Council needs to vote on that recommendation. That vote must take place before March 31, 2021, so that the annual report can be submitted to the State of Ohio.
- MCTV Wi-Fi Hotspot. MCTV has installed a “hot spot” to cover the patio area to the south of the Fire Station and Village Hall. Residents can sit at the picnic table and use MCTV WiFi.
Ø Efficiency Smart – Rebates. Heating and cooling make up the largest portion of the average household’s energy bill. Efficiency Smart offers rebates on products that can help you save on these costs, including a $750 rebate on cold climate air source heat pumps and a $100 rebate on air source heat pumps. Visit and select “Home Energy Rebates” or call 877-889-3777 for more information on available rebates.
- Efficiency Smart – “Buy Local” Program. For a limited time, Efficiency Smart is offering small businesses an increased incentive for purchasing qualifying LED products from a designated local business. Contact Bob Golden with Efficiency Smart at or (614) 468-4904 for a list of designated local suppliers and contractors or for more information.
- Efficiency Smart - 2021 Retail Lighting. A participation agreement should be in place soon with Belloni for reduced cost LED light bulbs. The goal is to have inventory in stores by March 15th with official launch April 1st
- Efficiency Smart Communications - Bill Messages are being run on March bills promoting Facebook and e-newsletters with tips and promotions. In addition, a newspaper ad is running in the Far Corner targeted for March 1st and which can be also be accessed the Portal
VA Miller added the following that came up after he emailed his report:
- St. Clair/Pavlis is looking at the old meeting room.
- VA met with Council Member Long about cameras at the Fire Department and Village Hall. The cost is $9,100 and would come out of the Buildings Fund.
- The bat houses for the Eagle Scout Project have been installed at the Solar Field.
- ADA ramps have been installed.
- The cost of a new generator at the Police Department is close to the cost of installing the old one. The Village is required to have a commercial generator which has a higher cost. Council Member Schwab asked if there is a deadline for accepting quotes for a new Generac style backup generator for the PD building?
Council Member Schwab asked when will the Village be able to advertise the sale of unneeded Village vehicles and equipment on the Internet. VA Miller stated the Solicitor is reviewing the forms and Clerk King has filled out the forms she needed. We are just finishing up the process and will be continuing to move forward.
Items brought up by Council Member Hilliard:
- Storm drainage issues at 574 Dartmouth.
- Ditches and gutters need cleaned out on Harmon and at the end of First Street East.
- Light poles on Field #3. VA Miller and Council Member Long have been looking into. Some issues and possible solutions were discussed.
- Complaint that the new decorative lights on East Main Street are too bright.
- Removal of poles from the alley behind the Fire Department.
- There was a resident in Brewster Parke that qualified as an indigent and the Village is responsible for the $500 cremation bill. The Mayor was able to work with her church and the cemetery where her husband was buried to enable her to be buried next to him. Council Member Schwab stated that there has only been 3 indigent burials in Brewster in his 30 years of public service.
- The baseball fields will be opening but the playgrounds will remain closed. Council Member Hilliard asked if the Village would have to provide face shields.
- There was a free food giveaway on March 13th from 8 am – 1 pm at the old Sturm’s lot by Grace Church in Berlin. Mayor Hawk stated there were 100 boxes of food distributed. They ran out of boxes by 9:30. The church plans to have another distribution later this spring.
1. I’ve been in touch with the Auditor’s Office. We need to set up two new funds for the cemetery. The first readings were this evening. One will be used for the operations of the cemetery and the other for the Endowment Trust. I have been going through ORC and State Bulletins, I’ll keep you updated.
- I received the new credit cards through Consumers National Bank. They gave us a $10,000 limit to start. I plan to keep the $5,000 Bank of America card open for backup until the limit on the new card reaches $15,000 unless there is an issue by Council.
- Fairless High School Student Council will be hosting a 2021 Fairless Mother’s Day 5k Walk/Run. The sponsorship levels are a Bronze Sponsor at $100, Silver at $250, and Gold at $500. Each of these levels would have our name listed on the back of the race shirts. Form due by 04/01/2021.
- Dave Godwin’s emails:
- Mrs. King, could you please ask council these questions I have over these 2 topics please? 1.) When Will the village hall and utility offices be open back up to the public. And if unknown could you elaborate why or what the plan to open is. 2.) Why would council pay $50 to hold council meetings at the Wandle House when the new FD meeting was just completed. I know the Fire department meets there every week with more members then what’s generally go to council meetings. The FD has been meeting in person for a long time. So I am interested what kept council from opening up for so much longer. Please thank council for their time answering these question.
- Can you include when all workers will be back to work full time.
VA Miller’s replies are attached at the end of the minutes.
- Council Member Schwab asked to refresh our memory what is the Unclaimed Money Fund - currently $ 2539.00? This fund was created to remove open checks from our accounts. Any check more than 6 months old can be cleared in the reconciliation and the money is put into this fund for 5-years. If the recipient of the check does not claim it within that 5-years, then the money is transferred into the General Fund. This takes care of items like the 3-cent check that was on the books for years.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
Council Member Fox was approached by an individual while at a restaurant when he saw his Marines hat and after a conversation, asked Council Member Fox to share the following information with the Brewster community:
The SAM Center (Serving Area Military) of 413 Lincoln Way East of Massillon provides a drive-through food distribution the first and third Friday’s each month from 10am – 3pm. You must have a Military ID card. They also accept donated new clothes.
Council Member Fox stated you can get your Military ID card through the Stark County Recorder’s Office in Canton.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
- Community Reinvestment Area Housing Council Meeting minutes.
- Parks, Grounds, and Buildings Committee Meeting minutes.
- VA Miller reported on this evening’s Tree Board meeting. They discussed how things have been done, changes to the ordinance, and a future meeting is needed.
Tabled at Third Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to Contract with Wood Electric to Install a Back-up Generator for the Police Department.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to allow the use of Village owned and managed ballfields in accordance with all current and future State of Ohio COVID 19 guidelines. The vote: All yes.
Mayor Hawk scheduled a Tree Board meeting for Monday, March 22, 2021 at 10:00am in Village Hall and invited Council Member Schwab to the meeting.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to help sponsor the Fairless Mothers' Day 5K Run/Walk at the $500 Gold level funded by the Recreation Fund. The Vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the Mayor's request for $ 500 for an indigent burial. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Schwab asked VA Miller about the Stark-Tusc-Wayne Solid Waste District’s grant options. VA Miller explained that they are looking at giving Yard Waste Sites an alternative $25,000 grant to create a locked yard waste site that requires a card to get inside. After speaking with VA Miller, the District stated that this setup is not for every site and also gave special dispensation to the Village to have extra time to consider instead of having to make a decision on such short notice.
Ray Heitger of 317 East 7th Street stated the Recreation Board is planning on having their Summer Concert Series. There will be no bleachers as they advertise for everyone to bring lawn chairs anyway. VA Miller discussed using field lime to make circles for families to sit in and stay 6-feet from the next family.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor
VA Miller’s response to Dave Godwin’s emails:
- When Will the village hall and utility offices be open back up to the public. And if unknown could you elaborate why or what the plan to open is. The utility office and Village Hall have always been open to the public, but on a limited and controlled basis in accordance with COVID Guidance. Residents can ring the door bell, come in with masks on if it an issue that goes beyond dropping off their payment. It has been limited in this way because we have only two (2) employees trained to work on the utility side, and if both had to quarantine/isolate at the same time the Village’s income would be cut off. We have had a number of time periods where we were down to one (1) employee because of isolating/quarantining. The plan to open is when the employees are able to be vaccinated the utility office can be fully opened again without the potential threat that Village payments cease because of the need to isolating/quarantining. We are not like the Credit Union or Bank where we have a deep pool of employees to fall back on.
- Why would council pay $50 to hold council meetings at the Wandle House when the new FD meeting was just completed. There is no Fire Department Meeting Room as part of the Fire Department Addition. An additional public meeting room was an ALTERNATE that was not awarded because of cost/budget. I know the Fire department meets there every week with more members then what’s generally go to council meetings. The FD has been meeting in person for a long time. The Fire Department does not meet in a meeting room – they meet in the Fire Station bays. In addition, all Fire Department personnel have been vaccinated or have had an opportunity to be vaccinated. Finally, IF Council were to meet in the Fire Department, which we attempted to do, it puts an added burden on the Fire Department to sterilize all surfaces that Council has had access to. Finally, as the Fire department personnel have repeatedly been exposed to COVID patients, it isn’t wise for Council to meet in the Fire Department and potentially also get exposed. So I am interested what kept council from opening up for so much longer. The short answer is Council was following the law and the advice of its Law Director. The State of Ohio had a limit on the number of individuals that can be in the same room for an extended period of time. They have had and continue to allow public bodies like Council to meet remotely. Only recently has the State of Ohio relaxed the restrictions to the point that we can meet with masks socially distanced in a room such as the one the WANDLE House has provided. Village Hall can accommodate 7 with masks and socially distanced. The portion or the former Fire Department where the Tahoe and Grass Fire Truck were accommodates only 10. With 6 Councilpersons, a Clerk-Treasurer, a Law Director, and a VA there was only 1 spot left. And meeting there requires pulling a fire vehicle out and back in.
- The short answer to Mr. Godwin’s last question: We will return to having all employees working together WHEN they all have received vaccinations and therefore Village operations are no longer threatened if one employee gets it, and all must quarantine/isolate. Thus creating the inability to provide public services (water, sewer, electric, plowing, salting, fire, EMS, and Police services, etc.).