January 19, 2021 - Meeting Minutes

JANUARY 19, 2021
7:00 P.M.
Due to COVID-19, this meeting was permitted by Sub.H.B.197 to be held through a conference call.  Notification was sent to the Massillon Independent, posted on the front doors, and posted on the BrewsterOhio.com website.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to excuse Council Member Fox from tonight’s meeting due to illness.  The vote: All yes.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Andrew Hess, Council Member                  Thomas Hilliard, Council Member             
Brett Long, Council Member                       Sydney Radich, Council Member                              
Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor                                Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the December 21, 2020 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the minutes as read.  The Vote: all yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 160,020.50.  The vote: Hess, no; Hilliard, no; Long, yes; Radich, yes; Schwab, yes.  Motion carries. 
Fire Chief Chris Colucy and Police Chief Keith Creter were also present on the call.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES:  Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
ORDINANCE 03-2021:An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to Contract with GPD Engineering for Professional Services for the Integration and Programming of a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System) at the Electric Substation was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to approve the ordinance as presented.  Council Member Hilliard asked VA Miller to explain this ordinance.  VA Miller explained this allows the Electric Department to monitor and control the substation.  It will provide reports of shortages and outages.  The hardware portion of the program has already been installed during the previous project and this is the software portion.  It will provide steps to prevent and shorten outages.  The vote: All yes.
Second Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to Contract with Engineering Associates for Services to Prepare Specifications and Required Bid Documents for a Brewster Electric Department Garage and a Street Department Garage.
First Reading:  An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to Contract with Wood Electric to Install a Back-up Generator for the Police Department.
First Reading:  A Resolution Granting Falcon Baseball Priority Use of the Village of Brewster Baseball and Softball Fields for the 2021 Practices and Games.
First Reading:  An Ordinance Authorizing Entering into an Operations and Maintenance Agreement with AMP Transmission, LLC (AMPT) for AMPT 69KV Transmission Line and Electric Substation Assets.
First Reading:  An Ordinance Reestablishing Quarterly Transfers from the General Fund and Quarterly Transfers from the 1% for Municipal Income Tax.
RESOLUTION 04-2021: First Reading:  A Resolution Amending Resolution 78-2020 Temporary Appropriations for 2021, to Include the Cares Act-State Fund and Declaring an Emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.  The vote: All Yes.  Council Member Hilliard asked if some of the CARES money can be moved to the Fire Operations Fund.  Clerk-Treasurer King stated a transfer cannot be made but wages could be paid for COVID related calls.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Chief Chris Colucy
  1. There were 50 calls so far in 2021.
  2. There was an occupancy walk-though of the expansion and there are a few issues that need taken care of.
  3. Two grants are being applied for from the State Fire Marshall and there are applications being made for a pumper and turnout gear.
  4. Council Member Hilliard asked if all calls are currently being considered COVID calls.  Chief Colucy stated that Red Center screens all calls for COVID.
  5. Chief Colucy is asking Council to find an evening to walk through the expansion.
  6. Council Member Schwab asked if all the shifts have been filled since the station is now manned 24/7.  Chief Colucy stated all shifts have been filled with current department members and two new employees will be starting shortly.
  7. Council Member Hilliard asked the Chief if he had a back-up plan for the festival for this year.  The Chief replied that they will send out solicitation letters and hold various raffles.
B. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Keith Creter
  1. Chief Creter reported that all officers have been trained on and will carry the BolaWrap.  Mayor Hawk congratulated the Chief on his news release and commended him on the profession job he did.
  2. The prisoner contract with Massillon Police will be delayed due to discrepancies with the contract.
  • AMPT – Operation and Maintenance Contract. Last summer when we sold Brewster’s transmission line and 69Kv assets, we discussed Brewster Electric Department personnel continuing to perform maintenance on the transmission line and 69Kv assets and being reimbursed by AMPT. While a draft O & M Agreement was presented, Council didn’t authorize entering into it at that time. We have been negotiating an O & M Agreement with AMPT. In additional to Maysel, both Electric Superintendent Ryan Swan and Law Director Anthony have been involved in the negotiations. On a conference call Friday January 15th, an agreement was reached, that establishes responsibilities and how Brewster will be reimbursed for its operational and maintenance efforts on the transmission line and 69Kv assets.
So, at this time I am asking Council to adopt an ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an agreement with AMPT for operation and maintenance of the transmission line and 69Kv assets AMPT purchased from the Village in 2020.
  • Welty Cemetery-Agreement signed by all parties and is a valid contract.  I ask council to authorize me to engage a title agency to research the title issue, title insurance, and proceed with a closing of the transaction.  I will prepare the papers to send to the Ohio Department of Commerce.  I have been researching cemetery rules to offer a draft to Council that I will circulate probably next week some time.  I will work with Chuck to get that moving.
Council Member Schwab stated Council had a committee meeting tonight concerning possible 60 AMP electric systems in some Village electric customer's houses.   He asked if the Village has any liability if these possible installations would prove to be hazardous?  Solicitor Anthony advised he would review the Village Electric regulations, ask questions of the VA for background, and provide a report as to any liability at the next Council meeting.
Nothing to report.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to accept the VA’s January 19, 2020 report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting.  The vote: All yes.
Administrator’s report for period 1/5/2021 thru 1/19/2021:
  • Fire Station Addition – Progress. Construction has wrapped up. Final walk throughs are being completed.
Ø  Fire Station Addition – General Change Orders. No more general change orders.
  • Fire Department Addition – Plumbing & HVAC Change Orders. No changes since last meeting.
Ø  Fire Department Addition – Electric Change Orders. No electric change orderssince last meeting. 
  • Fire Station Addition – Phones. Phones are scheduled to be installed on January 18th. As indicated before, it was an issue that we weren’t aware of prior to beginning transition to the new Fire Department Addition. 
  • Fire Station Addition – Changes Orders & Overall Budget. No changes since last meeting. At this point, the overall cost status is essentially the same as last meeting. Theoverall perspective of where we stand with the Fire Addition Budget:
  • Original contracts for General, Electric, and Plumbing/HVAC amounted to $1,479,348.
  • General change orders to date amount to $131,603.92.
  • Plumbing/HVAC change orders to date amount to $3,023.00.
  • Electric change orders to date amount to $21,723.89 with the additional $6,158.39.
  • Total cost including change orders to this point brings us to $1,635,698.81 with the additional $6,158.39. We are 10.6% over the original award.
  • Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project. Construction activities continue for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Central Allied has 300 days to complete the project. 7th Street was closed beginning the week of January 11th so that the sewer line could be installed across 7th Street. It is slated to be reopened January 18th.
Thrasher is now fully on board to process pay submittals, review submittals and change orders, and perform inspection as needed.
  • Generator for Police Department. I now have two (2) quotes for installing the Police Department Back-up Generator (old Village Hall/FD Generator). The low bid is Wood Electric at $23,500. I requested a bid from another contractor but received no response.
Installation of the back-up generator will assure continued operations of the Police Department in the event of a power failure. It can only serve the Police Department. The current configuration is two meters/panels – one at the PD and one at Street. Code and safety considerations don’t allow us to mix.

The plan LONG TERM is to if/when a new Street Department Building is constructed, to feed the last 3 Street bays from that structure/service, and then split the PD bays portion back over to the PD/Generator. My thought is rather than full blown additional back-up generator for the new Street Department get battery back-up garage door openers so we can get equipment out, with something much smaller for lights etc. (like a home Generac). Much less expensive.

An Ordinance has been drafted and is slated to be given a first reading at Council’s January 19th Meeting awarded a contract to Wood Electric.

Electric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System).
  In February of 2020 I informed Council that during the preliminary engineering phase of the project, the Village chose to include SCADA hardware in the new control house. This was deemed the most efficient and expedient course of action based on the Village’s ultimate desire to install a SCADA system. It would potentially cost more to add SCADA hardware after completion of the Electric Substation Upgrade/Expansion Project. SCADA allows the Village to be much more efficient process to supervise and manage our distribution system. Preliminary engineering work was completed. SCADA hardware was included in the bids for the Electric Substation Upgrade/Expansion Project, and installation and wiring of the SCADA hardware in the control house was completed as part of the Substation Upgrade/Expansion.
Adding the new SCADA hardware required the following SCADA related preliminary engineering work:
  1. Develop the proposed Brewster SCADA system functional communications overview and detailed one-line diagrams.
  2. Develop Orion LX hardware configuration.
  3. Develop status & control points list in Excel spreadsheet format.
  4. Interface the new Orion LX with the existing ANTX auto-text alarm system to maintain present and proposed alarm points during the transition from ANTX to SCADA.
  5. Work with NovaTech to obtain the necessary technical information to develop:
    1. Equipment dimensional outline and Orion LX hardware layout drawings
    2. SCADA system Bill of Materials
    3. SCADA system detailed wiring diagram
  6. Issue above items to VFP (control house manufacturer) to fabricate and install in the new control house.
  7. Provide technical support to VFP as needed during fabrication.
  8. Include additional SCADA detailed wiring on GPD construction drawings to connect new and existing control house and field equipment (transformers, breakers, reclosers, regulators, etc.) to the new SCADA system.
The SCADA work was separately tracked under Task 300 on GPD P/N 2018040.01. Because the SCADA might be a cost that AMP Transmission may reimburse a portion of at some point as part of the 69 kV Asset Purchase, and so that there is less confusion, we entered into separate agreement with GPD in an amount not to exceed $16,000.
However, the original project scope with GPD for engineering of the Electric Substation Upgrade/Expansion Project did not include engineering of the accompanying software/programming of a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). The original scope included only connection of new equipment alarms to the existing ANTX (Auto text alarm system).
I have been negotiating with GPD for the engineering of the accompanying software/programming of a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). GPD has provided a proposal to perform the engineering necessary to program, commission and place into service our Orion SCADA system hardware at Southside Substation in an amount of $69,500.
I am recommending that Council pass legislation to enter into contract with GPD in the amount of $69,500 to perform the engineering necessary to program, commission and place into service our Orion SCADA system hardware at Southside Substation.
  • 2021 Paving Program.I have provided background for the upcoming Finance and Streets, Alleys, Curbs, Storm Sewers, & Sidewalks Committee Meetings on the 2021 Paving Program. The Clerk-Treasurer has indicated that:
  • we have in the paving fund approximately $72,000.
  • we will have another projected/approximate amount of $160,000 in the paving fund by July 1st, 2021.
  • TOTAL projected amount for 2021 Paving Program of $232,000
Council passed an Ordinance at the Monday January 4th Council Meeting. I have received an updated PCR from Thrasher, and I am working on finalizing the Paving Specifications prior to advertising for bids. I will not be able to place the first advertisement until after February 5th.
I previously provided background for the upcoming Finance and Streets, Alleys, Curbs, Storm Sewers, & Sidewalks Committee Meetings on the 2021 Paving Program. The PRELIMINARY list of streets for 2021, using Pavement Condition Ratings (PCRs) from 2017 and PCRs from 2020, was:




2nd Street SE


East Terminus

Main Street SE



Jefferson Ave SE



5th Street SE



5th Street SE



1st Street SW



Grant Ave SW



2nd Street SW



McKinley Ave SW


North terminus


1200 feet +/-


The separate list in the table below the main list were the potential streets to be added, within the budget constraints of course:




Harmon Street NE



Tuscarawas Ave NW



Superior Street NE



6th Street SW



McKinley Ave SW



I have had Thrasher re-rate the Village streets. I have been reviewing them with Street Superintendent Rick Patterson. The NEW tentative list to be included in the Bid Specifications are:




Estimated Cost

Running Total

Chestnut NW


Drive to south (660 feet)



Main Street SE





2nd Street SW





Grant Ave SW





McKinley SW


7th Street



2nd Street SE


East Terminus



Harmon Ave NE










Chestnut NW

Drive to south

East to just before 13415 (970 feet)



McKinley Ave SW


North terminus



      There are some changes from the last listing I provided Council in my January 4th VA Report:
  • 1st Street from Grant to Lincoln has been REMOVED because of higher rating.
  • 2nd Street from Wabash to McKinley remains on, even though it isn’t rated quite as low as others because we tore it up installing storm sewer, need to reinstall curb and gutter, and it doesn’t make sense to “patch it in” as opposed to getting the entire segment completed.
  • 2nd Street SE from Jefferson to east terminus remains on the list because it is completing a street we began last year.
  • Jefferson Ave SE from 5th to 7th and 5th Street SE from Cleveland to Jefferson have been REMOVED because they will be paved (Jefferson completely rebuilt) as part of the Jefferson Sanitary Sewer Project.
  • 5th Street SE from Wabash to Cleveland has been REMOVED because it isn’t rated as low as we thought it would.
  • McKinley from Bimeler to 7th was ADDED because of its low PCR rating.
  • Harmon moved to main list.
  • Additional section of Chestnut as potential addition. Chestnut is worst rated Street, BUT not a lot of traffic and NO residents on road. Based on failures last couple of years to get it on MRF list, not much chance outside funding coming.
  • McKinley SW from 2nd to north terminus (Park) which includes curb and gutter as LAST add on, which I am suggesting so that we can tie neighborhood into Park per suggestion of Comprehensive Plan. Putting it as a potential add on means it won’t be done UNTIL we get bids and know cost AND Council votes to add it on.
      Estimates will be firmed up by Engineer – we must have engineer’s estimate to bid. When I get
it I will pass it on to Council.
  • AMPT – Operation and Maintenance Contract. Last summer when we sold Brewster’s transmission line and 69Kv assets, we discussed Brewster Electric Department personnel continuing to perform maintenance on the transmission line and 69Kv assets and being reimbursed by AMPT. While a draft O & M Agreement was presented, Council didn’t authorize entering into it at that time. We have been negotiating an O & M Agreement with AMPT. In additional to Maysel, both Electric Superintendent Ryan Swan and Law Director Anthony have been involved in the negotiations. On a conference call Friday January 15th, an agreement was reached, that establishes responsibilities and how Brewster will be reimbursed for its operational and maintenance efforts on the transmission line and 69Kv assets.
So, at this time I am asking Council to adopt an ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an agreement with AMPT for operation and maintenance of the transmission line and 69Kv assets AMPT purchased form the Village in 2020.
  • SRTS – Right-of-Way Acquisition. We have received authorization from ODOT to proceed with right-of-way acquisition. OR Colan will begin contacting property owners on the Village’s behalf.
  • Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI). The AMI Project continues to move forward. The base station has been delivered and installation has begun. Core and Main, the company that was awarded the Village’s AMI Meter Project, indicated that within a couple of weeks the antenna/receiver and other infrastructure necessary to support the AMI Meters will be in place. The Electric Department can soon begin installation. Letters are going out to all customers to inform them of the AMI upgrade. The contract amendment (“change order”) can be signed January 20th, 2021, so we will start getting delivery of the water meter attachments after that date.
  • Efficiency Smart – Rebates. Heating and cooling make up the largest portion of the average household’s energy bill. Efficiency Smart offers rebates on products that can help you save on these costs, including a $750 rebate on cold climate air source heat pumps and a $100 rebate on air source heat pumps. Visit www.efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio and select “Home Energy Rebates” or call 877-889-3777 for more information on available rebates.
  • Efficiency Smart – “Buy Local” Program. The “Buy Local” program has been extended from 9/30 to 11/30.  Brochures are available.
  • Efficiency Smart - Advanced Thermostat.  Save up to an additional $70 off the purchase of an Advanced Thermostat! Visit Efficiency Smart’s Online Savings store at www.efi.org/efficiencysmart for special Black Friday pricing and free shipping on advanced thermostats between 11/13 – 12/1. Call Efficiency Smart at 877-889-3777 for more information.
  • Efficiency Smart – “Trivia Tuesdays”. Efficiency Smart is running called “Trivia Tuesdays”.  Each Tuesday in November, Efficiency Smart will post a new energy efficiency trivia question on its Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/EfficiencySmart . Those who answer correctly will be entered to win a $25 promo code redeemable on our Online Savings store. https://www.efficiencysmart.org/online-savings   Efficiency Smart will randomly select one winner each week, so residents can participate each week for more chances to win. Efficiency Smart is asking for our help increasing awareness of the contest by sharing Trivia Tuesday information.
Council Member Hilliard thought that we weren’t doing the upkeep on the new substation.  VA Miller stated we get paid for any work we perform.  He stated that it is better that we do the maintenance which allows up to keep a closer eye on the equipment and operations.  It is also financially beneficial.  AMPT is adding a $17 million line into our substation.
Council Member Hilliard asked if the generator being installed at the Police Department is the old one from the Fire Station.  He questioned whether it was needed when we didn’t have a generator there in the past.  VA Miller stated it would provide power in case of an outage or disaster such as a tornado. 

VA Miller added the following to his report:
  • Jefferson Project:  7th Street will need to be closed through this Friday due to the depth of the work and not wanting the heavy trucks driving over it yet.
  • 3 bat houses have been provided by Cole Tucker as part of an Eagle Scout project.
  1. Welty Cemetery proposal is moving forward.  A committee will need to be put together.  Mayor Hawk asked anyone interested to contact him.
  2. Street equipment is being moved to the north side garage to make room for the police cruisers.
  3. Mayor Hawk had asked Council Members if they would like to change which committees they would like to chair.  No one has spoken up so Mayor Hawk will have the list prepared for the next meeting.
1.      Fire Pay = $ 2822.59 January 22nd Payroll.
  1. I am in quarantine through January 29th.  I am doing my best to keep up with the help from all the ladies in the office giving a helping hand. 
  2. The income tax forms are being resent out to the residents.  They were sent out with the old rate.  The correct rate is 2%. 
  3. I sent out a resolution of temporary appropriations which would permit me to pay the Fire Department bonuses from the CARES Act grant before the permanent appropriations are prepared and approved.  This resolution adds the $10,603.81 that was permitted to be carried over which the state approved on the 31st of December.
  4. I also sent out an ordinance adjusting the quarterly transfers to reflect the Recreation Fund reduction to zero since last year’s funds were not used due to the pandemic.  We should review our funds mid-year.
  5. I sent out the Certificate of Total Amount Available for 2021 to Council.  This was also sent to the Auditor’s Office.  This report is the foundation for our 2021 Appropriation Ordinance and budget.
  6. The 2020 Payroll has been reconciled.   W2’s have been distributed to employees.  Filings to SSA and the state are a little more challenging from home, but I’ll get it done by the deadline.
  7. We are continuing with payment applications for the Fire Station Addition.  I’ll have a running total for the next meeting.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
Council Member Hilliard was contacted about roosters, chickens, and ducks at a residence.  The police took care of the situation.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
Council Member Schwab reported on a Finance Committee meeting this evening to discuss 60 AMP services in the Village and the purchase of a V-Box to spread salt.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the employment of a title agency by the Solicitor for the Welty Cemetery acquisition.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried approve Fire Pay in the amount of $ 2822.59 from the Fire Operations Fund.  The vote: All yes.
Council Member Hilliard asked if the Temporary Appropriation Resolution passed.  Clerk-Treasurer King replied that it had.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor