MARCH 1, 2021
7:00 P.M.
Due to COVID-19 and the social distancing requirement, this meeting was held at the Brewster/Sugarcreek Historical Society’s Wandle House at 45 Wabash Ave S in Brewster. Notification was sent to the Massillon Independent, posted on Village Hall front doors, and posted on the BrewsterOhio.com website.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Andrew Hess, Council Member
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member Brett Long, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the February 16, 2021 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the minutes as read. The Vote: all yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 758,791.79. The vote: All yes.
Fire Chief Chris Colucy, Police Chief Keith Creter, and Ray Heitger were also present.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
Tabled at Third Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to Contract with Wood Electric to Install a Back-up Generator for the Police Department.
Third Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of a V-Box for the Street Department was given third reading. The original legislation was written as an emergency. VA Miller stated the emergency clause is no longer needed as it will not be able to be delivered for this winter season. The legislation dies due to lack of motion.
ORDINANCE 13-2021: An Ordinance Establishing Permanent Appropriation for the Fiscal Year 2021 was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pass the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 14-2021: An Ordinance Authoring and Consenting to ODOT to Maintain Markings, Plow and Salt, and Maintain and Repair State Highways within the Corporation Limits was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pass the legislation as read. The vote: All yes. It was asked if this was something new, and it was stated that similar legislation was passed years ago.
Second Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Awarding of a Contract for the 2021 Brewster Paving Program.
Second Reading: A Resolution Approving/Disapproving the Recommendation of the Tax Incentive Review Council. This resolution has an emergency clause to be used at third reading.
First Reading: An Ordinance Vacating a Portion on Virginia Court (an alley) and Utah Court (an alley).
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Chris Colucy
- There were 135 calls so far in 2021.
- The Department received a $1,400 Fire Marshal grant.
- The grant for turnout gear, gear dryer, and hose has not been awarded yet.
- Chief Colucy is waiting to determine whether or not to have the festival until Governor DeWine provides guidelines. He is hoping to have an answer for the next meeting.
- Council Member Hilliard stated that even if there were no festival, he would still like to see a fireworks display. Chief Colucy stated that he would still be concerned about social distancing.
- Council Member Schwab asked the Chief how the 24/7 schedule for the Paramedic Program was going. The Chief stated it was going well and he hasn’t had any trouble filling shifts.
B. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Keith Creter
- The February monthly report was sent out to Council in the email that shows 613 calls that include 312 with direct citizen contact.
- Council Member Fox asked the Chief if he has used the BolaWrap yet. The Chief stated they haven’t had to use it yet, which is a good thing.
- Solicitor Anthony reported on the acquisition of Welty Cemetery. He has received the title work. He is going to have Mayor Hawk take a couple of items, gas and mineral rights being one of them, to the Trustees. Solicitor Anthony plans to turn in the documents tomorrow. Once it is closed, the paperwork will be sent to the Department of Commerce. Once passed there, the Village will take over the cemetery. The cemetery will continue to operate under the current guidelines. The solicitor stated everything appears to be coming together.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the VA’s March 1, 2021 report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting. The vote: All yes.
Administrator’s report for period 2/17/2021 thru 3/1/2021:
- Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project. Construction activities continue for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project.
Work on the new sanitary main is basically complete, aside from filling in the old/abandoned line.
An initial meeting was held on site with the Contractor, Village representatives, and Thrasher to review the next phase of work, which is the water line. The water line installation has been postponed twice due to the weather forecast, specifically the low temperatures. Tentatively weather permitting Central Allied is looking at beginning water line work the week of March 1st.
In reviewing the waterline placement, the current alignment at the west side of Jefferson has some potential issues (It is staked if you wish to view it). It can’t be moved to the east on the west side of the street because it would either be under curb and gutter (making FAR future repair costly) and/or have trouble maintaining separation from the sanitary sewer. But if it were to be moved to the east side, separation can be maintained from the sanitary line and it can be kept in the grass behind the curb and gutter. Thrasher reviewed to see whether that would be plausible, and whether we can do so with our current PTI from the EPA. I have finished consulting with Thrasher, and they feel we can proceed with the partial relocation as it is a field change.
The next payment request will begin our drawdown of OPWC Funds. I spoke with our OPWC representative, and it was indicated that OPWC will draw down first against our grant funds, and once those are exhausted then draw against our loan funds. Our representative also indicated that we will be able to ask for reimbursement of some of our engineering costs (Construction inspection)
- Electric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). Council passed the ordinance authorizing entering into a contract with GPD to complete the SCADA work for the new control house at the Substation on January 19th. The contract with GPD was executed on February 19th. February 19th was the first day a contract could be executed, as we had to wait 30 days after passage before the ordinance is effective without an emergency clause. I will keep Council informed as to the progress on the project.
- Generator for Police Department. I initially obtained two (2) quotes for installing the Police Department Back-up Generator (old Village Hall/FD Generator). The low bid was/is Wood Electric at $27,470. I requested a bid from another contractor but received no response.
A Councilperson has since suggested that since the Village did not explore the comparative cost for a NEW Generac style back-up generator for the Police Department, that that cost should be explored as well, so the legislation has been tabled to allow those costs to be determined. Currently there are four (4) additional companies coming in to view the facility and provide a quote. The quote is based on providing a generator to supply current and future electric load of the Police Department in the event of a power outage, both a generator and the appropriate installation costs to install it up to code.
Installation of the back-up generator will assure continued operations of the Police Department in the event of a power failure. It can only serve the Police Department. The current configuration is two meters/panels – one at the PD and one at Street. Code and safety considerations don’t allow us to mix.
The plan LONG TERM is to if/when a new Street Department Building is constructed, to feed the last 3 Street bays from that structure/service, and then split the PD bays portion back over to the PD/Generator. My thought is rather than full blown additional back-up generator for the new Street Department get battery back-up garage door openers so we can get equipment out, with something much smaller for lights etc. (like a home Generac). Much less expensive.
- Vacating Portions of Virginia Place and Utah Place. Last year a survey and vacation plat was prepared for the alley(s) behind 641 Horton. The first alley (Virginia) is 10 feet wide and runs parallel to Church and Horton - Church to the west and Horton to the east. It is approximately 410 feet long. The second alley (Utah) is also 10 feet wide and runs approximately 125 feet from the previously described alley to the west to Church, along the north property line of parcel 7001847. The vacation was initiated because of trees that were planted by residents in the alley as property line markers and/or windbreaks.
Ohio Revised Code Section 723.05 provides in relevant part:
When, in the opinion of the legislative authority, there is good cause for vacating ... a street or alley, or any part thereof, and that such vacation ... will not be detrimental to the general interest, it may, by ordinance and without petition therefor, vacate or narrow such street or alley or any part thereof. The original ordinance or a certified copy thereof shall be recorded in the official records of the county recorder.
Based on our fact pattern, Ohio Revised Code Section 723.06 requires that a notice be published,
stating in relevant part:
Notice of the intention of the legislative authority of a municipal corporation to vacate any street, alley, avenue, or part thereof shall be given as provided in section 723.07 of the Revised Code, except when written consent to such vacation is filed with the legislative authority by the owners of the property abutting the part of the street or alley proposed to be vacated, in which case such notice shall not be required.
Ohio Revised Code 723.07 notice requirement states in relevant part:
No street or alley shall be vacated ... unless notice ... is given by publishing, in a newspaper of general circulation in such municipal corporation, for six consecutive weeks preceding action ...
So, Council will need to set a date for taking action on an ordinance to vacate portions of Virginia Place and Utah Place far enough into the future that notice can be given by publication in the newspaper six (6) times prior to acting on the ordinance. It has been drafted and is on the agenda for a first reading for the March 1st Council Meeting.
I would request a motion from Council directing me to advertise as required by ORC and the Ordinance March 9th, March 16th, March 23rd, March 30th, April 6th, and April 13th.
Further , while this process to vacate an alley/street does not require either Planning Commission action, nor does it appear to be a statutory requirement for Council to hold a "Public Hearing", I also suggest announcing/holding
a "Public Hearing" on April 19th, and notifying the abutting owners by regular mail, as we have with petitions for vacation.
If Council determines it wishes to hold a "Public Hearing" on April 19th, and notifying the abutting owners by regular mail, as we have with petitions for vacation, I would also ask it to direct me to do so by motion.
- Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI). The AMI Project continues to move forward. We finally had good enough weather that allowed NOASH construction to be on site (Thursday February 25th and Friday February 26th). They are installing the base station, the antenna/receiver, and other infrastructure necessary to support the AMI Meters. After NOASH completes the installation, Core and Main will then commission the base station. That process usually only takes one (1) day. We should be ready to begin putting meters beginning in March. After meters are installed and showing up in the RNI, we will have our RNI training scheduled and we will also be ready to integrate Sensus Analytics into our billing software.
Letters have gone out to all customers to inform them of the AMI upgrade.
- 2021 Paving Program. Bids have been advertised on February 9th and 16th. Two (2) addendums have been issued. Bids will be opened March 4th. A recommendation will be forwarded to Council after the review.
- 2021 OPWC Application – Potential Project.On January 20th I and in the VA Report for February 1st, I outlined potential projects that could be submitted for OPWC Funding. In subsequent internal conversation with Water Superintendent he has indicated that the Barber Water Line Replacement can be done with Village forces. Therefore, I am not exploring getting engineered drawings for that project.
However, the Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement and Rehabilitation Project, with over 24 taps to be reinstalled and the possibility of having to rebuild Tuscarawas is a good OPWC candidate.
As I previously indicated, the water line on Tuscarawas between Locustdale and Chestnut needs replaced, as do the water lines on Pinewood and Locustdale due to:
- Age. The water lines are in excess of 60 years old and sandcast iron. The water line to the north (same vintage) in Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon was replaced in 2018.
- Prospective Paving of Tuscarawas between Harmon and Locustdale. The Water Superintendent indicated that the water lines on Tuscarawas should be replaced prior to/concurrent with paving or rebuild, as stress on cast sandcast water lines that are over 60 years old (or more) might cause breaks, requiring tearing up new pavement if they are not replaced prior to or concurrent to paving/rebuild.
I met with W.E. Quicksall this morning regarding scope. Scope is necessary step before a price proposal can be forwarded/negotiated. In those discussions, the scope is going to be limited to the water line replacement. While replacing the water line and repaving or rebuilding at the same time could make sense, it also could put the Village in the position of doing more work and therefore spending more money than necessary.
- Replacing the water line and repaving or rebuilding at the same time requires more cost for engineering.
- Replacing the water line and repaving or rebuilding at the same time may end up with the Village assuming that this portion of Tuscarawas is as bad as the portion to the north, and engineer/plan/spend accordingly. The rebuild of Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon cost approximately $45,000 in 2018. IF we planned to do the same with this rebuild, we are talking 4 “blocks” or $180,000.
- Core sampling has proven inadequate to determine what is below the surface of Brewster Streets.
- The best way to KNOW what Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon, as well as Pinewood and Locustdale, is to look at cross-sections with the main and laterals when the waterline is replaced. That will provide the best indicator of what needs to be done for the streets.
So, the plan is to get the water line replaced, and after the water line is replaced determine whether Tuscarawas between Chestnut and Harmon, as well as Pinewood and Locustdale, need to simply be repaved or need to be completely rebuilt. Based on that determination, the Village can either add it to a future Paving Program or prepare specs for a rebuild and apply for a subsequent grant.
I provided a snapshot in my previous email of where we are in the project process. I have taken the liberty of expanding the “CHECKLIST” to show all the steps, which is:
Project identified
Choose Engineer
- Rank Engineering Firms based on SOQs
Determine & Agree on Scope of Services
- Negotiate with Top Ranked Engineering Firm
Obtain and Negotiate Price for Scope of Services
- Negotiate with Top Ranked Engineering Firm
- If not satisfied, move to 2nd ranked Engineering Firm
Prepare Legislation for Council to Enter into Contract with Engineer for Design/Plans
Council Authorizes Entering into Contract with Engineer
Execute Contract with Engineer
Engineer Completes Plans & Specifications
Engineer Provides Engineer’s Estimate
Prepare Legislation for Council to Apply for Grant
Council Authorizes Applying for Grant
Prepare Grant Application (with or without Engineer’s Assistance)
Submit Grant
Await Decision
IF Yes, wait for appropriate Start Date for Bidding
IF NO, proceed to Next Step
Prepare Legislation for Council to Authorize Bidding
Council Authorizes Bidding
“Obtain” Prevailing Wages to include in Bid Specifications
Advertise for Bids
- Amendments to Specifications if necessary
Open Bids
Review Bids
- Verify that lowest & best bid is within 10% of engineer’s estimate
Prepare Legislation for Council to Award Contract
Make Award Recommendation to Council
Council Awards Contract
Submit Prevailing Wage Bid Tabulation Form to Commerce
Complete Contract Documents
- Solicitor Reviews Contract Documents
Execute Contracts
Notice to Proceed
Notice of Commencement filed with Recorder
Pre-Construction Meeting
Commence Construction
The “Checklist” above is essentially the same for all Village Projects that require engineering.
Once the scope of services is established, the next step is negotiating a price.
Once a price is negotiated, I will bring it to Council for them to approve or reject.
While I recognize that Council does not wish to pass legislation on an emergency basis, and I am certainly at this point reluctant to make emergency request, IF Council wants to be able to turn this project in for THIS year’s OPWC Round, Council should consider passing the authorization for the Village Administrator to enter into an engineering contract on an emergency basis.
- Decorative Lighting – East Main between Wabash & Cleveland. The Electric Department began work installing the new decorative lighting on East Main between Wabash and Cleveland. The bases are installed. When weather permits the installation will continue.
- Tree Program – 2021. All Tree City activity as well as all work on tree removal, sidewalk replacement due to trees, and purchasing replacement trees has stopped pending a meeting of the Tree Board. I have forwarded information to the Tree Board to allow it to make all decisions going forward on tree removal, sidewalk replacement, and tree replacement as well as other relevant actions regarding the Tree Program.
- Columbia Gas – Gas Line Repairs in Streets. I have continued to stay in communication with Columbia Gas about their post-paving repairs on Wabash, expressing “dis-satisfaction” that they are tearing up brand new pavement.
- AMPT – Operation and Maintenance Contract. The AMPT O & M Agreement was passed on the third reading February 16th. The O & M Agreement can be executed March 19th, at which time the Village can also bill for its costs for the insulator damage last Fall of 2020.
- SRTS – Right-of-Way Acquisition. We have received authorization from ODOT to proceed with right-of-way acquisition. OR Colan has begun contacting property owners on the Village’s behalf.
- Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) – Residential. There has been a meeting scheduled for the CRA Housing Council on March 1st to meet to review residential CRA abatements granted in the past, so that the Village’s annual report can be submitted to the State of Ohio.
The CRA Housing Council’s is tasked with making an annual inspection of the properties within the community reinvestment area for which an exemption has been granted. The annual inspection is to ascertain that the improvements for which the abatement has been granted have been constructed (they have) and are still in use (haven’t burned down etc.) The CRA abatement that was granted 305 2nd St SE expired last year, so we have just one (1) property that an exemption has been granted for:
Ohio Revised code establishes that the CRA Housing Council is comprised of seven (7) total members. Our CRA Housing Council is comprised of:
- two members appointed by the Mayor who are:
- Mayor Charles Hawk (3-year term effective January 1, 2020 expiring December 31, 2022)
- Sydney Radich (3-year term effective January 1, 2020 expiring December 31, 2022)
- two members appointed by Council who are:
- Jerry Layne (2-year term effective January 1, 2020 expiring December 31, 2021)
- Ken Damewood (2-year term effective January 1, 2020 expiring December 31, 2021)
- one member appointed by the Planning Commission
- currently VACANT
- two members appointed by a majority of the foregoing members, who shall be residents of the political subdivision, who are:
- Ray Heitger (3-year term effective January 1, 2020 expiring December 31, 2022)
- Andrew Hess (3-year term effective January 1, 2020 expiring December 31, 2022)
I would request all members inspect the property, so that on March 1st at 6:45 pm when the CRA Housing Council meets it can verify the property has been inspected and that the abatement should continue or be terminated.
- Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) – Brewster Dairy. The process for submitting the Village’s annual report for commercial abatements (Brewster Dairy only active commercial abatement) is different than that for residential CRA abatements.
The process for submitting the Village’s annual report for commercial abatements (Brewster Dairy only active commercial abatement) is different than that for residential CRA abatements. The abatement must first be reviewed by a Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC), which is established by Ohio Revised Code 5709.85 and Brewster’s enabling legislation to be made up of:
- Three representatives appointed by the Board of County Commissioners
- Two appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of Council
- The County Auditor (or their designee)
- A representative from the affected Board of Education in the CRA (Fairless)
The TIRC meeting has been set for Monday, March 15, 2021 9:45 AM-10:45 AM. The TIRC will make a recommendation to:
- continue the tax abatement in place for Brewster Dairy
- modify the tax abatement in place for Brewster Dairy
- reject (terminate) the tax abatement in place for Brewster Dairy
After the TIRC meets and makes a recommendation on Brewster Dairy’s CRA Tax Abatement to accept, modify, or reject the current CRA tax abatement, Council needs to vote on that recommendation. That vote must take place before March 31, 2021, so that the annual report can be submitted to the State of Ohio.
- MCTV Wi-Fi Hotspot. MCTV has installed “hot spots” in various locations throughout the Village at no cost for the public to access the internet, such as the bench in front of Village Hall on Main, the Police Department, and Sabo Park.
With the completion of the $1.6 million Fire Station, main access for the public/firefighter-paramedics and the public has changed from Main near Wabash (again, where one of the hotspots was installed) to the “rear” of the Fire Station Addition off of Nickle Plate Place.
As most traffic to the station has been rerouted, I have reached out to MCTV to either move the existing hotspot or preferably, add a new hotspot to the patio area to the south of the Fire Station and Village Hall. MCTV has agreed to add an access point for the patio area. They will be scheduling the installation for the Public Wi-Fi (Hotspot) in the near future.
Efficiency Smart – Rebates. Heating and cooling make up the largest portion of the average household’s energy bill. Efficiency Smart offers rebates on products that can help you save on these costs, including a $750 rebate on cold climate air source heat pumps and a $100 rebate on air source heat pumps. Visit
www.efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio and select “Home Energy Rebates” or call 877-889-3777 for more information on available rebates.
- Efficiency Smart – “Buy Local” Program. For a limited time, Efficiency Smart is offering small businesses an increased incentive for purchasing qualifying LED products from a designated local business. Contact Bob Golden with Efficiency Smart at rgolden@efficiencysmart.org or (614) 468-4904 for a list of designated local suppliers and contractors or for more information.
- Efficiency Smart - 2021 Retail Lighting. A participation agreement should be in place soon with Belloni for reduced cost LED light bulbs. The goal is to have inventory in stores by March 15th with official launch April 1st
- Efficiency Smart Communications - Bill Messages are being run on March bills promoting Facebook and e-newsletters with tips and promotions. In addition a newspaper ad is running in the Far Corner targeted for March 1st which can be also be accessed the Portal www.efficiencysmart.org/municipal-login
VA Miller stated that the Village is not required to hold a Public Meeting for the vacation of the alleys but feels it is prudent and would like Council to schedule it for April 19th.
VA Miller has been trying to find information on propane tanks and any restrictions that may apply. Council Member Schwab suggested checking with the county and the state. VA Miller stated Supt. Maybaugh found out that they had to be 10 feet from any structure and some anchoring references. VA Miller stated he would call the county and see what they had to say.
We have three signed contracts for summer concerts so far. There was a discussion on the area being ready after the storm sewer replacement and also social distancing requirements.
VA Miller had an online meeting with AMPT regarding the redundant feed to the substation.
Council Member Hilliard stated the gas company cutout on the north side was pretty bad. VA Miller has contacted the gas company and it usually takes a day for them to respond so we have been filling it in until the gas company responds. We have already filled it twice. Mayor Hawk stated the VA has been trying to get it taken care of but the gas company isn’t very user friendly.
Council Member Hilliard received a complaint about water laying in a resident’s driveway at 574 Dartmouth. Unfortunately the property is at a dead-end of the storm sewer at the swamp and the water has nowhere to go. VA Miller is going to get a vactor in but is afraid it may collapse the pipe.
- The Easter Egg Hunt has been cancelled this year.
- The Mayor is looking into setting up a spring cleanup. Council Member Hilliard didn’t think there was a good response last year and suggested only doing it once a year.
- The loan for the Fire Station Expansion Project was closed on Thursday.
- There will be a free food giveaway on March 13th from 8 am – 1 pm at the old Sturm’s lot by Grace Church in Berlin. Council Member Hilliard stated he will let his wife know so she can let the families in need know it’s available.
- A dedication of Field #1 as the Terry Fowler Field will be scheduled towards the end of the season in order to have the field looking good after the storm sewer replacement.
1. Fire Pay for March 5th is $2,970.59. I’ve been asked why the fire pay is being singled out. I believe it came from the fact that they were considered volunteers and only paid twice a year. Now that they are considered part-time, does Council wish to continue this practice? Council Member Schwab and Council Member Fox suggested putting the total on the bill listing for approval.
- I received notification that our issue for the May 4, 2021 ballot has been certified. It will be Issue #5. It is a renewal and not a new tax. It is a total of ½ of a percent with .3 of 1% going into the Street Improvement Fund for Village streets and .2 of 1% going into the Police Income Tax Fund which helps support the increasing costs of technology and equipment and the SRO program at the Fairless Schools.
- We closed the Fire Station Expansion Project loan on February 25th. The total for the loan is $1,604,431.85. The amount discussed last meeting did not include the last disbursement request. We will be making an annual payment of $259,088.45 every February for the next 7 years. ($22,000/month)
- The Fire Department received a $5,172.46 grant for EMS supplies.
- Firemen’s Dependency Board Chairperson and Secretary need to be determined.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
Council Member brought up the storm sewer issue at 574 Dartmouth again that was discussed during the Village Administrators section.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
Council Member Long reported on the Parks, Grounds, and Building Committee meeting where potential projects were discussed for 2021.
VA Miller reported that a CRA meeting took place were a tax abatement for 771 McKinley was approved.
REMINDERS: Tree Board Meeting on March 15th at 6:30 pm.
Tabled at Third Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to Contract with Wood Electric to Install a Back-up Generator for the Police Department. Chief Creter reported that four vendors have visited the site.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried toadvertise the proposed vacation of portions of Virginia Place and Utah Place as required the Ohio Revised Code, to hold a Public Hearing on April 19th to present the proposed vacation to the public, and to advise the property owners abutting the two alleys of the proposed vacation and the public hearing by regular mail. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to replace the lock mechanism on the former Fire Meeting Room exterior door with an electronic lock compatible with the FD security network at a cost not to exceed $ 1900 paid from the Fire Income Tax Fund. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to contract with St. Clair/Pavlis to rehab the old Fire Department bathroom in accordance with the VA’s February 12th email at a cost not to exceed $ 10,000 paid from the Village’s Capital Projects Fund.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to place the fire pay on the regular bill listing for each meeting. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to approve the fire pay of $2,970.59 from the Fire Operations Fund. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HESS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the CRA Committee’s recommendation to approve the tax abatement for 771 McKinley. The vote: Radich, yes; Schwab, yes; Fox, yes; Hess, yes; Hilliard, abstain; Long, yes. Motion carries.
Mayor Hawk asked the Council Members if they found this facility acceptable for future meetings. All seemed to be in agreement that it worked well for social distancing and for future meetings.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor