September 7, 2021 - Meeting Minutes
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation, provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to excuse Council Member Schwab from this evening’s meeting. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to excuse Council Member Long from this evening’s meeting. The vote: All yes.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Thomas Hilliard, Council Member
Andrew Hess, Council Member Sydney Radich, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the August 16, 2021 Council meeting minutes. Clerk King requested an amendment to the minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $487,072.40. The vote: All yes.
Police Chief Creter and Fire Chief Colucy were also at the meeting.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
RESOLUTION 43-2021:A Resolution Authorizing the Village of Brewster to Prepare and Submit an Application to the Stark County 2021 Municipal Road Fund Program for West and East Elton and West and East 7th Street Improvement Project, and Execute Contracts as Required was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented. The vote: All yes.
Second Reading: An Ordinance of Supplemental Appropriations and Amending Ordinance 13-2021 relating to the Appropriations and providing for the Transfer of Funds within said Appropriation Funds for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2021.
Second Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing a Contract for the Construction/Remodeling of a Portion of the Former Fire Station to Address Covid Compliance.
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Employee 7.14 Reporting Fit for Duty Policy and the addition of the Policy as Defined to the Village Employee Handbook.
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Employee 7.12 Self-Reporting of Convictions and Pending Charges and the addition of the Policy as defined to the Village Employee Handbook.
First Reading: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 14-2018 and 76-2019 regarding the Village Employee Work Related Injury Leave and Benefits Policy.
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to contract with CT Consultants for Service to create a Hydraulic Model of the Brewster Water System on an emergency basis.
There was not a Super Majority, so this legislation was unable to be passed as an emergency. The contract was however, within the spending limits for the Village Administrator to pay without legislation. That being said:
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to permit the Village Administrator to contract with CT Consultants for a Hydraulic Model of the Brewster Water System. The vote: All yes.
- POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Keith Creter
Chief Creter provided on the following items in his report to Council:
- July Monthly Activity Report – 697 calls.
- There are currently two fulltime Officers out on injury leave. Shifts are being covered by PT Officers, the remaining FT Officers and the SRO Officers during off school hours. The Chief is doing his best to avoid overtime but as stated previously, the PT Officers have their own fulltime jobs and cannot always be available when needed.
- The Chief would like Council to consider a seventh fulltime Officer. The Clerk is working on the cost and what funds will be available in next year’s budget and beyond. The Chief described other ways the department can save money to pay for the seventh FT Officer. One item was that with seven FT Officers, overtime would be nearly non-existent. The Chief went on to explore other areas that will assist in making the position affordable. This is still in the preliminary stage but wanted to let Council know what he was working on.
- The department has switched completely from Verizon to FirstNet Cellular Services, mobile devices, and in-car MIFI’s. This will significantly reduce the monthly service bill.
- FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Chris Colucy
1. Year-to-Date calls at the end of August = 598.
- The department has received notification of the turnout gear grant award. The award is for $45,879 with the Village paying 5% plus some other fees including $3,000 to Gatchell Grant Writing Services. This will provide 15 Firefighters with new turnout gear. The Village will also need to provide additional new helmets. This will replace all 15 units that were purchased in 2011 and are about to expire.
- There has not been any word on the Pumper Grant yet.
- The Department will be holding an Open House on October 9th from 12-3 at the Fire Station Addition. This will be followed by an Octoberfest in the park from 4-midnight. The chief has received a Beer Permit but still needs to talk to Council Member Long concerning the soccer schedule.
- Ryan Johnson will be attending Fire School at Stark State College. This will be the 36-Hour Course.
- The Chief is requesting Council Approve Jason Robinson to attend Fire Inspector School. The class will be online then finish with a week at Bowling Green. The cost of the class is $565 and then lodging for 4 nights.
- Squad 155 had the steering go out and on the way to the shop blew out the turbo. The comparison of purchasing a chassis and remounting the box compared to the purchase of a new ambulance was discussed again.
- The Department is asking for the Village to purchase 2 lift extenders at a cost of $3,200. The Association has already purchased the lifts from their fund.
- The Chief provided a Pool Water Delivery Policy. Council Member Hilliard stated that the Association should have some sort of liability that provides protection for the Village. The liners in the pools they are filling can get quite expensive.
- An Officer in the Fire Department asked that Council go over to the Fire Station during one of their meetings and introduce themselves. So, the Mayor and Council, Clerk, and the Solicitor sat down with the seven Firefighters so everyone could put a name with a face. The firefighters at that meeting were Chief Colucy, Matt Bair, Dan Green, Trevor Heaton, Jared Baer, Roger Carpenter, and Kyle Hershey. All but the firefighters returned to Council Chambers.
- Purdue Pharma-Judges approved the plan submitted. There may be objections for releasing families from personal liabilities.
- Opioid Litigation-Lawsuit by the Ohio Attorney General and many municipalities have joined. Going to trial on 09/20/21. 95% of the involved entities had to sign on. All but one had signed the last he looked. The settlement must be approved and accepted, or it will go to trial.
- Jefferson Litigation-Received an email from Paul LaFayette. There is nothing new. The Stark County case is still stayed. The state and Receiver are still doing an audit as they were not comfortable with the numbers provided by Jefferson Health Plan.
- The Solicitor reported on pending legislation- SB 193 amending section 735.29 and 743.04 summary. IT will prohibit political subdivisions from placing a lien on property for unpaid water charges.
- Thank you card from the Zach Grass Memorial Golf Outing.
- Thank you card from the Model T Ford Club.
- Council Member Hilliard asked the Clerk if a letter had been received for the Toy Cupboard and if not, remind Council that it would be forthcoming.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to accept the VA’s August 17th through September 7th, 2021 report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting. The vote: All yes.
After Hours Service Issues & Calls. On Monday August 30th Citywide, who has been answering our after-hours non-911 emergency calls (i.e., electric out or water main break), indicated that they were shutting down effective Friday September 3rd.
Our immediate short-term answer (until a good long-term solution is found) is to use our Village phone assigned to Utility Billing for after-hours non-911 emergency calls. The phone number is 330-481-0016. One of our employees will take the phone home and if/when a call comes in this weekend will essentially dispatch whatever Department/Employees are needed based on the reason for the call.
My favored approach for the long-term is for Red Center to take our after-hours non-911 emergency calls as they do our emergency (911) calls for Police and Fire. Towards that end, the Police Chief had the subject added to the agenda for Thursday September 2nd. I attended the LOGIC (Red Center), and they indicated that they are willing to take on Brewster (and Beach City) on a “trial” basis for 60 to 90 days to see volume and get a feel for how taking on these types of call affects their operations. The plan is to forward the 330-481-0016 to a number designated by Red Center after normal business hours. The logistics for Red Center answering after hours service issues & calls will be worked out in the meantime, with a goal to forward calls after hours beginning next week.
The back-up plans in my mind aren’t as favorable. I haven’t found a “local” call center. The three (3) I have so far are essentially national, with no strong local ties. They also tend to be quite a bit more expensive.
We plan to put something up on the sign in front of Village Hall as well to “supplement” the notice in Utility Bills.
We reprinted the newsletter on the back of the Utility Bills to reflect the new number and will prepare to do additional “publicity” depending on the projected duration of this approach to let residents know about the 330-481-0016 after hours number.
- Water Department & EPA Recommendations - Hydraulic Model of the Distribution System. I forwarded to Council a proposal from CT Consultants to create a hydraulic model of Brewster’s water system, as recently “recommended” by Ohio EPA.
I have reviewed the proposal and I am recommending that the Village enter into contract with CT Consultants to create a hydraulic model of Brewster’s water system at a cost not to exceed $24,000.
I am asking for passage on an emergency basis at the September 7th Council Meeting. The emergency justification is that the Village needs the model to help justify keeping some of our existing water lines a 4-inches rather than upsizing them to 6-inch to maintain good water quality. For example, if the Village is awarded an Ohio Water & Wastewater Grant for the Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Waterline Replacement Project, the Village will have to be in a position to justify to Ohio EPA staying with 4-inch lines versus 6-inch per 10 States Standards to maintain water quality rather than upsize those lines for fire flow.
As background, following an inspection in June of this year the Village received a report with observations and recommendation from the Ohio EPA regarding the Village’s water system. One of the items EPA the recommended was:
5. Distribution – It is recommended that you work with a third party to complete a hydraulic model of the distribution system to improve your knowledge of water flow within your system. By knowing where flow is susceptible to stagnation, modifications can be made to the system to improve water flow, reducing water age, and potentially improving water quality.
In addition to the EPA’s recommendation on a hydraulic model, the Village has another reason to pursue having a hydraulic model of the distribution system completed, the best example of which is the Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement Project. The EPA has concurrently “encouraged” the Village replace all its 4-inch distribution lines with a minimum of 6-inch lines for fire flow and to meet the “Ten States Standards”. The Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement Project is being designed with 6-inch lines, because that doesn’t require a separate more involved process for EPA approval (6-inch meets “Ten States Standards”). Our Water Department believes that increasing the size from 4 inch to 6 inch will further increase stagnation, potentially reducing chlorine residual and negatively affecting water quality. However, because of the “Ten States Standards” for Brewster to retain (replace) the 4-inch lines with new 4-inch lines we need to be able to “prove” to EPA that the water quality will be negatively affected by increasing the pipe size. That proof takes the form of a hydraulic model of the distribution system being completed by a third party. The Village stands very little chance of convincing the EPA that our Water Department staff is right about water quality in the distribution system, and that the “Ten States Standards” should be waived (are wrong in our case) and that the Village needs to keep our 4-inch lines (any of them) rather than increase them all to 6-inch lines to preserve water quality.
- Water Department – Backflow Prevention & EPA Notice of Violation. As I previously communicated to Council, the Village is addressing the vast majority of the listed concerns/issues in our Notice of Violation through BSI.
One concern/issue was inspections, for which I informed Council there would be an additional charge if we use BSI to conduct. We have entered into an agreement with BSI to conduct the 5-year inspections at a cost of $185 each. They will be scheduled in the near future. The Inspections require the Village or its designee to physically inspect the backflow devise rather than obtaining a third-party report.
In addition, the Village is required to “survey” all properties to comply with EPA regulations. We have also entered into contract with BSI to mail a survey to all our water customers, establish a custom URL and web form on their website for electronic submission, and provide a comprehensive report. The cost is $4.00 per address.
- Filter Media Replacement Project. The Filter Media Replacement Project is being bid. The timeline is:
- 1st Advertisement 8/18
- 2nd Advertisement 8/25
- Open Bids 9/15
- Tentative award of contract at the 9/20 Council meeting
- Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project. This project is all done except for the billing. We still are assisting Stark County in attempting to get all the required information from Shelly. Shelly has submitted a final bill, but because it didn’t match up with approved change orders Thrasher reviewed the bill. They discussed discrepancies with Shelly so a final bill can be approved, and submitted, and paid. The Clerk-Treasurer has been working in the meantime to submit documentation to OPWC of project costs that the Village expended but for which reimbursement is not being requested, such as the design drawings/specifications and the $441,959 in CDBG funds that count as the Village’s match, so that when the final payment request is made, there will be no impediments.
- Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Project. I attended (virtually) Stark County CDBG’s Application Workshop this morning. Process still the same as last time we applied, and we still have areas within designated Low Moderate Income (LMI) Census Tracts. Also still get 10 points for attendance.
I am recommending that Brewster apply for a CDBG Infrastructure and public Facility Grant for the Jefferson Ave. Sanitary Sewer Lining Project. The deadline is November 5th, 2021. The Jefferson Ave. Sanitary Sewer Lining Project runs from where the Jefferson Ave Project terminated at a new manhole just north of 5th Street SE northwest to 4th Street SE and would include replacing the manhole at 4th Street.
This portion of the sanitary sewer main was initially going to be part of the Jefferson Project but was removed when issues regarding easements and more importantly, whether there was enough support in the soil (swamp) to install a new pipe. Soil tests show there could be some very expensive supports needed IF we replaced the sewer line. However, a much less expensive fix is lining the existing sewer line (and replace the manhole at 4th Street). It goes from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands.
So, the next step is to clean and TV the line to make sure it is a good candidate for lining. Then if it a good candidate we can have specifications prepared for the project. The plan is to have the clean and TV the line in the next few weeks to make sure it is a good candidate for lining, and if so, submit it for a CDBG Grant, similar to what we did for Jefferson.
We can, depending on cost and timing and eligibility, also use our “local” ARPA funds or see if another round is opened for applications through the Ohio Water & Wastewater for an American Rescue Plan Grant process.
- Municipal Road Fund -2022 Application. At this point I am resigned to the fact that Chestnut will not be added to the MRF eligible roads in Brewster. We are down to Elton, Wabash, and 7th Street. So, I suggest that Council apply for a percentage of the cost for those roads, to be banked or set aside each year, beginning in 2022. As asphalt lasts 10-12 years, and all three (3) are at least two (2) years old, I suggest we apply for 10% of the cost of each in 2022, to be set aside for 2032. 7th Street was $227,000. The Villages share of Elton was $80,000 west of Wabash and $45,000 east of Wabash. Not factoring for inflation (can be added to later years) that comes to $22,700 for 7th Street; $8,000 for Elton west of Wabash; and $4,500 for Elton easy of Wabash.
The application deadline is October 1, 2021. I would ask that Council authorize legislation.
- Brewster Parke Hydrant Project. W.E. Quicksall has finalized their work to engineer a water line extension to the main driveway of Brewster Parke to allow for the installation of a fire hydrant for enhanced fire protection. A Permit to Install has been submitted to the Ohio EPA. I am reviewing W.E. Quicksall’s estimate with them. Based on the estimate, the project will have to be formally bid.
Easement(s) have been completed but need to be signed/executed.
The initial plan was to utilize OUR American Rescue Plan Funding. The ARP Funding is specifically allowed to be used "To make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure". This project is water infrastructure. It addresses enhanced safety of the 120 residents of Brewster Parke (and growing); it addresses enhancement for future economic development (Brewster Parke indicates they have $70,000 in payroll every 2 weeks – that is $1,400 to Brewster every 2 weeks or $36,400 annually); it also sets up adding future water “customers”. Also, as I indicated once the water line is installed in Wabash, the Village can install a crosswalk with Rapid Flashing Beacons (like Route 62) to allow residents to safely cross to the east side to walk through the underpass to downtown, or visa versa. I have confirmed with ODOT that since the proposed crosswalk is entirely within Brewster corporate limits that we have authority to install and make the upgrades to the crosswalk.
HOWEVER, a new development has occurred. Stark County notified the Village that applications are available for the Ohio Water & Wastewater Grant. The Ohio Water & Wastewater Grant is a separate source of ARPA funds from the State of Ohio, administered through ODOD from the County. The Stark County Engineer is to create/submit a list (prioritized) to ODOD of eligible projects from Stark County political subdivisions. While the money is available until it runs out, the County Engineer has to turn the prioritized list in (deadline) by August 20, 2021. Brewster’s application for the Brewster Parke Water Line Extension & Hydrant Project was the first turned in in Stark County, and we now await to see what occurs next in the process.
- OPWC 2021 Applications for Fund Year 2022. We received the schedule for OPWC Applications for 2022 funding year. The deadline for applications is September 17th, 2021. Two (2) applications will be submitted: the Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement Project and the Park Drive Phase 1 Project.
- Electric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). We continue to make progress and work continues by GPD and the Electric Department on the SCADA system at our substation. I will keep Council informed as to the progress on the project.
- AMPT – Second Transmission Line. AMPT has held follow-up meetings with AEP regarding Brewster’s second transmission line. The discussion still is about connecting to a proposed new AEP substation near Wilmot. AMPT is also still cooperating with both AEP and First Energy regarding the second transmission feed to Brewster that will essentially interconnect the two utilities. The projected completion date for the second transmission line is December 12, 2024.
AMPT is also attempting to work with PJM to create more stability/predictability in PJM processes and decision making.
I will keep Council informed when new developments occur or when new information arises.
- Legislation Authorizing Purchase of 1 or 2 MW of Off-Peak Block of Power for 2025-2028. The legislation forthe potential purchase of 1MW or 2MW of off-peak power through AMP has been forwarded to AMP. This ordinance will be acted upon IF NEEDED in the future due to market changes.
AMP currently still recommends covering our off-peak needs in 2025-2028 by either buying from the hourly market or running AFEC, whichever one is cheaper. However, as the market controls which option(s) is(are) less expensive, and the market can be volatile, as we discussed Brewster wants to be ready to act should a changing market cause the recommendation to change as well. Reacting to a market change very likely needs to be done quickly.
IF AMP sees an upturn in the market where your recommendation will change, I have asked them to contact us so we can act before we reach a point where the two cost graph lines of covering our off-peak needs in 2025-2028 by either buying from the hourly market or running AFEC, whichever one is cheaper and the purchase of 1MW or 2MW of off-peak intersect.
- Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI). The AMI Project is winding up. Virtually all the meters have been installed and programmed. RNI training has been completed. To complete the process of integrating Sensus Analytics into our billing software, our applicable employees will be training on September 10th on Sensus Analytics. There are still a few water meters and electric meters on back order that we are waiting for.
In addition, as I indicated previously, the Electric Department has come up with a revised list of 60-amp services while installing their new meters, so I will be getting together a communication for those properties/meters.
- Electric Department Garage. Work continues on the plans for the proposed new Electric Garage. We are still moving forward on a new 7 bay Electric Garage and office. To confirm that the location picked for the building will not impede a future ring bus in front of the substation,I reached out to both GPD and AMPT. At our meeting and subsequent discussions with AMPT about the location of the Electric Building and the second feed and associated ring bus, we discovered that the second feed into our substation would make the proposed location for the Electric Building not workable.
So, long story short, the plan is to move the Electric Building north into the trees and flipping it to face south. Only other change for sure would be eliminate the one garage door facing out the back to the south (now north). A ROUGH sketch attached. The proposed building is 59.5 feet by 130 feet, so with the proposed lay out, we estimate we would need roughly 80 feet north from existing lease line by 180 feet to allow some buffering on the back and sides from the trees, so roughly a third of an acre. I reached out to Brewster Cheese, and they have consented to the new location on a leased basis for 50 years at $1. This is our best option, so I will get EA to prepare a survey of the required property for a lease to be prepared.
As I indicated in the Committee Meeting site walkthrough, the estimated cost will not be known until more work is done by EA on complete plans, versus the layout currently available. As I also indicated, based on a high estimate of $500,000, our firm that provides rate studies, Courtney and Associates, the Electric Department Budget can absorb the cost without an increase in rates.
- Electric Department – Transfer Bus. The Electric Department continues to work on the transfer bus at the Substation. It is approximately 60% complete. the outgoing transfer bus at the Substation. The transfer bus is used to divert power from a feeder line that has a breaker issue. If a breaker has an issue power can be put on the transfer bus and restored (fed) to the distribution feeder that has the breaker issue.
- Electric Department – New 7th Street Line. So that the poles in the path on the north side of 7th Street can be relocated, the Electric Department will be renting an 80’ track bucket to finish the 7th Street line. The track bucket is needed to work in the easement across the US Corps of Engineer’s property, which is wet under normal conditions but with recent rains is extremely wet. The rental cost is $6500 plus the cost to deliver and pick up of $855 each way.
- Decorative Street Lighting – Wabash north of Underpass. Work continues having conduit installed for the installation of decorative lights north of the underpass.
- Employee Handbook – Addition of a Reporting to Work Fit for Duty Policy. I have drafted a new policy to Council that I am recommending be included in the Employee Handbook. It has been created to address an issue that came up. It is entitled Reporting to Work Fit for Duty. The Reporting to Work Fit for Duty policy requires employees to promptly notify the Village of any illness, injury, situation, or condition that either affects or could affect their ability to perform all the essential functions of their position to report it. It is similar to the Village’s Self-Reporting Policy, which requires employees who have open and/or pending charges and/or criminal convictions of certain offenses may restrict or prohibit an employee's ability to properly perform official duties.
We do have a work rule under Work Rules: Serious Misconduct stating it is a violation if an employee:
8.05.30 Reporting to work and/or working while unable to perform essential functions Reporting to work and/or working while unable to perform the essential functions of the job, or as a supervisor allowing an employee to report to work or work while unable to perform the essential functions of the job.
The new policy strengthens that work rule and puts employees on better notice.
In discipline, arbitrators and Courts look at what is referred to as the seven tests of “just cause” for disciplinary matters. I have attached a good summary of all seven tests. But the first test is having reasonable work rule, which is why it is important to strengthen ours. The new Policy is, in my opinion, a better approach and basis to hold employees accountable for their ability to physically perform their jobs. Changing behavior and ultimately holding an employee accountable starts with having reasonable policy and/or work rule in place.
- Employee Handbook – Revision of Work Related Injury Policy. A situation has arisen where we are referring to, and therefor rereading, the Work Related Injury Leave and Benefits Policy. At this point it is felt there should be some minor changes to the policy.
Essentially, the changes are to:
- Past the initial 480 hours (administrative decision), rather than have a hard “caped” additional 480 hours (administration with approval by Council), change that second “level” so there is no cap. Council still needs to approve any and all hours past the initial 480.
- Clarify in Section G that the benefits we are talking about are compensatory benefits
- As employees on Work Related Injury Leave can’t use vacation during Work Related Injury Leave, make it automatic that in the event an employee on Work Related Injury Leave accrues Vacation hours more than the maximum allowed by Village of Brewster Policy 5.02 Vacation Section B, they will be allowed to do so.
- Correct what may have been a clerical error, so that if a paid holiday comes up during Work Related Injury Leave it is still paid as a holiday rather than Work Related Injury Leave.
As a refresher, Work Related Injury Leave addresses what happens if an employee suffers an injury arising out of their employment. Prior to its adoption the employee has to use sick leave (or other appropriate leave) while they wait for a determination from the BWC and/or Temporary Total Disability payments from the BWC.
This was addressed for two (2) primary reasons:
- Without it “compensation” to our employees could be delayed (BWC) and/or deplete their leave balances.
- Payment to an employee of Temporary Total Disability increases the Worker’s Compensation rate for all our employees, over a three (3) year period, actually costing more than the proposed Injury Leave (or as BWC refers to it “salary continuation”)
What was adopted is a policy that essentially parallels ORC and OAC which authorizes at the state level the use of “salary continuation” in the form of Injury Leave. For every dollar that is spent by workers compensation on Village claims (including temporary total compensation if there is no salary continuation), the Village’s rates increase, and affects the rates for a period of three (3) years. So, it was adopted to protect our employees and to reduce Workers Compensation premiums by allowing wage continuation. The Policy not only has benefited our employees but has potentially saved the Village money on its Workers Compensation rates.
- Employee Handbook – Council Adoption of a Self-Reporting Policy. In 2017, 7.12 Self-Reporting of Convictions and Pending Charges was administratively adopted. It was done so in keeping with that some policies may be adopted from time to time for inclusion in the Employee Handbook that do NOT involve the expenditure of funds, and therefore could be adopted administratively. However, with a similar provision covering requiring employees to promptly notify the Village of any illness, injury, situation, or condition that either affects or could affect their ability to perform all the essential functions of their position, to be consistent I would like Council to formally enact 7.12 Self-Reporting of Convictions and Pending Charges by ordinance as well.
- Mosquito Spraying – Stark County Health Department. The last mosquito spraying was completed on September 1st. As with past sprayings:
- The Stark County Health Department took care of placing notices in advance of the spraying.
Storm Drainage Projects. The current list of storm sewer projects in their priority order, with updates on their status:
1. Yard Waste Drop-off pad - the extension of the Yard Waste Drop-off cement area is complete. A final/second catch basin has been installed.
- Cleveland Ave south of Main on east side – failed catch basin. COMPLETED except for replacing curb & gutter.
- 12935 Elton Catch Basin/junction Box relocation. COMPLETED.
4. Catch basin on Tuscarawas to address sump pump
- East Main Street Drainage.
- East end of 1st Street SE. Will be scheduled when area dries out and we can coordinate with US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Dartmouth/Amherst relief line. First step - survey being completed
- Open ditch east of Mohican
- Drainage from Harmon west of 264 Harmon. First step - survey needs to be completed
- NEW ADD ON –Drainage to the west of the WANDLE House.
- NEW ADD ON –drainage on north side of 7th west of Baymere.
These are not necessarily on a first come/first serve basis but based on their criticality and/or ability to fit into the schedule. We are also looking to repair deteriorated catch basins, so if any Council person is aware of any, please let me know. Also, if there are any storm drainage projects/issues not on this list please let me know.
- Post Garage Sale Clean-Up. A post garage sale clean-up was completed by Miller Refuse on August 28th and 30th. North side was done on Saturday August 28th. South side was done on Monday August 30th. Miller Refuse was very cooperative in getting everything set out, even though a few were set out late because the resident didn’t know about the pick-up.
- Power Rake – Parks & Other Uses. Earlier this summer we had a power rake demonstrated on the infield of Field #2. It has uses beyond our baseball fields, such as leveling allies. We unfortunately were not able to obtain a used Power Rake, so we have placed an order for a new one at a cost of $6,960.80. We expect delivery soon.
- Internet Sales. We are now in a position to be able to sell items that are no longer needed for public use on the internet, per the ordinance passed by Council. The “legal” documents associated with sales have been approved by the Law Director, and Public Surplus has uploaded them. The registration process has been completed by the Clerk-Treasurer. We are getting phots and information together to post our first items (2 Police Department vehicles) online, with a plan to set the minimum bid at the same amount the Village could get for scrapping the vehicles.
- Efficiency Smart - 2021 Retail Lighting. A participation agreement is in place with Belloni’s for reduced cost LED light bulbs. The inventory has been delivered.
- Efficiency Smart – Rebates. Heating and cooling make up the largest portion of the average household’s energy bill. Efficiency Smart offers rebates on products that can help you save on these costs, including a $750 rebate on cold climate air source heat pumps and a $100 rebate on air source heat pumps. Visit and select “Home Energy Rebates” or call 877-889-3777 for more information on available rebates.
- Efficiency Smart – “Buy Local” Program. For a limited time, Efficiency Smart is offering small businesses an increased incentive for purchasing qualifying LED products from a designated local business. Contact Bob Golden with Efficiency Smart at or (614) 468-4904 for a list of designated local suppliers and contractors or for more information.
- Appliance Recycling Rewards. The Appliance Recycling Rewards program is back for a limited time. There is a brochure that is available in Village offices.
- Home Energy Rebates. Home Energy Rebates have been increased for many measures through the end of 2021. There is a brochure with details as to the amounts available in Village offices.
Council Member Hilliard told the VA that he found another nursery on Wise Road that is advertising 50% off trees.
- Reviewing the Standard Operating Guidelines of the Fire Department.
- Working with Shearer Foods on smell complaints.
- Working with Welty Cemetery with day-to-day management.
- Working with Police Department sick leave issues.
- August Month-to-Date and Year-to-Date reports were put in Council’s mailboxes.
- The legislation to increase the Certificate of Total Amounts Available from all Resources has been submitted to the County. These amounts will be reflected in next month’s financial reports.
- Income Tax collections are up 7% from last year. We won’t know the effects of House Bill 157 until we start receiving requests for 2021 tax refunds.
- I have a quote for a Kyocera copy machine from Graphic Enterprises for the Fire Department. I recommend we buy it outright. There is a service agreement available, but the problem is that a count must be reported on a monthly basis. I spoke with the Chief, and he would rather not have a service agreement. I recommended to the Chief that it be put upstairs where it can be kept cleaner and not exposed to exhaust fumes and other contaminants. Council Member Hilliard asked what fund would be used for the purchase. I replied the Fire Operations Fund. The machine will be in black and white only and color copies will be made in Village Hall.
- I will be attending a regional meeting with OBM to discuss the ARP money and eligible spending.
- I will be attending the Ohio Association of Public Treasurers’ Annual Conference October 6-8. It will be in Dublin Ohio this year. As an officer of the association, my room and mileage will be paid by the association. The only cost to the village for this training will be a $75.00 registration.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
- Minutes from the Council of the Whole on August 16, 2021 were placed in Council mailboxes.
- Minutes from the Finance Committee on July 19, 2021 were placed in Council mailboxes.
Concert in the Park will be on September 11 at 7:00 pm – “Never too Late” – Bring your own chairs
Finance Committee Meeting on Monday, September 20th at 6:30pm
OLD or NEW BUSINESS:Council Rules require a two-week waiting period before any expenditure of funds unless determined an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to purchase lift extenders at a cost of $3,200 from the Fire Operations Fund. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to approve Jason Robinson to attend online Fire Inspector School followed by five days of training in Bowling Green at a cost of $565 for the online portion and $400 for lodging in Bowling Green. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Hilliard wished to thank Gatchell Grant Services for their services in helping the Fire Department get the turnout gear grant.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor