October 4, 2021 - Finance Committee Meeting
October 4, 2021
Finance Committee Meeting
Mayor Hawk opened the meeting and turned it over to Chairman Mike Schwab at 6:30.
Council Members present: Dale Fox, Brett Long, Andrew Hess, Tom Hilliard, and Mike Schwab. VA Miller and Clerk-Treasurer Kris King were also in attendance.
Chairman Schwab provided figures for the following projects for discussion:
- Filter Media Replacement Project: BID but NO Bidders
Engineer’s Estimated Cost = $ 288,700
Funding: Water Fund = $ 163,200
OPWC Grant = $ 94,080
OPWC Loan = $ 62,720
VA - Outline of Project
The project is being bid out again with an estimated cost of $365,800. The original estimate was too low and that’s why no one bid on it. The Village will have to get a loan for the Water Fund. Council Member Schwab asked about the loan and VA Miller stated it would be a 0% loan for 20 years. VA Miller also stated that the loan from the Jefferson Project came in lower than was expected.
- Brewster Parker Hydrant Project:
Engineer’s Estimated Cost = $ 75,899
VA - Outline of Project
The funds are coming out of the ARP money. Construction estimate is $58,468. Council Member Hilliard asked when this project would be finished. VA Miller hopes for completion in May of 2022.
- Tusc/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement:
Engineer's Estimate Cost = $ 387,133
Funding: Village Water Fund = $ 189,695
OPWC Grant = $ 113,817
OPWC Loan = $ 75,878
VA - Outline of Project
The Village Water Fund portion has increased to $197,437 but $20,800 of that has already been expended. The project is contingent on the OPWC funding. A Water Model has to be performed in order to use 4” lines.
- Jefferson Phase 2: Sanitary Sewer Main Relining Project
Engineer's Estimate Cost =
Possible Funding: ???
VA - Outline of Project
The possible funding would be a CDBG Grant. There is also $73,000 in the Sewer Replacement Fund. We will not know if the line is in good enough shape to reline until we have it cleaned and then camera it.
Community Room Proposal
Architect's Estimated Cost : 700 square feet= $ 154,980
Architect's Estimated Cost : 1000 square feet= $ 181,635 Possible Funding: ???
VA - Outline of Project
VA Miller stated this project is also eligible for the ARP funding. Council Member Hillliard stated he would prefer that we hold out until we can do the whole project at once.
On January 1, 2021 legislation that provided a one-year wage compensation incentive for all Village employees took effect. Members of Council may desire to consider similar legislation for 2022. In order to be effective on January 1, 2022, without involving emergency legislation, first reading for appropriate legislation should take place no later than October 18, 2021.
Very minimal research found that Federal guidelines place the current cost of living between 2.1% and 2.7%. In order to get the ball rolling and to give Council review and consider any employee compensation increase in the coming weeks with an effective date of January 1, 2022, I (Council Member Schwab) will at tonight’s meeting ask Council to create legislation to provide a 2.5% compensation increase for all Village employees for 2022. At this juncture the 2.5% and the one-year term are intended to be a starting point for discussion purposes only and are far from etched in stone. May I suggest that Council’s first question should be to the Village Clerk by asking her to provide an outline and her opinion of the health of each Village fund that supports employee wages and benefits.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:59pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer