June 20, 2023 - Council of the Whole - Fiber Optics
JUNE 20, 2023 – 6:00PM - FIBER OPTICS
Council Members present: Dale Fox, Sydney Radich, and Mike Schwab. Mayor Charles Hawk, VA Miller, and Clerk-Treasurer Kris King were also in attendance.
This meeting was called to review a proposal for a fiber optic ring from the Police Department to the electric garage and the substation. A quote was provided by Next Wavelength Communications, LLC. The labor for the project which includes construction, splicing, and testing with documentation is $18,250. The materials for the project are $30,014.44. Any left-over materials that can be used at a later date will then be reimbursed by the department using it. The Electric Fund will be charged for the project. This will eliminate services within the Village as new connections are made to the system.
This will allow the Police Department to have a visual of the substation and electric garage. This is considered phase one. At some point, as funds become available, a connection could be made to the school to enable the Police Department to view the cameras in the school. This would prevent them from entering the building blind if there was an emergency.
Council Member Schwab asked how the system works at the schools. Chief Taylor stated that once the Police Department is notified that an alarm has been set off at the school, they can check the camera in that area to evaluate the situation and respond efficiently.
Council Member Schwab asked about the cost of the cameras. VA Miller stated that the cameras are fairly inexpensive and any cameras that are compatible with the software are available for use. There are no particular cameras that are required. Council Member Schwab also asked about the timeline of the project. VA Miller stated that as soon as Council approves the project, we can get underway.
Meeting adjourned at 6:19 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Kris King