November 14, 2023 - Tree Board Meeting
Members Present: Mayor Charles Hawk; Administrator Michael Miller; Councilman Mike Schwab; Councilman Tom Hilliard
The Administrator began by informing the Board that it had October 30, 2023 minutes to approve. Motion was made by Councilman Schwab, seconded by Councilman Hilliard, to approve the minutes. All voted yes. Minutes were approved.
The Administrator stated that the current budget status has not changed since last meeting.
The administrator indicated that the Tree City Application and an Application for Tree Growth Award had been submitted, with the submitted Tree Growth Award task submitted as follows:
A12. Continuing Education (3 points) eligible each year
During the year, the city supported, sponsored, or sent tree workers, professional staff, tree board members, or non-profit partner employees to state-, ISA-, or TCIA-sanctioned educational
opportunities, with at least 10 hours of continuing education credits documented.
Note: Administrator attended Introduction to Tree Risk Assessment on November 3rd and the 2023 North Coast Urban Forestry Conference this past March, allows us to meet this activity/goal.
C7. Annual Work Plan (3 points) eligible each year
City staff and/or tree board assigned appropriate targets and budget for tree planting,
maintenance, and removals on public property for the upcoming fiscal year. Targets can be
reported from current Management Plan (C9) if one exists.
Note: 2023 Tree Work Plan & Expenditure Summary as documentation.
D6. Planting-to-Removals Ratio (3 Points) eligible each year
During the year, the number of trees planted on public property by the city or partner organizations was greater than the number of public trees removed, for all reasons, as reported on the Tree City USA application.
Note: Removed 71; planted 73.
D8. Young Tree Training (4 points) eligible each year (not with D9) A program of care for newly planted (<5 years old) trees was performed during the year. As needed, each tree was: pruned to improve structure and eliminate root defects; mulched; watered; and/or treated for pests/disease.
Note: Every tree planted since 2017 has been inspected (unless it died). A number of trees died because of hot weather. Water bags are being removed.
D15. Tree Debris Recycling (4 points) eligible each year
During the year, 100% of the leaf and woody debris generated by municipal tree care activities (incl. contractors) was delivered to recycling or wood processing facilities and not sent to municipal or regional landfills.
Note: To our knowledge all tree debris in 2023 (i.e. chips) and wood were either put in yard waste bin for mulch or taken by contractors for fire wood. No landfills.
D22. Land Stewardship (2 points) eligible each year
One or more city-owned natural areas were inspected and maintained to facilitate … ecological health, watershed value, ….
Note: Work at solar field to maintain and enhance “ecological health” plus it affects watershed value positively. Past years installed bat houses and bluebird houses. Installed three (3) new bluebird houses. Plans continue to create “buffers” with “pollinator” plantings on west side fence and perimeter, as well as island around bat houses and between solar field and “road” on east side. Added 1 additional Butternut and 2 Shellbark Hickory trees to west side.
D25. Openspace Acquisition (5 points) eligible each year
Openspace land (such as forest, woodland, prairie, riparian corridors, etc.) was acquired during the year, either through purchase, donation, or long-term agreement (such as a conservation easement) and will be made available for public use.
Note: Village’s targeted acquisition of 3.68 acres along Sugarcreek where land transfede in September allows the Village to meet this goal.
E7. Service Organizations (2 points) eligible each year (not with E8)
During the year, community service organizations conducted one or more community forestry projects, such as … education.
Note: Addition. Met when we were able to get the Wilderness Center and ODNR to do a joint presentation of invasive species on August 21st.
As submitted we have 26 points. Need 10.
The Administrator then discussed tree removals. He reviewed with the Board a Tree Risk Assessment completed by Davey Tree for an oak tree at 205 West 4th Street. The Tree Risk Assessment by Davey Tree was completed at the request of Electric Department and resident’s past concerns. The tree is rated as a MODERATE risk. That makes the decision process shift from assessing the tree risk to a management decision. The recommendation includes having the tree at 205 4th Street SW reevaluated annually. If it is reevaluated annually for the next 3 years, the Village will spend $2400. That probably exceeds the cost of removal. With the high risk factored into the management decision, my opinion (shared by the Electric Department) is that it should be removed. There will need to be negotiation with the property owner about not only the removal but the stump and value of the wood and whether it would be applied to the cost of removal of the tree. The Tree Bord agreed with the decision to remove the tree.
The Administrator then pointed out that the Village has purchased 2 more trees than it has removed. Taking into account the one to be removed at 205 4th Street SW, there can still be one removed. There is a Silver Maple between 145 and 167 East Main that has a dead branch and is scheduled to be removed that he would like to authorize removal now. The Tree Board concurred with its removal as well.
There being no other business the Tree Board Meeting was adjourned at 9:17 am