August 21, 2023 - ODNR Division of Forestry
Council Members present: Dave Godwin, Sydney Radich, and Mike Schwab. Mayor Charles Hawk, VA Miller, and Clerk-Treasurer Kris King were also in attendance.
Audience in attendance: Daniel Volk, Carissa Belloni, Mike DeLong, Becky Soehnlen, Rita Mullet, Terry and Beth Gromes, and Joe Moeglin of the Division of Forestry.
Joe Moeglin, of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry, provided a PowerPoint presentation about what ODNR resources are available for the Village and the public in general.
He began with a map of the region and a list of regional managers. Some of the services offered are information facilitation (including research papers), conferences, young tree trimming training programs, and finally the Tree Commission Academy. The Tree Commission Academy is 4 classes, that are 2 days of classes or 6.5 hours a year for 4 years.
The ODNR also provides direct assistance including updating ordinances, Urban Site Index, master planning, and helping to find qualified contractors. They can provide assistance with ODNR Grants and also Federal Assistance, including the Federal Inflation Reduction Act. The Federal Inflation Reduction Act is providing seven million dollars to disadvantaged communities. There is even a match waiver in some cases.
They are also in charge of the administration of Arbor Day Tree City, from application to Arbor Day celebrations.
Mr. Moeglin went on to discuss invasive insects. He stressed the importance of reporting invasive insects to the Ohio Department of Agriculture:
- Asian Longhorn Beetle-currently quarantined in Fairmont County
- Box Tree Moth-Native to Asia
- Emerald Ash Borer-Native to Asia-there is an immunization to protect this ash tree
- Hemlock Wooly Adelgid
- Northern Giant Hornet-kills honeybees, but hasn’t been found in Ohio
- Spongy Moth-Attacks Oaks, Crabtrees, Sweetgum, etc.
- Spotted Lanternfly-is a plant Hopper, and is found in 8 counties in Ohio
Meeting adjourned at 5:26 P.M.
Respectively submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer