June 5, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2023
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
The meeting took place in the Community Room.
Charles Hawk, Mayor David Godwin, Council Member
Tom Hilliard, Council Member Brett Long, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member Mike Schwab, Council Member
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to excuse COUNCIL MEMBER FOX from this evening’s meeting. The vote: All yes.
John Anthony, Solicitor Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer Nancy Bucher, Assistant Utility Clerk
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the May 15, 2023, Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to approve the minutes as presented. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $649,076.87. The vote: All yes.
Brad Adkins (228 Barber) and Scott Killy (855 S. Wabash). Mr. Adkins is concerned with the raccoons in the Brewster area. Mr. Adkins knows shooting or poisoning is not an option. COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN also has had problems with raccoons getting in his trash, and stated that there have been problems with raccoons for many years. The raccoons get in the sewers and come out of night. Administrator, Mike Miller, will be attending a meeting at the Wilderness Center later this week, he will ask if anyone there has suggestions on how to remove the raccoons.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony.
First Reading: An ordinance authorizing a memorandum of understanding for mutual aid between Village of Navarre, Beach City, and Brewster, Ohio.
Second Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing entering into an agreement with the Board of Stark County Commissioners regarding the Community Block Grant Program.
TABLED AT THIRD READING: An ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator, with the assistance of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), to apply for, accept, and enter into a construction loan agreement for an Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) loan for the installation of two (2) manholes in the sanitary sewer line that runs between McKinley to the levee and declaring an emergency (at third reading).
TABLED AT THIRD READING: An ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator, with the assistance of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), to apply for, accept, and enter into a construction loan agreement for an Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) loan for the Hillview Mobile Home Park Sanitary Project and declaring an emergency (at third reading).
TABLED AT THIRD READING: An ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator, with the assistance of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), to apply for, accept, and enter into a construction loan agreement for an Ohio EPA Water Pollution Loan Fund (WPCLF) loan for the lining and the rehabilitation/installation of two (2) manholes in the sanitary sewer line and runs between 5th and Jefferson and 4th Street and declaring an emergency (at third reading).
TABLED AT THIRD READING: An Ordinance to Authorize an Agreement between the Village of Brewster and the owner of Hillview Park to extend the Village Sanitary Sewer to the Park at owner’s expense.
- POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Taylor was unable to attend tonight’s meeting and is excused. Chief Taylor submitted the following report.
- There were 78 calls of service in June.
- Chief Taylor’s report stated that there were no major issues during the festival. Communications with the fire department were good and Chief Taylor felt everyone worked well together to keep everyone safe. There were a couple of arrests for minor incidents.
- Chief Taylor is still waiting for information on the new car.
- Chief Taylor reported that Car #1 is completely fixed from the deer accident and looks good.
- FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Chris Colucy was unable to attend tonight’s meeting and is excused. Chief Colucy submitted the following report.
- Chief Colucy is recommending Thom Ross for the position of Medic for shifts and be a part of the Fire Department.
- There were 81 calls for the month of May 2023. There is a total of 404 calls for the year 2023 year.
- The festival was a success with no major problems.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN would like Chief Colucy to consider advertising for fire personnel and paramedics on the digital sign (near Route 21 and Navarre Road).
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD is very proud of the Fire Department and Police Department. The festival was great with minimal problems.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB asked Solicitor Anthony to review with council the
First Reading: An ordinance authorizing a memorandum of understanding for mutual aid between Village of Navarre, Beach City, and Brewster, Ohio.
- Solicitor Anthony stated that Chief Taylor had asked that Solicitor Anthony create something in writing to give Chief Taylor guidelines as to how to handle mutual aid assistance to Beach City and Navarre. Chief Taylor feels uneasy with mutual aid assistance to other communities without having some guidance.
- Beach City has requested that our police department assist them during the hours of 1 a.m. to 9 a.m.—if there is a life or property threatening situation. Beach City agreed (verbally) to reimburse each officer $100.00(for each emergency).
- Navarre and Beach City councils have not signed an agreement for mutual aid. Solicitor Anthony is being proactive to make sure that we are thinking about what we want to do with mutual aid with other areas.
- Mutual aid should only happen IF our police department is available. COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB stated that our Brewster residents pay for police protection and that is the police department’s main responsibility.
- Administrator Miller suggested that we talk more with Chief Taylor.
- COUNCIL MEMBERS GODWIN and LONG voiced concerns about our officers leaving Brewster area and then being called back to Brewster. Legally do they stay with the first call??
- COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN asked if Wilmot is also part of this mutual aid agreement. Solicitor Anthony stated no.
- Are we the only responders? Are the calls being directed to dispatch? COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN asked if Strasburg is assisting. These are questions that Chief Taylor will need to review with our council.
- COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB asked if our insurance covers these mutual aid calls. COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB also asked who will pay the officer’s salary for future court dates, paperwork, etc. that might be necessary when arrests are made. Administrator Miller will check into those questions.
The Clerk-Treasurer has received an email from Lori Bratcher (160 Second Street S.W.) suggesting that the Village consider inviting food trucks to be available at the Brewster Garage Sales in August. COUNCIL MEMBER LONG stated that sounds like a great idea. Administrator Miller asked Solicitor Anthony to check if inviting food trucks to garage sales would allow them to come back any time they want. COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN asked if food trucks would be permitted to set up at resident’s homes. Solicitor Anthony will research and let the council know answers to both questions.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN asked who has the authority to decide about signs being placed restricting street parking. Administrator Miller stated that the Police Department has the authority to place/remove signs and that this situation is being addressed.
The Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review. Administrator’s report for period: 05/16/2023 thru 06/05/2023:
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to approve the Village Administrator’s report as presented. The vote: All yes.
Items added since the email went out to Council:
- Hillview there is a forced main and manholes. Two manholes and third between, which is in the back woods area. Two manholes on either side of Wabash. The pump station in Hillview won’t need a new manhole. Connect into east side of manhole.
- Park Drive Project—we hit a gas line and there was a waterline problem. Also, a change order for asphalt offset by less curb/gutter areas.
- Administrator Miller is moving forward with the pickle ball court.
- Administrator Miller suggests another meeting to review fiberoptic project.
· AMP regarding batteries. Administrator Miller suggests that diesel is a better option for us or maybe natural gas.
- There are now forms that will be given to residents to complete before installing solar panels.
- Sugarcreek has requested mutual aid for assistance with an upcoming paving project.
- Restriping will be done on Main Street at a cost of $625.00. Stops will also be included in this project (to prevent people from pulling up into the grass/sidewalk area).
2024 Paving Program. I have begun work on the list for the 2024 Paving Program, which the streets that were part of the OPWC Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement Project being priorities. The plan is to let trenches settle this summer, put in new ADA Ramps at the intersections ahead of next year, and remove any “hazard” trees and replacing any displaced sidewalk before paving all those streets next year. I have informed Columbia Gas of these plans so that if there is a need to also replace the gas lines on these streets they can do so before we can pave them next year.
I am preparing the requirements for ADA Ramps that will need to be updated with the 2024 Paving Program:
- Chestnut and Tuscarawas
- Pinewood and Tuscarawas
- Locustdale and Tuscarawas
- Locustdale and Wabash
Again, I anticipate that these will be addressed ahead of the 2024 Paving Program, at less cost, and hopefully with much less confusion.
Stark County CDBG Continued Participation.The Village has received a follow-up letter to the earlier request to continue the Village’s participation in the Stark County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for fiscal years 2024, 2025, and 2026. The Village of Brewster has been participating since 1993.
It included the formal agreement, which needs to be “attached” to the legislation that is due for a 3rd reading on June 5th.
The Village received $441,959 in CDBG funding for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project and has been tentatively awarded funding in fiscal year 2024 towards the Hillview Pump Station and Force main Sanitary Sewer Project.
OPWC - West Main Reduction and Rehabilitation Project.Thrasher continues to work on preparing basic drawings, plans, and cost estimates in preparation for the OPWC West Main Reduction and Rehabilitation Project funding application pursuant to Ordinance 31-2023.
Hillview Mobile Home Park Sanitary Sewer “Project” – WPCLF Design/Planning Loan. Design is ongoing. On May 24th I had a meeting with Engineering Associates, the engineer for the Hillview Pump Station and Force Main Project, to go over the plans and to receive the easements for the Project. We also did a site visit to go over locations and the surveying that will be needed to complete the plans.
Hillview Mobile Home Park Sanitary Sewer “Project” – Easements. As the Council may remember, the use of Federal funds through WPCLF subjects the easements to Title II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition and Policies Act of 1970 (P.L.91-646). The short explanation is that now that the easements for the Project have been identified, they need to be appraised, prior to negotiations with the owner, Hillview Mobile Home Park, based on the appraisal(s). It is still the intent of Hillview Mobile Home Park at this point in the process to donate the easements at no cost, similar to what was done by Fairless Schools for the Safe Routes to Schools Project. The easements have been forwarded to West Erie Realty Solutions to complete the appraisal process in accordance with Title II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition and Policies Act of 1970 (P.L.91-646).
Hillview Mobile Home Park - CDBG Funds. I had a telephone conference with Stark County Regional Planning (CDBG) on May 24th regarding the Village’s CDBG Grant of $40,000 towards the Hillview Pump Station and Force Main Project. We went over documentation they need to address the Environmental Review element required by the infusion of Federal (HUD) funding for the Project. I forwarded to CDBG requested documents to address the Environmental Review process.
In addition to utilizing the documentation in the Environmental Review process, there will be:
- a “historic” review by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office, which Stark County CDBG will take responsibility for.
- Published legal notices, which Stark County CDBG will take responsibility for.
- 30-day comment period, which Stark County CDBG will take responsibility for.
- as portions of the project will lie within the flood plain, environmental review for flood plain/wetland incursion, which Stark County CDBG will take responsibility for.
I will keep the Council informed of the progress.
Hillview Mobile Home Park & Village Agreement for Reimbursement. Law Director Anthony has addressed Council on this piece of the overall “puzzle.”
Brewster Sanitary Manholes Project – WPCLF Loan(s).The Village’s application for the loan has been submitted. Work on the plans is underway.
Brewster Sanitary Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab/Replacement Project – WPCLF Loan(s).The Village’s application for the loan has been submitted.Work on the plans is underway.
Electric Building – Progress & Change Order. The roof has been installed. Plumbing and electrical is being installed. Once it is under a roof, we will get gas installed.
As I did with the Fire Station Addition and the Community Room, any Change Orders for the Electric Building will be reported to Council as they come up and presented for Council to approve or ratify.
We have requested a Change Order to install 6-inch leaf guard on the spouting in the front and back of the new building, so the gutters remain clear and debris (i.e., pine needles from the trees on 3 sides) doesn’t create clogs that reduce or eliminate the functionality of the spouting, thus preventing potential damage and/or a requirement for regular cleaning.
The cost for our requested Change Order #3 is $8.40 feet lineal foot, or $2,217.60 total.
The cost breakdown is as follows:
Amount |
Percent |
Original Contract |
$964,000.00 |
Change Order #1 |
$1,312.50 |
.00136 |
Change Order #2 |
$3,850.00 |
.00399 |
Change Order #3 |
$2,217.60 |
.00230 |
New Total |
$971,380.10 |
.00765 |
The three (3) Change Orders total $7,380.10 increase, representing a .00765 percent increase.
I will request a motion to ratify the Change Order at the June 5th Council Meeting.
OPWC Park Drive Phase 1. Construction is well underway on the Park Drive Phase 1 Project. Drainage has been installed. Preparation is underway for the curb and gutter to be installed. Northstar Asphalt was awarded the contract based on the base bid PLUS Alternate #1 in the amount of $319,318. The $319,318 is split up with $140,584 from OPWC, $20,090 from Capital Improvement, and the remaining $158,644 from the Street Improvement Fund.
OPWC Brewster Water Transmission Main Replacement Project. The Brewster Water Transmission Main Replacement Project has been approved for funding by the Ohio Public Works Commission. The OPWC amount is a total of $1,500,000: $1,200,000 in an OPWC Grant and $300,000 in an OPWC Loan. The total project cost is estimated at $1,653,917.
OPWC will release the Project Agreements will be released on or about 7/1/2023, assuming budget authority is in place. The Village cannot award a construction contract or begin construction until the Project Agreement has been fully executed. The Village MAY initiate engineering and design services at our own risk prior to July 1st – the Village already has, and it is a part of our projected match.
The Village MAY advertise for bids, providing we follow the contractual requirements posted on the OPWC website. That is the intention, so I will be presenting legislation to Council to authorize advertising and receive bids.
The tentative timeline for advertising for bids and subsequent award of a contract is:
- Advertise for bids June 9th, June 16th, and June 23rd (in place of May 23rd, May 30th, and June 6th)
- Open bids July 6th (don’t want to do it the day before or day immediately after the July 4th holiday)
- Recommendation for CT to Council on award July 13th.
- Award contract July 17th IF we have OPWC Project Agreement has been fully executed.
- Award contract August 7th if for some reason we didn’t get OPWC Project Agreement fully executed by July 17th.
The updated construction estimate is $1,521,140.68. The budgeted construction costs plus contingencies in the OPWC Application for the Project was $1,566,917.
Water Service Line Identification Project. The Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP), or RCAP, has received a grant from the Ohio EPA to assist communities with service line material identification. The Water Service Line Identification Project will consist of door-to-door inspections provided by GLCAP staff, survey forms, mailers, and outreach materials. The GIS team has already built or will build the service line application for Brewster. The application service is included as part of our RCAP GIS Cooperative membership. The web and applications will serve as the repository for the service line point information received from online surveys.
There is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that must be signed and returned to GLCAP before work can start. This agreement describes work being performed by GLCAP. Again, fully funded by the Ohio EPA – this will be at no cost to the Village.
Based on the discussion at the May 15th Council Meeting, the Law Director approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) but not the second document, I signed just the MOU.
Parks – Pickleball Court.A holdover Park’s project has been replacing the former sand volleyball court with something that would be used more. Earlier this Spring the Village installed a cement pad large enough for a Pickleball Court. The Village received proposals, and the lowest price was $11,800. The other proposal was for $22,087.
As the cement has cured, we solicited proposals for installing posts and a net, as well as painting/sealing the court. The lowest price we received is from Carpenter Asphalt at $4,700. Their website is https://www.carpenterasphalt.com Our other proposed price was a “ballpark” price of $15,000.
I have asked for references, which if they check out, I plan to proceed unless there is an objection from Council.
Carpenter Asphalt also supplied a price to repair and paint the basketball Court for a cost of $6,500. The last price we had from another vendor was $18,337. I am seeking Council input on that project.
Mosquito Spraying. I have signed the agreement with the Stark County Health Department for mosquito spraying for 2022. The proposal from the Stark County Health Department was to do six (6) sprays this summer, between the months of June and October, weather permitting. The cost increases to $816 per spraying, is up from $731 per spraying in 2022. The total will be $4,896, up from $4,386 in 2022 if none of the sprays are cancelled due to weather conditions. As before, they will also be taking care of placing notices in advance of each spraying.
Battery Storage for Peak Shaving. Work has continued addressing both the size of the battery and the duration it needs to run for peak shaving. The short version of peak shaving is that now that a large number of entities are trying to shave their peaks, what used to be a peak is now a long plateau, where the peak could occur at any juncture. Currently the plateau lasts for 6 hours plus or minus. The federal Government projects it could get as long as 10 hours. Because of that fact, batteries are becoming less attractive for peak shaving.
With that background, I attended the AMP Power Supply Conference in Cuyahoga Falls on May 23rd, and noted in the PowerPoints that were presented, that:
- AMP is evaluating another phase of BTM peaking projects.
- Battery PPA is one of the considerations via a 20 Year Power Purchase Agreement
- Another BTM under consideration is Power Secure Diesels
- Power Secure Diesels need 5,000 square feet per 5 MW.
- Batteries need 12,000 square feet per 5 MW.
- AMP currently has 20 potentials behind the meter peak shaving sites at this time.
So, while Brewster has been in discussions with Convergent about a Battery Peak Shaving Project on a Village site, AMP has also been in discussions. I also spoke with John Courtney of Courtney and Associates, and he opines:
- Battery storage may not be a viable route for Brewster to peak shave at this time.
- If AMP is exploring a larger battery storage project, Brewster would be better off being a part of a much larger project with AMP to make it more cost effective and concurrently minimize our risk/exposure.
Also, John Courtney agrees that Brewster may want to shift its focus from Batteries to generators for peak shaving. Brewster’s primary goal is to lower its peak. A generator once turned on will produce a specific amount of power until it is turned off or it runs out of fuel. AMP may approve BTM Power Secure Diesels for “subscription” this July, with a goal to have them online by November 2024, meaning the Village could get peak shaving savings for its 2025 bills. Natural Gas generators might =be a better choice for ease of fueling, but AMP has the BTM Power Secure Diesels, which may be more cost effective. The location would still be the old substation on Chestnut, where noise would be a concern.
I will continue to explore options available to the Village to peak shave to save costs.
Ambulance Purchase. I have signed and forwarded thenew/amended Purchase Agreement. When we get an update on delivery, I will inform Council.
Storm Drainage Projects. The current list of storm sewer projects in their priority order, with updates on their status:
- Catch basin in front of 251 7th Street SE – repair/rebuild.
- Dartmouth/Amherst relief line. Easement has been signed. Need surveyor to set pins.Work to start when it can be scheduled and weather permits.
- Corner of Needham & Harriman – catch basin collapse.
- East end of 1st Street SE. Will have to coordinate with US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Open ditch east of Mohican. We are consulting with Stark County Soil & Water.
- Drainage from Harmon west of 264 Harmon. Survey needs to be completed.
- Drainage on north side of 7th west of Baymere.
These are not necessarily on a first come/first serve basis but based on their criticality and/or ability to fit into the schedule. We are also looking to repair deteriorated catch basins, so if any Council person is aware of any, please let me know. Also, if there are any storm drainage projects/issues not on this list please let me know.
Fiber Optics Connectivity Between Village Facilities. As the Village adds locations where we want connectivity to the internet, there have been several options explored. We have consulted with Siefert and spoken with MCTV.
Currently, most of our buildings are connected to the internet individually through MCTV. There is a cost for EACH location. The current monthly bill is approximately $1,800. Annually we spend over $21,000. We should be able to drastically reduce those costs with our own fiber optic connections versus “rental”.
There are two (2) motivating factors why we are looking into options:
- We have had issues communicating with cameras in Bimeler Park, as well as getting real time feeds from other cameras at other locations. Some locations if we want to review camera recordings we have to go to the cameras and download the data onto a laptop. All the cameras are supposed to feed back to the Police Department.
- We want to be able to monitor the security cameras in the schools in live time from the Police Department.
- We want to be able to get our new cameras at the Electric Building and Substation, as well as our SCADA, available and monitored in live time.
One option that in part addresses our shortcomings/goals is to add MCTV service and/or fiber to each location. Using Bimeler Park by the Tennis Court as an example, in order to determine if MCTV can install an Internet connection in this area, they would first need to have a Plant Engineer meet you on site for a site survey. The site survey will determine if there is a protected place where the Village could install an enclosure for MCTV to install modem. MCTV would also take a look at the feasibility of bringing a line from a utility pole to that location for the internet. If it is determined that it is feasible, one of the business Internet options listed below would be available to the Village:
Business Internet Service Options
Accelerate Fiber Internet Service
Monthly Recurring Charge
Business Internet 25 25 Mbps x 25 Mbps $39.95
Business Internet 50 50 Mbps x 50 Mbps $59.95
Business Internet 100 100 Mbps x 100 Mbps $99.95
Business Internet 200 200 Mbps x 200 Mbps $169.95
• If needed, the cost of a static IP address will be $10 per IP address, per month,
plus tax.
• This service is month-to-month. There are no contracts with this service.
• When you subscribe to MCTV Internet service, we will provide the Internet
modem. This modem does not have any routing or wireless capabilities. In order
to have more than one device connected to the Internet, or to have wireless
capabilities, you will need to attach your own router to the MCTV modem.
MCTV does not sell or provide network equipment/routers.
• Installation charges will be provided after a site visit is performed.
Obviously, this option incurs regular monthly costs.
Another solution that has upfront costs but eliminates virtually all of the monthly recurring costs for multiple locations is the Village installing its own fiber optic connections between buildings. We have met with Siefert, the consultant working on the cameras and connectivity for Fairless Schools, and with Next Wavelength Communications LLC out of New Philadelphia (who installs fiber optic lines for MCTV) to get information on this option. While in the long term the best solution is a fiber ring connecting Village facilities (and the Fairless Schools), the cost is too high to try to accomplish that in one project, and would exceed $50,000 requiring bid specifications, an additional cost. So, to get the fiber project “started” the first phase would be to establish a “base” at the Police Department, and to establish a connection on Village Power Poles to the new Electric Building and Substation. This would allow monitoring both by the Police Department and via the internet Electric Department employees of the new Electric Building and Substation – which as a reminder the new Substation cost $2.4 million dollars and the new Electric Building just under $1 million dollars. I feel this is important as there has been an increase in “attacks” on electric infrastructure.
This First Phase would cost $48264.44. It includes construction labor, testing of the network, and materials. It also includes OTDR testing and light loss testing for all the networks ports.
We have been in discussions with the IT folks for Fairless Schools, and this initial Phase would put the Village in a position to extend the fiber network to the new High School, which will already be connected to the Middle School, and Elementary School so that all the cameras in the schools can also be monitored in/by the Police Department, which is a significant enhancement for safety of the schools.
I would like to engage the Council in a discussion so that a solution to be able to monitor various Village facilities, including the Electric Building and Substation, can be implemented in an expedited fashion.
Properties in the Village with High Grass. As an FYI, letters have begun going out for properties that either have high grass or trash issues in the Village. High grass letters state:
Once the green cards (certified delivery) come back, the Village can cut the property and, if unpaid, place the cost of the property owner’s taxes. So, if you notice any properties in the Village where the grass is not being cut in accordance with our ordinance, please let me know.
Efficiency Smart – Expansion of Current HVAC Rebate Offerings. On March 1, Efficiency Smart introduced a $100 rebate on qualifying central air conditioners and a $50 rebate on qualifying window air conditioners. This will expand their current HVAC rebate offerings and give residential customers additional options to save energy in their homes. Efficiency Smart expects the new window air conditioner rebates to be of particular benefit to renters as they have fewer opportunities to make upgrades in their homes.
To kick off and raise awareness of these new rebates, Efficiency Smart will be giving away a window air conditioner on their Facebook page starting on March 1. Residents who comment on our post with what they are most looking forward to this summer will be entered into a drawing to win a window air conditioner. Residents will have one week to enter.
- Christmas in The Village meeting is June 7 at 10 a.m. at Village Hall.
- The Town Hall meeting with the Prosecutor is on June 8, 2023, in the Community Room at 6 p.m. He wants to show the public what he does for the community.
- Second June meeting will be Tuesday, June 20th at 7 p.m. with Juneteenth being on Monday,
- Tree Commission meeting is June 5th at 3 p.m.
- Appoint Thom Ross to medic duty with the Brewster Fire Department.
- Discuss fiber network meeting June 20th at 6 p.m. This is to review communications to feedback to Police Department and the cruisers from the schools. This will be the first step to begin the RING for the Village Electric buildings also.
- Joshua Hukill has resigned from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
- July 3rd Council meeting moving to July 5th at 7 p.m.
1. The May monthly reports will not be available until next week.
- UShred was scheduled and shredded 28 boxes of records on May 22nd as permitted by our records retention policy. This opened some space in the attic.
- We received the first half year contract payments from Sugarcreek Township and Tuscarawas Township.
- Some stats from the Utility Department:
- In 2018, we were emailing bills to 44 village residents and businesses. As of April 2023, we emailed “200” bills to village residents and businesses!! There is no charge to receive your bill via email.
- In 2019, we received 1,360 payments via the EZ Secure system (IT). As of 2022, we received “2,623” payments via the internet system. There is a charge to the customer of $0.25 per transaction and a fee of 2.95% of their bill for credit card payments and $1.50 for echecks.
- We receive 5 payments via ACH (automated clearing house) program.
- The AMI system has given us the ability to be more accurate with each reading. Also, we have been able to alert residents of unusually high usage. The opportunity was made available to have service dates current with bill dates.
- The Village will be receiving another $539.46 for the One Ohio Opioid Settlement. We have not expended any of the funds we have received thus far.
- Jamie Reese has submitted her resignation. Her last day of work will be 06/14/2023. I am requesting the Council to accept her resignation.
- Assistant Utility Clerk, Nancy is taking minutes tonight because Clerk Treasurer had planned to attend a conference, but due to a death in her family she might not be able to attend the conference, but still needed minutes to be typed.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD asked if the Linden trees on East Second street are going to be removed and replaced. Administrator Miller stated that this will be discussed at the upcoming tree meeting.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN asked if there are plans to cut the tree down in the park that has split. Administrator Miller is asking that an arborist look at that tree.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN suggests that more trees need to be placed in the frisbee park area to prevent frisbees from going to the road.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD would like the resident that placed the pile of dirt at McKinley and Needham to be made aware that it needs to be cleaned up.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD regarding the manholes at Hillview. Administrator Miller has spoken to the engineers about the manholes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD asked if a motion would need to be made to provide mutual aid to Sugarcreek Twp. Administrator Miller stated yes.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
- None.
- None.
OLD or NEW BUSINESS:Council Rules require a two-week waiting period before any expenditure of funds unless determined an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG to donate $250.00 to the NEUE 3 on 3 Tournament to show support for mental health illness. This event will be held at the Fairless Middle School. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN to appoint Kathy Loretto to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG to accept the resignation of Joshua Hukill from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG to accept the resignation of Jamie Reese from the Village office. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH to move the July 3rd Council meeting to July 5th at 7 p.m. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN to supply mutual aid (Street Department) to Sugarcreek Township for up to one week for an upcoming paving project. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN to accept Thom Ross to the fire department, after his background check has been verified. The vote: All yes. COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH to have a meeting on June 20th at 6 p.m. to discuss the proposed fiber network for the Village. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Bucher, Assistant Utility Clerk
Charles Hawk, Mayor