June 20, 2023 - Council of the Whole - Master Meters
JUNE 20, 2023 – 6:30PM – MASTER METERS
Council Members present: Dale Fox, Tom Hilliard, Sydney Radich, and Mike Schwab. Mayor Charles Hawk, VA Miller, and Clerk-Treasurer Kris King were also in attendance.
This meeting was called to discuss the use of master meters, particularly in Hillview Mobile Home Park (park). This discussion came about as a result of a proposed sanitary sewer project. The park currently has a master meter for the water supplied to the park from the Village. Council Member Hilliard is concerned that the park is not paying their fair share when it comes to the water and would also not pay their fair share if or when a sanitary sewer would be hooked up.
Currently all residences in the Village with the exception of the park’s water, pay a water capital charge and a sewer capital charge and service fee for their connections. The residents are responsible for lines from the curb stop to their homes. The Village is responsible for the lines up to the curb stop. The park has one main going into it and the park is responsible for it after the meter. The park pays the Village and distributes charges to the trailers as they see fit. The park is only charged for a single capital charge on their water. The current capital charge for water is $22.84.
Council Member Hilliard would like to see the park charged a capital charge for water per trailer. He would also like to see the capital charge and service fees for sanitary sewer charged per trailer if the project moves forward.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Kris King