August 17, 2023 - Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes
Meeting was opened by Mayor Hawk at 7:00 pm
Zoning Board of Appeals Members present: Charles Hawk; Sydney Radich; Jerry Layne; Joe Musacchia; Ray Heitger; Kathy Loretto; Wendy Schumaker.
A quorum was present.
Also in attendance: Village Administrator & Zoning Commissioner Michael Miller; Joanne Smith of Brewster Federal Credit Union; Rick Cain of Adams Signs.
Mayor Chuck Hawk stated that the Zoning Board of Appeals had minutes from June 22, 2023 to approve.
A motion was made by Jerry Layne, seconded by Joe Musacchia to approve the minutes.
All voted yes. The minutes from June 22, 2023 were approved.
Charles Hawk requested Village Administrator & Zoning Commissioner Michael Miller present the Zoning Variance requests.
Member Kathy Loretto recused herself and left the meeting because of her employment by tonight’s applicant, Brewster Federal Credit Union.
It was noted that a Meeting Legal ad was published in the Canton Repository.
Mr. Miller passed out the application and related attachments.
The application is for installation of a changeable message sign for Parcel 7001754, located at 105 Wabash Ave S. The application was filed by Adams Signs on behalf of the owner Brewster Federal Credit Union. The B-2 Zoning, in which parcel 7001754 is located, establishes for signs that:
One exterior business sign may be erected which advertises a business or service conducted upon the premises and/or advertises products, merchandise or commodities stocked and sold on the premises. Such sign shall be affixed flat against the wall of the business or may project therefrom not more than five feet. The bottom of a projecting sign shall be at least ten feet above the finished grade of the building. Projecting signs shall not be over 12 feet in height, and in no case exceed the district height regulations, nor shall exceed 50 square feet per side in area. No sign shall project into the right-of-way of any dedicated street.
Approved at September 21, 2023 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
The requested variance is for:
•a “changeable message center” per codified ordinance 153.221(A)(21) is not permitted in the B-2 Zone nor permitted for a bank/credit union. A variance is requested to permit a “changeable message center” sign.
Mr. Miller noted that the “changeable message center” is defined in our Zoning Ordinances but not permitted, and that the Zoning Ordinances should be changed to allow “changeable message centers” in specific zones, such as business and public buildings but restrict on size.
A motion was made by Jerry Layne, seconded by Wendy Schumaker to grant the variance.
A roll call vote was taken:
Sydney Radich, yes; Jerry Layne, yes; Joe Musacchia; yes; Ray Heitger; yes; Wendy Schumaker, yes; Charles Hawk, yes. The requested variance was approved.
Member Kathy Loretto was notified the Brewster Federal Credit Union discussion and vote had concluded and re-entered the meeting.
Village Administrator & Zoning Commissioner Michael Miller addressed the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a probable submission to the Planning Commission regarding the old gun club at the end of East Main. As now proposed it would be a Minor Subdivision with just three (3) lots. Discussion centered around how much the Village would “require” East Main be improved and potential “consequences if there were instead a petition to improve East Main by assessment filed.
Village Administrator & Zoning Commissioner Michael Miller addressed the Zoning Board of Appeals about lot splits and replats that have been being addressed by him, such as the six (6) lots that were combined into ne (1) between Wahonding and Mohican on the north side of Barber so that a house could be built without being on multiple lots, or similar situations where lots have been combined to allow a garage or storage shed to be built on the same lot. The is a potential lot split where three (3) lots are to be replated into two (2). Consensus was to have the Village Administrator & Zoning Commissioner continue as he has.
Charles Hawk then declared the meeting adjourned at 7:21 pm