JULY 5, 2023
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
The meeting took place in the Community Room.
Charles Hawk, Mayor David Godwin, Council Member
Tom Hilliard, Council Member Brett Long, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member Mike Schwab, Council Member
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to excuse COUNCIL MEMBER FOX from this evening’s meeting. The vote: All yes.
John Anthony, Solicitor Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the June 20, 2023, Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the minutes as presented. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $827,487.38. The vote: All yes.
John and Sandy Rose, Fire Chief Chris Colucy, and Police Chief Nathan Taylor
Sandy Rose, 395 2nd St SE, stated there is a neighbor that is blaring his stereo in retaliation for being turned into the police for excessive noise of riding dirt bikes around their yard and in the alley. When residents call the police, he stops and goes inside. Chief Taylor stated he must have a scanner that he listens to. The Roses had called the police 4 times one evening and there was no answer, so they went to the station and an Officer gave them a number to call and to give it out to the neighbors. It started up again about a week ago. One of the other neighbors stated that an Officer warned them that if they kept calling they were also going to get a ticket. Chief Taylor stated that this was a misunderstanding and what the Officer said was that if a resident does something to the person that the calls are being made against, they too could be ticketed. There have been two arrests made. The Chief stated that they want residents to call when there is a problem or incident to report. There was also someone who spoke to the police that stated they were told that there had to be video. Chief Taylor stated that video is not required but it can be helpful. The person being called about is saying the neighborhood is harassing him. Mrs. Rose stated that everyone in the neighborhood is getting cameras because he has been seen sneaking around the neighborhood between 1 and 2 am. Chief Taylor stated that in order for the police to take action against someone, the person reporting the complaint needs to write a statement. Mrs. Rose thanked the Chief for the extra patrols in the neighborhood.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony.
Third Reading: An ordinance authorizing a memorandum of understanding for mutual aid between Village of Navarre, Beach City, and Brewster, Ohio.
Solicitor Anthony suggested that Council wait for third reading of the above legislation concerning the memorandum of understanding for mutual aid until after his section of the meeting. Council agreed.
Second Reading: An Ordinance approving a Memorandum of Understanding with Fairless Local School District for the Village of Brewster to provide School Resource Officers from the Brewster Police Department for the 2023-2024 school year.
First Reading: A Resolution declaring the Official Intent and Reasonable Expectation of the Village of Brewster on behalf of the State of Ohio (borrower) to Reimburse its Water Fund for the Brewster Water Transmission Main Replacement Project, with the proceeds of Tax-Exempt Debt of the State of Ohio.
First Reading: A Resolution Authorizing the Village of Brewster Administrator to prepare and submit an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for a Tuscarawas NW Paving Project, and to execute contracts as required.
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Brewster Village-Stark County Sewer Service Agreement Supplemental No. 1 for the Expansion of the areas to be Sewered and Construction of Village Waterlines.
RESOLUTION 43-2023: A Resolution of Respect for Rick Lutz.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to pass the resolution as presented. The vote: All yes.
TABLED AT THIRD READING: An ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator, with the assistance of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), to apply for, accept, and enter into a construction loan agreement for an Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) loan for the installation of two (2) manholes in the sanitary sewer line that runs between McKinley to the levee and declaring an emergency (at third reading).
TABLED AT THIRD READING: An ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator, with the assistance of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), to apply for, accept, and enter into a construction loan agreement for an Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) loan for the Hillview Mobile Home Park Sanitary Project and declaring an emergency (at third reading).
TABLED AT THIRD READING: An ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator, with the assistance of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), to apply for, accept, and enter into a construction loan agreement for an Ohio EPA Water Pollution Loan Fund (WPCLF) loan for the lining and the rehabilitation/installation of two (2) manholes in the sanitary sewer line and runs between 5th and Jefferson and 4th Street and declaring an emergency (at third reading).
TABLED AT THIRD READING: An Ordinance to Authorize an Agreement between the Village of Brewster and the owner of Hillview Park to extend the Village Sanitary Sewer to the Park at owner’s expense.
- POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Nathan Taylor
- There have been 497 calls of service for June, 2023. So far 97 in July, 2023.
- Officer Lewis resigned effective 07/02/2023.
- The department is working on completing 24 hours of CPT training per Officer. The Village will be reimbursed for the training by the state.
- There will be an OVI checkpoint in the Village on July 22nd from 6pm until 11pm. One will be on route 62 by the middle school and one at the north side car wash.
- The department had training in the old high school and is going to do a walk-through at the new school.
- Car purchase: The Chief has found a 2023 Dodge Durango at the cost of $48,791 and approximately $19,021.53 for upfitting the cruiser.
- Council Member Hilliard was at the yard waste and noticed that there were 5 cars parked at the station. He asked if all the cars are running. The Chief stated that all cars are running but the 2012 Explorer has over 120,000 miles on it. The Chief stated that is currently not an emergency but if we need a car we are probably going to have to wait until 2026 to get one. VA Miller stated that we learned our lesson with the Bucket Truck that took over a year, the Digger Derrick truck was over two years and we ordered an ambulance in December of 2021 and still don’t have a chassis for it. If this car is available, we should get it.
- Council Member Schwab asked about the shape of the other cars. Chief Taylor stated we just put around $4,000 into one of the Chevy’s and the Fords are starting to have issues. The Chief is rotating the vehicles to make them last longer.
- FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Chris Colucy left for a fire call and returned later with the following to report:
- Year to date calls = 485. June calls = 78.
- The department received a $801 EMS Grant.
- Council Member Godwin brought up a bill that the Village paid for people throwing and breaking beer bottles in the recycling bins. Chief Colucy stated that this is an annual problem.
- Council Member Hilliard asked about the broken window on the north side from kids throwing candy in the parade. Council Member Hilliard stated that we need to get the word out to not throw so hard or only allow the coaches to throw the candy. He stated there needs to be a solution.
Solicitor Anthony spoke on the Memorandum of Understanding for mutual aid between Brewster, Navarre, and Beach City. He stated Council has expressed legitimate concerns since the very beginning. He stated that Council has three options now that the legislation is at third reading. The first option is to table the original legislation. Council can make a motion to amend the legislation. The last option is to vote it down and start over. Whatever Council decides, the legislation needs amended. Solicitor Anthony has emailed a copy of a revised version that addresses the concerns that Council has expressed. The new version also covers damages to the Village’s equipment. He would like Council to review and if this meets the Village’s needs then it can be sent to Beach City for their review. If Beach City agrees then it can be brought forward for Brewster Council to vote on. It would not take effect until it is approved by all legislative bodies involved. Council Member Hilliard stated he felt this was going to be complicated for recordkeeping and heavy in red tape. Council Member Schwab asked how this came about. This started several months ago when a member of Council stated that it needs to come before Council and that the Mayor and Chief did not have the authority to enter into this agreement. It started with the Chief not wanting to go on a mutual aid call when there were no officers from Beach City available. It was stated that our Solicitor has spent a lot of time on this. Chief Taylor stated there were instances where Brewster Officers were called to Beach City. Once they are on scene they cannot leave until either Beach City arrives or the call is completed. This left Brewster uncovered and when a call came in to Brewster, another agency had to cover that call. The former Beach City Solicitor wrote the agreement which our Solicitor felt was lacking in certain areas. Navarre is waiting to see what Brewster does before acting on it. Solicitor Anthony would like to see the Mayors and Chiefs from all three Villages get together and make sure they all agree with the latest revision. Chief Taylor wants to make sure everyone is on the same page. Mayor Hawk expressed his discomfort with sending his Officers to Beach City when there are no Officers on duty in Beach City. Council Member Godwin agreed that nothing positive could come of this. Chief Taylor stated that Wilmot should also be included as Beach City contracts with them for coverage.
Solicitor Anthony gave third reading on the legislation:
Third Reading: An Ordinance authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for mutual aid between Village of Navarre, Beach City, and Brewster, Ohio (exhibit A).
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion failed to pass the legislation as originally proposed (exhibit A). The vote: All no.
Council Member Schwab wished to ensure that everyone understands that this does not affect the legislation already in effect for mutual aid. Resolution 15-2013 (exhibit B) will still remain in effect. Ohio Revised Code, Section 511.15 or 1545.01 extends mutual aid to other agencies and the Village will continue to assist Beach City Police Department and Navarre Police Department on calls.
The Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review. Administrator’s report for period: 06/21/2023 thru 07/7/2023:
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the Village Administrator’s report as presented. The vote: All yes.
Items added since the email went out to Council:
· We received an invoice for cleaning the recycling bins after trash and broken beer bottles were removed from the bins after the festival.
- We are looking at 02/2025 for the delivery of a new bucket truck.
- The bid opening for the Water Main Transmission Project has been moved to July 26th.
- The poles are going in for the pickleball court next week. The pickleball and basketball courts will then be power washed and painted.
- LTIP for Tuscarawas and West Main paving may go to Small Government for financing. We should be in good shape.
- We contracted with the Stark County Health Department for mosquito spraying but they have been having trouble hiring drivers. We looked at the cost for Brewster employees to spray. A 55-gallon drum of mosquito spray went from $10K-$14K. Our sprayer is not certified and hasn’t been for about five years. A new sprayer costs between $19K-$25K.
- Stark Metro Sewer is amending the agreement to include that Brewster cannot require Harmon to be annexed because we are providing wastewater treatment.
- The camera program will move forward unless Council has an objection.
- There was a Facebook post stating the Village doesn’t have the right to ban fireworks. This is incorrect. The Village does have the power and we prohibit the use of fireworks within the Village limits.
- Unless Council has an objection, we will be moving forward with the cleaning of well #5.
- Requesting approval of change order #4 and #5 for the Electric Garage Project.
Administrator’s report for period 6/21/2023 through 7/5/2023:
Hillview Mobile Home Park Sanitary Sewer “Project” – WPCLF Design/Planning Loan. Design is ongoing.
Hillview Mobile Home Park Sanitary Sewer “Project” – Easements. With the use of Federal funds through WPCLF subjects the easements to Title II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition and Policies Act of 1970 (P.L.91-646). The easements for the Project have been identified, they have been appraised, so now the “negotiations” with the owner, Hillview Mobile Home Park, based on the appraisal(s) can commence. It is still the intent of Hillview Mobile Home Park at this point in the process to donate the easements at no cost, similar to what was done by Fairless Schools for the Safe Routes to Schools Project.
Hillview Mobile Home Park - CDBG Funds. I had a telephone conference with Stark County Regional Planning (CDBG) on May 24th regarding the Village’s CDBG Grant of $40,000 towards the Hillview Pump Station and Force Main Project. We went over documentation they need to address the Environmental Review element required by the infusion of Federal (HUD) funding for the Project. I forwarded to CDBG requested documents to address the Environmental Review process.
In addition to utilizing the documentation in the Environmental Review process, there will be:
- A “historic” review by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office, which Stark County CDBG will take responsibility for.
- Published legal notices, which Stark County CDBG will take responsibility for.
- 30-day comment period, which Stark County CDBG will take responsibility for.
- As portions of the project will lie within the flood plain, environmental review for flood plain/wetland incursion, which Stark County CDBG will take responsibility for.
Hillview Mobile Home Park & Village Agreement for Reimbursement. Law Director Anthony has addressed Council on this piece of the overall “puzzle.”
Brewster Sanitary Manholes Project – WPCLF Loan(s). The Village’s application for the loan has been submitted. Work on the plans is underway.
Brewster Sanitary Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab/Replacement Project – WPCLF Loan(s). The Village’s application for the loan has been submitted. Work on the plans is underway.
OPWC Park Drive Phase 1. Restoration of the grass areas is underway. Milling and base asphalt is scheduled for Thursday and Friday of the week of July 3rd, weather permitting. Final Pavement should then take place the following week, wrapping up the project. Northstar Asphalt was awarded the contract based on the base bid PLUS Alternate #1 in the amount of $319,318. The $319,318 is split up with $140,584 from OPWC, $20,090 from Capital Improvement, and the remaining $158,644 from the Street Improvement Fund.
OPWC Brewster Water Transmission Main Replacement Project. It is official! I signed the OPWC Project Agreement for the Brewster Water Transmission Main Replacement Project on Monday July 3rd.
The Brewster Water Transmission Main Replacement Project has been approved for funding by the Ohio Public Works Commission. The OPWC amount is a total of $1,500,000: $1,200,000 in an OPWC Grant and $300,000 in an OPWC Loan. The total project cost is estimated at $1,653,917. So, by OPWC calculations the Village received 90.7% of the project costs in a grant and loan.
As permitted, the Village initiated engineering and design services at our own risk prior to July 1st. It is a part of our projected match. Also, as permitted, the Village has advertised for bids, provided a contract is not awarded prior to executing the OPWC Agreement. So, Council is now able to award a contract after bids are opened later this month.
However, we also just issued an addendum that extends the completion date from October 31st, 2023 to May 24th, 2024. This was done because with such a restricted construction period, I was concerned that we wouldn’t get as many interested contractors and/or we might see inflated bids to cover that. That addendum went out to three (3) contractors who have taken out plans to date. There is less than two (2) weeks before the bid opening, and with July 4th many folks may be out for an extended weekend, reducing the time to prepare a bid even further.
Extending the bid opening should allow for more contractors to be aware of a more reasonable completion date and get bids in. In my opinion there is no downside to extending the bid opening date. Looking at Wednesday July 26th. I will confirm.
The actual timeline for advertising for bids and subsequent award of a contract is:
- Advertise for bids June 16th, June 23rd, and June 30th.
- Open bids initially scheduled for July 11th has been pushed back two (2) weeks.
- Recommendation for CT to Council on award will be after bid opening.
- Award contract August 7th.
The updated construction estimate is $1,521,140.68. The budgeted construction costs plus contingencies in the OPWC Application for the Project was $1,566,917.
OPWC 2023 Applications.This year’s deadline for submission of OPWC Projects is September 29, 2023. In preparing for submission of a Village application(s), I have begun reviewing the Village’s Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan/Maintenance of Effort Reports (referred to as CIRs). The Village gets 10 points on each application if it submits CIRs for each Department. I have forwarded a copy of the CIR for the Water Department. In the coming weeks the remaining CIRs will be forwarded as well.
OPWC - West Main Reduction and Rehabilitation Project. Preliminary plans have been submitted by Thrasher for the OPWC West Main Reduction and Rehabilitation Project funding application pursuant to Ordinance 31-2023. The Street Superintendent and I went over them, and then discussed the project with the Mayor.
One of the issues discussed was extensions of existing storm sewers on the current south side of West Main out to correspond with the new curb line. Rather than spend more time and money trying to incorporate those into the plans, we determined to extend those ourselves BEFORE the West Main Reduction & Paving Project is bid out.
We plan to:
- Have Thrasher set pins at the back of the proposed new curb on the south side to allow us to set new catch basins.
- The Village ran storm sewer lines from the existing south side to the proposed new curb on the south side and set new storm sewer structures with a solid top.
- The Village ran storm sewer line from those new storm sewer structures with a solid top to the north side of West Main and set new storm sewers with curb inlets.
- The plans would then require the contractor to set curb inlets set on the new storm sewer structures in line with the new curb and gutter, and move the solid tops to the existing structures on the south side for access.
That process will save both time for Thrasher to add elements to the plans and obviously money as well. Some costs to setting pins, but less than full survey and revamping plans. Work will be completed on the plans and cost estimates.
OPWC – Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Paving Project. In the LTIP portion of the OPWC District 19 criteria, there are 5 additional points awarded to a mill and fill only paving project with over a 50% match. With that background, I am requesting Council authorize me to apply for an OPWC Grant for the Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Paving Project for the current round. We will be completing any ADA Ramps in advance of the paving; essentially already have the specs completed, as they will be in the same format as our normal paving specs; have decent chance to get funded at the District level; or, if not funded at the District level have a decent chance of getting sent on to the OPWC Small Government Program for funding. In either event, having a chance to get 49% of the paving cost for Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Paving in a grant – it is worth the effort.
Electric Building – Progress & Change Orders. HVAC is in. Some electric on. Painting of foundation walls has been completed. Painting of the drywall and other areas has begun. As I did with the Fire Station Addition and the Community Room, any Change Orders for the Electric Building will be reported to Council as they come up and presented for Council to approve or ratify.
Change Order #4 is to install snow guards on the front and back of the new building, so that snow (or ice) doesn’t slide off in large sheets and injure employees or equipment (front) of the HVAC equipment on pads at the rear of the Electric Building. The front needs snow guard across the entire length, whereas the rear only needs snow guard where the equipment is installed, making that portion less expensive. The cost for Change Order #4 is $4,750 for the front and $1,800 for the rear, for a total of $6,550. The total increase through and including Change Order #4 is $13,931.10 or 1.4%.
There is also Change Order #5. It is for $5,950. Change Order #5 is to extend a 2” natural gas service line from the meter to the new electric building with a 2” tee and a ball valve for a future source for a generator, when/if the diesel one we are reusing it needs replaced. NORMALLY, Columbia Gas installs the gas line all the way to the building. However, they “declined” to do so because we had underground electric already in place and they did not want to cross it. The cost for Change Order #5 is $5,950, or 0.617 %. The total increase through and including Change Order #5 is $19,891.10 or 2%.
The cost breakdown is as follows:
Original Contract
Change Order #1
Change Order #2
Change Order #3
Change Order #4
Change Order #5
New Total
I will request a motion to ratify Change Orders #4 and #5 at the July 5th Council Meeting.
New Electric Building – Back-up Generator. The generator that used to be at Village Hall/Fire Department was inspected. The inspection indicates that the generator is in good working order and can be used at the New Electric Building for back-up power.
We also obtained an estimate to have the generator that used to be at Village Hall/Fire Department installed at the new Electric Building. That estimate is $2,137.44.
The generator will be located at the northwest corner of the newly leased property. Reusing the generator that used to be at Village Hall/Fire Department at the new Electric Building results in a large savings.
AMP Fremont Energy Center (AFEC) – Future Fuel Purchase to Hedge. At the Joint AMP Fremont Energy Center (AFEC) Fuel Subcommittee, Participants Committee and Joint Management and Operating Committee on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, the bodies took the following action related to AFEC fuel supply:
- Authorized long-term gas hedge for 2026-2030: Purchase 150,000 MMBtu/month at a target price of $4.25/MMBtu or below. (This volume represents approximately 8-9% of annual modeled combined cycle forecasted burns.)
- Authorized long-term gas hedge for 2028-2032: Purchase 100,000 MMBtu/month at a target price of $3.75/MMBtu or below. (This volume represents approximately 6% of annual modeled combined cycle forecasted burns.)
Attached is a condensed version of the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting.
AFEC is a nominal 700-MW natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) facility in Fremont, Ohio. AFEC has a capacity of 512 MW (unfired) and includes duct-firing that allows an additional 163 MW of generation during peak demand periods.The Village of Brewster owns a .61% share of AFEC.
Per the terms of the AFEC Power Sales Contract, prior to entering into any Long-Term arrangements regarding Fuel Hedging, Reserves or Gas Pre-pays (one year or longer), AMP shall offer each Participant the ability to “opt out” of the strategy. AMP’s memo (attached) serves as notification of the approval of the above purchases and Brewster’s opportunity to opt-out of this purchase. The AFEC Participants Committee approved a three (3) week period for Participants to exercise their right to opt-out.
Therefore, Brewster is to respond in writing by Friday, July 21, 2023 at 5:00 PM to opt-out. We only need to respond if we wish to opt out.
AMPT – Ring Bus. We recently held a meeting onsite at the Electric Substation with a number of representatives of AMPT to go over a preliminary layout for the ring bus (the ring bus will allow two (2) separate feeds to our substations and also ensure redundancy). The latest layout was tweaked to get more yard space and maneuverability at the site for Brewster day to day functions. Made some changes that satisfy Electric Superintendent Swan. AMPT is putting an RFP out for formal engineering for the ring bus project.
Well #5 Servicing and Cleaning. In 2019 the Village cleaned and rehabilitated Well #3. The final price was for $27,170 – the base cost of $13,600 plus $13,570 for repairs and parts.
The following year, 2020, the Village cleaned and rehabilitated Well #4. The final cost was $29,902 - the base cost of $20,750 plus the $9,152 for repairs/parts.
We solicited three (3) prices this year for the cleaning, servicing, and repair if required for Well #5. “Servicing” includes at a minimum:
- pulling the pump
- cleaning the well
- inspecting the well
- inspecting and testing the pump
- reinstalling the pump
We are proceeding with the premise that IF during the inspection anything is identified as needing repair or replacement, there will be an additional cost, and have received prices in advance so we know and to make sure the potential final price can be compared as best as possible.
The breakdown is as follows:
Ohio Drilling
National Water Services
Moody’s of Dayton
Cleaning & Servicing
Power Surge well
Repair Stuffing Box & Discharge Head
Pump Rebuild
Column Pipe
$40 per foot
$79 per foot
Repair Column Pipe
$12.00 per foot
Repair Bowl Assembly
New Bowl Assembly
Line Shaft Bearings
$119 each
Stainless Steel lineshaft
Well Pump Repair Hourly Rate
After the initial quotes, we were comfortable that Ohio Drilling was low and followed up with Ohio Drilling to make sure we had prices for all items that we have had issues with in the last two (2) we had wells serviced.
These prices maintain our ability to say “NO!”. If after we get the well dismantled, we find for example that the pump bowls are ok and do not need replaced, we are not locked into doing so, but the prices provide us with a firm price up front to do so, rather than being at the contractor’s mercy.
The Purchase Order is being opened for a “highest” potential amount of $28,000, based on what the Village knows and/or anticipates at this time (that avoids having to continuously amend or issue new purchase orders as items/issues are discovered and decided).
I plan to proceed unless there is an objection from Council.
2024 Paving Program. I have begun work on the list for the 2024 Paving Program, which the streets that were part of the OPWC Tuscarawas/Locustdale/Pinewood Water Line Replacement Project being priorities. The plan is to let trenches settle this summer, put in new ADA Ramps at the intersections ahead of next year, and remove any “hazard” trees and replacing any displaced sidewalk before paving all those streets next year. I have informed Columbia Gas of these plans so that if there is a need to also replace gas lines on these streets they can do so before we pave them next year.
I am preparing the requirements for ADA Ramps that will need to be updated with the 2024 Paving Program:
- Chestnut and Tuscarawas;
- Pinewood & Tuscarawas;
- Locustdale and Tuscarawas;
- Locustdale & Wabash;
Again, I anticipate that these will be addressed ahead of the 2024 Paving Program, at less cost, and hopefully with much less confusion.
Water Service Line Identification Project. The Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP), or RCAP, has received a grant from the Ohio EPA to assist communities with service line material identification. The Water Service Line Identification Project will consist of door-to-door inspections provided by GLCAP staff, survey forms, mailers, and outreach materials. The GIS team has already built or will build the service line application for Brewster. The application service is included as part of our RCAP GIS Cooperative membership. The web and applications will serve as the repository for the service line point information received from online surveys.
There is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that must be signed and returned to GLCAP before work can start. This agreement describes work being performed by GLCAP. Again, fully funded by the Ohio EPA – this will be at no cost to the Village.
Based on the discussion at the May 15th Council Meeting, the Law Director approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) but not the second document, I signed just the MOU.
Parks – Pickleball Court. A holdover Parks project has been replacing the former sand volleyball court with something that would get more use. Earlier this Spring the Village installed a cement pad large enough for a Pickleball Court. The Village received proposals, and the lowest price was $11,800. The other proposal was for $22,087.
As the cement has cured, we solicited proposals for installing posts and a net, as well as painting/sealing the court. The lowest price we received is from Carpenter Asphalt at $4,700. Our other proposed price was a “ballpark” price of $15,000. Carpenter Asphalt checked out and were authorized to begin. Moisture measurements were taken on the cement, which are high and a concern for adherence of paint. The moisture content is lowering, so we are waiting to see that the percentage gets down to the recommended level from the paint supplier so that there are no issues with the paint adhering to the surface. We are moving forward cautiously.
Carpenter Asphalt also supplied a price to repair and paint the basketball Court for the amount of $6,500. The last price we had from another vendor was $18,337. That project is moving forward as well.
Mosquito Spraying. I have signed the agreement with the Stark County Health Department for mosquito spraying for 2023. The proposal from the Stark County Health Department was to do six (6) sprayings this summer, between the months of June and October, weather permitting. The cost increases to $816 per spraying, up from $731 per spraying in 2022. The total will be $4,896, up from $4,386 in 2022 if none of the sprayings are cancelled due to weather conditions. As before, they will also be taking care of placing notices in advance of each spraying.
Ambulance Purchase. We are exploring an “alternate” method to get a chassis with Pfund. When we get an update on delivery or this alternate, I will inform Council.
Storm Drainage Projects. The current list of storm sewer projects in their priority order, with updates on their status:
- Catch basin in front of 251 7th Street SE – COMPLETED.
- Dartmouth/Amherst relief line. Easement has been signed. Need surveyor to set pins. Work to start when it can be scheduled and weather permits.
- Corner of Needham & Harriman – catch basin collapse.
- East end of 1st Street SE. Will have to coordinate with US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Open ditch east of Mohican. We are consulting with Stark County Soil & Water.
- Drainage from Harmon west of 264 Harmon. Survey needs to be completed.
- Drainage on north side of 7th west of Baymere.
These are not necessarily on a first come/first serve basis but based on their criticality and/or ability to fit into the schedule. We are also looking to repair deteriorated catch basins, so if any Council person is aware of any, please let me know. Also, if there are any storm drainage projects/issues not on this list please let me know.
Stark County Sanitary Sewer Extension to Justus and Harmon. I got a call from Jim Troike, the Stark County Sanitary Engineer, regarding a subject I had mentioned to Council previously. There is still a concern that while Stark County is extending sanitary sewer lines, with Federal Funds, that at the point the ownership of the lines is transferred to the Village that the Village could use that infrastructure to force those residents to annex.
I received a similar call from Todd Paulus, Unit Manager, Environmental Health for the Stark County Health Department in April regarding the same subject.
In both cases I relayed that the Village had no interest in using the sewer lines to annex either Justus or Harmon. I relayed that based on the Village’s experience with the annexation of Hillview Mobile Home Park that I believed that there would be no interest on Council’s part to annex either Justus or Harmon. I specifically addressed this at Council’s last meeting on June 20th, 2023, stating that I recommend that the Village would not use the new sanitary sewer line extended to Justus and Harmon to force annexation.
So, this morning to get this issue addressed I called Deb Dawson, Chief of the Stark County Prosecutor’s Civil Division. She will be drafting a short amendment to the current agreement between the Village of Brewster and Stark County to accept and treat the sanitary sewage and wastes collected in the expanded/ amended Project area as defined in Exhibit A of the Agreement, passed in Ordinance 5-2022 and amended in 53-2022, so that the agreement will also provide that the Village will not use the sanitary sewer and/or sanitary services to force annexation by residents served by said agreement.
Technology Requirements for Police Department and Village Cameras. Over the past few years, the Village has implemented two (2) camera systems to be able to secure Village facilities.
The first effort was through Staley Technologies. This had initial success, but our ability to view images in real time became more difficult, between losing cameras, delay in being able to view images, and feeds freezing.
Approximately two (2) years ago the Village switched to another vendor, Silco, for the Police Department and Electric Substation to see if that system would provide better results. It has not worked out well.
So, in working with Fairless Schools and having our Police Department being able to monitor over 200 cameras in the three (3) schools in real time, it has become clear that the system being used by Fairless Schools works well – far better than either system the Village has tried.
At this point, to not only make it easier to monitor Fairless School cameras, but also to get a system in place for the Village to be able to have cameras in place to monitor its buildings and facilities, we are looking to install a Genetic Security System for Village cameras. As with the last vendor (Silco), we would start with the Police Department and Electric Department. Seven (7) new cameras are being installed at the new Electric Building. In addition, the four (4) existing Silco cameras at the substation will be replaced. At the Police Department, eight (8) Silco Cameras will be replaced, with an additional camera added to record interviews.
The proposed new Genetic Security System can handle up to 100 cameras – a number hopefully we do not reach. We can reuse the cameras installed with Staley Technologies, which are all the existing cameras except for the Police Department and Substation cameras mentioned above. Connectivity is crucial, so as the fiber optic network is expanded those cameras can be brought on board as well.
The costs are as follows:
Initial Police Cost
Electric Cost
Per Camera Reimbursement Cost
PD Camera (interviews)
Install & Configure Server
Training & Install
I have met with the Mayor, Police Chief, Electric Superintendent, and Clerk-Treasurer on this subject. Initial cost would be paid by the Police Income Tax and the Electric Capital Fund.
The initial cost breakout is in the table above. As other cameras are added into (or back into) the system, that Department would reimburse the Police Income Tax $241.31 per camera.
This is below the amount the Village is required to bid, and within the Administrator’s authority. I plan to move forward, however, Council may wish to schedule a Committee Meeting for July 17th to get more details first.
Properties in the Village with High Grass. As an FYI, letters have begun going out for properties that either have high grass or trash issues in the Village. High grass letters state:
This is to inform you to take immediate steps to cut the grass on the above-referenced property in the Village of Brewster.
The Village of Brewster Code of Ordinances Section 95.20 and 95.21 require the mowing of grass, weeds, or plants growing to heights exceeding eight (8) inches.
The Village of Brewster Code of Ordinance 95.12 further provides that upon written notice to the owner, lessee, agent, or tenant having charge of such land be cut within five days after receipt of said notice.
If the property is not brought into compliance within those five days, the Village will have the property mowed and charge you, the property owner, either by billing or assessment on the property taxes.
In addition, the ordinance provides that if you as the property owner fail or refuse to cut said grass, weeds, and undesirable vegetation following this notice… and it becomes necessary for the Village to cut and/or clean the same lot more than one time during the remainder of this calendar year, the Administrator may order the lot or lots to be cut and/or cleaned without the necessity of further notice.
Once the green cards (certified delivery) come back, the Village can cut the property and, if unpaid, place the cost of the property owner’s taxes. So, if you notice any properties in the Village where the grass is not being cut in accordance with our ordinance, please let me know.
Battery Storage for Peak Shaving. Work has continued addressing both the size of the battery and the duration it needs to run for peak shaving. The short version of peak shaving is that now that a large number of entities are trying to shave their peaks, what used to be a peak is now a long plateau, where the peak could occur at any juncture. Currently the plateau lasts for 6 hours plus or minus. The federal Government projects it could get as long as 10 hours. Because of that fact, batteries are becoming less attractive for peak shaving.
AMP is also exploring battery back-up, and:
- AMP is evaluating another phase of BTM peaking projects.
- Battery PPA is one of the considerations via a 20 Year Power Purchase Agreement
- Another BTM under consideration is Power Secure Diesels
- Power Secure Diesels need 5,000 square feet per 5 MW.
- Batteries need 12,000 square feet per 5 MW.
- AMP currently has 20 potential behind the meter peak shaving sites at this time.
So, while Brewster has been in discussions with Convergent about a Battery Peak Shaving Project on a Village site, AMP has also been in discussions. I also spoke with John Courtney of Courtney and Associates, and he opines:
- Battery storage may not be a viable route for Brewster to peak shave at this time.
- If AMP is exploring a larger battery storage project, Brewster would be better off being a part of a much larger project with AMP to make it more cost effective and concurrently minimize our risk/exposure.
Also, John Courtney agrees that Brewster may want to shift its focus from batteries to generators for peak shaving. Brewster’s primary goal is to lower its peak. A generator, once turned on, will produce a specific amount of power until it is turned off or it runs out of fuel. AMP may approve BTM Power Secure Diesels for “subscription” this July, with a goal to have them online by November 2024, meaning the Village could get peak shaving savings for its 2025 bills. Natural Gas generators might be a better choice for ease of fueling, but AMP has the BTM Power Secure Diesels, which may be more cost effective. Location would still be the old substation on Chestnut, where noise would be a concern.
I will continue to explore options available to the Village to peak shave to save costs.
- Village Clean-up will be performed by Clutter Boss again this year. The Village currently does not have enough manpower to do it inhouse. The cost last year was $3,711.95. The cost will be close to that this year. The south side will be picked up on August 19 and the north side on August 21.
1. The June monthly reports were placed in Council Members’ mailboxes.
- There are two check registers for this meeting. Please review and initial.
- I have begun work on the 2024 budget that is due on August 20th.
- We have received a legislative notice for a liquor license transfer from Belloni Foods to Freshway, Inc. DBA Brewster IGA. The Department of Commerce is asking if the Village would like to request a hearing or not. May I request your response in the form of a motion under old/new business.
- We received over $3,800 from Metro.
- We received another $348.36 from the OneOhio Opioid Settlement. That brings our balance in the account to $1,995.84.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
Council Member Hilliard stated his sister-in-law at 320 Needham is wondering when her yard will be repaired and seeded from the waterline repairs.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
The Tree Board met to discuss tree replacement and sidewalk displacement.
OLD or NEW BUSINESS:Council Rules require a two-week waiting period before any expenditure of funds unless determined to be an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve Clutter Boss for the Village clean-up on August 19th and August 21st. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to not oppose the transfer of the liquor license from Belloni Foods to Brewster IGA. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to approve change order #4 at a cost of $6,550 and change order #5 at a cost of $5,950. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the resignation of Phil Lewis from the Brewster Police Department effective July 2, 2023. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to approve the purchase of a 2023 Dodge Durango at a cost of $48,791 from the Police Car Fund. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor