July 6, 2020 - Finance Committee Meeting

Council of the Whole
Finance Committee
July 6, 2020
6:00 P.M.
Chuck Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member                           Andrew Hess, Council Member                 
Brett Long, Council Member                         Sydney Radich, Council Member
Mike Schwab, Council Member                 
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer                             Michael Miller, Village Administrator      
Chairman Mike Schwab presented an agenda that was given to council members at an earlier time to review.  The agenda was as follows:
TOPIC: Financial Planning
Village Employee Wage Review & Recommendation
  • The most recent Village Employee Wage Ordinance (93-2017) covered the years 2018, 2019, & 2020
  • It is suggested that the Employee Compensation Committee (Village Clerk, Village Mayor, VA, and Finance Committee Chair) begin a review of the Village Employee’s Compensation - Wages & Benefits
  • This may include all full time and part time employees, including the FD
  • For the Committee’s use the VA is asked to provide full time and part time employee wages and benefits, including FD volunteers from municipalities similar to Brewster in size and/or budget
  • 93-2017 requires a employee compensation recommendation from the Employee Compensation Committee to Village Council by September 30th
The Fire Operations 0.5% Municipal Income Tax - Quick Rehash
  • Term - Eight Years: from January 1, 2020 thru December 31, 2027
  • Revenue - Eight Years: Estimated $ 400,000/year = $ 3.2 million/eight years
Thru June 1, 2020 $ 175,849.05 received from 0.5% Income Tax (5 months)
                This = $ 35,169.81 per month or over 12 months = $ 422,038 in 2020
Revenue may exceed expectations in 2020 which is GOOD
  • Proposed Tentative Budget (Created for Ballot and presented again on 11/18/2019)
                                                                                                   Annually                              8 Years
Fire Building Expansion w/financing                         = $ 213,100                         = $ 1,704,802
Paid Paramedic on duty 24/7/365                              = $ 111,154                          = $    889,234
Funds: new vehicles & equipment                            = $   61,110                          = $    488,877
Funds: vehicle & equipment maintenance            = $   14,636                          = $    117,087
                                                                                                   $ 400,000                             $ 3,200,000
  • Fire Building Expansion
-          The proposed Budget was $ 1.5 million and the contract came in at $1,479,348.
-          As of June 16, 2020 change orders = $ 55,573.34 with more likely
-          The Project will be over Budget which was expected
-          Any overage will affect funding of the other Three Budget categories
  • The proposed expansion of the coverage hours of the Paid Paramedic Program needs to be better explored as well as the creation of a Program Scope and Budget.  With Council’s permission it is suggested that the Mayor appoints a committee including FD Chief, the Paramedic Coordinator, Village Clerk, Mayor, VA, and Finance Chair will provide a recommended planned approach with a potential 2021 kick off
  • With Council’s permission this Committee can also explore a plan for funding new FD & EMS vehicles & equipment as well as current FD & EMS vehicle & equipment maintenance
Triner Donation to Village Fire
  • On May 18th the Village Clerk advised Council that the Village had received a donation from the Triner Estate in the amount of $122,479.02 for the Fire Department. 
  • The Village Clerk has temporarily placed the Donation in the Fire Equipment (operating) Fund under donations until Council decides if they wish to move it to the Fire Equipment Capital Fund or another place.
  • Purely for discussion purposes I would suggest:
-          that $ 50,000 be placed in the Ambulance Replacement Fund
that $ 50,000 be placed in the Fire Equipment Capital Improvement Fund
-          that the balance be applied toward the cost of the new FD overhead doors
  • I would also suggest that the Village recognize Mr. Triner in some manner.   At minimum a Resolution of Appreciation and an appropriate plaque may be displayed in the new Fire building addition
Safe Routes to Schools Project
In 2019 this project was funded in the following manner:







Central Allied

Curb/Gutter ADA Ramps

$ 4,000.00



McBurney Concrete

Handicap Ramps & 7th St Path

$ 7,172.00



Thrasher Engineering

Prelim Engineering SRTS

$ 4,427.50



Thrasher Engineering

Prelim Engineering SRTS

$ 7,115.00



McBurney Concrete

Handicap Ramps & 7th St Path

$ 14,616.00





$ 37,330.50



I would suggest that a Safe Routes to Schools fund be created to cover future expenses for the Village’s portion of this project.  This will provide:
  • A dedicated and ready source for the Village to fund this project
Note: the Sidewalk Capital Improvement Fund when created during Council legislative discussion was initially titled the Sidewalk Replacement Fund and was intended to repair and replace existing sidewalks within Brewster. That was the intent of the Sidewalk Fund
  • Village Council with the ability to track the expenses of this project
  • Village Council with the ability to be accountable to its residents
Police Income Tax Fund
The Police Income Tax Fund is the recipient of any revenues received from the Police 0.2% Municipal Income Tax approved by the voters in November of 2016.  This temporary Income Tax provides an estimated $ 160,000 each year in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.  When placed on the Ballot Village Council advised the voters that the funds from this income tax would be utilized to fund School Resource Officer #1 (Benny Truman), to provide additional training for Village Officers, to better equip Village Officers with such equipment as body camera, and to better address the National drug problem
In 2019 revenue received from this 0.2% Income Tax                      = $ 217,557.53
In 2019 Expenses Police Wages, Benefits, & O/M                             = $ 109,718.62 (SRO)
In 2019 Expenses Police Training                                                              = $     1,243.16
In 2019 Expenses Police Capital Outlay                                                  = $   60,345.54
                                                2019 Police Income Tax Expenses            = $ 171,307.32                                   
A 2020, 2021, and 2022 Police Income Tax Budget
May I suggest that a tentative Police Income Tax Budget be created for the remaining two years of the 0.2% Police Municipal Income Tax.  
I would suggest that this two-year Budget be created with an eye toward setting funds aside to support SRO #1 in 2022 to allow this service to continue for one year beyond the current five-year term of the Police Income Tax.  Suggest a $ 100,000 2021 carryover into 2022
If Council has an interest in preparing such a Two-Year Police Budget may I suggest that Mayor Hawk create a Committee to explore it.
Budgets in all Village Operations
  • The Village Clerk creates a Budget each year for all Village operations. 
  • The Village Administrator advises that he has created budgets in the three utilities that were recently utilized by Courtney & Associates for their review of the affordability of the AMI proposal.
  • I would suggest that Village Council invest the time to have a larger role in the creation of all Village Operations budgets.
  • This would give Council a better understanding of funding Village operations and would allow Council to have a plan when approving expenditures
  • I would also suggest that Council and the Village need to do a better job planning for vehicle and equipment purchases.
  • I would also suggest that Council and the Village need to do a better job planning for vehicle and equipment maintenance.   Council needs to be accountable for ensuring that maintenance is planned and performed
  • May I suggest that Mayor Hawk appoint a Committee to review existing planned Village operations budgets and to play a part in providing Council with planned Village operations budgets as well as planned vehicle and equipment purchase and maintenance for each Village operation.
Synopsis (Suggested Follow Up):
  • It is suggested that the existing Employee Compensation Committee (Village Clerk, Village Mayor, VA, and Finance Committee Chair) begin a review of the Village Employee’s Compensation - Wages & Benefits
  •  With Council’s permission it is suggested that the Mayor appoints a committee including FD Chief, the Paramedic Coordinator, Village Clerk, Mayor, VA, and Finance Chair will provide a planned approach to explore the expansion in the coverage hours of the Village’s current Paid Paramedic Program, as well as the creation of a Scope and Budget (a potential 2021 kick off ??)
  • With Council’s permission this Committee can also explore a plan for funding new FD & EMS vehicles & equipment as well as current FD & EMS vehicle & equipment maintenance
  • Triner Donation to Village Fire for discussion purposes I would suggest:
-          that $ 50,000 be placed in the Ambulance Replacement Fund
-          that $ 50,000 be placed in the Fire Equipment Capital Improvement Fund
-          That the balance be applied toward the cost of the new FD overhead doors
  • Suggest that a Safe Routes to Schools fund be created to cover future expenses for the Village’s portion of this project. 
  • Mayor Hawk create a Committee to explore a Budget for the remaining two years of the Police Income Tax
  • That Council play a larger role in the creation of budgets in all Village operations with an eye toward setting aside funds for the purchase and maintenance of vehicles and equipment in the respective Village operations                               
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer