April 6, 2020 - Meeting Minutes

 APRIL 6, 2020
7:00 P.M.
Due to the COVID-19, this meeting was permitted by Sub.H.B.197 to be held through a conference call.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer
Kris King followed by Mayor stating God bless our country since not everyone had access to the flag.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member                                        Andrew Hess, Council Member                 
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member                              Brett Long, Council Member                                      
Sydney Radich, Council Member                               Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor                                              Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the March 16, 2020 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the minutes as presented.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 511,836.04. Council Member Hilliard is very concerned about employees going to Menards and being around other people.  He stated that the same person should go each time and go alone to limit their exposure to the COVID-19 virus.  The vote: All yes.
Fire Chief Chris Colucy and Joshua Bowen of the Independent Newspaper were also on the call.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES:  Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
RESOLUTION 19-2020:  A Resolution Establishing a Water Debt Fund for the Payment of Loans in the Village of Brewster was given third reading.
Council Member Schwab asked that the legislation be explained.  Clerk-Treasurer Kris King stated that this legislation allowed her to submit a request to Local Government Services to create this new fund.  The fund would receive $1,000 per month from water collections for loan payments.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.  The vote: All yes.
RESOLUTION 20-2020: A Resolution Establishing an Electric Debt Fund for the Payment of Loans in the Brewster Electric Utility was given third reading.
Council Member Schwab asked that the legislation be explained.  Clerk-Treasurer Kris King stated that this legislation allowed her to submit a request to Local Government Services to create this new fund.  The fund would receive $20,000 per month from electric collections for loan payments.  This would be used to make payments on the 2.6 million South Substation Expansion Project loan.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.  The vote: All yes.
RESOLUTION 21-2020: A Resolution Establishing a Repayment Schedule for the $70,000 Advance to the Fire Equipment Fund from the General Fund was given third reading.
Council Member Schwab asked that the legislation be explained.  Clerk-Treasurer Kris King stated that this legislation allowed her to allocate funds coming into the Fire Equipment Fund to be used to repay the $70,000 the General Fund Advanced the Fire Equipment Fund for the engineering for the Fire Building Expansion Project before the Fire Income Tax went into effect.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.  The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 22-2020: An Ordinance Reestablishing Quarterly Transfers from the General Fund was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.  The vote: All yes.
First Reading: Resolution authorizing the execution of the 2028-2030 fixed volume energy supply
Schedule with American Municipal Power Inc. (Intro. By the Mayor under emergency).
RESOLUTION 23-2020: A Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to prepare and submit an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for East Main paving project, and to execute contracts as required.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three readings and bring the legislation forward for passage.  The vote: All yes.
Council Member Hilliard asked VA Miller to explain this further.  VA Miller stated that right now the prices are low, and we would lock in rates that are less than we are paying today.  He stated it needs to be passed under emergency as last time this occurred, it was not moved on fast enough and the opportunity was missed.   The market is changing rapidly.  VA Miller will only enter into the contract if it is advantageous to the Village.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to pass the legislation as presented.  The vote: All yes.
First Reading: A Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to prepare and submit an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for a Park Dr rehabilitation project phase 1, and to execute contracts as required.
First Reading: A Resolution authorizing The Village Administrator to prepare and submit an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for a water filter media rehabilitation and replacement project, and execute contracts as required.
First Reading: An ordinance authorizing the awarding of a contract for the 2020 paving project.
Third Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing a Contract for the Sale of the Village’s Existing 69 KV Transmission Facilities and the Establishment of a Second 69 KV Interconnection was given third reading.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Chief Chris Colucy
  1. Year-to-date calls = 194.
  2. The additional gear-extractor is being held at the vendors until the building is done.  The grant covered most of this along with the gloves that have arrived.
  3. Department received a grant for classes for almost $3,000.
  4. Council Member Hilliard asked the Chief if he had enough antibacterial wipes.   The Chief said they are currently in good shape plus the Police Department has some in stock.  Council Member Hilliard stated that if they needed more, he had threetubsof them.
  5. Council Member Radich asked when the decision on the Firemen’s Festival would be made.  Chief Colucy stated he would decide in the next two weeks and let everyone know.
B. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Creter(excused)
The JEDD agreement draft was sent to Jim Matthews and he acknowledged receipt so that is going forward.
Solicitor Anthony received a letter from Paul Lafayette regarding the Jefferson Health Litigation.  The settlement has been delayed due to several factors such as the numbers calculating the settlement amounts have changed.  This shouldn’t affect Brewster;
  1. A few months ago, the parties were advised that Medical Mutual of Ohio (“MMO”) made another substantial payment on claims incurred while the OPEC-HC Agreement was still in effect.  This changes the settlement numbers.
  2. In addition to the foregoing, the auditor of state is continuing its investigation and audit of OPEC-HC.   There could be an audit finding which would change the numbers.
  3. A portion of payments made to JHP, for the July to December 2017 invoices, were set aside into escrow accounts held by JHP.  How those funds are to be handled still remain in question at this time.  The Court hasn’t ruled yet on the issue.
In short, there are still pending unresolved issues that will continue for a few months it appears.
Basically, Paul says not a rush and better to wait until all of the issues pending are fully resolved.
We will continue to be advised as things develop.
  1. Ohio Flags of Honor Memorial: July 31st though August 2 at Barley’s Event Center in Louisville.
  2. Stark County Bar Association will feature a Naturalization Ceremony on May 1st at 10:30 am at St. Thomas High School.
  3. An ordinance from Stark County Commissioners for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Agreement of Cooperation has been received for Council’s review.
Mayor Hawk stated that VA Miller had emailed Council the Administrator’s Report for this meeting.  He would like to entertain a motion to accept the Administrator’s report into the minutes before we move on to questions for the Village Administrator.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the VA Report and enter it into the minutes.  The vote: All yes.
Administrator’s report for period 3/17/2020 thru 4/6/2020:
  • COVID 19 – Village Hall and Utility Offices. Per the Governor’s and Ohio Department of Health guidelines, both Village Hall and Utility Offices have been closed to the general public. At least one (1) person is always present at Village Hall, and a wireless doorbell was installed so that the door can be answered for deliveries and for the drop-off of bids.
  • COVID 19 – Utility & Street Department Operations. Beginning March 17th, employees in the Water Department, Wastewater Department, Electric Department, and Street Departments have been scheduled so that operations can continue with as little to no overlap of employees, so that the chances of an employee transmitting the COVID 19 virus to another is minimized. The scheduling option is especially important to continuity of operations. In the event an employee tests positive in water and all three (3) employees have been working together, and as a result all have to be isolated, we would be left without anyone to operate the plant. This approach to scheduling is actually cited as an option in an AWWA (American Water Works Association) release, which among other things advises:
Split up staffing and keep individuals home on paid, on-call leave while others work and then switch.
So, at this time and until the pandemic/emergency passes, the departments scheduling will be staggered:
          Water – Two employees will work together one week: the other will work the next
               Wastewater – One will work one week: One will work the next
Electric – Two will work together one week: two will work together the next
(work in pairs for safety) The pairing will remain constant, so the possibility of “cross-contamination” is minimized.
Street – Once the storm line is past the water shut off for the Moose and “tied in”, one will work one week: One will work the next
While an employee is home, they are still being paid and are in a work-ready status at all times during their normally scheduled time and must be able to report to “work” with short notice.
This scheduling is meant to allow employees to follow current CDC and Ohio Department of Health guidelines, so employees need to practice “social distancing” throughout.
This is not an absolute – if an issue arises or a project necessitates bringing employees together or in, we will do so.
Our employees are all responsible for delivery of essential services/utilities to 2,112 residents of Brewster, as well as those who work here, so these actions are being taken so that they can continue to provide those services.
  • COVID 19 – Employee Policies. Three (3) Employee Policies have been drafted and put into effect as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic and related Federal legislation.
The 4.01C Health Emergency Paid Sick Leave and 4.05C Expanded Family & Medical Leave policies are a result of the Federal Legislation as part of the stimulus package. I have previously forwarded a copy of the poster that we are required to post. They were effective April 1st. You will note that a number of positions that have been “excepted” so that we retain the ability to manage the workforce, BUT for example with the 4.01C Health Emergency Paid Sick Leave the hours are essentially “restored, but in a process the Village retains some control over. Those “excepted” are done so as “emergency responders” and/or “essential employees”, the later as determined by Homeland Security.
The 6.20 Contagious/Communicable Disease Policy Council has seen in various e-mails to employees and is a compilation of a number of things. But primarily it is based on the directives from the Governor, Ohio Department of Health, and CDC.
The 4.01C Health Emergency Paid Sick Leave and 4.05C Expanded Family & Medical Leave policies should ultimately be ratified by Council.
  • ODOT – Route 93 Paving and Underpass Drainage Issue. On March 24th Street Superintendent Patterson and I met with ODOT at the underpass, regarding the upcoming paving and the drainage issue at the underpass.
Following the meeting, I received an e-mail form ODOT that summarized their plans to deal with the drainage issues (holes in pipe and deterioration of underdrain (metal corrugated that have “disintegrated”) on both sides of the underpass, but most pronounced on the east side). ODOT’s plan of action is:
… as we discussed, the current project is not scoped to address the issue with the deteriorated metal underdrains. We can perform some additional repair work such as removing and replacing the heaved sidewalk curb in the northeast corner. We can also investigate the damaged storm sewer pipe at this time. These are short term solutions until our design department can investigate the best means to address the underdrains.
I have received the original blueprints for this area and will be making a copy to provide, as well as the video, to our design department.
So, there will be limited repairs at the northeast corner and northwest corner of the underpass, with the underdrain issue left to addressed in the future by a separate project. The good news is that ODOT brought their own vactor to clean the lines and camera to video the lines Thursday April 2nd, so they are moving forward to diagnose the problem(s).
  • Safe Routes to Schools - Route 62 Grant. The Village’s Engineering Firm (Thrasher) made our Stage 1 submittal for the Safe Routes to Schools - Route 62 Grant. I have forwarded Council a copy of the documents.
  • Bimeler Park – Walking Path Repair. The portion of walking path in Bimeler Park by the basketball court that has been disturbed by tree roots has been realigned further north towards the pad for the port-a-potty, as I indicated it would be last year. I think it turned out nice and is much more level than it was.
  • Village Hall – Utility Office Access. A new handicap access ramp has been installed in front of Village Hall (Utility side) to improve accessibility. This project has been on the to do list for some time. A number of folks with canes have trouble getting up over the 4-inch curb, and this also allows wheelchairs form the street. I will be adjusting handicapped parking spot after new pavement to accommodate car with room at back to get through.
  • AMP – 1MW Power Block Purchase for 2028-2030. I forwarded an ordinance that the Mayor introduced for April 6th Council Meeting to have AMP obtain prices for a 1MW Block Power Purchase for 2028-2030. I forwarded a chart that shows the proposed purchase would take the place of the 1MW Block from Shell that expires 2027. In talking with both AMP and Courtney and Associates the market right now is very good, and it is a good time to lock ourselves in.
The Ordinance and Energy Supply Schedule for a 2028-2030 fixed rate schedule indicates a rate not to exceed $30.00 per MWh. For reference, the 1MW Block from Shell that expires 2027 is at a $30.15 per MWh rate. We are hoping for a price in the $27-$28 / MWh range.  We would be going out at the same time as other public power entities for the same time period with the combination providing for a larger block and more interest from suppliers.
This purchase will keep Brewster 75% hedged in future years. It doesn’t have to be passed as an emergency at the Monday April 6th meeting, but the sooner we act the better chance we have to lock in the lowest price possible for 2028-2030, before the market changes.
In my opinion the ordinance should be passed as an emergency at the Monday April 6th meeting, because with volatility the sooner we act the better chance we have to lock in the lowest price possible for 2028-2030, before the market changes.
  • AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) – Bidding and Bid Specifications. A reminder that the AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) bids originally scheduled to be opened Thursday March 26th at Noon has been moved to 1:00 pm on Wednesday April 15th, 2020. This step was taken after feedback to assure that all potential bidders have an opportunity to review the Village’s bid specifications and have adequate time to reply, as the Village’s goal is to get the most competitive bids/responses. Two (2) addendums have been issued based on questions raised by bidders. The engineer’s estimate is $560,000.
  • 2020 Paving Project. The bid opening for the 2020 Paving Project was April 1st, 2020 at 1:00 pm.  The Engineer’s Official Estimate of Probable Cost for this Project (Base Bid) is $180,736.12.
The low bidder was Superior Paving, who came in at $138,882.20 - $41,853.92 below the Engineer’s Estimate. There was only $325.80 between Superior and the next lowest bidder, NorthStar.
The initial budget for the 2020 Paving Program was/is $150,000. We were being conservative at the time when that number was set.
There were three (3) “bubble” streets:

PCR Rating




Estimated Cost Based on

Bid Prices




Pavement change



We have a 2020 MRF Request for $18,000

Not Rated

Chessie Place

(the alley behind the post Office)






6th SE





While Chestnut is bad, and initially my recommendation was to include it, at this time without MRF Funds I feel we should address streets that have residents, at least this year. Chessie is an alley and can wait a year.
My recommendation is to add only 6th Street SE between Wabash and Cleveland at this time. It has drainage issues from adding asphalt without first grinding over the years.
The estimated cost of the base bid and adding 6th Street SE comes to $157,726.00.
  • Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District – Yard Waste Host Block Grant 2020. Just received an e-mail regarding Brewster’s Yard Waste Host Block Grant for 2020 from the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District. The Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District has approved 2020 Yard Waste Host Site Block Grant funding we applied for.
This year’s amount is $12,545, which is $1,735 more than the $10,810 we received for last year’s block grant
The District has indicated that due to the governor's recent orders regarding the coronavirus, there will likely be delays within the 2020 grants programs. However, they expect to have the agreements sent out soon. Last year (as previously, based on our past discussions) I signed for the grant without Council action so that we got the agreement back to the District on time. I am planning to do the same unless there is an objection from Council at the next Council meeting on April 6th (or we get an agreement with a deadline before April 6th in the meantime.
  • Veteran’s Memorial – Planting. The Mayor and I have been discussing the flowers at the Veteran’s Memorial for 2020. Last year, we spent nearly $2,000 on the flowers and compost alone for the flowers at the Veteran’s Memorial. We split the purchase between Fredericksburg Greenhouse and Moyers. We switched to begonias versus geraniums to reduce maintenance (deadheading). The switch worked well as far as deadheading. But the best-looking begonias were behind the memorial, not in front. The begonias in front came from Fredericksburg Greenhouse – the better ones in the back came from Moyers.
In addition, when reviewing our planting choices, we looked more closely at the white. We have been using alyssum, which we have had problems from the standpoint of size/visibility and survivability. We planned on switching to white begonias to go with the red, for better size/visibility this year.
We were planning to stay with the blue flowers we have been using.
When getting the prices for flowers from Moyers, I asked for a price for not only the flowers but planting them (after deadheading the tulips). The total cost for flowers for the memorial and 10 pots on Wabash, with placing compost down first, was $2,757.80, only about $600 more than the cost of flowers and compost alone last year.
A consideration is that the flowers need to be purchased and transplanted into larger containers for they go into the memorial so that they are big enough at the outset.
The person who did our deadheading/compost/planting last year resigned, so we are currently advertising for replacement. We don’t close receiving applications until April 10th.
With all that background, I have made the “administrative” decision to move forward with both the purchase of flowers and their planting by Moyers, so that there is no question that the Veteran’s Memorial is looking its best for Memorial Day.
  • Water Department – Well Cleaning. The informal “bids” for the well cleaning were opened at 1:00 P.M. EST on Tuesday March 31st, 2020.In January, after discussion, Council determined to proceed with informal bids, as the worst case amount should still be in the same $27,170 vicinity as the well cleaning and rehabilitation that was done in 2019 – less than $50,000 and the fact that informal bidding saves the cost of advertising in the newspaper.
Last year the Water Department solicited three (3) quotes to service two (2) wells. We proceeded then with the premise that IF during the inspection anything is identified as needing repair or replacement, there would be an additional cost (without getting a price for those additions). The lowest quote was from Moody’s of Dayton at $13,600 per well. That is who we went with. IF we go with the low bidder on just the base bid of mobilization and cleaning again, then Moody’s of Dayton at $17,620 would be low again.
However, when we serviced the well last year, we discovered not only that there were repairs/replacements needed, but also that we did not know and had to yet to determine what those costs were. Upon removing the pipe and pump, a number of items were identified that needed repair or replacement. We replaced (rather than repaired) the pump bowls and the column pipe. Based on the condition and age of the pump bowls and the pipe, it was determined that a repair would not be cost effective. The total for the repairs/replacements from Moody’s in 2019 added $13,570 to the original cost of $13,600, for a total of cost of $27,170.
As you can see from the Bid Tab and Bid Tab with Estimates above, we tried to anticipate the “extras” this time. The specifications I prepared required prices from bidders up front for specific repairs and/or services that we might encounter based on the servicing that was completed in 2019. So, IF during the inspection this year anything is identified as needing repair or replacement, there would still be additional costs, but at a specified cost up front.
So, IF we do everything “extra” that we did last year (which I believe we should expect to have to do), then the BID Tab with Estimates has Peerless low at $28,351.
My inclination is to anticipate that we are going to have to do all the same “extras” we did in 2019, as calculated in the BID Tab with Estimates, and go forward with Peerless at $28,351. I have checked references for Peerless, and they spoke highly of their work.
Unless there is an objection from Council, I intend to proceed with Peerless for the well cleaning.
  • Fire Station Addition - Construction. A kick-off meeting was held on Friday March 20th. It was held in the Fire Station Bays where the Tahoe and grass fire truck are normally parked but were pulled out so that we could have 10 feet between each participant. Construction has started, and I will continue to keep Council informed.
  • Street Sweeping – 2020. The Village received it quotation for annual sweeping. Normally we do five (5) sweepings: Spring Sweeping – Initial (quoted this year at $2514); before Memorial Day (quoted this year at $2514); Before July 4th (quoted this year at $2178); Before Labor Day (quoted this year at $1847); and before Thanksgiving (quoted this year at $1847). Total was $10,900.
We have been discussing a different approach – renting a street sweeper for a week and doing the sweeping ourselves. We could do it over two (2) days and have no parking on the south and west sides of streets the first day and the north and east sides of streets the second day, doing a better job. The cost though was $3500 (have to rent for a week minimum), making it more expensive. We reached out to a neighboring community to “share the rental/days, but they decided to continue to contract out. In additional, besides cost, we are still expecting to be down an employee in Street for a period this Spring or Summer, so it would be a risk do try it not knowing if we had the manpower to accomplish sweeping ourselves.
So, I asked for an updated proposal for 2020 street sweeping for without the sweeping before Thanksgiving (4 total sweepings versus 5). The last sweeping seems to always fall when we are picking up leaves and isn’t effective. We have cancelled it in past years as well. That would result in a total cost of $9,053 for the four (4) remaining sweepings.
I would like to discuss with Council though still renting a street sweeper after Thanksgiving and after we have picked up the leaves so that we can get a good cleaning in before winter and do a thorough job.
In the meantime, as I have proposed to Council over the past years I have been here, my intention is to award the street sweeping contact to Reilly Sweeping again this year for four (4) sweepings at a cost of $9,053, unless Council has an objection, so that we can get on the schedule for 2020.
  • Electric – Potential Mutual Aid Requests During COVID 19 Pandemic. I received an inquiry (as all Gold Sector Mutual Aid Members did) whether Brewster as a Gold Sector Members would be available for In State Mutual Aid assistance with the current COVID-19 restrictions in place?
My short answer was that it depends.
I indicated that Brewster is certainly willing to fulfill its “obligations” as a Gold Sector Members and be available for In State Mutual Aid. This is especially true since we were a beneficiary of mutual aid a number of years ago when we had a tornado(s) do damage to our Village electric infrastructure.
However, I also indicated that Brewster could not give an unqualified yes (or even no) answer without knowing more about the circumstances that exist at the time of the request. Circumstances at the time that might preclude Brewster from providing mutual aid, include but are not limited to:
  • Whether we are down an employee(s) due to exposure or contracting COVID 19.
  • Whether we have obligations regarding our ongoing Substation Upgrade/Expansion Project which require our employees’ assistance to keep the project on time and avoid any extensions that would create a cost increase from our contractor because of a delay
  • How far we would have to travel to assist with the mutual aid request. While normally extended trips where an overnight stay would not be an impediment, we would have to reflect on whether to expose our employees to an elevated risk by their staying overnight and finding meals in the current conditions. Our current inclination would be to mutually assist ONLY if our employees could get to the location and back in the same day.
  • How our employees feel about the request. Obviously, we would want to discuss specifics at the time of a mutual aid request with our employees.
I indicated that Brewster has taken a number of steps to avoid potentially needing mutual aid itself during the pandemic, such as splitting up our employees to reduce the chance that all our employees are exposed/isolated/afflicted with COVID 19 at the same time. I also indicated that we have as a priority being able to continue to provide both basic and emergency electric service to our residents and businesses. We are working to avoid needing mutual aid ourselves.
Ultimately, we must retain as a priority being able to maintain our services to our residents and businesses first and foremost, before we would undertake extending mutual aid. So, my answer was it depends.
  • Street Department – Storm Drainage. Storm water work has been temporarily halted Wabash and 2nd on the storm line running west on the north side of 2nd Street. We completed replacement of the clay pipe out of the structure at the northwest corner of Wabash and 2nd west on 2nd past the water and sanitary sewer services before we paused the project. 
  • Street Department – Patching. Even with our workforce adjusted due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, the Street Department with the assistance of the Electric Department and Wastewater Department was able to get patching done on Friday April 3rd (while maintaining the 6-foot separation).
  • 7th Street – Repair at Levee Gate. The US Army Corps cancelled the site meeting for Friday March 20th. They also have indefinitely postponed commencement of the repairs to the sill on levee gate
  • Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) – Residential. The Village’s annual report has been timely filed.
  • Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) – Brewster Dairy. The Village’s annual report for the Brewster Dairy CRA and the general CRA Annual reports have both been timely filed.
  • AFEC – Electric Power Supply. AFEC was due to begin a 42-day planned outage on CT2 beginning March 21st, plus a 10-day planned outage on CT1 beginning on March 28th.  This outage would have entailed 21 different contractor companies with a total of 127 employees.  Due to the current COVID – 19 situation, AMP staff has been investigating the option of postponing the planned AFEC spring outage until the fall.  The following are the key items to note:
  1. PSM has agreed to extend the operating hours for CT2 under our existing long-term service agreement.
  2. PSM and the other major contractors have confirmed that they can support a fall outage.
  3. AMP would be responsible for demobilization and remobilization costs from PSM and other major contractors. 
  4. PJM has approved the following proposed fall outage dates:
CT1 - October 8th – October 23rd
CT2 – October 1st – November 13th
AMP Staff believes that postponement of the outage until fall was the prudent decision to mitigate the operational and reliability risks to the electric grid, as well as financial risks to the Participants. AMP believes that actual operational conditions will allow for the operation of CT2 up to the October 1st outage date and within the increase EBH’s.  Based on this, AMP proceeded with cancelling the planned spring outage and rescheduling it for the fall.
Note: AFEC is a nominal 512 megawatt (MW) natural gas-fired generating station with 163 MW of duct-firing capacity. The AFEC site is located in the northwest corner of the City of Fremont.  Brewster’s share is 0.61%.
  • 2020 Potential OPWC Project – East Main Street Paving. As I have previously informed Council, originally, my thoughts were to have East Main between Wabash & Cleveland be an OPWC Application, which would pay approximately 49% of the costs. In addition, I expected the Pavement Condition Rating for East Main between Wabash & Cleveland to be low. It is in the 8th lowest rated Brewster Street in our most recent PCR. East Main between Wabash & Cleveland is also segment of Council’s approved Safe Routes to Schools Shared Use Path.
I am requesting Council authorize pursuing repaving East Main between Wabash and Cleveland as a 2020 OPWC Application.
  • 2020 Potential OPWC Project – Park Drive Rehabilitation & Paving Phase 1.
To refresh, Park Drive Rehabilitation & Paving Phase 1 would be Park from Main Street to the south side of parcel 7001911 (just north of the levee). It runs approximately 510 feet, would realign slightly at the north end and widen from 20 feet wide to 22 feet wide, plus install curb and gutter. It would also if eligible for OPWC Funding include the Safe Routes to Schools (SFTS) Shared Use Path (SUP) on the east side. If the SFTS SUP is not eligible for OPWC Funding, it would still be included in the plan and bid out at the time of the project as an alternate.
I am requesting Council authorize pursuing repaving East Main between Wabash and Cleveland as a 2020 OPWC Application.
  • 2020 Potential OPWC Project – Water Filter Media Replacement. We have discussed Filter Media Replacement at the Water Treatment Facility a number of times over the past few years.  We have been monitoring their performance and found that they are performing well. One of the topics of discussion has been they are “due” for filter media replacement because of the passage of time/years. That is certainly one of the ways to make the determination of when, but another more telling factor is how much water has been filtered. Since Shearer’s reduced water consumption, the number of gallons filtered has dropped drastically, meaning that there is less “load” on the filters than in the past.
(Think of the parallel with an oil change on a car – normally there is a sticker with a date and mileage for the next oil change. But, if you get to the date, and you are well under the mileage, then you can safely extend the time. In the case of the filter media, we are looking at the same principle, except the water is constantly changing (unlike the oil) and the filter media (charcoal and sand) doesn’t break down like an oil filter.)
I am requesting Council authorize pursuing Water Filter Media Replacement as a 2020 OPWC Application.
If Council approves moving forward with Water Filter Media Replacement as a 2020 OPWC Application, I will need to choose an Engineer to prepare the specifications negotiate a price.
  • Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project – Local Share. Now that we have figures (although yet to be finalized, pretty firm) of how much we have available for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project, I would suggest that we schedule a joint Committee Meeting of the Finance, Purchasing, and Appropriations and the Public Utilities Committee to discuss how Council plans to apply the grants and loan towards the various funds responsibilities.
For application purposes, I had been applying any grant funding towards Wastewater first, as that fund is the least able to incur the costs without an effect on rates (we just raised rates 20%). However, OPWC funds can be applied to any of the four cost areas: Wastewater, Water, Paving, and Storm Water. At this time, I do not know what restrictions there will be for CDBG Funds but assume they will be applied to Wastewater first. I have reconsidered the distribution of grant/loan funding, keeping in mind that there are sources available for low interest loans for Wastewater and Water, but not for storm water and paving.
So, my current recommendation is:
  • apply the CDBG Funds to Wastewater first ($121,415)
  • then apply the OPWC Loan at 0% to Wastewater next ($209,907)
  • Then apply a portion of the OPWC Grant funds ($200,074) to reduce Wastewaters requirement for a “match” to zero
  • Apply the remainder of the OPWC Grant Funds ($111,904) to Storm Sewer costs, resulting in a $43,750 Village match for storm water costs
  • Use Paving Funds ($66,887) to address the paving costs
  • Apply for an OWDA Loan for $209,907 for the Water Department costs
We need to keep in mind that only Wastewater and Water have a rate schedule established that could repay a loan, but that the Water Department is in a better position to absorb an OWDA loan within its current projected rates.
I reached out to Courtney and Associates to get their feedback as to whether the foregoing “plan” fits within their/our projected rates. They have spoken with me and indicated that the proposal should have no effect on our rates (built into Wastewater rate and fits within budget for annual capital in Water).
As a note, because the OPWC Funds are part of the next State Biennium Budget, and it has not yet been passed (held up with the COVID 19 Pandemic), those funds may be delayed.
We should schedule a Committee Meeting to go over this and allow Council to ask any questions you might have.
  • Spring Clean-Up. I am soliciting a price fromMiller’s to do this year’s annual Spring clean-up. I am suggesting if we do Spring Clean-Up this year, we do it Saturday May 16th on the north side and Monday May 18th on the south side. That weekend falls between Mother’s Day and Memorial Day Weekends. As in the past any items had to be at the curb by 8:00 am the day of clean-up, with the condition that no tires, mattresses, box springs, TV’s or building materials would be acceptable.
  • Potential Transmission Project – Sale of 69kV Assets. Work continues on negotiating an agreement(s) for the proposed purchase of Village 69kV assets by AMP Transmission. We continue to work on the details regarding verification of both ownership and the transfer of easements (in the proper order). Once those are finalized, and the documents are completed, Council can then authorize their execution on behalf of the Village.
  • Electric – Substation Upgrade/Expansion. Construction work continues on the Substation Upgrade and Expansion Project.
The Easter Egg Hunt is cancelled, and the Recreation Board will plan something for the kids after the State of Emergency is over.

Mayor Hawk declared April 24th as Arbor Day in Brewster.  A tree will be planted in Sabo Park on this day at 10:00 am.
Mayor Hawk is working on the welcome signs at the village entrances and is looking for any input from council.
Fire pay = $2,793.27
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
  1. CRA Meeting Minutes where both properties were approved.
April 20th – Next Council Meeting – May be a conference call again.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to ratify the additions of 4.01C Health Emergency Paid Sick Leave and 4.05C Expanded Family and Medical Leave policies as presented by VA Miller and added to the Employee Handbook.  Council Member Hilliard asked what ratify meant.  VA Miller stated that he had enacted the policies administratively because it needed to be passed by April 1st.  Because it involved wages, Council now needed to put their approval on it.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the fire pay of $2,793.27.  The vote: All yes.
Council Member Hilliard wanted to let the firemen know how much the Fire Department is appreciated during this pandemic.  Council Member Radich seconded that.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to create legislation for the Community Development Block Grant Program Agreement of Cooperation.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to tentatively schedule Spring Cleanup for the north side of town on Saturday, May 16th and the south side of town on Monday, May 18th contingent on the COVID-19 pandemic.  Councilman Fox asked if Miller’s Waste was willing to do it?  VA Miller stated he is waiting for a price from Miller’s Waste.  The thought is that with everyone staying at home that many people are cleaning their homes out and that there will be a lot of trash to pick up.  Council Member Fox also asked if one the Miller’s employees contracted the virus while collecting for the village, would the village be liable?  Solicitor Anthony stated that Municipal Immunity should cover that.  The vote: All yes.
VILLAGE SPEAKS: Communications Received by Council members from Village residents
Council Member Hilliard asked VA Miller if he took a look at the tree behind the Carpenter’s home.  The Electric Department looked at the lines back there and the trees do not pose a threat to the lines.
Mayor Hawk thanked everyone for their participation in this conference call. 
Council Member Schwab thanked all the village employees for working and keeping the village up and running.  Council Member Radich seconded that appreciation.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor