September 21, 2020 - Meeting Minutes

SEPTEMBER 21, 2020
7:00 P.M.
This meeting was held in the bay of the Fire Station.  With the Governor’s 10 person per gathering limit, we offered a phone-in conference call for anyone wishing to listen and/or participate.  The number to call in is 712-770-5336.  You must then enter 523528# to join the call.  Notification was posted on the front doors and posted on the website.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer
Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to excuse Brett Long from tonight’s meeting.  The vote: All yes.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member                           Andrew Hess, Council Member                 
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member                Sydney Radich, Council Member
Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor                                  Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the September 8, 2020 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to approve the minutes as read.  The Vote: all yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 531,510.08.  The vote: All vote.
Council Member Schwab asked about the air system purchased for the Police Department.  Chief Creter stated it cleaned and purified the air.  Council Member Schwab asked if this would be covered by the CARES money.  Clerk-Treasurer King stated it would.  Council Member Schwab suggested it be looked at for the other Village buildings.
No audience were present on the call.
Fire Chief Chris Colucy and Police Chief Keith Creter were present.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES:  Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
RESOLUTION 54-2020: A Resolution declaring the Official Intent and Reasonable Expectation of the Village of Brewster on behalf of the State of Ohio (The Borrower) to reimburse its Water Fund from the Jefferson Sewer Main Replacement, CS03X with the proceeds from Tax Exempt Department of the State of Ohio.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to approve the resolution as presented.  The vote: All yes.
Second Reading: A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the County Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor.
RESOLUTION 55-2020:A Resolution Authorizing Contracts with Thrasher, O.R. Colan, and the Smith Advisory Group for the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Grant Project and Declaring an Emergency was given first reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to suspend the rules requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage. 
VA Miller explained that it is an emergency because he has a meeting coming up with ODOT and they will want to see what contracts have been entered into and that we are moving forward.  At this point we need to make a decision whether we want to move forward with the project or give the $150,000 grant back.
Council Member Hilliard asked the Clerk the balance in the Capital Projects and how much would be left if we used it for the contracts.  Clerk-Treasurer Kris King answered that the current balance is $205,000 and would be left with $ 184,000 plus an average of $2,875 being transferred in each month. 
Council Member Schwab asked if the owners of the affected properties would have a choice with the easements or if it would be considered eminent domain.  VA Miller stated they had no choice.
Council Member Hilliard asked if the surface of the path would be finished.  VA Miller stated it will be either asphalt or concrete.
VA Miller stated that if he ever brought up a SRTS grant, don’t let him pursue it.  He has not been happy because he has not gotten full disclosure and had a lot of surprise expenses.
The vote on the emergency portion of the legislation: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH to pass the legislation as presented under emergency.  The vote: Schwab, no; Fox, yes; Hess, yes; Hilliard, yes; Radich, yes.  Legislation passed.
First Reading/Emergency: An Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of a Digger/Derrick Truck for the Electric Department and Declaring an Emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage. 
Council Member Hilliard asked why it was an emergency purchase.  VA Miller stated that the Village will be without a Digger/Derrick Truck for two months if the legislation isn’t passed tonight.  Our current vehicle may not be certified next year, and it takes a year to get these vehicles built to specification.  This is the vehicle that digs the holes for poles and sets the poles.
Council Member Hilliard asked why not rent one for that short time.  VA Miller stated it was not cheap to rent this type of equipment.  Council Member Hilliard then asked how many trucks we have.  VA Miller stated three bucket trucks and one digger/derrick truck.
The vote to suspend the rules: Schwab, yes; Fox, yes; Hess, yes; Hilliard, no, Radich, yes.  Motion failed due to lack of super majority.  (75% of the elected body or 5 voting yes).
Tabled at Third Reading: Award a Contract for the Village’s Property and Liability Insurance.
Tabled at Third Reading: A resolution establishing a Safe Routes to School fund to allow for the appropriating and tracking of expenses. This resolution was inadvertently missed for second reading at the last meeting.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Chief Chris Colucy
  1. Year-to-date calls = 512.  There were 5 calls today.
  2. The Fire Station Expansion update: Some garage doors are up.  Man-doors have gone in.  There is a paving meeting tomorrow.  Siding will go up later this week or next.  Ceilings are started to get painted.  The gas and air lines are going in.  Waiting for signage on the south side.  Excavator will be coming in to fix the drainage.  Chief Colucy reported on the appliances.  VA Miller wants an electric range because it was in the original plan and is less expensive.  Chief Colucy wants the gas range.  Council discussed and VA Miller conceded on the Gas range.  The gas company is donating the gas line.
  3. Chief Colucy recommended Ryan Johnson as a probationary firefighter pending physical, background check, and drug screen.
  4. Council Member Hilliard asked about a flashing light for in front of the station.  Chief Colucy stated it would look hokey on the building but would be good at the intersection of Wabash and East Main.  Staley Technology has been contacted concerning this.
  5. Chief Colucy reported that Tuscarawas Township is exploring splitting their CARES money between Tuslaw Schools and Brewster and North Lawrence Fire Departments.  It was suggested that an ambulance be purchased with the money.  There are questions as to whether that is a proper purpose of the money.  If it is not, the money will have to be returned to the state and the Village will be responsible to pay it back.
  6. The Chief stated he will be getting a purchase order for brake airlines for one of the trucks.
  7. The Chief stated that the BWC grant for bullet proof vests is no longer available but has information on getting 10 sets for $3,700.
B. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Keith Creter
  1. Year to date calls (Activity Report) = 764.
  2. Food drive went well.  Council Member Hilliard stated he received a complaint that Belloni Foods didn’t have enough canned goods but understood after Council Member Hilliard told him about the food drive.
  1. Sent letters for Utility Department concerning a delinquent account and services and a letter to collect money due the Village.  Council Member Hilliard asked if there was a response from the young lady that owed the Village.  Solicitor Anthony stated that not enough time has passed.
  2. Brewster is a member of Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing as was stated in the ordinance on purchase of the digger/derrick truck; Sourcewell qualifies as 125.02 -125.04.
Ohio Rev. Code § 9.48 (2017). Participation in contracts or joint purchasing programs for equipment, materials, supplies, or services
(B) A political subdivision may do any of the following:
(1) Permit one or more other political subdivisions to participate in contracts into which it has entered for the acquisition of equipment, materials, supplies, or services, and may charge such participating political subdivisions a reasonable fee to cover any additional costs incurred as a result of their participation;
(2) Participate in a joint purchasing program operated by or through a national or state association of political subdivisions in which the purchasing political subdivision is eligible for membership.
(3) Participate in contract offerings from the federal government that are available to a political subdivision including, but not limited to, contract offerings from the general services administration.
Sourcewell: Contacted by phone and had them send me a report of purchases by other stark county entities and other entities in Ohio.
  1. Foreclosure moratorium is coming to an end in the Stark County common Pleas Court on October 5th.  Cares Act foreclosure moratorium for federally backed mortgages and rent susbsidies runs out at the end of the year.  Probable that this will lead to surge in homelessness that local governments should be aware of that potential according to several reports.
Council Member Hilliard spoke with Don Asplin.  He and his daughter Hannah would like to go around and paint house numbers on the steps or on the curbs in front of homes.  He would give 50% of anything he made to the Firemen’s Association.  Mayor Hawk asked who would be collecting the money.  Council Member Hilliard stated that the Asplins would be collecting the money and then giving the FD their portion.  Police Chief Creter stated he did it years ago when he was part of the Police Explorers program.  He stated the FD makes green reflective signs for purchase and these are a better option.  The Chief stated that cars are often parked in front of homes and the numbers can’t be seen.  He would prefer the green reflective sign.  Another issue is a Solicitor’s Permit would need to be purchased each month at a cost of $50.  Council Member Schwab asked the Solicitor if a waiver could be given.  Solicitor Anthony stated it would depend on the language of the legislation.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the VA’s September 21, 2020 report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting.  The vote: All yes.
Administrator’s report for period 9/9/2020 thru 9/21/2020:
  • Route 93 – Columbia Gas Repair. Columbia Gas made a repair to its gas main in the southbound lane of Route 93 about 9 feet out from the curb. The new pavement has been disturbed. Columbia Gas is supposed to return to make a permanent repair.
ØJefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project. The bids for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project were opened September 8th at 10:00 am to accommodate addendums. There were nine (9) bids submitted, with Central Allied Enterprises the apparent low bidder at $776,433. The engineer’s estimate was $964,244.
The Stark County CDBG Office put together a bid tab and sent it to Hazen & Sawyer, as the project engineer, for review. Hazen & Sawyer has reviewed the bids and has made a recommendation for award to Central Allied Enterprises to the Stark County Board of Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners will then act on that recommendation.
Once the Stark County Board of Commissioners approve an award, the Stark County CDBG Office will then assemble the contract documents and have them executed. Once construction contract documents are fully executed, their office will hold a pre-construction meeting, and then the Board of Commissioners will issue a Notice to Proceed & construction work can commence.
CDBG money is first spent, so the amount we will need to draw down on the OPWC Grant and Loan will be less than the full amount we received, so unless there is more than $190,000 in change orders (highly unlikely) the Village will have no money expended for construction. There will also be coordination with OPWC as well.
  • Fire Station Addition – Progress. Construction is going well. We had a progress meeting on Tuesday September 1st. The next progress meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 15th at 9:00 am.
  • Fire Station Addition – General Change Orders. At this point we do not have any general change orders.
  • Fire Department Addition – Electric Change Orders. At this point we do not have any electric change orders.
  • Fire Department Addition – Plumbing & HVAC Change Orders. At this point we do not have any Plumbing or HVAC change orders, but we do anticipate having one (1) in the near future to add air lines in the new bays to charge the brake systems for the fire apparatus, similar to what is in place in the existing bays.
  • Fire Station Addition – Changes Orders & Overall Budget. So we can step back and take account of where we are and put into an overall perspective of where we stand with the Fire Addition Budget:
  • Original contracts for General, Electric, and Plumbing/HVAC amounted to $1,479,348.
  • General change orders to date (I am including the proposed sidewalk/drainage changes listed above) amount to $98,099.22.
  • Total cost including change orders to this point brings us to $1,579,827.22. We are 6.8% over the original award.
  • A “mitigating” factor is that Council has designated $22,000 +/- from the Triner Estate bequest towards the glass garage doors, which amounted to a $22,311 increase/change order. So, the actual increase from Fire Income Tax is more like $76,000 +/- ; or $1,550,000 total +/- ; or a 5.1% increase.
  • Fire Station Addition – Efficiency Smart Rebate. Efficiency Smart has reviewed all the lighting included in this project and determined that it is a quality product based on meeting the DLC standard for LED.  This third party testing protocol ensures a product has good estimated lifetime, warranty and fixture efficiency (lumens per watt).
Efficiency Smart has gone on to calculate the Village’s savings based on how much more efficient the product being installed is versus code baseline.  They also calculated the Summer kW savings versus baseline, which is what our incentive is determined on. Based on the drawings and hours we provided, the numbers are:
Annual kWh Savings is 7,730
Summer kW Savings is 2.62
Efficiency Smart incentive is $540
Efficiency Smart will be sending an Incentive Agreement.  I will just need to sign and return and provide copies of an invoice once the installation is complete to receive the $540.
  • Fire Station Addition – Alley Expansion. An item for which we have not yet gotten a price is expansion of the alley that accesses the south side of the Fire Addition to two (2) lanes to better accommodate the new traffic of fire department responding there for emergency calls. I am seeking a price from the contractor who is slated to do the parking area, and will keep Council informed.
  • Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI). The AMI Project continues to move forward. Material is being ordered for the project.
  • OPWC – Round 35 Applications. There have been a number of developments that affect my recommendations to Council for 2020 OPWC Applications, and/or what Council has authorized. Applications for our District, District 19, are due October 16th, 2020. Council passed legislation this Spring for three (3) applications:
    • 25-2020 for East Main Street Paving.
    • 26-2020 Park Drive Phase 1
    • 27-2020 Water Filter Media
  • OPWC – Round 35 Application for Park Drive Phase 1. As directed in the 26-2020, Park Drive Phase 1 has had engineering completed, and an estimate for construction completed has been completed as well. The estimate is required as part of the application. The completed engineering plans are not required, but add ten (10) points to our score. As has been done with previous applications, I would request a 49% grant, which maximizes the points the Village scores in that category.
Park Drive Phase 1 ispaving and realignment, AND some drainage work, curb and gutter, in addition to the Safe Routes to Schools Shared Use Path, which is slated for the east side of Park Drive.
The numbers are in for Park Drive Phase 1. The estimate for Park Drive Phase 1 came in at $240,000. While I feel the estimate is high based on our recent bids, we still to be prudent would have to proceed with the engineer’s estimate. So our match would be $120,000 plus at 51%. That represents 50% of the $240,000 we bring in from our current road income tax (paving fund) if the whole match comes from the income tax.
The potential financial situation is risky. We wouldn’t be able to start the Park Drive Phase 1 Project in 2021. Based on our experience with East Main and trying to bid out after July 1st first for the same year (50% plus over estimate) versus waiting until December (below estimate), we wouldn’t want to proceed in 2021. Normally, what we would/could do IF we wanted to move forward with the OPWC Application for Park Drive Phase 1 would be to set some funds aside in 2021 and the rest (or possibly all) of the funds in 2022. With the income tax levy for paving being up for renewal in 2021, it creates a risk – the full amount would have to be set aside in 2021. We can’t set aside any funds in 2022 because there are no funds for paving “guaranteed” beyond 2021, until/unless the paving income tax is renewed.
My recommendation is to place the Park Drive Phase 1 plans on the shelf until the Village renews the road income tax beginning in 2022 OR Council determines to fund the Village match from a source(s) other than the road income tax.
  • OPWC – Round 35 Application for East Main Street Paving. The application for East Main Street Paving at this point is simply a repaving project. Simple engineering plans will be prepared. An estimate of construction costs can also be prepared. Again, completed engineering plans are not required, but add ten (10) points to our score.
Upon reflection, the same issue presented with setting aside funding in 2021 for 2022, or the fact there are no funds to set aside in 2022, also affects this proposed project. If we got OPWC funds, there is no way to spend them and complete the project in 2021. Because of the OPWC rules, we couldn’t “add” to our 2021 Paving Program unless we bid the 2021 Paving Program AFTER July 1, 2021. I have outlined the risk above that the bid prices are likely to go way up if we wait to bid after July 1st, reducing the number of streets we could pave as part of the 2021 Paving Program.
My recommendation is to include East Main between Wabash and Cleveland with the 2021 paving list and forgo applying for OPWC Funds.
  • OPWC – Round 35 Application for Water Filter Media. An application for Water Filter Media Replacement is not affected by the funding issues facing projects that require paving funds, so this application is proceeding. As has been done with previous applications, I intend to request a 49% grant, which maximizes the points the Village scores in that category. I intend to also split the request into grant and loan, to add additional points to our scoring, similar to what was done with the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project. That approach Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer resulted in Brewster ultimately having the second highest scoring project, so I am hoping for a similar result which would get the project funded “directly” by District 19.
ØPaving Income Tax Renewal. As I have noted in my discussion of two (2) of the OPWC projects Council approved for submission this year, because of the expiration of the Street Improvement Income Tax after 2021, the Village is left without a match for paving projects and therefore is not able to submit OPWC Applications for Street improvement until the Street Improvement Income Tax is renewed.
I am completing a list of the streets the Village has been able to complete because the .3% income tax for street improvement was passed. Using those funds we have been able to leverage $133,757 of income tax funds to obtain another $111,475 in OPWC Grant to have the entire length of 7th Street repaired and repaved. Also the Village was able to leverage those funds to obtain $51,964 in OPWC Grant for East Main Street Project.
The Village has paved over 5 miles of streets since the passage of the Street Improvement Income Tax, with more to be paved in 2021. If we are going to continue to pave in 2022, the Street Improvement Income Tax needs renewed. If we are going to apply for more OPWC in 2021, it needs to be renewed in the Spring of 2021.
  • 2020 Paving Program. Superior Materials & Asphalt has completed the 2020 Paving Program, paving Muskingum, Walhanding, 2nd Street SE from Wabash to Jefferson, and 6th Street SE (with repairs) from Wabash to Cleveland. 6th Street SE will require repair to three (3) approaches, as lowering the street for drainage affecting them.
  • Safe Routes to Schools – Grant of $150,000 for Shared Use Path at Middle School and Elementary School. Within recent weeks, we have been informed of additional tasks that the Village needs to complete for its SRTS Grant of $150,000 for Shared Use Path at Middle School and Elementary School.
As background, in June of 2019 we were notified that we received partial funding from the Safe Routes to Schools program in the amount of $150,000. It was/is earmarked specifically for the area between the Elementary School and Middle School along Route 62. Initially, when we received the $150,000 SRTS Grant, we had the choice of going with ODOT’s chosen engineering firm and have it come out of the SRTS Grant OR staying with Thrasher and paying ourselves. The choice was made to stay with Thrasher and pay them directly ourselves to reserve the grant funds for the construction.
In November of 2019 I presented the overall cost for Thrasher to complete the engineering and prepare specifications for the Safe Routes To Schools Grant. The total amount is $41,980 as set forth in the table:





Task 1

Preliminary Engineering


Council Approved, encumbered, and completed

Task 2



Council Approved, encumbered, and completed

Task 3

Stages 2 & 3 Engineering


Needs Council Approval and Funding

New Task

Right of Way Plans and Descriptions


Needs Council Approval and Funding

Task 4

Pre-Bid Activities


Needs future Council Approval and Funding

Task 5

Services During Construction


Needs future Council Approval and Funding





In November, Council approved Tasks 1 and 2. Those are now complete, and we need to move on to Task 3 – Stages 2 & 3 engineering.
As I indicated in the meeting and field trip we took Monday August 24th, in addition to Task 3 (which we knew about), ODOT, who administers SRTS Funding, has informed us that we have to do additional work to receive/use the $150,000 in SRTS Grant funds. This additional work is:
  1. Stage 2 & 3 Engineering. Cost is $11,440 through Thrasher.
  2. Have descriptions completed for all parcels where the SRTS Shared Use Path goes. Cost is $5,500 through Thrasher.
  3. Have title searches completed and appraisals completed by ODOT approved appraiser. Cost is $16,385 through O.R. Colan Associates, LLC.
  4. Have a review appraisal completed of each appraisal by a different ODOT approved appraiser. Cost is $4,275 through Smith Advisory Group.
  5. To have an ODOT approved appraiser engaged to negotiate and close for the required easements. Cost is $13,140 through O.R. Colan Associates, LLC.
With these additional costs and with what we have already spent or committed to, we are now at $77,780 total “match” for the $150,000 SRTS Grant. That is just over 33%. If I am looking for a silver lining, it is better than the 51% we match for OPWC Funds, but a lot more than what I was led to believe at the outset of this project.
Unfortunately, we do not have much of an alternative at this point. We can move forward on ODOT’s terms or give the grant back. The costs of moving forward are laid out above, but there are potentially additional costs. The other alternative is to forfeit the grant, in which case we have spent over $25,000 AND we create an obstacle to receiving any more ODOT funds and potentially affect our ability to get OPWC Funds or other funds through the County.
I am requesting Council authorize entering into contracts with:
  • Thrasher in the amount of $16,940 for Right of Way Plans and Descriptions and Stage 2 & 3 Engineering.
  • O.R. Colan Associates, LLC in the amount of $29,525 for title searches, appraisals, and negotiating and closing on the required easements
  • Smith Advisory Group in the amount of $4,275 for review appraisals
The funds are available from Capital and/or combined with Sidewalk Funds ($30,000 Council put in to build portions or the SRTS SUP). This is an emergency in order to maintain the schedule set forth by ODOT for our SRTS Grant.
  • Bimeler Park Walking Path Repair and Sealing. We are still scheduled to have the remaining asphalt sections of the walking path repaired and sealed.
  • AMP Transmission – 69kV Switch Damage. The repair to the damage that occurred on Sunday August 30th  was completed on September 15th by Thompson Electric, with the Electric Department coordinating. It entailed replacement/repair of two (2) insulators on the 69kV on switch, with an additional replacement of a dead-end insulator that was also damaged. We had a dead-end insulator spare “in stock”. Based on what was observed once the 69kV switch was de-energized, it was clear decision to replace rather than clean was right choice.
We are calculating the hours and costs, and waiting on Thompson’s bill, so that we can submit to AMPT a bill for reimbursement.
  • Digger/Derrick Truck Replacement for the Electric Department. I have mentioned previously that we will need to replace the Electric Departments Digger/Derrick Truck. Our current line truck turned 25 years old this year.  We can no longer get our book dielectric tested. Since we cannot get the truck dielectric tested, we cannot assure the safety of our employees who use it. The fact that we have gotten 25 years of use out of a single piece of equipment shows that it will be money well spent. Our current Digger/Derrick Truck also does not have the lifting capacity to pick some of the larger pad mount transformers.
We have received a quote from Terex priced in accordance with Sourcewell. Sourcewell is a cooperative purchasing program. I requested that our Law Director John Anthony provide his opinion that we can utilize the Sourcewell price without bidding, and he has indicated we can. The specific contract is Sourcewell Contract #012418-TER. Brewster’s member number is 176964.
The preliminary base quote is $205,530. We have finalized the options (not bid) to be added to the price. The options total $45,929. As the options (additions) do not exceed $50,000, it is the opinion of the Law Director that we can purchase the Digger/Derrick Truck through Sourcewell without bidding. Total cost without trade-in is $251,459.
So, I am requesting Council authorize the purchase of a Terex Digger/Derrick Truck in the amount of $251,459. I am also requesting that it be done on an emergency basis due to the fact that after a contract is entered into with Terex for the purchase of a new Digger/Derrick Truck, it will be approximately a year before it can be delivered to the Village, and due to its age the Village’s current Digger/Derrick Truck may not be able to pass dielectric testing and be used safely by the Electric Department employees prior to delivery of the new Digger/Derrick Truck.
The trade in value for our current Digger/Derrick Truck from Terex is $6,000. It is not high, as the vehicle is 25 years old and cannot be dielectric tested anymore to assure the safety of anyone who uses it. As I indicated, we are aware through recent interactions with Beach City that they are interested in purchasing our digger/derrick truck when we replace ours. That “sale” could occur without bidding.
So, I am also requesting that Council authorize and direct me to either trade-in the existing Digger/Derrick Truck as part of the Terex purchase in the amount of $6,000, OR to sell the existing Digger/Derrick Truck to the Village of Beach City in “as-is” condition with the express statement that it will not pass dielectric testing in an amount that exceeds the $6,000 trade-in allowance offered by Terex.
  • Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District Sewer Extension. I am coordinating with the Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District to come up with the appropriate language to authorize the Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District to advertise and receive bids concurrent with their bidding out their Project to serve Sugar Creek Twp.’s Justus Avenue and Keller Avenue Areas with sanitary sewer for a Village of Brewster water line extension/loop.
Last year Council passed Ordinance 37-2019, which authorized the VA to enter in an agreement between Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District and Brewster to accept and treat sanitary sewage from Sugar Creek Twp.’s Justus Avenue and Keller Avenue Areas.The Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District is finalizing plans to construct the sanitary sewer extension. They have also incorporated and can bid connecting or “looping” our water line, that currently ends across from 857 7th Street SE to the hydrant in front of the Fairless Bus Garage on Route 62, where it dead ends, at the same time with their sanitary sewer project.
Connecting or “looping” the water line is advantageous because it eliminates dead end water main(s) by constructing an additional water main from the dead end to another water main to complete a “loop”. Our loop is a relatively short distance of 1600 feet +/-. Our loop will have few additional water service connections. It will however allow for extension of water in the future to the same area the Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District is extending sewer to.
The major advantage of constructing a water line extension at the same time the Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District is extending sanitary sewer is the cost will be lower due to a contractor already being mobilized. In looking at the Water Department budget, we have $209,907 budgeted in 2020 for water line connection/looping as part of the Jefferson Sanitary Sewer Project that we have received a OPWC Loan at 0% interest, so that amount will be spread out evenly over 20 years rather than a one-time cost, freeing up the majority of those funds. Also, we have in the 5-year Water Capital Budget $45,000 for water line replacement that could be used.
Any future extension would have to be approved by Council and paid for by the new customers in some fashion. It also creates system reinforcement and better fire flow if that were needed.
Once bids are received, Council will have another opportunity to determine whether to proceed.
  • 2021 Boulevard & Memorial Planting Plan.Bruce Moyer of Moyer's Nursery and Landscaping stopped today to look at the boulevard to determine:
  • Why the grass died at the front of the boulevard, and
  • What we can do about it.
There wasn’t a firm answer as to why the grass died at the front of the boulevard. It doesn’t appear to be watering, or lack of watering, since ALL the begonias survived/thrived with the watering schedule. It could have been a combination of the direct sun and hot weather combined with “overfertilization” (Mr. Moyer indicated that we shouldn’t fertilize during heat/drought). He took up some of the grass, but he couldn’t say why for sure.
The question about what we can do about it is easier. Next Spring we plan to take up the old grass and sod the grass areas when the front of the memorial is planted again. Cost is $700. The plan to do it in the Spring rather than Fall is the conservative approach to avoid having the sod go through both Winter weather and salt form snow/ice control.
We also plan to alter the flowers somewhat, sticking with the begonias but expanding them to replace the blue ageratum, which did not do well throughout the planting. So, we will stick with white and red begonias.
I have spoken with Legion members who agree with the plan.
I will be happy to receive input, as always.
  • Efficiency Smart. Time is running out for residents to get their free energy-saving products! Residents can complete Efficiency Smart’s free Home Energy Challenge by September 30 to claim their reward. They will also be entered to win a Nest Thermostat or Phillips Hue starter kit. Residents should visit and click on “Home Energy Challenge” to get started. Questions? Call Efficiency Smart at 877-889-3777. 
Ø  Efficiency Smart – Rebates. Heating and cooling make up the largest portion of the average household’s energy bill. Efficiency Smart offers rebates on products that can help you save on these costs, including a $750 rebate on cold climate air source heat pumps and a $100 rebate on air source heat pumps. Visit and select “Home Energy Rebates” or call 877-889-3777 for more information on available rebates.
  • Efficiency Smart – “Buy Local” Program. The “Buy Local” program has been extended from 9/30 to 11/30.  Brochures are available.
  • V-Box Salt Spreader Purchase. We are preparing for winter and snow, and in reviewing our current equipment and looking at ways to become more efficient and increase the life and flexibility of our vehicles, the Street Superintendent and I are recommending the purchase of a “V-box” salt spreader plus an installed leg stand to allow storage. If we purchase a Henderson, the cost would be $21,725 for the “V-box” and an additional cost of $7,469 for an installed leg stand to allow storage. It is priced in accordance with State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing.
However, we are also looking at other “V-boxes”, both in regard to prices and in relation to the amount of time to manufacture and deliver. If we ordered today Henderson indicated they can have the “V-box” available in February, which is not optimal. With the advance time to manufacture we should proceed with deliberate speed.
Adding a “V-box” salt spreader makes us more efficient and/or safe by:
  • With the legs, the spreader can be quickly installed or removed, allowing us to use the truck for hauling throughout the year, as opposed to a tailgate spreader where once we have it installed and the truck loaded, it takes a considerable amount of time to uninstall and/or reinstall, essentially limited the truck to just snow/salt use for the snow season.
  • With a V-box spreader, we can use our brine to reduce our use of salt and make the salt more effective.
  • With a tailgate spreader, in order to get the salt to the tailgate you must continuously raise the bed, making the vehicle less stable and potentially creating a situation where overhead lines are caught.
IF we went with the Henderson, we have funds in the State Highway Account (7.5% or $2,189 can be allocated) and Street Equipment Account (balance of $27,005) to make the purchase. The State Highway Account currently has a balance of approximately $18,000. The Street Equipment Account currently has a balance of $57,000.
  • Planning Commission Meeting September 10th to Consider Conditional Use Permit Application. The Planning Commission met on September 10th and approved a Conditional Use Application for the to build new press box and dugouts associated with a baseball field (boys’ baseball) on parcel number 7080164 at the rear of 12000 Navarre Road SE. The Planning Commission will be held via “Zoom”, as due to restrictions in place as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic and current orders in place by the State of Ohio, the Village cannot allow more than a maximum of 10 persons in Village Hall.
VA Miller asked Council if they wanted to continue to take care of a number of quasi unimproved alleys.  One on Huron and one on Williams were discussed.  The VA questioned whether it was a proper public expenditure and would like Council to give him direction.
Council Member Hilliard stated he thought it was better to keep the grinding in the Village than to take elsewhere.  He discussed using it for the alleys.  VA Miller stated the problem is that some of the grindings have fabric in them.  He also said that we should continue to care for the alleys that already exist and are used as driveways but not to create anymore.
Council Member Hilliard also brought up the ditches on East Main Street and West Second Street.  He asked when they would be completed.  VA Miller stated a pipe was put in on West Second today and that East Main would be completed this fall.
Council Member Schwab brought up the OPWC application on East Main Street and Park Drive Phase I.  VA Miller stated they were going to grind the edges and do an overlay on Main Street.
1.    State of Ohio Health Department article on Halloween in the Repository.
  1. Hanna painting fire hydrants - Just completed another set of 12 hydrants.  This makes 36 completed.
  2. Filling pools with hydrants-Council Member Schwab stated that the Village created a policy to avoid this.  In the past, there have people that took it upon themselves to use the hydrants to fill their pools.  Chief Colucy stated it was done for public relations and a fundraiser but has exploded and got out of control.  VA Miller stated that this could be considered theft of service.  After more discussion it was decided that the fire department could be requested to fill pools by the hydrants.  The water would be measured and charged for, there would be a $90 donation to the Fire Association, and the firemen would be paid wages for the time.  Council Member Hilliard stated it has to be fair to everyone.  Mayor Hawk stated that we should have the water metered and have the ordinance tweaked to do this.
  3. Council Member Schwab asked Mayor Hawk where they Village stands with Welty Cemetery.
       Mayor Hawk stated he has given the Solicitor some information to review.  Mayor Hawk would
       like to see it put on the ballot.
  1. Fire pay for September 18, 2020 = $3,507.79
  2. The insurance contract has been put out for bid.  Bids are due on October 13th at 2:30 pm
  3. Preparing reports for the CARES Act requirements that our due October 5, 2020
  4. Working on setting up our meetings on Microsoft Teams.  May require Council Members to have tablets.
  5. Asking Council to approve $ 16,240.56 in bills to be taken from the CARES Funds.
  6. Received a request for a donation for the Toy Drive.  The Village has been donating $1,000 a year.
  7. Brought up Zoom.  Council Member Hilliard stated that the school had been hacked and someone was screaming obscenities and it took several minutes to get them off.  Councilman Hilliard asked for the cost.  Clerk King is still working on it.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
Council Member Fox had a resident come up to him and say he thought that the Village taking over Welty Cemetery was a good idea.  They could make money through the parks to help support it.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
Planning Commission meeting minutes from September 10, 2020 by Clerk-Treasurer King
Fairless Bus Garage water loop – In process
Fairless Resolution for baseball field use – In process
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the fire pay for September 18, 2020 of $3,507.79.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to approve Ryan Johnson as a probationary firefighter pending physical, background check, and drug screen.  The Vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to donate $1,000 to the Fairless Food Cupboard’s Toy Drive.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to give the VA permission to gravel the two unimproved alleys.  The vote: Schwab, yes; Fox, yes; Hess, abstain; Hilliard, yes; Radich, yes.  Motion carried.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to schedule Trick-or-Treat on October 31st from 6:00-7:30 pm.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to repeal Ordinance #26-2020 which directed the VA to make application for an OPWC grant for a Park Drive Phase I Project.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to repeal ordinance #25 - 2020 which directed the VA to make application for an OPWC grant for an East Main Street Paving Project.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to create legislation amending the pool ordinance for the addition of fire hydrant usage.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to compose letters for the three new houses being built.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to give the Fire Department permission to fill the gentleman’s pool with 24,000 gallons from the hydrant.  The vote: All yes.
Council Member Schwab asked how it would be charged.  He would be charged $90 for the Fire Association, the water will be metered and charged, and the wages for the firemen doing it will be charged.  Solicitor Anthony stated this was outside the legal platform.  Chief Colucy stated he would try to get someone to do it today.  Solicitor Anthony was concerned that this would establish policy.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to purchase gift certificates for turkeys for Thanksgiving for all employees.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor