November 2, 2020 - Finance Committee Meeting

Finance Committee Meeting
November 2, 2020  6:00 PM
========================================================================================================================           Attendance: Mayor Hawk, VA Miller, Clerk-Treasurer Kris King, Council Members Fox, Hess, Hilliard,  Long, Radich, and Schwab. 
The meeting was opened by Mayor Hawk and turned over to Council Member and Finance Chairman Mike Schwab. Council Member Schwab provided copies of VA Miller’s five-year plans for the Water, Wastewater, and Electric funds.
Council Member Schwab started the meeting by reviewing the information received from VA Miller emails:
1. Electric 2021 planned expenditures:
  1. Three Bay building and real storage at an estimated cost of $360,000. VA Miller stated he estimates the cost to be $160,000 and paid for out of the Electric Improvement Fund.
  2. Main Street E. Streetlights at an estimated cost of $25,000. VA Miller stated they are looking at a cost of $15,000 plus $2000 to bore for underground electric lines. He also stated this is been in the budget for the last two years.
Council Member Hilliard stated that should just build a three-sided building, like a pavilion, to store the wood reels. VA Miller stated the wood reels are not made of a high quality and they only last 2 to 3 years. A reel of wire costs approximately $5000 is important to make sure they are kept out of the weather. VA Miller went on to explain the new building would be facing the water building or the southeast area inside the fence. The new building will be facing the water building or the southeast corner inside the fence. The structure will be similar to the other one none of the extras. They may need to build a foundation for.
2. Sewer 2021 planned expenditures:
  1. Collection Line/Manhole Rehab at an estimated cost of $30,000. VA Miller stated this is something we may still be doing.
  2. VA Miller brought up the Jefferson Sewer Rehab Project. CDBG/OPWC Grant have been established and construction oversight was discussed.
3. Water 2021 planned expenditures:
  1. Rehab Filter Vessels at an estimated cost of $300,000. VA Miller is looking at receiving $150,000 of OPWC money.
  2. Paint Clear well at an estimated cost of $25,000.
  3. Water Line Replacement at a cost of an estimated $45,000.
  4. Rehab South Tower at an estimated cost $65,000 in 2022. $5000 has been set aside 2021 for this project.
Council’s input was requested.
1. Electric 2021 suggestions:
  1. Olde style light fixtures from first Street to the underpass. Question was posed as to whether this would be eligible for an Energy Smart Rebate. VA Miller stated yes. VA Miller also stated an easement may be required from W and LE, the Wandle House, and the Richards.
  2. Replace neighborhood street light fixtures with LED. VA Miller stated these would also be eligible for Energy Smart Rebates. Recently the lights have been hard to find, but we have some in stock. We have about two dozen 60 amp. Decorative lights on Main Street from Cleveland to Park Drive were discussed.
  3. Project – homeowners to upgrade the amp electric services.
2. Sewer 2021 suggestions:
  1. Televising in jetting of sewer lines. VA Miller stated this is something we continue to perform. We use Holderbaum, North Canton Drain, and others.
  2. Installation of AMI water meters with an estimated cost of $137,960. VA Miller stated this is still a viable the cost.  It will be split between the water and sewer funds, the funds can afford this with the salaries being backed out due to COVID 19. Boxes will need be added to the outside meter on the homes to accomplish this.
3. Water 2021 suggestions
  1. Installation of AMI water meters. As stated above the cost will be split between the water and sewer funds for approximately $67,000 each. Mayor Hawk said this is a good time to do the AMI. VA Miller stated they are ready to install the antennas.
  2. Council Member Hilliard stated that the south water tower needs cleaned. VA Miller stated they are going to repaint it. VA Miller went on to discuss the painting of the top of the North water tower and how the rail has become a hangout for the turkey vultures.
Council Member Schwab provided balances of the utility funds as of October 1, 2020:
Funds    (October 1, 2020)
Electric Fund: Available Balance                                 = $ 2,060,734.40
                                Electric Improvement Fund: Available Balance    = $    927,428.92
                                Electric Debt Fund: Available Balance                      = $      28,566.80
Sewer Fund: Available Balance                                   = $   321,169.72
                                Sewer Replacement Fund: Available Balance        = $     56,040.75   
                                Sewer Debt Fund: Available Balance                        = $    108,747.62    
Water Fund: Available Balance                                   = $   420,860.39
                                Water Replacement Fund: Available Balance        = $     31,078.48
                                Water Debt Fund: Available Balance                        = $       4,000.00
Council Member Schwab asked Clerk-Treasurer King how the village is doing. Clerk King replied that we are actually doing better than she expected with the ongoing pandemic. Our income tax is up, and the CARES money is being used for wages to prevent cross contamination between employees.
Meeting adjourned at 6: 29 PM.
Clerk-Treasurer Kris King