November 16, 2020 - Finance Committee Meeting
Finance Committee Meeting
November 16, 2020 6:00 PM
===================================================================================================================== Attendance: Mayor Hawk, VA Miller, Clerk – Treas. Kris King, Council Members Fox, Hess, Hilliard, Radich, and Schwab. Council Member Brett Long was unable to attend due to work.
The meeting was opened by Mayor Hawk and turned over to Council Member and Finance Chairman Mike Schwab.
Council Member Schwab started the meeting by reviewing the following fund balances:
The Parks, Grounds, and Buildings fund has an available balance as of November 1, 2020 of $61,550.83. This fund is supported by a General Fund transfer of $16,000 per year and a transfer of 5% of the 1% Municipal Income Tax.
The Capital Projects Fund has an available balance as of November 1, 2020 of $170,407.55. This fund is supported by a monthly 4% transfer of the 1% Municipal Income Tax each year.
Tree planting and care is supported by a $22,500 budgeted line item within the General Fund.
The Recreation Fund has an available balance as of November 1, 2020 of $11,432.01. This fund is supported by a General Fund transfer of $10,000 per year.
NOTE: There will be one additional transfer in each of the above funds that will occur in fourth quarter of 2020. The above transfers were reset by Ordinance 22-2020 on April 6, 2020.
Review of information received from VA via emails and reports:
1. Suggested Parks expenditures:
Repaint 700 square feet of skateboard equipment at $4585 to be funded by the Parks and Grounds Fund
2. Suggested Buildings and Grounds expenditures:
Construction of Street Garage Annex – VA Miller reported that he would like to construct a standalone garage with an office, and it would be approximately 56’ x 45’ or 40’. The first three bays of the old garage would then be taken over by the PD. The estimated cost would be $160,000. VA Miller and Clerk King have been exploring different funding options.
3. Note: an expenditure that could be considered under buildings and grounds is
the construction of an Electric Garage Annex II to be funded by the Electric Improvement Fund. This would be for an additional three bays. The original estimate was for a 56’ x 60’ garage at a cost of approx. $117,000 several years ago. VA Miller stated that with inflation, he estimated that could be done under $160,000.
Council’s input was requested. Council Member Hilliard ask why we are moving the grounds equipment out of the Street garage. He thinks we should build a new building for the PD. There is no way it can be built for $160,000. He feels it’s foolish to do all the zigzagging. He feels like the new PD building should be built where and when we can pay for it. Build a 3 to 4 car garage using the Levy money the next time it passes. He also suggests moving the Street department to the north side and expanding the old fire station. VA Miller explained it’s only about a half-acre property. Council Member Hilliard stated that the Street department is the busiest department and has the most equipment.
Council Member Schwab brought up exploring the park projects for 2021, 2022, and 2023. The fund has an available balance of $61,550.32. He suggested renewing the playground mulch as required for safety and would like an estimate. He suggested replacing the volleyball court sand and requested an estimate. This third suggestion was expanding the walking path to the perimeter of field number four which would be approximately an additional 600 feet. He suggested using Ohio Department of Natural Resources funding if possible. VA Miller would like to schedule a walkabout to look at the trail addition. He stated we can’t get the trail between the fence and the road because of the trees that have been added. He would like to add entrances to the walking path from the sidewalks on McKinley and Washington. He would also like to improve handicap accesses including getting a handicap ramp from Second Street where the road is already torn up. Council members were asked for any suggestions.
Council Member Schwab explored projects for grounds and buildings for 2021, 2022, and 2023. He suggested using funds from the general fund and the PD Income Tax Fund for the installation of a backup generator for the street and PD. Council Member Schwab also suggested installation of security cameras on Village Hall and the FD building. He suggested the expansion of the yard waste drop off site with the construction of an additional 30 feet of concrete funded in part by a recycling grant. His final suggestion was the installation of no touch faucets, no touch toilet flusher, hands-free paper towel dispensers, and motion sensor light switches in all Village public restrooms funded by the CARES money. VA Miller stated all this is in the planning stages.
Council Member Schwab wished to explore tree projects for 2021, 2022, and 2023. He suggested the review of the condition of the street and park trees and create a tree plan for village neighborhoods. He doesn’t want to see another incident like the tree falling on a parked car on 6th Street. VA Miller stated that was a surprise being as there were no signs of distress on the tree that fell. Council Member Hilliard stated that since the high school is taking over field number three, he feels we should beautify the area. He stated the batting cage net is in disrepair and he has only ever seen one person using it. VA Miller stated we need to create pitching warm-up stations on either side of the field. Council Member Hilliard suggested getting dirt in before spring. VA Miller stated that Council Member Fox brought up the trees on Huron and Wabash. VA Miller stated there are trees that need taken down and the sidewalk repaired in that area.
Council Member Schwab also wanted to explore recreation projects or events in 2021 and ask suggestions for members of Council. He stated that Council may want to consider temporarily suspending scheduled transfers for 2021. The fund currently has a balance as of November 1, 2020 of $11,432.01 with an additional $2500 scheduled for fourth quarter transfer for a total of $13,932.01. He asked Clerk King if she felt that was sufficient for the Recreation Board for their 2021 activities. Clerk King stated that should cover the normal concerts and events scheduled.
Meeting adjourned at 6: 29 PM.
Clerk-Treasurer Kris King