May 4, 2020 - Meeting Minutes

 MAY 4, 2020
7:00 P.M.
Due to the COVID-19, this meeting was permitted by Sub.H.B.197 to be held through a conference call.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer
Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member                           Andrew Hess, Council Member                 
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member             Brett Long, Council Member                                      
Sydney Radich, Council Member                               Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor                                  Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the April 20, 2020 Council meeting minutes.
Clerk King requested that an amendment be made to the first of the second readings in the minutes to reflect East Main Street instead of Park Street.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to make that amendment.  The vote: All yes.
The vote to approve the minutes as amended: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 353,113.61. The vote: All vote: All yes.
Fire Chief Chris Colucy, Asst. Chief and Paramedic Program Coordinator Jen Mohler, and Police Chief Keith Creter were also on the call.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES:  Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
RESOLUTION 25-2020: A Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to prepare and submit an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) State Capital Improvement Program for the East Main Street Paving and Rehabilitation Project, and to execute contracts as required was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to bring the legislation forward for passage.  Council Member Schwab asked VA Miller the scope of the project and the cost split.  VA Miller stated East Main Street from Wabash to Cleveland Avenue at a cost of $80,000 plus or minus $20,000.  He has applied OPWC money with a 51% Village/49% OPWC match.  That gives the Village maximum points and maximum money.  The vote: All yes.
RESOLUTION 26-2020: A Resolution authorizing The Village Administrator to prepare and submit an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for a Park Drive Rehabilitation Project Phase I, and execute contracts as required was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to bring the legislation forward for passage.  Council Member Schwab asked VA Miller the scope of the project and the cost split.  VA Miller stated the project runs from Park Drive at East Main Street to the last house before the levee.  He has applied OPWC money with a 51% Village/49% OPWC match which again gives the Village maximum points and maximum money.  The vote: All yes.
RESOLUTION 27-2020: A Resolution authorizing The Village Administrator to prepare and submit an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for a water filter media rehabilitation and replacement project, and execute contracts as required was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to pass the legislation as presented.  The vote: All yes.
Second Reading: An ordinance authorizing the adoption of an employee 4.05c expanded family    medical leave policy and the addition of the policy as defined to the Village handbook.
Second Reading: An ordinance authorizing the adoption of an employee 4.01C health emergency paid sick leave and the addition of the policy as defined to the village.
First Reading:  An Ordinance Authorizing the Awarding of a contract for the Advance Meeting Infrastructure Project.
Third Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing a Contract for the Sale of the Village’s Existing 69 KV Transmission Facilities and the Establishment of a Second 69 KV Interconnection was given third reading.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Chief Chris Colucy
  1. Year-to-date calls = 242 with 55 of them occurring in April.
  2. The builders are going to start laying steel.  VA Miller sent out information on some changes that were coming out of the contingency.  The contractor cannot move forward unless these changes are made.
  3. The department is four years past due on the hydrostatic testing for the breathing air bottles for the SCBA’s.  This will be scheduled soon.
  4. Tanker 154 has an air hose leak and will be going down to Dover Brake for repairs.
  5. Council Member Hilliard asked about the change orders for the fire building addition.  VA Miller explained that there were things that the building department required that were not expected when the original plans were submitted.  The architect has been in contact with the building department and the permits will not be issued.  The underground plumbing has passed inspection and backfilling will be done later this week.
B. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Keith Creter
  1. Monthly Activity Report for April.  There were 596 calls.
  2. Chief Creter discussed a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Massillon concerning transportation of prisoners.  An amendment to the ordinance passed in December will need to be passed to comply with the State of Ohio Executive Order 2018-03K which was passed on the 23rd of April 2018.

With respect to the AMP asset sale and construction of the 69 kV transmission lines:
  1. Working on getting a consent and approval of Corman Railroad line to an assignment of Brewster’s existing lease and easement to AMP Transmission LLC.  I have had several contacts with AMP Transmission and Corman representatives in the last few days.  I am confident the consent will be forthcoming but could be delayed because the Railroad line offices are closed, and people are working from home.  Likewise, with AMP Transmission office.
  2. Also, I forwarded a memo to Amp – Lisa McAllister with regard to a few items in the contract documents and we are making progress, but everything is still being worked out.
  3. Also finishing up a review of the sublease with AMP regarding Brewster Cheese.  To enter into a sublease with AMP requires consent on the part of the Brewster Dairy. 
  4. I will be pursuing all of these matters the rest of this week and probably into next.  Hope to get on top of everything so we can untable this ordinance and move forward.
  1. Ohio Flags of Honor Memorial: July 31st though August 2 at Barley’s Event Center in Louisville.
Mayor Hawk stated that VA Miller had emailed Council the Administrator’s Report for this meeting.  He would like to entertain a motion to accept the Administrator’s report into the minutes before we move on to questions for the Village Administrator.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the VA Report and enter it into the minutes.  The vote: All yes.
Administrator’s report for period 4/21/2020 thru 5/4/2020:
  • Fire Station Addition – Progress. A bi-weekly progress meeting was held on Tuesday April 28th. It was again held in the Fire Station Bays where the Tahoe and grass fire truck are normally parked but were pulled out so that we could have 10 feet between each participant. Construction is going well and is on schedule.
  • Fire Station Addition – Change Orders. I have forwarded a summary of Change Orders that have come up to date in order to keep Council up to date.
There were a large number of Change Orders that were required by the Stark County Building Department in order to approve our permit. There have been a few added by the Village. THERE WAS AN ALLOWANCE OF $40,000.00 IN THE BID/CONTRACT FOR CONTINGENCIES. It was an amount for miscellaneous general construction items in for inclusion in the Contract Sum for the General Trades Contract. We have now slightly exceeded that number, so from this point we are now going to be adding to the cost of the General Contract with future Change Orders.
There have also been a few Change Orders for Plumbing and Mechanical (HVAC). As we informed Council earlier, the Plumbing permit was held up because there were changes required due to code interpretations. THERE WAS AN ALLOWANCE IN THE BID/CONTRACT FOR CONTINGENCIES. For the Plumbing Contract there was an allowance of $2,500.00 for miscellaneous plumbing items. For the Mechanical (HVAC) Contract there was an allowance of $2,500.00 for miscellaneous mechanical items. We have now exceeded the combination of those allowances for the Plumbing Contract and for the Mechanical (HVAC) Contract, so from this point we are now going to be adding to the cost of the General Contract with future Change Orders.
  • ODOT – Route 93 Paving and Underpass Drainage Issue. ODOT has done extensive cleaning and videoing of the drainage issue at the underpass. They continue moving forward to diagnose the problem(s).
  • Electric – Annual EIA-861 Report. The annual EIA-861Report to the Energy Information Administration Contractor for the United States Department of Energy has been submitted on behalf of our Electric Department.
  • AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure). Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) bids were opened April 15th. Our engineer, CT Consultants, has reviewed the bids and has recommended that the Village proceed with awarding a contract to Core & Main in the amount of $491,257.59.
Courtney and Associates, who did our most recent rate studies, is performing an analysis to determine whether the projected costs fit into the current and future established utility rates.
A Council of the Whole Committee Meeting has been set for June 1st so that Council can be provided all the relevant information before making a final decision.
Some of the advantages of installing an AMI System include, but are not limited to:
  • An Advanced Metering Infrastructure System will eliminate manual meter reading, and instead allow the Village to read and/or record meter readings in intervals down to every fifteen minutes, sending readings back to the AMI system.
  • Eliminating manual meter reading and instead sending readings back to the AMI system will allow a fixed date to be used for billing every month, as opposed to the current system which it varies depending on variables such as work week and weather.
  • Eliminating manual meter reading and instead sending readings back to the AMI system will allow the Village to gradually reduce the time between the meter reading and the bill being sent out.
  • Benefit electric, water, and sewer customers by detecting meter failures early so that large water leaks or electric usage can be identified early, and notification can be made so that damage and usage due to leaks can be addressed and reduced.
  • Enable both the Village and residents to monitor consumption more precisely so they can make more informed choices.
  • Immediately report power outages back to the Village, enabling enhanced response to power outages and enhanced service restoration.
  • Enables enhanced monitoring of electric system resources, which mitigates potential threats on the grid.
  • Immediately report power issues back to the Village, enabling enhanced service maintenance, repair, or improvements if needed.
  • Provide the capability to connect and disconnect of electric service remotely.
  • Remote connection and disconnection of electric meters will support landlord and/or resident requests to move in/move out.
  • More timely disconnection of electric service.
  • Provide a communications backbone for many utility operations capabilities – today and in the future.
  • Support for emerging needs in areas such as rates, distributed generation, and other technology deployments such as LED street lighting control and SCADA system integration.
  • Allow for future rate design changes such as time-of-use (TOU), demand metering, or seasonal rates or to potentially compensate customers for contributions to 1CP and 5CP peak shaving.
  • Allow for our distribution system and transformers to be monitored for overloading
  • Allow for voltage monitoring allows reduction distribution voltages.
  • Allow meter failures or malfunctions to be identified quicker.
  • Allow for more focused tree trimming from meters reporting momentary outages.
  • Allow for enhanced data analysis & reporting.
  • Improve the accuracy of meter reads while eliminating the need for on-site meter reading.
  • Improve the accuracy and flexibility of billing and streamline the billing process.
  • Reduce calls to utility office about estimated or incorrect bills (should essentially eliminate estimated bills).
  • Reduce large past due bills and/or uncollectible bills.
  • Allows for future introduction of time-based and/or demand-based rate options that can help customers save money and manage their energy consumption and reduce the Village’s 1CP and 5CP transmission peaks.
  • AMP – 1MW Power Block Purchase for 2028-2030. The purchase authorized by the ordinance and schedule for theforwarded passed at April 6th Council Meeting to have AMP obtain prices for a 1MW Block Power Purchase for 2028-2030 has been completed. AMP struck a price (made a purchase) of a 1 MW 7x24 purchase for 2028-2030 at a price of $26.40/MWh on Brewster’s behalf on April 21st.
The purchase will replace the 1MW Block from Shell that expires 2027. In talking with both AMP and Courtney and Associates, the timing was very good to lock ourselves in to a lower price.
For reference:
  • the 1MW Block from Shell that expires 2027 is at a $30.15 per MWh rate.
  • The Ordinance and Energy Supply Schedule for a 2028-2030 fixed rate schedule that was part of the ordinance indicated a rate not to exceed $30.00 per MWh.
  • Our target or anticipated price (goal) was in the $27-$28 / MWh range.
  • Our final price of $26.40/MWh was below our target or anticipated price.
We will be 75% hedged in future years. For point of reference, the latest information I have from AMP shows that while many utilities are seeing reductions in use in the 8-10% range during the COVID 19 restrictions, Brewster’s electric load has remained fairly consistent with our past use/demand.
  • Electric – Substation Upgrade/Expansion. Construction work continues on the Substation Upgrade and Expansion Project. We still expect construction to be complete in May.
  • Potential Transmission Project – Sale of 69kV Assets. Work continues on negotiating an agreement(s) for the proposed purchase of Village 69kV assets by AMP Transmission. We continue to work on the details regarding verification of both ownership and the transfer of easements (in the proper order). Once those are finalized, and the documents are completed, Council can then authorize their execution on behalf of the Village.
  • Storm Drainage – East Main Paving & Rehabilitation Project.The week of April 20th the Street Superintendent Rick Patterson, with the assistance of Water Department employee Rick Page, was able to replace approximately 200 feet of clay storm sewer with polyethylene pipe on the south side of East Main between Cleveland and the ditch. This was done in advance of the East Main Paving and Rehabilitation Project. Installation of curb and gutter as part of the East Main Paving and Rehabilitation Project will require a new catch basin at the low spot on the south side of East Main between Cleveland and the ditch. That installation of a new catch basin would have required removing a portion of clay pipe and splicing it in between sections of old clay pipe, resulting in clay pipe/polyethylene pipe/clay pipe. We do not know the age of the clay pipe. It had already been replaced on East Main west to Wabash. So, to get the storm drainage correct moving forward and also to reduce costs (change order) on the East Main Paving and Rehabilitation Project, we replaced the entire clay pipe section on the south side of East Main between Cleveland and the ditch, and a wye was inserted to accommodate the new catch basin. Once the trench backfill settles, the area will be restored.
  • Water Department – Well Cleaning. Last year the Cleaning of Well #3 ended up at $27,170. If we had proceeded with the second well last year and the cost was the same, it would have projected to over $50,000.What happened after awarding based on that price was during inspection after pulling the pipe and pump, a large number of items were identified that needed addressed as repair/replacement. We replaced the pump bowls and the column pipe, and with other repairs (essentially those items times unit costs listed in the Bid Tab with base bids and estimated add-on costs.)those items ended up ADDING $13,570 to the base bid. Adding the $13,570 to the original servicing cost of $13,600, the total became $27,170.After we determined that the second well would take us over $50,000, we shut it down and regrouped. We held off on the second well.
We wrote specifications. The specifications reflect what we learned from the first well that we would LIKELY need to be repair and/or replace. Our current spec establishes costs for the issues that came up last year that increased that base cost. These specs do so in a manner that maintains our ability to say “NO!”. If after we get the well dismantled, we find for example that the pump bowls are ok and don’t need replaced, we aren’t locked into doing so, but the specifications have provided us with a firm price up front to do so, rather than being at the contractor’s mercy as we were last year. Council authorized solicited new proposals based on the revised specifications. We structured this go around to address the possibility of additional repairs/replacements being needed.
For all bidders information I have forwarded to Council copies of each bidders bid sheet, a Bid Tabulation with just base bids and unit costs, and a Bid Tabulation with base bids and estimated add-on costs based on unit costs that reflect the work that was done last year.
Based on the Bid Tabulation with Additional Estimated Work, a decision has been made to move forward with Peerless. The Purchase Order is being opened for the “highest” potential amount, again based on what the Village knows and/or anticipates at this time (that avoids having to continuously amend or issue new purchase orders as items/issues are discovered and decided). The actual cost will be somewhere between $20,750 (best case) and $31,131 (hopefully worst case). The Purchase Order is then for $31,131, the projected worst case. HOWEVER, even though the Purchase Order is for $31,131, the Village will still have to authorize any/all additional work/costs above the work included in the base bid of $20,750 for item #1 mobilization and item #2.
  • Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project – Local Share. Courtney and Associates will also be looking at the projected figures (although yet to be finalized, pretty firm) of how we can move forward with the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project.
As a reminder, for application purposes, I had been applying any grant funding towards Wastewater first, as that fund is the least able to incur the costs without an effect on rates (we just raised rates 20%). However, OPWC funds can be applied to any of the four cost areas: Wastewater, Water, Paving, and Storm Water. At this time, I do not know what restrictions there will be for CDBG Funds, but assume they will be applied to Wastewater first. I have reconsidered the distribution of grant/loan funding, keeping in mind that there are sources available for low interest loans for Wastewater and Water, but not for storm water and paving.
So, my current recommendation is:
  • apply the CDBG Funds to Wastewater first ($121,415)
  • then apply the OPWC Loan at 0% to Wastewater next ($209,907)
  • Then apply a portion of the OPWC Grant funds ($200,074) to reduce Wastewaters requirement for a “match” to zero
  • Apply the remainder of the OPWC Grant Funds ($111,904) to Storm Sewer costs, resulting in a $43,750 Village match for storm water costs
  • Use Paving Funds ($66,887) to address the paving costs
  • Apply for an OWDA Loan for $209,907 for the Water Department costs
We need to keep in mind that only Wastewater and Water have a rate schedule established that could repay a loan, but that the Water Department is in a better position to absorb an OWDA loan within its current projected rates.
I reached out to Courtney and Associates to get their feedback as to whether the foregoing “plan” fits within their/our projected rates. They have spoken with me and indicated that the proposal should have no effect on our rates (built into Wastewater rate and fits within budget for annual capital in Water).
As a note, because the OPWC Funds are part of the next State Biennium Budget, and it has not yet been passed (held up with the COVID 19 Pandemic), those funds may be delayed.
I am requesting that a joint Committee Meeting of the Finance, Purchasing, and Appropriations and the Public Utilities Committee to discuss how Council plans to apply the grants and loan towards the various funds’ responsibilities be scheduled prior to the second Council Meeting in June.
  • Mosquito Spraying – Stark County Health Department. While the formal contract has not yet been executed, we will be accepting a formal proposal from the Stark County Health Department to do six (6) sprayings this summer, between the months of June and September, weather permitting. The cost will be $714.00 per spraying, up from $599.76 last year. The total will be $4,284.00 if none of the sprayings are cancelled due to weather conditions. They will also be taking care of placing notices in advance of each spraying.
This year, we don’t have a viable option because our employee who possesses a mosquito spraying license is scheduled to be off for a medical issue. I will be proceeding unless Council has another option
  • Water Line Loop/Extension. A couple of future events have provided an opportunity to finally loop (extend) our water line on 7th Street, that currently ends in front of 857 7th Street (just to the west of the catch basin on the north side) on the south side of 7th Street. Last year, prior to 7th street Paving and Rehabilitation Project, our employees replaced a portion of the water line that runs south from in front of 857 7th Street to our South Water Tower.
We have discovered during discussions with Fairless Schools that a portion of this water line will have to be relocated to accommodate the new High School, as it will be under it.
As we looked at options, one of the options was to loop (extend) our water line on 7th Street to Route 62, then south on Route 62 to the hydrant in front of the Fairless Bus Garage. It would not only loop the line but provide an alternative route to the South Water Tower. It also would put the Village in the position in the future to extend water (or have our water extended) into Justus. We installed a “Tee” on the south side of 7th Street (or Mount Eaton) so that we could run our line to the east. The terminus in front of the bus garage would be south side of 11790 Angleway St SW just south of the driveway for the Fairless bus garage.
As Council is aware, we entered into an agreement with the Stark Metropolitan Sewer District to extend sanitary sewer service east along 7th Street to Justus. There plans are to “terminate” their main line initially at/near Angleway and Route 62. They have completed negotiations for an easement with Fairless Schools to allow for the extension.
In my discussions with the Stark Metropolitan Sewer District, the subject of water line extension was previously brought up. Our recent discussions again visited the subject of water line extension concurrent with the sanitary sewer extension. The advantage to the Village is that the cost would be lower because the contractor would already be mobilized. Another advantage is that because sanitary sewer lines and water lines are to have 10 feet separation, if construction on both occurred the proposed Safe Routes to Schools Shared Use Path could be completed between them, providing better maintenance access to both.
It would make a LOT of sense to complete our water line loop with the Stark Metropolitan Sewer District sanitary sewer extension. We would have to have it engineered, which the Stark Metropolitan Sewer District is willing to do. We would also have to get an EPA PTI. Then, we would have to pay for the water line portion of the construction, as well as the Safe Routes to Schools Shared Use Path cost, which would be lower because it would be a slight change in the restoration after construction. We would want to construct the extension/loop with six (6) inch plastic pipe (with an alternate for six (6) inch ductile pipe).
I feel this is a great opportunity for the Village and recommend that Council authorize proceeding.
  • COVID 19 – Village Operations. Per the Governor’s and Ohio Department of Health guidelines, both Village Hall and Utility Offices continues to be closed to the general public. We are looking at the Governor’s phased reopening guidelines and determining how the Village will move forward with reopening in a responsible manner.
There remains at least one (1) person present at Village Hall at all times, and a wireless doorbell was installed so that the door can be answered for deliveries and for the drop-off of bids.
Utility Billing continues to process payments through the drop box.
Street Department will begin having all its employees report to work beginning Monday May 4th. We are doing so because they can report to work and their work at this point can be assigned in such a way as to keep them apart (i.e. mowing), without having issues with being within six (6) feet or cross-contamination.
The three (3) utilities are still being kept apart, with staggered weeks for the time being. We are doing so until we see what addition guidance we get from the Governor, Ohio Department of Health, and CDC and to see what effect there is from reopening of the economy (easing restrictions). These three (3) utilities are most critical. As Council is aware, we have a limited number of employees who licensed and trained to treat our drinking water, treat our wastewater, and keep the electric on. If we were to have the two (2) Class II License holders in Water both be affected at the same time, by either themselves being exposed to or contracting COVID 19 or isolating because of a family exposure to or contracting COVID 19. In that event, we couldn’t treat our resident’s water without extraordinary measures. We would have to hire an EPA Licensed individual and/or firm who has no experience with the Village’s Water Plant at considerable expense, because not providing water to our residents is not an option. We are in similar situations with Wastewater and Electric. So, at this point we should consider the staggering of shifts in utilities as insurance. Not something we want to spend money on, but something if we are good stewards of Village operations we have to spend money on.
  • Levee on 7th Street – VA will be meeting with the Army Corp of Engineers and their contractor to discuss fixing the road around the levee gate.  Their plan is to close 7th street starting May 11th for 30 days.
  • The Model T Club has cancelled their July event in Bimeler Park.  They hope to reschedule it for next year.
  • Drug Testing – We are looking at Safety Resource Company of Ohio for our random drug testing facility.  The prices are comparable, and they are closer to the Village.  They also offer onsite and after hour testing.
Council Member Hilliard received a call from a gentleman concerning the alley between East 5th and 6th Streets that runs behind the Catholic Church.  There is a hump in the center from the garbage truck using the alley and cars are scraping their bottoms when travelling through.  VA Miller stated he will have the pavers take a look at it when they start the projects.
Council Member Hilliard was contacted by Major’s on 7th Street about a light that had been reported out several times and has not been replaced.  It is one of the old-fashioned lights.
1.    May has been proclaimed Motorcycle Awareness Month in the Village of Brewster.
  1. The Mayor will meet with Wacker Signs on the Village limit signs.
  2. The Mayor is working with a resident to paint fire hydrants.  He showed both the Fire Chief and the Water Superintendent some color choices and both agreed they would work.  Council Member Hilliard stated that it was brought up before and with the sandblasting and painting and it was very pricey.  The Mayor stated that the agreement was for 12 hydrants and see how it goes.
The April and YTD Financial Reports are in Council’s mailboxes.
Fire Pay = $ 2,589.11 for May 1st.
Fairless Student Council has cancelled the Mother’s Day 5K.  We received the check back with a letter stating they would resume the event next year and hope we support them again.  The check has been voided and the funds returned to the proper account.
The audit continues.
I am gathering information for Courtney and Associates for the Water, Sewer and Electric rate studies.
With the COVID-19, Asst. Clerk Joyce Cunningham has been working from home.  She has been released from her doctor to come back to work tomorrow.  We have not started to conduct interviews for another part time person because of the stay at home order and the fact we don’t want any unnecessary visitors to Village Hall.
We received $3,640.83 in relief money for the COVID-19 pandemic.  This has created another fund.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
May 18th – Next Council Meeting will be a conference call again at 7:00pm.
June 1st – Council of the Whole meeting at 6:30pm to discuss the specifics of the AMI Project
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to create legislation to amend the Transportation Agreement language with the City of Massillon in Section 3, Reportable Offences, to comply better with the State of Ohio Executive Order 2018-03K.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDE BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to schedule a Council of the Whole meeting on June 15th at 6:30pm to discuss the specifics of the funding for the Jefferson Sewer Rehab Project.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to approve the fire pay of $2,589.11.  The vote: All yes.
VILLAGE SPEAKS: Communications Received by Council members from Village residents
Council Member Hilliard received a call concerning a resident’s utility bill.  The resident’s bill was high, and it was noticed that it had more days of usage than Councilman Hilliard’s bill.  VA Miller described the way the readings are read and the fact that the departments are staggering when employees work to avoid unnecessary risk for the COVID-19 virus.  He will look into it and get back to Councilman Hilliard.  VA Miller stated this is one of the reasons that the Village is looking into the Advanced Metering Infrastructure.
Mayor Hawk thanked everyone for their participation in this conference call and stated that we would be using the teleconferencing for one more meeting. 
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor