July 6, 2020 - Welty Cemetery

Council of the Whole
Welty Cemetery Meeting
July 6, 2020
6:30 P.M.
Chuck Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member                           Andrew Hess, Council Member                 
Brett Long, Council Member                       Sydney Radich, Council Member
Mike Schwab, Council Member                 
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer                             Michael Miller, Village Administrator      
Mayor Hawk asked that discussion be opened on the possibility of the village taking over ownership and operation of the Welty Cemetery.  He stated its been kicked around for some time and we need to let their board know what our thoughts are.  Council Member Schwab asked if the board was aware that they would lose all control.  Mayor Hawk stated they are looking to relinquish the responsibility.  Some members of the board will be able to become members of the new board that will be made up of a mix of members that will not be made up of all village residents.  The sexton has agreed to stay on for a while.  Council Member Long wandered if they still wanted control and Mayor Hawk stated he believed they just wanted to be done with it.  Council Member Fox asked how long it will be able to support itself?  He is worried that our children will be paying for a cemetery that we chose to take over.  Mayor Hawk stated there is about double the amount of graves available as the ones that have already been purchased.  Council Member Fox stated this is just one more thing we don’t need to deal with. Mayor Hawk stated there will be fixed costs and that this would be considered a service to the community.  He stated he is not trying to sway people either way but wants to make sure everyone understands.  Council Member Fox stated the township is the next in line if nobody wants it so let them have it.  Mayor Hawk stated he had trouble even getting an answer from them and they want nothing to do with it.  Council Member Radich reiterated how many graves were left to be sold.  Council Member Long just wants to break even.  There was discussion on 10% of all sales going into a trust account that is required by code.
The current board has a savings account to help with the fixed expenses.  Council Member Schwab stated that if this were to happen, a contract would have to be drawn up for the transfer and then the cemetery would be run according to statutory regulations.  He would like to see our Solicitor draw up an agreement as a start.  Council Member Hess would like to know how many graves are left.
Meeting adjourned at 6:44pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer