November 2, 2020 Meeting Minutes
NOVEMBER 2, 2020
7:00 P.M.
This meeting was held in the bay of the Fire Station. With the Governor’s 10 person per gathering limit, we offered a phone-in conference call for anyone wishing to listen and/or participate. The number to call in is 712-770-5336. You must then enter 523528# to join the call. Notification was posted on the front doors and posted on the website.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer
Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Andrew Hess, Council Member
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member Brett Long, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the October 19, 2020 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the minutes as read. The Vote: all yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of 210,451.09. The vote: All vote.
Roger Carpenter, 432 Wabash Ave. N., wanted to bring some information forward for the public. He stated he didn’t expect Council to respond this evening but wanted this to be on the record. He wants to know how many buildings the Street Department owns. How many garage doors were provided to them? What’s being done with the Boy Scout building? He stated that he knows it was converted to have two more bays for the Police Department, but he knows they have not been using that and why it couldn’t be used for the Street Department. He heard rumors that there was going to be a new building built for the Street Department. He would like to know if that is true and if so, why is that not enough for the Street Department. He wants to know how there is going to be room for a weight room here (new station addition)? If the rumors are true that we are going to move the current weight room from the north side to the new meeting room, how does anyone think there is going to be enough room and how are the residents going feel with all the loud music and noise from the weights clinking as opposed to being 200 hundred feet from the nearest home. He was wondering if anyone was aware that the weight room was being considered to being converted to a full weight room. “We have walls that we build using association money that they cannot have set up at all times and takes about 30 minutes to build those. They were going to have it all set up, so they didn’t have to waste time building that. If it’s true that they are being kicked out of the north side station, he would prefer to know if the roof they paid out of the Fire Fund could be reimbursed and the Street Department could pay for that roof. All this is based on rumors that they are being kicked out of the north side station. The next thing is the fence being put up by the fire station being paid out of the Fire Fund. If so, why don’t we have a say on what it looks like? There are also rumors that they have to pay for an alley put in behind the station. If these rumors are true, why do we have to pay for it when we didn’t need? On top of all that, does anyone know about AHA Guidelines, Stroke Care Guidelines, Cardio Care Guidelines, response times, and staff numbers, and what it takes to run these calls, staffing medic versus basic. We complain we that we don’t have the money to staff two people, response times are through the roof. He stated, “quite frankly, we are turning calls left over right, if worried about paying for staffing, why are we paying for an alley and fence?” *SEE NOTATION AT END
Fire Chief Colucy was on the call and Police Chief Keith Creter was present.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
RESOLUTION 64 – 2020: A resolution authorizing a one-year agreement with the Board of Trustees of the Local Organize Government in Cooperation for full dispatching services for the village of Brewster Fire Department and the Village of Brewster Department by the Regional Emergency Dispatching (RED) Center was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to pass the resolution as read. The vote: All yes.
Second Reading: An ordinance amending Ordinance 93 – 2017 to adjust the compensation of Village Employees for 2021.
Second Reading: An ordinance employing Attorney John F. Anthony as Village Solicitor from January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022.
Second Reading: An ordinance authorizing a May 2020 Ballot Issue to renew the Village .2% for Police and .3% for Streets.
Second Reading: A resolution authorizing the submittal of a May 2021 ballot issue to the electors to renew the .2% Police and .3% Street Income Tax.
Second Reading: An ordinance amending Ordinance 56 – 2019, Section 4 – bulk water with the addition of the sale for bulk water from the hydrant policy.
Second Reading: An ordinance authorizing expansion of the Paramedic Program from 84 hours per week 260 hours per week.
RESOLUTION 65 – 2020: A resolution authorizing the Village Administrator of the Village of Brewster to prepare and submit an application to participate in The Ohio Department Natural Resources Land and Water Conservation Fund Program and execute contracts as required and declaring an emergency.
VA Miller stated this is an application for ODNR to help with the $58,700 match for the Safe Routes to School construction. This will be the walking path link between the elementary and middle schools.
COUNCIL MEMBER CHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Hilliard asked any this would be used for the school portion of the path. VA Miller advised it was all for the school portion.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pass the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Chris Colucy
- Year-to-date calls = 598.
- Chief Colucy is looking at purchasing sprayers and backpacks sprayers with the CARES money.
- Both Sugarcreek and Tuscarawas Townships have said they will be giving a portion of their CARES money to the fire department.
- The grant for new pumper has been turned down. The Chief would like to reapply. It would be at no charge since we did not get the grant.
- The turnout gear is about to expire. The Chief would like to apply for a grant to replace 15 sets of turnout gear. The cost to apply for this grant through Gatchell Grant Writing Service is $695 and if the grant is received, Gatchell Grant will charge additional 8% or $3000 whichever is less.
- Year to date calls (Activity Report) = 797.
- Chief Creter had supplied Council an email describing the body cameras he would like to purchase with the CARES money. This would involve a new system and he would like to purchase at least six new body cameras for his full-time officers. He described how the three cameras they are currently using are being passed around and wipe down after each officer uses it. They are non-Wi-Fi. It takes an hour and a half to download each camera every night that activity was recorded. The Chief would really like an additional two for the part-timers. The new cameras would automatically turn on when the lights turn on in the car. These would eliminate the chance of an officer to forget to turn on his camera. Council Member Long stated he feels that is very important in today’s world that the cameras be operated this way.
- Solicitor Anthony provided the agreement with Welty Cemetery. The agreement provides for a 120-day window for Council to approve. Solicitor Anthony stated 30 days have already passed. Council needs to act on this shortly. Council Member Schwab had asked some questions during a committee meeting prior to this meeting. Solicitor Anthony stated he would get back to Council with answers to those questions very shortly.
- Solicitor Anthony discussed a letter sent demanding reimbursement of money paid for paramedic training by an individual that signed a contract and did not fulfill her obligations per the contract. The Mayor had a meeting with the individual. Since then more information has been gathered and there is a slight reduction in the amount owed. Solicitor Anthony will compose another letter with a specific date for payment and if not paid, a lawsuit will be filed.
- Solicitor Anthony discussed a lawsuit that involved utility rates charged outside of municipal limits. The Ohio Constitution allows for outside sales, but they cannot exceed 50% of the total revenue. A trial court dismissed Cleveland Illuminating Companies complait charging undue burden on municipalities. The solicitor will keep us informed as the case continues.
- The issue of a village tree falling on a resident’s vehicle was brought up. Solicitor Anthony stated that usually the insurance companies fight it out as to who covers the damage. Unfortunately, in this case there was no comprehensive coverage on the vehicle damaged. VA Miller stated a pair tree fell on a pickup truck. The tree had no apparent signs of being unhealthy. When the tree fell it was discovered it had no roots and the wind blew it over. The claim was filed with the village’s insurance company and it was declined. The conversation moved on to whether it should be considered a moral claim. The blue book value of the vehicle is $7100. There were two estimates provided, one was $6400 and the other $7100. VA Miller is selling all the information to the Solicitor for his recommendation.
No communications were reported.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the VA’s November 2, 2020 report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting. The vote: All yes.
Administrator’s report for period 10/20/2020 thru 11/2/2020:
Ø SRTS – ODNR Grant Application. First, I need to provide a brief background and update on the Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) Shared Use Path (SUP) Grant Application. The SRTS SUP Grant Application was for the portion of the SUP from the crosswalk on Route 62 to the Elementary School AND the portion on Park Drive from 7th to East Main Street. ODOT awarded just the portion from the crosswalk on Route 62 to the Elementary School in a reduced amount of $150,000. Our engineer at the time represented that $150,000 would be enough to cover all construction costs for the awarded portion but would not cover the engineering costs. The Village accepted the grant on that basis and accepted the responsibility/cost for engineering, so that the entire $150,000 grant amount could be used for construction.
Currently, the SRTS Grant ($150,000) does not cover the total construction cost. The updated cost based on revised quantities is due to a number of factors. One of the factors why the project construction estimate has expanded considerably is due to an extension of the Shared Use Path at the Elementary School to meet the ADA requirements of 5% or less slope. Another reason is partially because of additional ODOT requirements. Frankly, another reason is because the project costs were underestimated at the outset. And finally, there is the fact that the engineer wants to be sure their estimate is not exceeded by more than 10%, so that a contract can be awarded. If the engineer’s estimate is exceeded by more than 10% the project could be delayed because the project would have to be rebid (think East Main). The estimated cost with 10% contingency has jumped from $160,877 base to $234,674.56.
So, I have been exploring alternatives with the engineer.
- We looked at the estimate closely to see if it could be reduced. We did make some cuts and adjustments.
- After discussion with Fairless, we asked ODOT if the SRTS SUP could be limestone, which would be considerably less expensive. They answered no.
- We have inquired whether the Village providing $25,000 in materials (fill and topsoil). The preliminary answer was yes, but now we are awaiting a final answer.
I approached Fairless initially after we received the Grant about whether if the costs exceeded $150,000 for a concrete SUP, would they pay the difference. They said they would consider it at the time of the bid. Now that there is a “final” estimate, I have again approached Fairless about whether they will cover the additional costs above the $150,000 SRTS Grant. In fairness to Fairless, the additional amount is well beyond my initial discussions with Superintendent Broc Bidlack at the inception of the project. However, part of my reasoning is based on what the Village has (and will have) invested already (see attached spreadsheet) and the fact the Village doesn’t have those additional construction funds available. In addition, my reasoning for asking is also because the construction of the SRTS Shared Use Path from the crosswalk on Route 62 to the Elementary School directly benefits Fairless Schools. It connects their current sidewalk/crosswalk from the current High School to the Middle School, and the Middle School to the Elementary School. The only portion not on school property is between the Middle School and the Elementary School, where students attempting to walk between the two (2) schools must currently walk on a narrow berm next to the white line. Finally, I also have communicated that IF the $150,000 grant is returned, it means that if/when a sidewalk or Shared Use Path is constructed in the future, Fairless will potentially have to come up with the entire cost.
Beyond the foregoing reasons, I have emphasized that the Village and Fairless Schools jointly adopted the Safe Routes to Schools Plan. As you are aware, the Village has been aggressive in getting the plan implemented and tasks set forth completed. For some of the tasks the Village has been able to leverage its funds to obtain grants. For others, to show funding entities the Village is committed so as to get grants, Village funds were spent without outside funding. Since its adoption in 2018, the Village has spent $241,466 to complete tasks and/or leverage funds. Much of what has been spent has not been directly on Fairless property, but some has been directly associated with the Fairless campus, such as Rapid Flashing Beacons at the crossings to the schools.
So, that brings me to my request for Council to pass legislation to apply for an ODNR Land & Water Grant in the amount of $58,700 to close the funding gap. The ODNR Land & Water Grant Application is:
- Due November 16th.
- The minimum grant is $ 50,000.00 - Using the estimate for the asphalt path, and no deduct of the soil and topsoil, the application will be for 58,700.00
- Grant approval is in the spring on 2021.
- Council will need to pass an ordinance authorizing the application.
The reason I am working so hard to make this work (beyond stubbornness) is the negative affect that walking away from the SRTS Grant would have on the Village. At a minimum, we would be black balled from ODOT Grants, and possibly all State Grants. The SRTS Plan was funded by Stark County Regional Planning, who indicated at the time they expected the Village to follow through. Stark County Regional Planning scores OPWC Applications (state money). The Village has been very successful in obtaining OPWC Funds, with grants and loans in the amount of $790,354.00 in the past 3 years, and another grant/loan application in the amount of $156,800 pending for Filter Media Replacement. Stark County Regional Planning also administers CDBG Funding, which the Village has received $441,959 for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project. So, it is Brewster’s best interest to make this project work, provided what is done to make it work is within reason, which ultimately is a Council decision. The solar field was about the same level of difficulty as the SRTS Project. There were a number of times then when Mayor Schwab or I wanted to throw in the towel, but we managed to keep coming back to make it work. Ultimately it finally did work to the Village’s benefit. At this point I doubt I will ever feel as good about the SRTS Grant/Project as I do about the Solar facility, but I still feel it is the best interest of the Village residents to keep trying until we exhaust all reasonable options.
So, I am asking Council to pass legislation to apply for an ODNR Land & Water Grant in the amount of $58,700 on an emergency basis so that the application can be submitted before the deadline.
- Fire Station Addition – Progress. Construction is going well. We had a progress meeting on Tuesday October 13th at 9:00 am. We didn’t schedule a next progress meeting, as we should be at the punch list stage soon.
- Fire Station Addition – General Change Orders. At this point we have three (3) “proposed” general change orders.
1. Council approved a change order to replace last two (2) existing Fire Department garage doors with a glass garage door and a new aluminum storefront with single door, with electronic door access, in the amount of $13,762.10 (includes 10%). However, after field measuring and discussing specifics, such as the need for the new storefront door to be handicapped accessible button assist), the price is being recalculated.
- We are going to deal with Southway fence directly on the refencing of the generator area. There will be a cost, but also an offsetting credit from the General Contractor.
- Fire Department Addition – Plumbing & HVAC Change Orders. At this point we do not have any Plumbing or HVAC change orders.
- Fire Department Addition – Electric Change Orders. At this point we do not have any electric change orders. We do anticipate a change order to adjust/move the electric reels so that they are properly spaced from the new infrared natural gas heating units. We also have requested the addition of an additional light switch from the new office area to the workout room, utility closet, and bathroom.
- Fire Addition – Speakers & Communication Equipment. As I previously informed Council, in getting the Fire Addition completed, it was brought to our attention that the specs had no data cabling. So, we got a price not to exceed $8,423.00 to install computer/communications cabling. (Note: As I informed Council, we checked with Siefert, who indicated that the price was reasonable, they don’t do this work, and they could get someone else to quote, but there would be additional time.) As insulation was scheduled to be blown in, and the fact that we should have computer cabling installed before insulation so installer don’t displace/compress insulation, we had Hilscher -Clarke install the required cabling, which Council approved at their October 5th Meeting.
Well, the rest of what was “omitted” with communications were 7 speakers and an amplifier required to accommodate the additional speakers. We obtained a quote from Staley for $2,234, and I gave Staley’s the green light. It is not a change order and will not go through any contracts.
I am asking Council to ratify having Staley’s to provide and install communications for 7 speakers, an amplifier required to accommodate the additional speakers, and related items in the amount of $2,234.
- Fire Station Addition – Changes Orders & Overall Budget. At this point, the overall cost status is the same as last meeting. At this point, theoverall perspective of where we stand with the Fire Addition Budget:
- Original contracts for General, Electric, and Plumbing/HVAC amounted to $1,479,348.
- Plumbing/HVAC change orders to date (including the proposed listed above) amount to $3,023.00.
- Electric change orders to date remain at $13,215.50.
- Total cost including change orders to this point brings us to $1,619,007.42. We are 9.4% over the original award.
- A “mitigating” factor is that Council has designated $22,000 +/- from the Triner Estate bequest towards the glass garage doors, which amounted to a $22,311 increase/change order. So, the actual increase from Fire Income Tax is more like $86,000 +/-; or $1,566,000 total +/-; or a 5.9% increase.
- We are backing out the costs (General and Electric) for the hands dryers and paying for those costs out of CARES/COVID Funds, reducing the amount shown out of the Fire Income Tax by $5,790.51 (not yet shown).
- Fire Station Addition – Alley Expansion. The widening/expansion of the alley that accesses the south side of the Fire Addition has been completed at the same time the parking lot was paved. It was widened to two (2) lanes for the length of the Sturm lot to better accommodate the new traffic of fire department responding there for emergency calls. The final cost from Northstar was $12,299.70.
- 2020 Paving Program – Follow-Up. We still have repairs on 6th Street SE to three (3) approaches, as lowering the street for drainage affecting them. Work should begin in the next few weeks.
- Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Construction activities have begun for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project. We have been working with Central Allied Enterprises to locate a lay-down area for pipe/materials and potentially a worksite trailer. Central Allied has 300 days to complete the project. We will be reporting CDBG payments to OPWC, and when CDBG Funds run out, submitting payment requests for Central Allied to OPWC directly. CDBG money is first spent, so the amount we will need to draw down on the OPWC Grant and Loan will be less than the full amount we received. So, unless there is more than $190,000 in change orders (highly unlikely) the Village will have no money expended for construction.
- Side Lot Application – Stark County. I wantto update Council on the side lot application(s) Council approved at the October 19th Council Meeting. I ran into a glitch on two (2) of the six (6) parcels that where requested to be transferred via the side lot program.
The final Village step in the process is filling out a form and providing a Sworn Statement of Abandoned Vacant Land form for each parcel. In filling out the Sworn Statement of Abandoned Vacant Land forms, I determined that parcel 7000639 has a structure on it (garage). The structure is probably NOT one built by the owner of parcel 7000639. I cannot swear under oath that the property is vacant nor that it has an abandoned structure. As such, it does not qualify for the side lot program. (Note: it appears whoever has built/is using the structure is gaining access via the applicant’s property)
Because parcel 7000639 doesn’t qualify for the side lot program, parcel 7000451 doesn’t qualify either, because it is not contiguous to the applicant’s property via parcel 7000639.
I have sent the documentation back into the County for the other four (4) lots.
The Mayor is attempting to reach out to the applicant.
- Finance Committee Meeting. In preparation for the Finance Committee Meeting scheduled for Monday November 2nd at 6:00 pm to discuss the Electric, Sewer, and Water budgets, I present the 5-year Capital and the budgets prepared by Courtney and Associates for Electric, Sewer, and Water. The 5-year Capital Plans for Electric, Wastewater, and Water include the major expenditures that we are aware of at the moment. Council will have to approve projects as they come up. The 5-year Capital Plans for Electric, Wastewater, and Water were all sent to Courtney and Associates as part of their rate studies as well.
In addition, I also sent the budgets for Electric, Wastewater, and Water that Courtney and Associates prepared, that project revenues/costs out through 2024.
- Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI). The AMI Project continues to move forward. Material has been ordered for the project and we are awaiting delivery.
- Efficiency Smart – “Buy Local” Program. The “Buy Local” program has been extended from 9/30 to 11/30. Brochures are available.
Ø Efficiency Smart – Rebates. Heating and cooling make up the largest portion of the average household’s energy bill. Efficiency Smart offers rebates on products that can help you save on these costs, including a $750 rebate on cold climate air source heat pumps and a $100 rebate on air source heat pumps. Visit and select “Home Energy Rebates” or call 877-889-3777 for more information on available rebates.
- Efficiency Smart - Advanced Thermostat. Save up to an additional $70 off the purchase of an Advanced Thermostat! Visit Efficiency Smart’s Online Savings store at for special Black Friday pricing and free shipping on advanced thermostats between 11/13 – 12/1. Call Efficiency Smart at 877-889-3777 for more information.
- Efficiency Smart – “Trivia Tuesdays”. Efficiency Smart is running called “Trivia Tuesdays”. Each Tuesday in November, Efficiency Smart will post a new energy efficiency trivia question on its Facebook page. . Those who answer correctly will be entered to win a $25 promo code redeemable on our Online Savings store. Efficiency Smart will randomly select one winner each week, so residents can participate each week for more chances to win. Efficiency Smart is asking for our help increasing awareness of the contest by sharing Trivia Tuesday information.
- Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District Sewer Extension. I am coordinating with the Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District to come up with the appropriate language to authorize the Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District to advertise and receive bids concurrent with their bidding out their Project to serve Sugar Creek Twp.’s Justus Avenue and Keller Avenue Areas with sanitary sewer for a Village of Brewster water line extension/loop.
- Digger/Derrick Truck. The expected ship date for the new Digger/Derrick Truck is August 21, 2021.
VA Miller stated that work had begun on the aprons on Sixth Street where the elevations needed adjusted.
VA Miller stated the draining issue on the north side was being addressed.
VA Miller stated the quotes for the speakers to be added to the Fire Station came in $234 above what was approved at the last meeting.
The generator at the Street department was brought up. VA Miller stated they were moving on to Plan B. The generator that serves the Fire Department and Village Hall will be hooked up tomorrow and there will be a power outage in the morning.
1. Mayor Hawk met with Rafael Rodriguez of the Stark Economic Board. This organization helps
1. Mayor Hawk met with Rafael Rodriguez of the Stark Economic Board. This organization helps
agricultural businesses get licenses and permits and also with other clerical work.
- The Small Business Relief committee will be meeting on November 3 to review the grant
applications. The Mayor asked the Clerk how many applications have been received. The Clerk
replied that there have been six applications turned in thus far.
- Village Offices and departments will be closed on November 11 in honor of Veterans Day.
- October 30 fire payroll = $2647.05.
- October and year-to-date reports were provided to Council.
- Residents that are in arrears on utility bills due to the pandemic contact the United Way of Greater Stark County for assistance. Funds have been set aside especially for residents inside the Village limits. Residents are asked to dial 211 to apply.
- Our first report of our use of the cares funding has been submitted in the amount of $96,730.99. Wages accounted for $77,370.98 and the rest was supplies to help reduce the spread of the virus. There is a chance we may be eligible for more funds just prior to Thanksgiving.
- I will be preparing legislation for year end. I am requesting Council to authorize creation of the following legislation:
- Resolution of Temporary Appropriations
- Ordinance of Supplemental Appropriations and Amending Ordinance #14 – 2020
- Ordinance Transferring Funds from the General Fund to a to be determined fund
- Resolution Authorizing the Amendment and Appropriation of Additional Funds
Council Member Hilliard asked if notifications of the utility bill assistance were sent out in the utility bills. Clerk King stated they had been sent out separately to ensure they were not overlooked.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
nothing was reported.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
Council Member Schwab reported on the committee meeting at 6 PM this evening. The water, sewer, and electric budgets were discussed for 2021.
Mayor Hawk reported on the committee meeting at 6:30 PM this evening. Council was provided with information concerning Welty Cemetery. Mayor Hawk will be contacting Welty Cemetery board member Buzz Belloni for a profit/loss report.
- Fairless Bus Garage water loop – In process
- Fairless Resolution for baseball field use – In process. The school has asked that the Village not mow Field 3.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the fire pay for October 30, 2020 of $2647.05 from the Fire Fund. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Radich and motion carried to create legislation to approve the agreement for the Village to take over the Welty Cemetery. The Vote: Hilliard, yes; Long, yes; Radich, yes; Schwab, yes; Fox, no; Hess, yes. Motion carries.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to schedule a Finance Committee meeting on November 16 at 6:00 pm to discuss and provide input for the 2021 Buildings/ Parks/ Grounds and Tree Budgets. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pay for the improvements to the front of the Fire Station’s current first two bays which will be the new community center out of the Capital Improvement Fund. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to create legislation for a Resolution of Temporary Appropriations. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to create legislation for an Ordinance of Supplemental Appropriations and Amending Ordinance #14 – 2020. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to create legislation for an Ordinance Transferring Funds from the General Fund to a to be determined fund. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to create legislation for a Resolution Authorizing the Amendment and Appropriation of Additional Funds. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to approve an additional $234 for seven speakers and an amplifier for the Fire Building Addition from the Fire Income Tax Fund. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Schwab provided a copy of Resolution #17 – 2020 approved in March of this year which allowed the Village to sell surplus Village vehicles and equipment in 2020. He would like to do something similar for 2021.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to direct that legislation be created for Council’s consideration that states Council’s intent to sell the unneeded vehicles, equipment, and so forth be at the Internet in 2021. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to purchase eight body cameras for the Police Department at a cost of $18,061 to be paid from the COVID19/CARES fund. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to direct the Fire Chief to utilize Gatchell Grants at a cost of $650 or 8% of the award to make application for a FEMA grant for 15 sets of Fire Turnout Gear with an estimated cost of $60,000 with the Village responsible for 5% of the cost of the turnout gear. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor
*Response to Mr. Carpenter provided by VA Miller:
- Relocation of workout equipment to new Fire Station Addition. It is true that the workout equipment at the former North Fire Station is planned to be located to the new Fire Station Addition. That has been the plan all along. There is a dedicated room for workout equipment, with a shower/bathroom located within it. It has rubberized flooring. In my 35 years associated and/or visiting fire stations to see how ours should be built, the NORM is to have workout equipment at the Fire Station so that the employees on duty can work out BUT still be available for calls. I am not aware of any set-up other than Brewster where the workout equipment is at a remote location from the Firefighter/Paramedic’s work location (I am sure there are others, but there is a reason there is an exception) The reason the workout area is at the duty area is so that the on duty individual is available to immediately respond to a call. If the workout area were to remain at the former North Fire Station, then an on duty individual would not be able to work out OR if they were at the former North Fire Station would have to return to the Fire Station to get a second (and/or third) individual to respond, defeating the purpose of our expansion to manning the station 24 x 7 – 168 hours.
Beyond that determining fact, the former North Fire Station has a defective bathroom, and the current workout equipment is in approximately a 16 X 30 area. The new Fire Department workout room is 24 X 10, slightly smaller. The “plan” was to bring down the bowflex machine, the treadmill, the elliptical machine down, and another piece/set of equipment. It was to be determined where the remaining equipment would be located initially, but because at this time there is no immediate plan for the current meeting room, it is logical to relocate the rest of the workout equipment there until other plans are pursued. That room is 18 X 24 and has a bathroom.
- Former North Fire Station Roof. The individual stated that he heard that the former North Fire Station was paid for out of the Fire Fund. That is inaccurate. The new roof was paid for in 2017 from Capital Outlay – General Fund. So, there is no money that needs “repaid”.
- Alley Expansion. The alley (Nickel Plate) was widened to 2 lanes to accommodate the increase in traffic, some of which will be responding hot to a Fire or Emergency Medical Call, to the new Fire Station Addition. The new Fire Station Addition was laid out to have responders report at the new entrance at the south side (alley side) of the addition, be able to report in at the top of the stairs, go down the steps and either get their turn-out gear and get on a fire apparatus or get on an ambulance. A one lane alley does not SAFELY handle that type of traffic. So, the alley expansion was done for no other reason than to address the new flow for emergency responders. It was needed and planned for in advance, despite the individual who addressed Council’s assertion that it wasn’t needed. With that said, the cost was paid out of the paving fund, not the Fire Income Tax, so again, no money needs to be “repaid”.
- Fence between new Fire Station Addition and neighbor to the east. The only reason the fence is needed is because the Village was granted a variance and has built 2-story structure, 5 feet away from the neighbor to the east’s property line. The $2,850 cost to erect a fence to address the neighbor’s concern is a cost associated with the new Fire Station Addition is a legitimate part of the $1.5 million dollar plus Fire Station addition.
- New Fire Station space. The addition to the Fire Station adds 33% more space for ambulances/trucks/equipment. The addition to the Fire Station adds a new kitchen/dayroom, three (3) offices, a dedicated turnout gear room, a dedicated EMS Storage Room, 3 bathrooms down plus 4 showers, 2 bathrooms up plus a shower, the workout room, three (3) future personnel (sleeping) quarters/rooms, laundry room, and a gear wash room. The Fire Department goes from 7,030 square feet to 14,525 square feet with the 7,545 square foot addition.
- Need for additional space. There is an immediate need for inside/under roof storage to help extend the life of the Village’s 5 Police Vehicles. The last 2 with added equipment were over $50,000 each. The long term plan is to have them in the heated area of the current Street Department Building, but because there is not enough current space for existing Street Department Equipment, and none of it currently heated, until that is addressed the Village needs to find approximately 2175 square feet of inside storage space for its equipment displaced by the 5 Police Department Vehicles. The former North Fire Station provides a fraction at approximately 1225 square feet, but it helps address the shortage. As Council is aware, we have been inventorying our available space in preparation to determining what space needs to be added. The spreadsheet is attached.
Boy Scout Building. In the Village’s half of the Boy Scout building, the Village/Street Department currently has stored: Roller; 2 Ventracs; Zero-Turn mower; Air Compressor; Small Leaf Vac; little trailer; and all the Village’s Holiday decorations. It is full!