March 7, 2022 - Meeting Minutes
MARCH 7, 2022
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Dave Godwin, Council Member
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member Brett Long, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the February 22, 2022 Council meeting minutes.
Clerk King would like to have the minutes amended to reflect that it was Mike Mohler that resigned, not Mike Miller that resigned and Council Member Schwab moved to explore grants, not prices, for the EV Charging stations.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD to make the amendments to the minutes draft. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the minutes as amended. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $247,580.52. The vote: All yes.
Police Chief Nathan Taylor was in attendance.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Mayor Charles Hawk.
ORDINANCE 16-2022: An Ordinance Establishing Permanent Appropriations was given third reading and declared an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three readings and bring the legislation forward for passage. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 17-2022: An Ordinance Amending Quarterly Transfers from the General Fund and Quarterly Transfers from the 1% Municipal Income Tax was given third reading and declared an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three readings and bring the legislation forward for passage. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 18-2022: A Resolution Amending Resolution 35-2012 Authorizing the Appropriation of the Money received in the First Half of 2022 from the Sugarcreek and Tuscarawas Township Fire and Ambulance Contracts be Temporarily Diverted to the Ambulance Replacement Fund was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to approve the legislation as read. The vote: All vote.
ORDINANCE 19-2022:An Ordinance Authorizing the Awarding of a Contract for the 2022 Brewster Paving Project was given third reading.
Council Member Schwab asked about Cardinal Asphalt company. VA Miller stated he checked the company out and that they were successful on projects in the City of Massillon. Portions of the following streets are being paved: McKinley, Barber, Glick, and Buckeye.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCI LMEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to approve the legislation as read. The vote: All vote.
RESOLUTION 20-2022: A Resolution Amending and Clarifying Resolution 45-2014 and 15-2015 which created a Sidewalk Improvement Fund was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
SECOND READING: A Resolution of Final Consent for the Village Administrator to Execute Consent Legislation for Safe Routes to School.
FIRST READING: A Resolution Acting on the Recommendation by the Stark County Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC) Regarding the CRA (agreement) with Brewster Cheese.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Chris Colucy (excused)
- YTD calls-163. There were 74 calls in February.
- The bullet proof vests have been delivered.
- The ladder truck that Bolivar has for sale will be at our station at 6:30 pm tomorrow if anyone wishes to look at it. The Chief will have more information on this for the next Council meeting, but this could be a huge asset for our department if purchased. Council Member Schwab asked about the original email received from the Chief. VA Miller stated our Chief stated the Bolivar Fire Dept. intended to move forward.
- There have been 397 calls so far this year.
- We have one Officer out on injury.
- I am working with Lexipol and the State of Ohio to become compliant in the Ohio Collaborative.
- The mandatory CPT training has begun at the Training Center, along with other mandatory training. Each officer is required to have 24 hours of training annually. We received 50% of each officers’ wages in a grant.
- Car #3 (2020 Tahoe) was taken to Progressive for an overheating problem. No problems were found, and it has been running good since.
- Watchguard warrantied the camera from Car #5, at this time I will no longer need to purchase a new camera, and we will have all good working cameras in all five cruisers.
- Council Member Hilliard told the Chief that the family that recently lost a member really appreciated how the situation was handled.
- Responded in writing to the public record request involving Brewster infrastructure request. Heard back and it was explained to me that it involves Columbia Gas rebuilding and replacing their lines etc. doesn’t make it less exempt from mandatory disclosure under public records requests. Problem is disclosure could be a waiver. So, others could claim that down the road. There is a disclosure exception which allows for disclosure without a waiver when it is necessary for construction, renovation, or remodeling of a public project so we will talk about it with them. The other consideration is the potentially enormous cost of copying so VA and I will have to try to work this out.
Can they make specific requests when there is a specific plan for the replacement lines?
- Fiber cable after taking a look at the request and reviewing the ordinance and Chapter 4939, this is a request facility installation in the right of way that deals with PUCO regulated company relating telecommunication. The Application is made and Village reviews. There is an application fee of 25.00, VA and utility department reviews and if all the requirements are met recommendation to Council. Council will either approve or deny the request. No separate legislation is required. I drafted an application and sent it to VA Miller, Clerk King, and Mayor Hawk for review. I am ready to go forward with this.
- Sturm property zoning ordinance review. I looked at about a dozen ordinances and conclude that Brewster’s is typical for a Village and in my opinion the Brewster zoning are adequate to guard against undesirable operations in that area. Notice that a lot of the places regulate in their general code the adult entertainment. The 1,000 feet from residential areas, churches etc. is common. Brewster puts them in industrial districts and didn’t see that in the half dozen or so that I looked at. Check out Massillon.
- Set up an account with the Ohio Municipal League and the Municipal attorneys association. How you must do it is to set up a username and password and then you call them to activate your account.
- None.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review. Administrator’s report for period 02/23/2022 through 3/7/2022:
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to accept the VA’s report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting. The vote: All yes.
- VA Miller, Mayor Hawk, and Solicitor were at the RPC Law seminar last Saturday. Received CLE’s. Stark County Soil and Water was there talking about streams and the VA will follow-up at the next meeting.
- There are two potential alley vacations that need to be discussed.
- Would like to use different barriers for public events. Discussed water vs. concrete.
- Update on the “COVID Compliant Council Chambers”. Hope to be finished in the next 2 to 4 weeks. Hope to be able to use it for the bi-monthly safety meetings. Council Member Hilliard stated the room looks very nice. VA Miller stated that the room has a 95-person compacity and will need a policy for rentals.
- EV Charging stations: How are we going to pay for it? Where do the funds received go? Council Member Schwab stated that the fast-charging station take 30 minutes for a full charge. Cost of a full charge is not known. VA Miller stated a fast charge requires 3-phase power. Slow chargers take 9 hours for a full charge. Council Member Schwab stated that grants may not be available now but are expected in the near future.
- VA Miller provided a rough draft of the future parking area at the old Sturm’s property. Council Member Hilliard asked when it would be a reality and VA Miller stated it would probably be 2023 and cost between $20-25,000.
- Council Member Schwab would like to set up a committee to set up the new room as far as furniture. Council Member Schwab and Council Member Godwin both volunteered to be on this committee and asked that the VA, Mayor, and Clerk be involved.
Administrator’s report for period 2/23/2021 thru 3/7/2022:
Safe Routes to Schools Project – Consent Legislation to Bid and Additional Funding I informed Council at its last meeting that the estimate, and consequently the amount of additional funding that ODOT needed from the Village to bid out the SRTS Project was $85,000.First, the good news. ODOT verbally committed to providing an additional $50,000 in SRTS grant funds, bringing the total to $306,000.
Still, we are now $35,000 short – approximately 10% ODOT bidding and “oversight”.
- Total Project Cost $416,318
- Village spent to date - 75,318
- Grant Funds - $306,000
- Shortfall $35,000
In May of 2019, the Village and Fairless School Board authorized applying for the Safe Routes to Schools Grant. In that ordinance, it stated:
If awarded the funding, the Village of Brewster further agrees to pay One Hundred Percent (100%) of the cost over and above the funding provided for the Safe Routes to School Project, as set forth in its application, through the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation
So, Fairless has been operating under that premise – that the Village of Brewster agrees to pay One Hundred Percent (100%) of the cost over and above the funding provided for the SRTS Project.
However, as Council is aware, the project quickly and consistently morphed into a “money pit” for the Village. We received just a portion of what was requested, which was designated for the Middle and Elementary Schools by ODOT. Our SRTS Grant of $150,000 was originally to cover both construction and engineering, but to preserve funds for construction and to maintain “control” we determined to employ the engineer ourselves, at an estimated cost of not to exceed $25,000. That estimated Village contribution has tripled, with additional expenditure for of $11,400 for additional engineering; $5,500 for property descriptions; $17,100 for appraisals and Negotiation for right-of way acquisition; and then $10,580 for the actual acquisition of right-of-way. The Village has spent a total of $75,318 on the SRTS Project to date.
The construction costs also took on a life of their own:
- Estimate 1 $112,694.94
- Estimate “2” +/- $200,000
- Estimate “3” +/-$300,000 (revised down)
- Estimate “4” +/- $250,000
- “Current” Thrasher estimate $258,991.
- ODOT “black box” estimate $306,000
As Council is aware, I reached out to Fairless when the projected cost jumped to $250,000 in October of 2020, indicating that the Village was hitting a wall with the project, and seeing if Fairless could assist with the runaway costs. That request was rendered unnecessary when ODOT provided another $100,000 in SRTS funds.
So, I have again spoken with Fairless Schools on a couple of occasions and had multiple emails and conversations with ODOT today regarding the additional match/cost of $85,000 required by ODOT in order to be able to move forward with bidding the Safe Routes to Schools Project. That number is now $35,000. I have asked Fairless to consider contributing some or all of the $35,000 in order to get the project to move forward to bidding. My reasoning is that the Village obtained the original SRTS grant of $150,000; obtained additional $106,000 in SRTS grant funds; then obtained an additional $50,000 in SRTS funds; and has spent $75,000 in engineering and acquisition costs to this point as a “match”. That makes up $381,318 of a currently projected $416,318 project. The SRTS Project is entirely on (or connects) the Fairless Schools “campus.” It would make it safe to walk from the Middle School to the Elementary School. The $35,000 is approximately 10% of the construction costs. I have indications that Fairless will consider the request.
I also reached out for clarification on possible overages (or underage) based on the estimate. My questions and ODOT’s answers (in red) are as follows:
So that I can provide full disclosure to Council about the Village’s potential future exposure as to costs, now that there is $306,000 in SRTS grant funds for the project, what happens:
- IF the bids were to come in at or below $265,000($341,000) - would the Village refunded the full $35,000 it puts up before bidding?No, the funds stay with the project and will be utilized if any change orders are needed in construction and then at project closeout (typically 3-6 months after construction is completed) any refunds will be dispersed to the Village.
- On the other side, it is my understanding that IF the bids were to come in higher than $306,000($341,000), the Village would have to come up with the addition construction costs. True?Yes, the Village would need to accept the low bid amount if over 7% in order to award the job and then will be invoiced for the additional. Invoice will be sent out within a week and due in 30 days.
- Would additional construction cost exposure for the Village be at $31,000? I believe that ODOT like the Village cannot award a contract if the bid is over 10% of the estimate going in. ODOT automatically awards if low bidder is +/- 7% of the estimate. The above response is the process if over 7% and approval by the funding manager that additional funds are available. Keep in mind, in the event of a higher bid we can also request an increase from SRTS for the additional. (emphasis added)
Bottom line is that the Village (and Fairless) will be walking away from $306,000 in grant funds, in addition to the $75,318 the Village has spent to date, if the remaining $35,000 is not paid to ODOT.
The only other options are IF the project can be reduced in cost by non-performing the portion form Route 62 to Middle School, which is unlikely, OR in the alternative we are able to wait and see if construction costs come down and/or costs become less volatile.
The SRTS Project creates a safe “path” between the Middle School and Elementary School where none exists now (now must walk on white line) not only for daily use, but also for evacuation for emergencies, such as a fire at one of the schools. We have $306,000 in SRTS Grant Funds and need $35,000 to keep/utilize them and construct the SRTS Project.
Council has legislation from ODOT at its Tuesday February 22, 2022 Meeting authorizing proceeding with bidding the project and that the Village cut a $35,000 check to ODOT to do so. It has been requested to be passed on an emergency basis by ODOT to keep the project on schedule. IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE PASSED THIS EVENING!
The Mayor and I have been invited and will attend the March 15th Fairless School Board Meeting to explain where the SRTS Project is and how we got here.
Sturm Lot Split and Parking Lot. We are moving forward from the initial layout for the parking lot and lot split (replat) for the Sturm lots. We have a plan/sketch of a proposed parking lot that would serve Village Hall, the Fire Department, and the Legion as well as the general public next to the widened alley for the Fire Department. That was needed to serve as a base point to survey and split the proposed parcel that Council is deliberating on selling and/or leasing.
The surveying of the property has begun so that the property can be replated, which will allow a specification to be done to for the parking area retained by the Village. We are also assembling criteria to use in a bid process for a lease, a lease with option to purchase, or a sale via a bid process the new parcel. That parcel will be 80 feet wide (at Wabash) by 140 feet deep.
Filter Media Replacement Project. Work continues with the Filter Media Replacement Project. We are moving forward with replacing all the internals on Filters #1 - #3 based on the inspection on Filter #1. Colors have been chosen for the internal and external of the tanks.
2022 Paving Program. The Village of Brewster opened bids for its 2022 Paving Program on February 3rd. Four (4) bids were received and opened. A preliminary bid tab that includes the Engineer’s Estimates have been forwarded to Council.
I cannot recommend awarding Alternate #1. I also, after reflection, cannot recommend awarding Alternate #2 for replacing all curbing on McKinley between 4th and 5th – it in my opinion is not worth an additional $18,620.00 to replace all the curbing when that money is better reserved for future paving.
There is an ordinance awarding a contract on the agenda for the Monday’s Council Meeting. The name of the contractor and amount are blank.
My recommendation is to award the 2022 Paving Program contract to Cardinal Asphalt Company, Inc. in the amount of $135,868.45.
Street Sweeping.The Village received a quotation for annual sweeping from Reilly Sweeping, who has been sweeping Village streets.
It is a 5% increase. Last year we did four (4) sweepings. We used to do a sweeping before Thanksgiving as well, but inevitably that sweeping fell during leaf pick-up and didn’t make sense to have done with leaves still falling. My intention is to award the street sweeping contact to Reilly Sweeping again this year for four (4) sweepings at a cost of $9,698, unless Council has an objection, so that we can get on the schedule for 2022.
AMP Fremont Energy Center (AFEC) – Natural Gas Prepayment. On Monday February 28thI participated in a virtual meeting on behalf of Brewster regarding the AMP Fremont Energy Center (AFEC). AFEC is a nominal 700-MW natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) facility in Fremont, Ohio. AFEC has a capacity of 512 MW (unfired) and includes duct-firing that allows an additional 163 MW of generation during peak demand periods.
The main subject of the meeting was pre-payment of a portion of its natural gas requirements to hedge AMP’s (our) position, protecting it to a degree from upward fluctuations in natural gas prices. If it sounds familiar, it is because we previously were presented with a similar request regarding prepayment (and did so) in February of 2021.
The current natural gas prepayment transaction(s) would be:
- for 12,000 MMBtu/day
- through one or more transaction(s)
- with either a term no greater than 15 years or appropriate “opt-out’ language (proposed Morgan Stanley deal language)
- to be closed by December 31, 2022
- with a minimum $0.30/MMBtu initial discount target
Under the prepayment arrangement, AMP gets a discount from the seller based on the seller’s cost of money, which is typically higher than AMP’s cost of money. The result is that AMP pays less for the gas (debt service payments) than they would have paid under a typical pay as you go contract.
Brewster has been provided with an option to opt-out of the prepayment arrangement. It is my understanding that if we opt-out, AMP will just purchase what would have been our portion of the prepayment arrangement from the short-term market and those costs will be passed on directly to the Village, unless we instruct AMP otherwise.
I am again discussing the proposal with Courtney & Associates. If Brewster wants to participate Council needs to do nothing. If it wants to opt-out it must respond no later than March 22, 2022 at 5:00pm.
Council Chambers COVID Compliance Remodeling Project. Construction is completed. Clean-up is also completed. We are going through establishing a punch list.
A few items remain. The first is furnishings. The second is that we will have to get the new floor sealed before we begin use. The third is that the stove does not work, so we will be replacing that.
Electric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). We continue to make progress and work continues by GPD and the Electric Department on the SCADA system at our substation. It is nearly complete. I will keep Council informed as to the progress on the project.
Electric Department – Second Transmission Feed. Progress continues with AMPT’s provision of a second transmission feed from the south.
Electric Department – Transfer Bus. The Electric Department continues to work on the transfer bus at the Substation. It is approximately 90% complete. The transfer bus is used to divert power from a feeder line that has a breaker issue. If a breaker has an issue, power can be put on the transfer bus and restored (fed) to the distribution feeder that has the breaker issue.
Electric Department – New 7th Street Line. Waiting on transfer bus to be completed.
Energy Summary – 2021. I forwarded a copy of the Village’s the year-end summary for 2021 for Electric Rates that AMP prepares. Of note is that Brewster’s power rates “… ended the year at $69.78 / MWh, which is approximately 3% ($2.16 / MWh) lower than forecast and 10.1% ($7.84 / MWh) lower than 2020 rates”. Includes other costs such as transmission costs, as well as energy purchase costs in the pie chart on page two (2).
Hopefully, we can keep the downward trend continuing in 2022. The pie chart on page two (2) will have some changes in 2022 for energy purchase costs.
First, the BP Remaining Requirements Contract (2019-2021) purchased in September 2016 at $34.98 per MWh will expire, and it will be replaced by Exelon Remaining Requirements Contract (2022-2024) purchased in September of 2019 at $34.14 per MWh – a decrease of $0.84 per MWh. The BP Remaining Requirements Contract (2019-2021) accounted for 40.4% of Brewster’s energy in 2021.
Second, the CITI 1 MW Block (2016-2021) purchased in September of 2015 at $35.00 per MWh will expire, and it will be replaced by the Shell 1 MW Block (2022-2027) purchased in August of 2017 at $30.15 per MWh – a decrease of $4.85 per MWh. The CITI 1 MW Block (2016-2021) accounted for 10.6% of Brewster’s energy in 2021.
Still watching the market for 2025 and beyond for both a block of energy and potentially a new remaining requirements contract(s).
As always, I will keep Council informed.
Electric Power Purchase - 1 or 2 MW Off-peak Block of Power for 2025-2028. On August 16th Council passed an ordinance to buy a 1 or 2 MW off-peak block of power for 2025-2028 to hedge our bets, IF NEEDED in the future, due to market changes. We are still attempting to move forward as the cost of a 1 MW block or a 2 MW off-peak block for 2025-2028 continues to rise. I will keep Council Informed.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. At the February 22nd Council Meeting, Council voted to pursue funding for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. I since reached out to one of the companies we were working with on installation of an Electric Vehicle Charging Station(s) a while back, and the news regarding grant funds for EV Charging Stations is not good. He indicated that there are currently no grants for EV Charging Stations available in our area. The Ohio EPA announced their DC Fast charging program late last year, and the application window closed January 31st, so that program is not an option. That is the program I notified Council about in November (see below)
The infrastructure bill will provide a lot of money to the State eventually, but likely to take another year or so before we see the program develop, and we are not sure what it will look like yet.
He also indicated that if Brewster is still interested without funding, the company is more than happy to help. He stated that Level 2 charging might be the best option for Brewster without funding available, as they are a much lower overall cost in comparison to DC Fast charging. But if we pursue that option, we would be paying 100% of the costs.
Electric Department Garage. Work continues on the plans for the proposed new Electric Garage. We are still moving forward on a new 7 bay Electric Garage and office. Progress includes:
- The latest revision of the AMPT ring bus for the second feed has resolved potential conflict/access issues for the Electric Building and Substation.
- Engineering Associates is still working on the plans. They are currently revising the HVAC.
- The proposed building is 59.5 feet by 130 feet. The drawing is 80 feet by 200 feet. This allows buffering on the back and sides from the trees - roughly a third of an acre.
- I have reached back out to Brewster Cheese to go over the drawing/description. They have been provided a copy of the survey and description of the area to be leased for the new electric building and have verbally agreed. A lease for a period of 50 years at $1 is being prepared.
- I have determined that the zoning, based on what I found and discussions with Brewster Cheese (owners), is that the area where the new Electric Building is to be built is zoned I-1.
Street Department Garage. We continue to take steps to be able to use the northern most three (3) bays for equipment that must be kept above freezing (heated). The electric is now essentially complete. We have installed electric heater from the Fire Department.
Seasonal Employee(s) for Grass Cutting & Property Maintenance. We are still advertising for a seasonal position(s) for grounds maintenance (weeding & Mowing grass) for 2022. We did, based on Council’s suggestion, hire one individual who was highly qualified.
Property Maintenance – Grass Cutting. In addition to advertising for a seasonal worker(s), we are soliciting informal bids for cutting the Boulevard, Village Hall, Witting Park, and Welty Cemetery. I have attached a copy of the solicitation that will appear in the Stark County Bargain Hunter, and we are reaching out to those who either provided those services last year and/or from whom we requested informal quotes from last year.
One surprise/development is that Winfield, who was doing lots in the Village that didn’t comply with ordinance and had to be cut by the Village is no longer in the business. I am working on getting a replacement for that function as well.
Water Model Report. The Brewster Water System Model had been completed. The Model will be a great resource to determine priorities for projects for the for the Brewster Water System. I would like to further report that it was completed more efficiently than originally anticipated. The Purchase Order was opened for $24,000. To date we have been billed $14,627.49, leaving a remaining balance of $9,372.51.
AMI Project – Wrap Up and Close Out. The Village isstill waiting for delivery of some meters. And we are still assuring that we have accurate numbers per the bid. We had a lengthy meeting Tuesday February 22nd to sort things out. We covered the current quantities complete and what will be the final quantities at completion. To date, the Village has received $367,985.50 in goods and services, and paid out $367,985.50. To assure that we have time to get the remaining meters and other bid items in place, it was agreed that we would extend the completion dates so that:
- All Training and Operating & Maintenance Manuals will be turned over to the Village by March 31, 2022.
- All other work set forth in the contract will be complete by May 31, 2022.
I will keep Council informed.
Storm Drainage Projects. The current list of storm sewer projects in their priority order, with updates on their status:
- East Main Street Drainage. Project has begun and will continue as weather permits.
- Dartmouth/Amherst relief line. Survey and legal description have been completed. Working on getting the property owners to sign the easement and have the easement recorded.
- East end of 1st Street SE. Will have to coordinate with US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Open ditch east of Mohican. We are consulting with Stark County Soil & Water.
- Drainage from Harmon west of 264 Harmon. First step - survey needs to be completed
- Drainage on north side of 7th west of Baymere.
These are not necessarily on a first come/first serve basis but based on their criticality and/or ability to fit into the schedule. We are also looking to repair deteriorated catch basins, so if any Council person is aware of any, please let me know. Also, if there are any storm drainage projects/issues not on this list please let me know.
- The Christmas in the Village committee will meet the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am at different locations until November. The Mayor will announce the location of the meeting each month.
- The Mayor and the VA will meet with the Fairless Board of Education on March 15th about Safe Routes to Schools.
- The Village has hired a seasonal worker for the summer.
- The damage to the underpass planter will be covered by the insurance of the driver. Street Technician Shawn Fry has done this type of work before and will be given the opportunity to rebuild the area. We are looking into rumble strips to alert the drivers that they are getting close to the planters.
- February Month-to-date and Year-to-date were provided to Council.
- For the reporting of the ARPA funds, we have three different points of contact. Each point of contact is required to register with Account Administrator, Point of Contact Reporting, and Authorized Representative for Reporting. I’ve provided all my information including biometrics for identification. Would Council like to designate me as all three contacts?
- We have received notification of an award of another $450.18. for our ARPA fund. Because I registered for the original amount through the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF), no additional registration is required. Our first report is due on April 30th.
- The 2021 Annual Report has been completed and the Hinkle Report has been filed along with the notes to the financial.
- The Auditors from Charles E. Harris and Associates will be at Village Hall the week of April 4th. Please excuse the mess as they are requesting that all the information be pulled from our boxes prior to their arrival.
- We have two vehicles with broken windshields. The 1-ton for the Street Department is being changed on Friday and the ambulance (#155) will be replaced on Wednesday, March 16th. There is no deductible on these.
- Council Member Hilliard asked if the IRS issue had been resolved. Clerk King stated that she still was not able to reach a human being.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
- There were none reported.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
- VA Miller: Utility meeting this evening: VA Miller reported that the committee met to discuss the Water Model. The model was reviewed, summarized, and prioritized.
- VA Miller: CRA Committee: Discussed and approved the Community Reinvestment Area agreement for 771 McKinley Ave SW for another year.
- VA Miller stated that the gazebo on the boulevard may disappear in the next week. There is a dumpster at the renovation that still has room, and we may as well fill it up.
VA Miller stated that Council needs to go into executive session to discuss the discipline of an employee.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to go into executive session for the purpose of considering the discipline of an employee of the Village of Brewster at 7:51 pm. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY CONCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to exit executive session at 7:56pm. The vote: All yes.
OLD or NEW BUSINESS:Council Rules require a two-week waiting period before any expenditure of funds unless determined an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to designate Clerk-Treasurer Kris King asAccount Administrator, Point of Contact Reporting, and Authorized Representative for Reporting to report to the US Treasury for the ARPA funds. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to designate the remodeled bays of the old Fire Station as the “Brewster Community Room”. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Schwab asked Council Member Fox who took care of changing the military flags on the boulevard. Clerk King stated that the Village purchased the flags and may have some in the storage area in the attic or else they were given to the legion. The Clerk will check to see what the Village has, and the VA will check with the Commander of the Legion.
Council Member Hilliard asked if Council Members could attend the Fire Association meeting at 6:30 on Tuesday to view the ladder truck that Bolivar is selling. Solicitor Anthony stated as long as purchasing of the vehicle is not discussed and it is a fact-finding endeavor.
Mayor Hawk appointed Council Member Schwab and Council Member Godwin to the committee to determine what is needed to furnish the “Brewster Community Room”.
There has been a complaint about 383 2nd St. SW and the condition of the property.
There is also a complaint about 374 Wabash Ave N that has been notified to cleanup the property and nothing has been done.
Mayor Hawk stated that the Village has numerous properties in poor condition and wants Council to consider what can be done. Council Member Schwab suggested using the Property Maintenance Code. Council Member Hilliard suggested recommending the residents of the property could use the tax abatement to make $10,000 or greater improvements.
Council Member Long stated that the property owner at 656 Tuscarawas where the storm sewer was repaired reported that the yard has settled, and needs filled in to make it level.
- The Brewster/Sugarcreek Historical Society will be holding a quarter auction on May 7th. Doors open at 10:30 with the auction starting at 12:00.
- Christmas in the Village will be held on November 26th. Time to be determined.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor