April 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes

APRIL 18, 2022
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to excuse Council Member Dale Fox from this evening’s meeting.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to excuse Council Member Sydney Radich from this evening’s meeting.  The vote: All yes.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
Dave Godwin, Council Member                 Thomas Hilliard, Council Member            
Brett Long, Council Member                       Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor                                  Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the April 4, 2022 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to approve the minutes as presented.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $105,197.53.  The vote: All yes.
Vance Weeks, President of the Falcon Baseball and Softball Association attended to thank the village for all the work the village employees did on the fields to make them ready for the 2022 season.
Fire Chief Chris Colucy and Police Chief Nathan Taylor were also in attendance.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES:  Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony. 
ORDINANCE 24-2022: An Ordinance to establish a special fund for the deposit of proceeds from the One Ohio Opioid Settlement and to establish for the purposes, accountability requirements, and disbursement procedure for said fund was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented.  The vote: All yes.
RESOLUTION 25-2022: A Resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts awarded in 2022 and declaring an emergency was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented.  The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 26-2022: An Ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator to make preparations for and to advertise for bids for a building to house its Digger/Derrick truck and the rest/entirety of the Electric Department and declaring an emergency was given third reading.
Council Member Hilliard ask why Council was passing this ordinance.  VA Miller stated that originally the plan was to build three bays for the Electric Department for the new truck and to house wire reels, so they don’t rot out in the weather, and we have to dispose of expensive wire.  The plan also included building a four-bay garage to move some of the street equipment and then the Police Department could use three of the bays to house police cars and have an area to book arrestees.  It was decided it would be less expensive to build just one building for the Electric Department.  The plan is now to build a seven bay garage back by the new substation, the Street Department purchase the current Electric buildings, and the Police Department purchase part of the current Street building.  The new Derrick-Digger is currently being housed in the Fire Station.  Council Member Long asked what was being housed in the old north side fire station.  VA Miller stated the 42’ Fire Truck (Parade Truck), the roller, and another truck.  VA Miller stated it was eventually going to be used for training.   Council Member Schwab asked the VA if he was happy with Engineering Associates.  He was speaking about the fact that the project is now 14 months into planning.  VA Miller stated that part of it was the Village’s fault with changes to the plans.  Council Member Hilliard asked if the Solicitor was comfortable with the lease.  Solicitor Anthony stated he has reviewed the lease and approved it.   Council Member Hilliard was also concerned that the driveway was paved, and that gravel would not be drug out into the street.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented.  The vote: All yes.
FIRST READING:  A Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to prepare and submit an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for Water Transmission.
FIRST READING: A Resolution authorizing the Village to enter into a lease with Brewster Dairy for an area to locate the Electric Department Building.
RESOLUTION 27-2022: A Resolution of Appreciation to Jen Mohler was given first reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to approve the resolution as read.  The vote: All yes.
FIRST READING: An Ordinance to allow only the Village of Brewster, Ohio to aggregate demand response of retail customers in accordance with FERC Order 719 and taking other actions in connection therewith and declaring an emergency.
FIRST READING: A Resolution approving a written Procurement Policies and Procedures Policy for the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and declaring an emergency.
FIRST READING: A Resolution authorizing the Clerk-Treasurer to claim the $10 million Standard Allowance for Revenue Loss for the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and declaring an emergency.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Chief Chris Colucy
  1. There have been 253 calls to date in 2022.  64 were in April.
  2. The Pool Water Policy was discussed.  Chief stated there has never been a problem filling from the truck.  The Chief wants to fill strictly by truck and any firemen filling their pools must go through the Utility Office just like the public.  VA Miller stated with the new metering system, it is cheaper to fill using the hose.  The time that the hose is on can be used to reduce the sewer portion of the bill during the time the pool was filling.  Only pools in the departments service area will be filled.
  3. Tuscarawas Township asked the departments covering them to submit a wish list for them to use their Federal Rescue Money on.  Brewster’s list included the replacement of the old equipment on the ladder truck, extrication tools, etc.
  4. RED Center may no longer be dispatching for Brewster and a new dispatching service may need to be found.
  5. Ohio Billing is recommending increasing the charge for extrication from $250 to $400
  6. The Chief is requesting the replacement of the two donated mattresses and the purchase of mattress covers.  Council Member Schwab asked if this covers the water extrications and the Chief stated it does.
  7. The Chief is requesting the replacement of the couch with two recliners at a cost of $950 each.
  8. The Chief is requesting the appointment of Cody Owens and Jacki Hickman to the Fire Department.
B. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Nathan Taylor
  1. There have been 273 calls in April so far.
  2. There is one Officer out on injury and one on sick leave.  The department has been short two Officers since February 22, 2022.  The Policy Academy classes have been small.
  3. The Chief is still working on compliance for the Ohio Collaborative in order to assist the department in grants.
  4. CPT training is almost complete for 2022.
  5. The following Officers have received Letters of Commendation:
                        Sergeant Ben Truman
                        Officer James West
                        Officer Mitch King
  1. The solenoid has been fixed in car #5 and cars #1 and #2 have had recall work performed.
  2. The redactive software has been installed and the bugs are being worked out.
  3. The RED Center issues for the Fire Department also apply to the Police Department.  The Chief will be attending a meeting with RED Center later this week.  VA Miller suggested taking Solicitor Anthony along and Solicitor Anthony agreed to go.  We are just waiting on RED Center to make their final decision.
1.   Prepared lease draft for the Dairy for the substation and legislation.
2.   Additional commentary on land reutilization program (LUP)- (old Sturm’s property)
  • Sold at fair market value.  This will require an appraisal.
  • The Village may recoup its costs of acquisition and maintenance of the property.  The property was subdivided and that is permissible, but it will require a pro-ration.
  • Since this property was acquired prior to the passage of the ordinance under chapter 5722, I want to make sure that there is no glitch so to speak on whether this property is eligible for sale as property within land reutilization program so that typical competitive bidding process can be avoided.
  • If revenue from the sale is derived beyond Brewster’s costs and expenses, then taxing authorities may be required to be paid for loss of revenue due to the tax exemption of the property during the time it has been held in the reutilization program.
  • If property is sold at less than fair market value, then consent of taxing authorities may be required.
  • Property is required to be sold after being held in the program for fifteen years.
  • Any profit made on the sale is placed in the land reutilization fund.
  • Council Member Godwin would rather competitively bid it out than use LUP.
  • Council Member Schwab wants to make sure we have someone that wants to develop the property.
  1. The Village has received the application for Everstream to attach fiber to poles on the Village right of way.  The application was missing several items and VA Miller has emailed them but gotten no response.          
  1. The Planning Commission will be meeting on April 21st at 7:00 in Village Hall.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review.  Administrator’s report for period 04/05/2022 through 04/18/2022:
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to accept the VA’s report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting.  The vote: All yes.
VA Miller addressed the following items that have occurred since the email went out:
  1. The proposal for the Water Distribution Project has come in from CT Consultants.
  2. Baseball fields: Priority has been given to Falcon Baseball, but if they are not in use, other teams may use them.  The Police can be called if the other team does not comply.  The Solicitor was asked if the other team was required to have insurance to use the field.  He stated they did not.  The other team in question had provided Village Hall a copy of their insurance policy.
  3. Council Member Godwin asked why the high school baseball team is playing on Field #3?  It was stated that the proper base was not put down and it is sinking.
  4. Council Member Schwab asked about the Volunteer Energy bankruptcy.  There is 18 months on the contract for the village residents.  Is AIC going to make a recommendation for us to give to our residents?  VA Miller stated AIC is getting proposals.  If a resident can get a short-term contract for 4 months, they should go ahead but the weather is getting warmer, and it is recommended they wait until a recommendation is made in August.  Council Member Schwab asked how many residents are affected – 484.
  5. Council Member Hilliard asked about spring cleanup.  VA Miller is getting prices.  He also asked when the heroin sign was going to be removed and reported a pole on Greg Majors property needs to be replaced because it is rotting.
  6. Council Member Schwab asked if a committee meeting to discuss demand response, water line replacement, review the AMI Project and the pool water policy should be scheduled.
Administrator’s report for period 3/22/2021 thru 4/4/2022:
Electric Building – Third Reading.I want to bring Council up to date on the Electric Building, for which we have a third reading scheduled for an ordinance to proceed with advertising and receiving bids April 18th.
Some quick background. Originally the plan was to build a virtually identical 3 bay garage next to the newest 3 bay garage. That plan tracked with building a new Street garage at 4 bays plus an office so that the Police Department could expand into three (3) existing Street Department bays and the current Street Department office. However, the option we pursued was to instead of building a new 3 bay Electric Garage and a new Street garage at 4 bays plus an office, build instead a new seven (7) bay Electric Garage with office, have the Street Department move into the existing Electric Buildings, and still have the Police Department expand into three (3) existing Street Department bays. The Street Department would have to reimburse the value of the existing Electric Buildings to the Electric Fund, and the Police Department will have to reimburse the Street Department the value of the three (3) bays and office, but ultimately that would be a better option. Ultimately, not all Street Department operations can be moved to the existing Electric Buildings. Salt storage and/or brine could not be located near wells/water supply and will have to stay put.
So, after exploring a number of options, a location was chosen for a new seven (7) bay Electric Garage with office that required revising the engineering contract with Engineering Associates to design specifications for a new seven (7) bay Electric Department Building. The cost for Design and Bid Documents was $30,810, with Construction Administration at $8,145, for a total of $38,955. That amount was less than the initial projected cost to design two (2) buildings.


Initial Small Electric Garage

Street Garage

Initial Combination

Current Large Electric Building

Design & Bid Documents





Construction Administration





Project Total





Plans for the new Electric Building are complete. The new Electric Building is in the area that currently has trees, facing south. The proposed building is 59.5 feet by 130 feet, so with the proposed lay out, we estimate we would need roughly 80 feet north from existing lease line by 200 feet to allow some buffering on the back and sides from the trees, so roughly a third of an acre. Brewster Cheese has consented to the new location on a leased basis for 50 years at $1. A description/survey of the area to be leased has been completed, and the Law Director is working on getting a lease document similar to our current lease for the substation.
The estimate is now $767,500.
The proposal to pay for the new Electric Building breaks down as follows, starting with latest appraisal values:



Street Garage


Street Garage- Office & 3 bays (60%)


Electric – Front Building


Electric – Back Building


Total – Electric Buildings


So, based on the Street Department reimbursing the value of the existing Electric Buildings to the Electric Fund, and the Police Department reimbursing the Street Department the value of their three (3) bays and office, the breakdown is:



Street to Electric


Police to Street


Net Street Cost to Electric


The $118,471 for Police Department portion of the current Street Department Building would be divided over three (3) years out of the Income Tax – or $39,490.33 per year. The Income Tax was communicated prior to its renewal for among other things equipment and other basic needs.
The $232,815 for the Street Department to purchase the “net” cost left for the Electric Buildings would be divided over ten (10) years – or $23,281.50 per year. This would be out of Capital. Taking $23,281.50 per year drops what is available for other Capital Improvement purposes.
So, the ultimate net cost to Electric is:



Total Electric


Less Reimbursement




The Mayor, Clerk, and I have met and believe that the funds in question can support the payments.
Electric Building – Lease. The location identified for a new building to house the equipment and offices of the Brewster Electric Department is adjacent to the Brewster’s Electric Substation, on property, which is also owned by Brewster Dairy, Inc. It will be in the pine trees north of the existing leased area. Brewster Cheese was agreeable to a lease for the area, and that location does NOT interfere with AMPT’s second feed and associated ring bus into our substation. This location also keeps all electric equipment together.
A lease has to be entered into between Brewster Dairy, Inc. and the Village. Brewster Dairy Inc. has agreed to lease an area 80 feet by 200 feet to the Village for a period of 50 years at $1.00.
An ordinance needs to be passed authorizing the Mayor to execute an appropriate lease agreement, in accordance with the lease and exhibit of the area to be leased that has been prepared/reviewed by the Village of Brewster’s Law Director.
The ordinance will need to be passed on an emergency basis prior to awarding a contract for construction of new building to house the equipment and offices of the Brewster Electric Department.
Replat of Sturm Lots. On Tuesday April 12ththe replat of the Sturm Lots was recorded. There are now two (2) lots instead of three (3).
  • One to the north 60 feet by 140 feet that is proposed for additional parking for Village Hall, the Fire Department, and the Community Room. About 10 feet of the alley is on this lot.
  • The second lot to the south is 80 feet by 140 feet. This is the lot the Village is now able to auction and/or sell via other legal means for development.
We are also still assembling criteria to use in a bid process for a lease, a lease with option to purchase, or a sale via a bid process the new parcel.
Street Sweeping. The dates for the first two (2) street sweepings have been set:
  • Wednesday April 20th and Thursday April 21st
  • Monday May 23rd and Tuesday May 24th
Filter Media Replacement Project. Work continues with the Filter Media Replacement Project. We are moving forward with replacing all the internals on Filters #1 - #3 based on the inspection on Filter #1. Colors have been chosen for the internal and external of the tanks. The Filter Media and Internal drawings have been submitted to and approved by CT Consultants.
Water – Water Transmission Replacement & Improvement Project – OPWC Application and Engineering.
The Mayor, Water Superintendent Mike Maybaugh, and I met with CT Consultants Thursday March 10th to establish a scope of services for what we are calling the Brewster Water Transmission Upgrade Project. We discussed this project at the Public Utilities Committee Meeting March 7th. We are still awaiting a formal response
The project deals with recommendation 1A and 1B in the Water Modeling Report completed by CT Consultants.
Proposed Project 1A deals with:
  • replacing the “transmission line” coming from the plant down 4th Street to Wabash (1940s +/-) with a 10-inch line. The current line is 10-inch from Lincoln to Washington and 4-inch from Washington to Wabash (1690 feet)
  • Replacing the transmission line on Wabash from 4th to 2nd Street (1960s +/-) (1,150 feet)
  • 2840 total feet replaced
Proposed Project 1B deals with:
  • replacing the 6-inch water line on Lincoln from 4th Street to 2nd Street (1960s +/-) with an 8-inch line (775 feet)
  • replacing the 6-inch line on 2nd Street from Lincoln to Wabash (1940s +/-) with an 8-inch line (1,700 feet)
  • replace the water line on Wabash from 2nd to 1st (1960s +/-) with an 8-inch line (360 feet)
  • replacing a portion of water line that used to run to the old water tower from 4th Street to 5th Street on Washington (age unknown, but the North Water Tower was built in 1949) (375 feet)
  • 3210 total feet replaced
The scope arrived this morning is a hybrid of 1A and 1B, improving the transmission grid, providing more redundancy, and reducing the maximum size from 10-inch to 8-inch (NOTE: 10-inch is more expensive due to it being a special size). The proposed scope now:
  • replacing the “transmission line” coming from the plant down 4th Street to Wabash (1940s +/-) with a 10-inch line. The current line is 10-inch from Lincoln to Washington and 4-inch from Washington to Wabash (1690 feet)
  • replacing the 6-inch water line on Lincoln from 4th Street to 2nd Street (1960s +/-) with an 8-inch line (775 feet)
  • replacing the 6-inch line on 2nd Street from Lincoln to Wabash (1940s +/-) with an 8-inch line (1,700 feet)
  • replacing a portion of water line that used to run to the old water tower from 4th Street to 5th Street on Washington (age unknown, but the North Water Tower was built in 1949) (375 feet)
  • 4540 total feet
By creating the hybrid, we eliminate the need to replace the transmission line on Wabash from 4th to 2nd Street (1,150 feet) and replace the line on 2nd Street (which even if we choose the original Plan 1A would need to be replaced as well). The goal is to have plans complete prior to the OPWC deadline for 2022 applications to get the 10 points, and to, if successful, fund the Village’s portion from an OWDA Loan.
I have been doing more work on getting our Water Transmission Replacement Project in a position where it can be Brewster’s primary OPWC application for 2022.
First, I am in the process of getting a formal engineering proposal for the Water Transmission Replacement Project. The highest ranked firm was/is CT Consultants, and I anticipate having a contract for Council at its April 18th Meeting.
Also, I have discussed with Kris getting the engineering plans financed through an OWDA loan to preserve our cash balance in the Water Fund and should also have that for Council at its April 18th Meeting.
Normally the deadline for OPWC Application is mid-September. This Water Transmission Replacement Project is going to take time, including needing surveying to be able to get plans completed. As I have communicated to Council before, having completed plans is important in the OPWC process, because the Village will get 10 points in the scoring process if we have completed plans.
So, ultimately to meet the mid-September deadline for completed plans to turn in with the Village’s OPWC Application legislation will need to be passed at some point in the near future on an emergency basis.
Electric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). We continue to make progress and work continues by GPD and the Electric Department on the SCADA system at our substation. It is nearly complete. I will keep Council informed as to the progress on the project.
Electric Power Purchase - 1 or 2 MW Off-peak Block of Power for 2025-2028. On August 16th Council passed an ordinance to buy a 1 or 2 MW off-peak block of power for 2025-2028 to hedge our bets, IF NEEDED in the future, due to market changes. We are still attempting to move forward as the cost of a 1 MW block or a 2 MW off-peak block for 2025-2028 continues to rise. I will keep Council Informed.
Electric Department – New 7th Street Line. Now that thetransfer bus has been completed, we will soon start on the new 7th Street Line.
AMPT – Brewster Second/Redundant Transmission to Substation.On Thursday April 14th an AMPT Meeting was held virtually. Information specific to Brewster’s second transmission line to its substation included:
  • Monthly meetings continue between AMPT and First Energy and AEP to coordinate the scope between the three (3)
  • AMPT is working with AEP to resolve any concerns about the Alpine Station (where the second feed to Brewster’s substation will originate
  • Layout of the conceptual AMPT equipment and configurations continue
  • Coordination with Power Engineers (consultant or outside engineer) of pre-engineering development of 30% conceptual designs continues
  • 69kV line routing study and evaluation is underway
  • Brewster solution statement is due to be filled with PJM in July 2022
Planning Commission Meeting April 21, 2022. A meeting of the Brewster Village Planning Commission has been scheduled for Thursday April 21, 2022 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at Brewster Village Hall at 302 South Wabash Avenue, Brewster, Ohio.
At that meeting, the Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing on a zoning map amendment initiated by Brewster Council to rezone 125.27 acres (parcels 7001381, 7001383, 10013711, and 10013712) from I-2 Heavy Industrial to A-1 Agricultural. In general terms the area being considered to be rezoned is bounded by the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Tracks on the north side, the Village corporation limits on the west and south side, and west side of the levee on the east side.
At the April 21st Planning Commission meeting information will be presented regarding the proposed zoning map amendment.
I have forwarded copies of the application and associated materials, including the descriptions of I-2 and A-1 Zoning to the Planning Commission and to Council. Copies are available for review during normal business hours at the Village Office.
AMI Project – Wrap Up and Close Out. The Village isstill waiting for delivery of some meters. And we are still assuring that we have accurate numbers per the bid. All other work set forth in the contract will be complete by May 31, 2022.
I will keep Council informed.
Storm Drainage Projects. The current list of storm sewer projects in their priority order, with updates on their status:
  1. Cleveland Ave south of Main on east side. COMPLETED except for asphalt patching.
  2. Catch basin on Tuscarawas (sump pump). COMPLETED except for asphalt patching.
  3. East Main Street Drainage. Project has begun and will continue as weather permits.
  4. Dartmouth/Amherst relief line. Survey and legal description have been completed. Working on getting the property owners to sign the easement and have the easement recorded.
  5. East end of 1st Street SE. Will have to coordinate with US Army Corps of Engineers.
  6. Open ditch east of Mohican. We are consulting with Stark County Soil & Water.
  7. Drainage from Harmon west of 264 Harmon. First step - survey needs to be completed
  8. Drainage on north side of 7th west of Baymere.
These are not necessarily on a first come/first serve basis but based on their criticality and/or ability to fit into the schedule. We are also looking to repair deteriorated catch basins, so if any Council person is aware of any, please let me know. Also, if there are any storm drainage projects/issues not on this list please let me know.
  1. There will be a Christmas in the Village meeting in the Village Community Room on May 4th at 10 am.  Everyone is welcome.
  2. May is Motorcycle Awareness Month in the Village of Brewster.
  3. April 29th is proclaimed Arbor Day in Brewster.
  4. Grace Church of Berlin will have park clean-up in Bimeler Park on May 7th.
  1. I am requesting Council to review and sign the check register for this set of bills.
  2. Charles E Harris and Associates were in April 4-8.  The majority of the audit is complete, but they will be sending one or two people back for one or two days of work in order to finish up.  The audit went very smoothly with everyone chipping in to help one another.
  3. I was asked to join the meeting between Ohio Billing (EMS billing) and Chief Colucy.  Ohio Billing has requested that the financial portion of Jen Mohler’s job be moved to my office.
  4. BWC will be in on April 27th for an audit.
  5. I attended the Local Government Officials virtual conference on April 13th and 14th.  It was educational but not as much as the in-person sessions are.
  6. I will be attending the Attorney General’s Public Records class virtually on April 21st.  This will satisfy Council’s, the Mayor’s, and my requirement for the 2021-2022 period.  It will also increase our stars with the Auditor’s Office.  We scored three stars on the last audit for public records.  Four stars is the maximum earnable on the website.  We were one of only a few communities earning this distinction.
  7. I will be attending the Ohio Association’s Hot Topic seminar April 28th and 29th.  This will be in Bellville Ohio.
  8. There is a new after-hour emergency phone number – 330-491-7611.  There were issues porting the last number and it only worked for AT&T customers.  It has been posted on the website the newsletter, and the electronic sign. 
  9. The 14th Annual Zachary Grass Golf Outing is July 16th.  Does Council want to sponsor holes again this year.  We usually do one from the Village of Brewster and one from the Brewster police Department.  The holes are $75 each.  Funds help support a scholarship fund.
  10. I have an estimate for holiday lights for the new light poles.  For 36 poles, the cost of everything required to match the other poles would be $8422.00 plus shipping.
  11. APRA Reporting is due on April 30th, and I am anticipating spending a lot of time on this. 
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
  1. None.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
  1. There will be an Open House on Saturday, April 30th at the Wandle House from 1:00 -3:00.  The third-grade art class will also be displaying artwork.
  2. There will be a quarter auction on May 7th at the Wandle House with the doors opening at 10:30. The auction will begin at 12:00.
  3. Tree Board met on April 14th to discus tree purchases/removals and put a process in place.
  4. Community Room committee members met on April 12th and with a proposed initial budget of $ 5000 have recommended that 12 six-foot folding tables and table dolly, forty stackable chairs and chair dollies, a TV monitor, electric range, and microwave be purchased.  Members of Council and the Solicitor have copies of a rough draft of Rules and Regulations for the use of the new community hall and the adjoining kitchen area.   Council Member Schwab would ask the Solicitor, the Mayor, the VA, and members to review and pick apart the content of the draft and will ask at the next meeting that legislation be created for Council's consideration for adoption of such regulations.
OLD or NEW BUSINESS:Council Rules require a two-week waiting period before any expenditure of funds unless determined an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried tocreate legislation AMENDING ORDINANCE 02-2022, THE VILLAGE FIRE DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE to adjust the standard rescue extrication fee to $ 400 and to add turnout gear and other equipment damage charges, in line with the Fire Chief’s April 18th recommendations.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to schedule a Council of the Whole committee meeting on Monday, May 2nd at 6 pm to update Council on the pending Demand Response Ordinance, the Electric building project, the proposed Water Line Replacement project, the AMI project wrap up, the FD Chief’s proposed modification to the Village’s pool policy, other utility projects, and any other Village issues.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to schedule a Tree Board meeting on May 5th at 2:00 to walk the areas where trees are going to be planted.  The vote: All yes.
Arbor Day will be at t-box #7 in Sabo Park on April 29th at 10:00 am.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to amend the motion to designate Kris King as the Public Records Designee to include Mike Miller as an alternate.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer

Charles Hawk, Mayor