January 18, 2022 - Finance Committee Meeting
January 18, 2022
Finance Committee Meeting
Mayor Hawk opened the meeting and turned it over to Chairman Mike Schwab at 6:15.
Council Members present: Dale Fox, Dave Godwin, Brett Long, Sydney Radich, Tom Hilliard, and Mike Schwab. VA Miller and Clerk-Treasurer Kris King were also in attendance.
Chairman Schwab provided the following reports taken from the Clerk-Treasurer’s reports and asked the Clerk-Treasurer to go over each fund and add any comments:
2022 Police Budget
NOTE: Village Clerk’s input is requested as the following is reviewed
Available Balance of Dedicated Police Funds (as of January 7, 2021)
Police Car & Equipment Fund (B08): Available Balance = $ 57,227.43
2021 Revenue = $ 32,000.00 2021 Expenses = $ 5828.40
Funded by: General Fund Quarterly Transfers totaling $ 32,000 each year
Expenses: Vehicle purchases & maintenance, Police uniforms
Clerk’s note: We are currently in good shape with our vehicles. The oldest vehicle on the road is a 2015. This balance would cover one vehicle if it became necessary.
Police Income Tax Fund (B22): Available Balance = $ 152,301.69
2021 Revenue = $ 236,311.59 2021 Expenses = $ 223,401.82
Funded by: Dedicated 0.2% Municipal Income Tax (lapses on 12/31/2026)
Expenses: SRO wages & benefits, operation & maintenance, contractual services, capital outlays
Clerk’s note: This fund has not only allowed the extra protection in the schools, helped update our vehicles, but has allowed the department to keep up with modern technology. We now have body cameras and car cameras. In today’s society these are no longer a luxury but are a necessity. The department’s computers are now networked and compliant with requirements from the state.
Police Training Fund (B20): Available Balance = $ 2,127.63
2021 Revenue = $ 00.00 2021 Expenses = $ 00.00
Funded by: Grants Expenses: Police training wages, benefits, & operations
Clerk’s note: This fund is only to be used for a particular type of training. Funding has dried up for this grant but is expected to start up again in the next couple of years. The Village receives a set amount per Officer in this grant.
D.A.R.E. Fund (B05): Available Balance= $ 2,196.63
2021 Revenue = $ 1600.00 2021 Expenses = $ 1006.09
Funded by: Donations and Grants, Council usually provides $ 1500/year
Expenses: Operation & maintenance of DARE program
Clerk’s note: This fund is used for materials, prizes, t-shirts, and graduation among other expenses for the DARE Program. Due to our Officer’s injury leave, the program was curtailed this year. Councilman Godwin stated that most departments have stopped providing this because they feel it does more harm than good. He stated it gives students information that they use for drug use and not prevention. The Clerk stated the current balance is sufficient for one year’s expenses. She suggests suspending the quarterly transfer into this fund until it is determined if it is going to restart next year.
Education & Enforcement Fund (B13) Available Balance= $ 2502.13
2021 Revenue = $ 464.00 2021 Expenses = $ 00.00
Funded by: Court DUI and Drug Fines Expenses: PD Education costs
2022 Fire Budget
NOTE: Village Clerk’s input is requested as the following is reviewed
Available Balance of Dedicated Fire Funds (as of January 7, 2022)
Fire Operations Fund (B09): Available Balance = $ 158,770.59
2021 Revenue = $ 234,834.64 2021 Expenses = $ 203,846.26
Funded by: 4 mil Property Tax - Fire Levy (lapses on 12/31/2025); Tuscarawas. & Sugar Creek
Townships Fire/EMS Contracts, Donations
Operations Funded: Firemen wages & benefits, contractual services, equipment &
vehicle maintenance/repairs, fuel, training, and so forth
Clerk’s note: The Department has done a good job watching it’s spending and keeping a workable balance in the fund. The Fire Income Tax has helped with different projects and purchases.
Fire Income Tax Fund (B23): Available Balance = $223,878.88
2021 Revenue = $ 431,894.77 2021 Expenses = $ 314,806.34
Funded by: dedicated 0.5% Municipal Income Tax (lapses on 12/31/2027)
Expenses: EMS expansion wages & benefits, operation/maintenance, capital outlay,
Fire Building Expansion loan payment
Clerk’s note: This has been a blessing for the department. We have been able to update our facilities and add hours to enable a staff member to be available 24/7. Currently 50% of the wages and benefits of our scheduled personnel are paid through this fund.
Fire Equipment Capital Improvement Fund (D06): Available Balance = $ 70,000
2021 Revenue = $ 20,000.00 2021 Expenses = $ 00.00
Funded by: In 2020 by $ 50,000 of the Triner Estate Donation
$ 4000.00 monthly deposit from Fire Income Tax (Ord 32-2021)
Expenses: Fire equipment and Village share of grants that provide vehicles/equipment
Clerk’s note: This will reduce the strain of any grant matches on the Fire Operations Fund.
Fire Debt Fund (C04): Available Balance = $ 164,693.81
2021 Revenue = $ 164,693.81 2021 Expenses = $ 00.00
Funded by: First $ 22,000 received each month from 0.5% Municipal Income Tax via
Ord 31-2021 (07/06/2021) (0.5% Municipal Income Tax lapses on 12/31/2027)
Expenses: The Fire Building Expansion Annual Debt of $ 242,000 thru 2027
Clerk’s note: This fund will ensure that no matter how low the Fire Funds go, there will always be the money available for the loan payment.
2022 EMS Budget
NOTE: Village Clerk’s input is requested as the following is reviewed
NOTE: The Fire and EMS Operations as well as the Funding of the Fire and EMS Operations are intermingled especially when including revenues received from the 0.5% Fire Income Tax. In 2021 the EMS program was expanded t0 24/7/365 by adding revenue from the 0.5% Fire Income Tax
Available Balance of Dedicated EMS Funds(as of January 7, 2021)
EMS Fund (B10): Available Balance = $ 161,718.11
2021 Revenue = $ 207,122.57 2021 Expenses = $ 178,418.54
Funded by: Ambulance Run Fees, Grants & Donations
Expenses: Paramedic wages & benefits, Billing costs, Operations, uniforms, fuel, repairs, training,
capital outlay
Clerk’s note: With the increased number of number of runs comes increased revenues. Most insurance companies are now using ACH to pay the department which has helped speed up payments.
Ambulance Replacement Fund (D04): Available Balance = $ 160,544.18
2021 Revenue = $ 83,326.92 2021 Expenses = $ 00.00
Funded by: 5% of Ambulance Run Fees, $ 50,000 of the Triner Estate Donation; in 2021 by second
half of the two Townships contract payments
Expenses: Purchase of Ambulances
Clerk’s note: Council may want to consider using the first half of the contract payments for 222 to help pay for the new ambulance.
NOTE: Village Council has committed to purchasing a 2022 or 2023 Dodge 5500 4x4 Diesel Chassis and Lifeline “Custom Type 1” Ambulance at a cost of $ 255,132.00 which is $ 95,000 more than the current Balance in the Ambulance Replacement Fund
NOTE: With Ordinance 51-2021 approved on November 1st Council directed that any funds received from the Sugarcreek and Tuscarawas Townships' contract payments received in the second half of 2021 be deposited into the Ambulance Replacement Fund. This amounted to $ 34,953.75 from the Tuscarawas Township contract and $ 38,450.00 from the Sugarcreek Township contract for a total of $ 73,493.75 which is part of the $ 160,544.18 Ambulance Fund Available Balance above
NOTE: With Ordinance 32-201 passed on July 6th Council directed that the Fire Capital Improvement Fund receive $ 4000.00 monthly from Fire Income Tax; if necessary, this may be a fund that could be used to supplement the upcoming Ambulance purchase
- Available Balance of Shared Fire & EMS Funds (as of January 7, 2021)
Fire EMT/ Training Fund: Available Balance = $ 262.81
2021 Revenue = $ 00.00 2021 Expenses = $ 00.00
Funded by: Grants
2022 Street Budget
NOTE: Village Clerk’s input is requested as the following is reviewed
Available Balance of Dedicated Street Funds (as of January 7, 2022)
Street Construction, Maintenance, & Repair Fund (B01): Available Balance = $ 187,555.44
2021 Revenue = $ 259,531.29 2021 Expenses = $ 247,480.55
Funded by: 10% of the Local 1% Income Tax, State Auto License & Registration Fees, State Gas &
Excise Tax Funds, Interest, & Grants
Expenses: Street Dept Wages, Benefits, Operations, Maintenance, Repairs, Snow & Ice
treatments, Storm Sewers repair & construction
State Highway Fund (B02): Available Balance = $ 25,058.98
2021 Revenue = $ 13,385.15 2021 Expenses = $ 9,622.45
Funded by: Auto License & Registration Fees, State Gas & Excise Tax, Interest
Expenses: State Highway snow & Ice treatments, storm sewers, traffic signals
Street Equipment Fund (B11): Available Balance = $ 72,316.46
2021 Revenue = $ 30,116.88 2021 Expenses = $ 25,782.03
Funded by: $ 7500 Quarterly transfer from General Fund, miscellaneous revenues, & Refunds
Expenses: Street equipment & vehicles maintenance & purchases
Street Resurfacing Fund (B18): Available Balance = $ 67,285.39
2021 Revenue = $ 10,000.00 2021 Expenses = $ 7858.38
Funded by: $ 2500 quarterly transfer from General Fund
Expenses: Street operation & maintenance and Street Capital Outlay
Clerk’s note: This fund is primarily for patching and crack sealing.
Street Improvement Fund (B19): Available Balance = $ 129,471.67
2021 Revenue = $ 293,025.29 2021 Expenses = $ 244,398.60
Funded by: dedicated 0.3% Local Income Tax (lapses on 12/31/2026, County Municipal Road
Fund, & Grants
Expenses: Engineering & 2021 Street Project
VA Miller stated the Village is repairing or replacing roads according to an outside agencies ratings and we are being prudent with our tax payers dollars.
2022 - Other Budgets
NOTE: Village Clerk’s input is requested as the following is reviewed
Operations & Available Balances of Other Non-utility Funds (as of January 7, 2022)
Recreation Fund (B41): Available Balance = $ 9243.33
2021 Revenue = $ 00.00 2021 Expenses = $ 5038.68
Funded by: Quarterly transfers from General Fund, Field & facilities rent, donations
Expenses: Operation of Easter, Halloween, & Christmas parties
NOTE: quarterly transfers from General Fund to the Recreation Fund were temporarily suspended in 2021 because of a healthy balance at that time
Clerk’s note: A quarterly deposit should be considered.
Sidewalk Capital Improvement Fund (D05): Available Balance = $ 29,930.00
2021 Revenue = $ 12,000.00 2021 Expenses = $ 28,439.00
Funded by: $ 3000.00 Quarterly transfer from General Fund
Expenses: Sidewalk repair & replacement
Clerk’s note: Some clarification needs to be made on the usage of this fund for the Village Administrator.
Capital Projects Fund (D03): Available Balance = $ 293,006.21
2021 Revenue = $ 97,384.97 2021 Expenses = $ 39,515.43
Funded by: 4% of the Local 1% Income Tax, occasional transfers from General Fund
Expenses: In 2021 - $ 30,285 for Streets and $ 8277.29 for General Outlays.
NOTE: These funds are generally earmarked for non-utility type projects or purchases that have a minimum ten years of functional life; since this funds creation Council has used these dollars to help fund the construction of the Police Building; a Downtown Rehab Project; to supplement the purchase of the 2017 Ambulance, 2007 Fire Truck, and other projects and purchases. The County Budget Commission desires that the majority of this balance has a planned use and not be a savings account.
Clerk’s note: Possibility for use with the Police Department acquisition of a portion of the Street garage and the Street Department acquisition of the Electric garages.
American Rescue Plan Fund (B32): Available & Encumbered Balance = $ 91,05.32
2021 Revenue = $ 112,764.52 2021 Expenses = $ 21,759.20
Funded by: Federal Government's American Rescue Plan
Expenses: In 2021 - $ 13,422.70 for Engineering and $ 8366.50 for Operation & Maintenance
NOTE: Current and future ARP Funds are currently earmarked for the BX Parke Waterline/Hydrant Project and the COVID related Project repurposing of the older two Fire Bays and former Fire Meeting room for community and Council uses
Clerk’s note: This fund has very strict guidelines for its use. The Final Ruling on the uses has been published for guidance.
2022 - Other Budgets NOTE: Village Clerk’s input is requested as the following is reviewed
Operations & Available Balances of Other Non-utility Funds (as of January 7, 2022)
Parks, Grounds, & Buildings Fund (B04): Available Balance = $ 74,463.19
2021 Revenue = $ 101,498.98 2021 Expenses = $ 101,048.83
Funded by: Grants, 5% of the 1% Municipal Income Tax, $ 4000 quarterly from the General Fund
Council Member Godwin would like to see a Pickle Ball court built in the park. Chairman Brett Long is already looking into it.
Cemetery Fund (B03): Available Balance = $ 33,731.35
2021 Revenue = $ 49,611.78 2021 Expenses = $ 15,880.43
Funded by: $ 1260.00 for sale of Lots; $ 6750.00 in grave opening fees; $ 900.00 for foundations;
$ 40,701.78 from the former Welty Cemetery Board proceeds
Expenses: In 2021 - $ 7.64 in benefits and $ 15,823.32 for operations & maintenance.
Cemetery Endowment Fund (J01): Available Balance = $ 18,205.27
2021 Revenue = $ $ 18,205.27 2021 Expenses = $ 00.00
NOTE: A cemetery endowment fund is designed to ensure that income will always be available for the continued maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery, even when all the interment spaces are sold.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer