May 5, 2022 - Tree Board Meeting
Tree Board Minutes
May 5, 2022
Meeting began at 2:00 pm
Members Present: Administrator Michael Miller; Councilperson Sydney Radich; Councilman Tom Hilliard
The Administrator indicated minutes for the January 18th, 2022 had been distributed and could be adopted. Motion made by Sydney Radich; Seconded by Tom Hilliard. All voted in favor.
The Administrator distributed the minutes for the April 14, 2022 Meeting. They can be taken up at the next Tree Board Meeting.
The Administrator gave a brief budget review. Tree Fund starts with $22,500. To date there have been $7,100 in removals that come out of the Tree Fund. To date there have been $5,030 for replacement trees that have also come out of the Tree Fund. To date there have been $4,710 in sidewalk replacement that comes out of the Sidewalk Fund, provided funds are available.
The Administrator then discussed tree removals since the last meeting:
- (3) in front of 134 5th Street SE and to the east
- 1 216 Superior NE
- 1 East of 538 Harmon NE
- 1 On McKinley next to 193 5th SW
The Administrator reviewed the tree replacement purchases:
- 2 Bur Oak purchased and planted for Arbor Day
- 4 Skyline Locust purchased and to be planted
- 11 Ivory Spear Crabapples “reserved” – can be picked up in June
- 25 Raspberry Spear Crabapples “reserved” – can be picked up in June
The Administrator discussed “Plan B” on McKinley to preserve an approximately 80-year-old Red Oak. At this time, it is the plan that will be implemented with the paving/rebuild of McKinley.
The Administrator also spoke about future coordination with the Wilderness Center and Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District in the Village about acquiring open space for passive use. The two (2) examples were property adjacent to Village owned property along the Sugar Creek owned by Myron and Marilyn Miller, which has been discussed. The property has a Blue Heron Rookery on it. The other was property on the east side of the levy from the old gun club. The Administrator spoke about getting appraisals, and for the Miller property applying for an NRAC Grant, which would pay for 75% of the appraised value, and for which the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District would be willing to provide the remaining 25%. The Village would have to pay for an appraisal, and if the “price” is ageable, then pay for a survey.
The Tree Board then began to walk some Village streets to come up with a plan for removals. The Board walked south on Wabash to 5th SE, noting that the sweetgums are beginning to lift the sidewalk to varying degrees on the east side of Wabash between 4th and 5th. The sweetgum at 456 Wabash is severe, and it was agreed it should be at the top of the list. The Board then walked down 5th Street SE on the north side It was noted a silver maple at 135 5th Street SE was hollowing out and lifting sidewalk, and should be added to the list; that two (2) sweetgums had been recently removed and would need panels of sidewalk replaced, and that farther down the street newly planted Raspberry Spear Crabapples (2021). The Board crossed over to the south side of 5th Street SE, and noted that three (3) sweetgums had been recently removed and also would need sidewalk panels replaced. The Board walked down Wabash to 6th Street where it was noted that a sweetgum at 552 Wabash S was severely lifting sidewalk and should be at the top of the removal list. Another partially dead tree in the cable lines at 612 Wabash S was also noted. The Tree Board then crossed to the west side of Wabash, where it noted another sweetgum at 549 Wabash S was also severely lifting the sidewalk and should be at the top of the removal list. The Board walked north, noting that a number of sweetgums would have to be dealt with in the future, but that one at 515 Wabash (received complaint and the resident was present) was sever and should be at the top of the removal list. The Board then walked west on the south side of 5th Street SW. It was noted that a maple at 144 5th Street SW had lifted the sidewalk nearly 4-5 inches in the air and should be added to the removal list and the sidewalk addressed. The Board then observed a large pin oak at 178 5th Street SW (member Radich recused herself from the conversation – spoke with owner/husband) and the Village was given permission to replace the displaced sidewalk with a “preservation crescent” that went into the yard. Immediately to the west at 186 5th Street SW member Radich still recused) it was noted that a tree had been located in front, and that sidewalk had been damaged, and permission was given to plant a new tree and to create another “sidewalk crescent” to provide that tree with more room. The Board then walked north on McKinley (east side) to observe the large Red Oak that would be preserved and to discuss “Plan B.” The Board continued north on McKinley and observed an ash next to 193/191 4th Street SW that had been infested with emerald ash borer and agreed that tree should be removed. It was also noted that that location on 4th Street SW would be a good spot to add trees. The Board then returned to Village Hall on the Boulevard, noting trees that had been planted in the past few years, discussed the damaged buckeye tree, and determined to plant trees at 184 and 177 Main Street. Upon arrival at Wabash the Board voted to adjourn at approximately 2:50 pm.
There was no other business.