May 16, 2022 - Meeting Minutes
MAY 16, 2022
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Chuck Hawk presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer Kris King, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to excuse Council Member Dale Fox from this evening’s meeting. The vote: All yes.
Charles Hawk, Mayor
David Godwin, Council Member Thomas Hilliard, Council Member
Brett Long, Council Member Sydney Radich, Council Member
Mike Schwab, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Mayor Chuck Hawk asked if there were any additions or deletions to the May 2, 2022 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to approve the minutes as presented. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER LONG MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $85,344.81. The vote: All yes.
Ray Heitger was in attendance.
There were no guests.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony.
RESOLUTION 31-2022: A Resolution authorizing the Village to enter into a lease with Brewster Dairy for an area to locate the Electric Department Building was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented. The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 32-2022: An Ordinance to allow only the Village of Brewster, Ohio to aggregate demand response of retail customers in accordance with FERC Order 719 and taking other actions in connection therewith was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented. The vote: All yes.
SECOND READING: An Ordinance Awarding a Contract for a Building to House its Digger/Derrick Truck and the rest/entirety of the Electric Department.
ORDINANCE 33-2022: An Ordinance Authorizing all Actions Necessary to Support the Continuation of a Government National Gas Aggregation Program and declaring an emergency was given second reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented. The vote: All yes.
SECOND READING: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 07-2012, 76-2017, and 02-2022 establishing the Village Fire Department Fee Schedule for Charged Services.
FIRST READING: A Resolution Creating Rules and Regulations for the Village Community Room and Kitchen Annex.
FIRST READING: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to make preparation for and advertise for Bids for the Park Drive Phase I Project and declaring an emergency on third reading. This phase will run up Park Drive from the intersection at East Main to the last house on the east side. It’s a 10-foot path on the east side with curb and gutter. $140,000 in grants and the rest from paving money.
FIRST READING: An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Administrator to make preparation for and advertise for Bids for the Tuscarawas/Pinewood/Locustdale Water Line Replacement Project and declaring an emergency on third reading.
FIRST READING: An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map.
A. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Nathan Taylor (excused)
B. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Chris Colucy (excused)
- Request for purchase of right-angle flashlights to replace helmet lights. ($1,300 - $1,475)
- Request for ladder truck training. ($3,354 - $5,642)
- Reviewed the rules and regulations for the Community Room and Kitchen Annex prepared by Council Member Schwab. Solicitor Anthony told Council Member Schwab that he did a nice job.
- Solicitor Anthony would like to have an executive session to discuss a complaint against a public official.
- Nothing to report.
Council received the Village Administrator’s report last week to review. Administrator’s report for period: 05/03/2022 thru 5/16/2022
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to accept the VA’s report as written and emailed to Council and to enter it into the record of tonight’s Council meeting. The vote: All yes.
We have approved a couple of meetings in the Community Room. The American Legion will be using it to honor one of their members on May 20th. Council Member Schwab stated he was glad to see it being used.
Council Member Schwab asked about the EV Charging Station webinar on Tuesday, May 17th. He planned to attend with the VA.
Council Member Schwab brought up putting new decorative lights on Main Street. VA Miller stated the lights would only be on the east side.
Council Member Schwab asked why the peat swamp was drying up. VA Miller stated most of the rainwater is running down Elm Run now. Also, many of the trees have been removed. Council Member Schwab asked if there was still any quicksand. VA Miller stated some of the peat goes about 80 to 90 feet so there could be. Council Member Hilliard stated he would like to see it turned into a park and Council Member Schwab agreed.
Council Member Hilliard asked when the storm drain on East Main would be completed. VA Miller stated it should be done before the Park Drive Phase I is done. Paving will be starting on May 24th. Council Member Hilliard brought up a truck parked across the walking path on 7TH Street SE. He also asked when the heroin sign was coming down. VA Miller stated that Council Member Godwin was able to contact “FATHERS” and get permission to have it removed.
Council Member Schwab asked when the high grass properties would be getting letters. VA Miller has already sent them out.
Council Member Hilliard asked about mosquito spraying. VA Miller will have to contact Stark County to get it set up.
Administrator’s report for period 5/3/2022 thru 5/16/2022:
Electric Building – Bidding.The plans have been submitted to Stark County Building Department for approval prior to advertising for bids to avoid change orders caused by additions/changes by the Stark County Building Department review process. There have been preliminary comments, which are being addressed. The revised plans have been resubmitted to Stark County Building Department for approval
As we are still awaiting approval from the Stark County Building Department, the tentative schedule has been pushed back:
- May 2, 2022 second reading of ordinance authorizing lease with Brewster Dairy
- May 2, 2022 first reading ordinance awarding contract
- May 16, 2022 third reading of ordinance authorizing lease with Brewster Dairy
- May 16, 2022 second reading ordinance awarding contract
- May 18, 2022 April 26, 2022 first advertisement (depends on when Stark County Building Department completes their review. Could be pushed back)
- May 25, 2022 May 3, 2022 second advertisement (depends on when Stark County Building Department completes their review. Could be pushed back)
- June 8, 2022 May 17, 2022 open bids (depends on when Stark County Building Department completes their review. Could be pushed back)
- June 15, 2022 May 24, 2022 recommendation to Council (depends on when Stark County Building Department completes their review. Could be pushed back)
- June 20, 2022 June 6, 2022 third reading ordinance awarding contract
- June 20, 2022 June 6, 2022 award contract? (depends on when Stark County Building Department completes their review. Could be pushed back)
Electric Building – Lease. The location identified for a new building to house the equipment and offices of the Brewster Electric Department is adjacent to the Brewster’s Electric Substation, on property, which is also owned by Brewster Dairy, Inc. It will be in the pine trees north of the existing leased area. Brewster Cheese was agreeable to a lease for the area, and that location does NOT interfere with AMPT’s second feed and associated ring bus into our substation. This location also puts all electric functions/facilities together.
A lease has to be entered into between Brewster Dairy, Inc. and the Village. Brewster Dairy Inc. has agreed to lease an area 80 feet by 200 feet to the Village for a period of 50 years at $1.00.
An ordinance needs to be passed authorizing the Mayor to execute an appropriate lease agreement, in accordance with the lease and exhibit of the area to be leased that has been prepared/reviewed by the Village of Brewster’s Law Director.
The ordinance NO LONGER needs to be passed on an emergency basis, as based on the revised bid and award schedule if it is passed May 16, 2022 there are 30 days prior to June 20, 2022 tentative award date for the contract for construction of new building to house the equipment and offices of the Brewster Electric Department.
Webinar on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Local Public Agencies. The Ohio Department of Transportation is hosting a Webinar on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Local Public Agencies May 17th at 10:00 am, which I have signed up to participate in to gather information.
The Ohio Department of Transportation and DriveOhio are developing a statewide electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure plan to ease range anxiety (how far an electric car can be driven before reaching the next charging station), support private sector investment and spur economic development. The webinar will provide background, program details, and outline funding for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula program established in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) of 2021.
Decorative Lights – Wabash north of the underpass. The installation of the decorative lights immediately north of the underpass is complete. The overhead LED streetlights on the poles have been removed. Looking at future phases for decorative light extension(s) on Wabash North..
Decorative lights – East Main. The Electric Department has come up with a way the Village can eliminate the power poles and lines on East Main between Cleveland and Park Drive, and instead of overhead lights on poles install decorative lights in that portion (extend what we have on East Main between Wabash & Cleveland). That would certainly enhance the appearance of East Main between Cleveland and Park Drive, and allow a wider choice of trees we can plant between the back of curb and the Safe Routes to Schools Path in that section. Cost is approximately the same as what we are doing on Wabash north of the underpass (inflation) – in the $30,000 plus range. My (non-voting) opinion is that it would be a great enhancement/improvement for the Village. Placing decorative streetlights on East Main is a recent development, not originally part of the “master” plan. However, recently the Village added decorative street lighting in the first block of East Main from Wabash to Cleveland to “balance” the decorative lighting on the opposite side of Wabash on the Boulevard. It has been suggested to extend decorative lighting down East Main to Park Drive from Cleveland, which I personally (in a non-voting way) did not support if we had poles already in place “competing” – in my opinion in that case it is better to use regular streetlights. But the Electric Department found a way to make it work after I was asked again could decorative lighting be extended down East Main. So, IF we are to extend decorative Lighting down East Main, NOW is our opportunity, because once/if we put poles back in it is hard to reverse course on that decision.
This would not take away from continuing decorative lighting north on Wabash. It is still in plans to move north past where we stopped this extension.
Electric Substation – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System). We continue to make progress and work continues by GPD and the Electric Department on the SCADA system at our substation. It is nearly complete. I will keep Council informed as to the progress on the project.
Electric Power Purchase - 1 or 2 MW Off-peak Block of Power for 2025-2028. On August 16th Council passed an ordinance to buy a 1 or 2 MW off-peak block of power for 2025-2028 to hedge our bets, IF NEEDED in the future, due to market changes. We are still attempting to move forward as the cost of a 1 MW block or a 2 MW off-peak block for 2025-2028 continues to rise. I will keep Council Informed.
Electric Department – New 7th Street Line. Now that thetransfer bus has been completed, we plan to start on the new 7th Street Line after school is out.
AMPT – Brewster Second/Redundant Transmission to Substation. The status of the second transmission line to Brewster’s substation is:
- Monthly meetings continue between AMPT and First Energy and AEP to coordinate the scope between the three (3)
- AMPT is working with AEP to resolve any concerns about the Alpine Station (where the second feed to Brewster’s substation will originate)
- Layout of the conceptual AMPT equipment and configurations continue
- Coordination with Power Engineers (consultant or outside engineer) of pre-engineering development of 30% conceptual designs continues
- 69kV line routing study and evaluation is underway
- Brewster solution statement is due to be filled with PJM in July 2022
AMP – Regional Information Meeting. I plan to attend an AMP Regional Power Supply Conference in Hudson, Ohio on May 24th. Subjects are going to be:
- Energy Markets, Capacity, and Transmission Update - The current state of the natural gas, energy, and capacity markets and key trends influencing the future.
- Power Resource Update - An overview of current and future power supply resource options.
- AMP Services - An overview and update on AMP services and initiatives
Safe Routes to Schools Project – Middle & Elementary Schools. It is “official.” Safe Routes to Schools Project at Fairless Middle School and Elementary School will start this summer. No more money/match needed beyond $35,000 already committed. The construction costs are to be paid from our Safe Routes to Schools Grants, which have been:
- $150,000
- $106,000 initial projected shortfall between original grant and estimated cost
- $50,000 second projected shortfall between original grant and estimated cost
- $20,000 to cover shortfall between grants and low bidder
- $326,000 total.
The project was “sold” by ODOT April 14, 2022 and awarded April 21, 2022. The estimated construction start is June 1, 2022. The estimated construction completion is August 31, 2022.
Safe Routes to Schools Path – 7th Street. It has been suggested more than once at Council Meetings that the Safe Routes to Schools Path on 7th Street from Park Drive to Amherst needs to be improved from limestone to a hard surface. While the Village will have to wait to improve the portion of the SRTS Path on 7th from Park Drive to Dartmouth until the poles can be moved, it occurred to me that there are no impediments to improving the SRTS Path from Dartmouth to Amherst. I therefore have solicited quotes to improve the SRTS Path on 7th from Dartmouth to Amherst. I have now received two (2) quotes. I would recommend that Council authorize proceeding with the low quote of $11,983.00 from McBurney. Council will need to identify where Council is going to pay for the improvement from.
2022 Paving Program. The 2022 Brewster Paving Program is scheduled to begin May 24th. Some things of note:
- The plan of the contractor is to start on May 24th by milling
- The following day, the plan of the contractor is to pave Buckeye, Glick, and 1st Street between Lincoln and Washington.
- After milling McKinley between 4th and 5th Streets TO INCLUDE INTERSECTIONS, the contractor plans to bring in the concrete subcontractor to complete curb and ADA Ramp work.
- Once the concrete work has cured, the contractor plans to come in and rebuild/pave McKinley.
As McKinley is to be reconstructed from 4th Street to 5th Street, INCLUDING INTERSECTIONS, this will require shutting down not only McKinley between 4th Street and 5th Street, INCLUDING THE INTERSECTIONS. THIS MEANS NO THROUGH TRAFFIC AT THOSE INTESECTIONS until the rebuild/paving is complete. Weather cooperating, hopefully no longer than two (2) weeks.
Village Hall and the Boulevard. Hopefully everyone has noticed, but the week of May 2nd, while the part-time employee from the Street Department was mowing, the full-time Street Department employees (Rick Patterson and Shawn Fry) weeded, mulched, pruned trees, and did general landscaping/clean-up at Village Hall and the Boulevard. They put a lot of work in. I think they both look great! That is Village Hall and the Boulevard – not commenting on how the employees look.
Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting – May 19th, 2022. A meeting of the Brewster Zoning Board of Appeals has been scheduled for Thursday May 19, 2022 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at Brewster Village Hall at 302 South Wabash Avenue.
The first application is for a variance(s) being requested for parcel 7001582, lot number 1849, which concurrently faces Walhanding, Barber, and Mohican. The parcel is zoned R-3 and is owned by Eric and Catherine Hardman. The variance(s) is (are) from Brewster Codified Ordinance § 153.019 (U) which provides in relevant parts:
(1) (a) Fences, walls and hedges may be permitted in any required yard, or along the edge of any yard, provided that no fence, wall or hedge along the sides or the front edge of any front yard shall be over two and one-half feet in height.
(2) “Fences, walls, and hedges must be built with a minimum of a two-foot setback from the rear and side yard property lines, except that this requirement may be waived in writing by the adjacent property owner.”
The request is for variances is from the front yard height requirement on Barber (front yard) from two and one-half feet in height to six feet AND on Mohican from two and one-half feet in height to six feet.
The second request for a variance(s) is for parcel 7001458, located at 549/551 Mohican Ave NE. The application was filed by the owners Bryan & Jeanette Treisch. The request is for a variance is from the R-3 Zoning minimum eight (8) foot side yard setback to four (4) feet from the south property line.
The third request is for an additional sign for Parcel 7000735, located at 210 Wabash Ave S. The application was filed by LetterGraphics on behalf of the owner Consumers National Bank. The B-2 Zoning, in which parcel 7000735 is located, establishes for signs that:
One exterior business sign may be erected which advertises a business or service conducted upon the premises and/or advertises products, merchandise or commodities stocked and sold on the premises. Such sign shall be affixed flat against the wall of the business or may project therefrom not more than five feet. The bottom of a projecting sign shall be at least ten feet above the finished grade of the building. Projecting signs shall not be over 12 feet in height, and in no case exceed the district height regulations, nor shall exceed 50 square feet per side in area. No sign shall project into the right-of-way of any dedicated street.
The requested variances are for:
- a variance for one (1) additional two (2) sided sign, and
- a variance from any applicable setbacks, and
- a variance from Codified Ordinance 153.216 (B)(5) which requires 10 feet from ground to bottom of sign. They are asking for a 52-inch variance from the height requirement, and
- a variance for square footage, as Village Ordinance allows a maximum of twenty (20) square feet. They are asking for an exception for an additional 4.5 square feet, and
- a “changeable message center”, per codified ordinance 153.221(A)(21) is not permitted in the B-2 Zone nor permitted for a bank. A variance is requested to permit a “changeable message center” sign.
The fourth application is for a variance for parcels 7001116, 7001117, 7000247, 7000248, 7001180, 7000502, and 7001294 which front Wabash Ave S and 7th Street SE. The application was filed by Brewster Cheese. The zoning of the lots/parcels is I-1. The setback in an I-1 pursuant to Codified Ordinance 153.178 is “Minimum Front Yard Depth – One Hundred (100) feet”. The request for variance to permit a building expansion project with a 25 ft front yard setback on both 7th Street SE and Wabash Ave S and a 50-foot setback from Cleveland Ave SE.
Proposed New Subdivision. The Village has had PRELIMINARY discussions with representatives of the owners of the old Gun Club about subdividing the property. A meeting is scheduled for the week of May 16th. The PRELIMINARY layout has eleven (11) new lots. The dividing line on the property between R-1 and R-3 is unclear, but in their PRELIMINARY layout 8 of the 11 lots meet the square foot requirements of R-1 of 10,000 square feet or more. Lot 10 currently has less than the required 7000 square feet for R-3.
For this acreage (4.99) a Stormwater Improvement Plan (SWIP) is required, and often a retention pond would be required as well. I would advocate against a retention/detention basin, as it would be in the vicinity of the levee and having water on both sides could affect its integrity. I have reached out to both Stark County Soil and Water and Stark County Subdivision Engineering, as they were involved with the New High School Project to see if they can assist on this proposal.
OPWC Small Government Awards. The OPWC Small Government Commission met this morning to approve projects for funding for Round 36. Both the Tuscarawas/Pinewood/Locustdale Water Line Replacement Project and Park Drive Phase 1 Project were funded. I am attaching the Small Government Round 36 spreadsheet.
The Tuscarawas/Pinewood/Locustdale Water Line Replacement Project was scored at 77 points and is number 8 (or tied for 7th) on the list. The Village is slated to receive $113,817 in grant funds and $75,878 in a loan (0% interest rate for 20 years).
The Park Drive Phase 1 Project was scored at 70 points and is number 30 on the list (or tied for 26th). The Village is slated to receive $140,584 in a grant.
OPWC Small Government funding for Round 36 will not be released until sometime after July 1st, 2022. To facilitate bidding, I have prepared ordinances to bid both projects for first reading May 16th, 2022.
Filter Media Replacement Project. Work continues with the Filter Media Replacement Project. We are moving forward with replacing all the internals on Filters #1 - #3 based on the inspection on Filter #1. Colors have been chosen for the internal and external of the tanks. The Filter Media and Internal drawings have been submitted to and approved by CT Consultants. The start has been delayed due to delivery of (actually lack of delivery of) materials, which has extended the length of time for the project.
Water Department – Water Line Replacement on Barber. The water ditch from the recent water line replacement project on Barber Street NE was asphalted in. An asphalt repair could not take place until the asphalt plants began production of asphalt AND the weather was warm enough (over 50 degrees for an extended period) AND there was no forecast of rain. Those events finally came together, and the Water Department, Street Department, and Wastewater Department were all on the “job” to complete the repair.
Brewster Parke Water Line Extension Project. A pre-construction meeting has been set for the contractor RBS General Contracting of Massillon, Ohio, Brewster Parke, and the Village for the week of May 16th. This project is planned to begin after school is out.
AMI Project – Wrap Up and Close Out. The Village isstill waiting for delivery of some meters. And we are still assuring that we have accurate numbers per the bid. All other work set forth in the contract will be complete by May 31, 2022. I will keep Council informed.
Natural Gas Aggregation Program. The Mayor and I met with Independent Energy Consultants (our “consultant”) regarding the Village’s natural gas aggregation program.
To recap, our natural gas provider for the Village’s Natural Gas Aggregation Program, Volunteer Energy, went bankrupt. We had 18 months remaining with Volunteer Energy on the “contract” that was voided in bankruptcy.All the village residents who were part of the Village’s Natural Gas Aggregation Program (484) were sent back to Columbia Gas of Ohio’s default service. Natural gas service was not interrupted, and our residents will remain on Columbia’s default service until our program restarts, or they choose a supplier on their own.
The Village immediately started a new Request for Proposals with Independent Energy Consultants to restart our program. They sent out an RFP along with these other communities that also had Volunteer Energy as a supplier (that usually generates better supplier interest)
- Canfield Township Columbia Gas of Ohio
- City of Findlay Columbia Gas of Ohio
- City of North Canton Dominion Energy Ohio
- Village of Silverton Duke Energy Ohio
- Stark County Columbia Gas of Ohio
The responses to the RFP are in. Council will have to decide on who the supplier will be and on the length of a new contract. I forwarded a copy of the PowerPoint style presentation to Council. The recommendation of Independent Energy Consultants is IGS.
For reference/reminder, the Village’s natural gas aggregation price is made up of an adder (quoted from the proposed supplier, which expires in thirty (30) days) and the “market” price of natural gas (set at the time the Village “strikes” the price)
The next step is for Council to pass an ordinance authorizing a Contract with Independent Energy Consultants (IEC) for the Village Residents’ Natural Gas Aggregation Program Consultation & to Authorize the Mayor and/or Village Administrator to enter into a Supply Agreement with a Certified Supplier for 2022-2025 or 2022-2026. Also, I would request that Council suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage on an emergency basis as the prices/adder quoted expires in thirty (30) days and to assure the Village is in a position to strike the “market” portion of the natural gas aggregation portion of the price as soon as possible, as the natural gas “market” price portion of the total price is VERY volatile.
To meet the deadline, Council needs to pass it on an emergency basis on its second reading at its May 16th Council Meeting, which is the last meeting that falls within the thirty (30) day period the adder quoted expires.
Residents who do not wish to wait or participate in the Village’s Natural Gas Aggregation Program have the option to choose their own supplier via PUCO, which has and will continue to have a number of suppliers on their Apples-to-Apples chart with a wide variety of costs, terms, and fees. OR stay with Columbia Gas. If residents choose a natural gas supplier on their own their choice MAY preclude them from participating in the Village’s opt-out program – for example, the length of the term (contract) and/or the early termination fee would be the main two (2).
What the Village can “recommend” to residents at this point is to stay with Columbia Gas while the Village completes the RFP process to select a new opt-out supplier and sets a price, and later in the summer if they are not satisfied with the price or terms of the Village’s Natural Gas Aggregation Program they can opt-out and choose then.
Stark County Side Lot Application. The Stark County Land Bank has forwarded two (2) parcels that have been resubmitted for their side lot program. It has been resubmitted by Gregory Majors.
In November 2020 when these parcels were first submitted, I reported:
- Side Lot Application – Stark County. I wantto update Council on the side lot application(s) Council approved at the October 19th Council Meeting. I ran into a glitch on two (2) of the six (6) parcels that were requested to be transferred via the side lot program.
The final Village step in the process is filling out a form and providing a Sworn Statement of Abandoned Vacant Land form for each parcel. In filling out the Sworn Statement of Abandoned Vacant Land forms, I determined that parcel 7000639 has a structure on it (garage). The structure is probably NOT one built by the owner of parcel 7000639. I cannot swear under oath that the property is vacant nor that it has an abandoned structure. As such, it does not qualify for the side lot program. (Note: it appears whoever has built/is using the structure is gaining access via the applicant’s property)
Because parcel 7000639 doesn’t qualify for the side lot program, parcel 7000451 doesn’t qualify either, because it is not contiguous to the applicant’s property via parcel 7000639.
I have sent the documentation back into the County for the other four (4) lots.
The Mayor is attempting to reach out to the applicant.
There has been a change in status for parcel 7000639. Since November of 2020, the structure has been partially demolished and is no longer in use. The Mayor and I visited the parcel and observed that change in status yesterday. We also spoke with the resident at 835 McKinley Ave SW, who related that he had begun demolishing the structure and was/is planning to remove the debris from parcel 7000639 because the owner of the property, Gregory Majors, had asked him to because the structure was located on Mr. Major’s property. I am just relaying what we were told by the resident at 835 McKinley Ave SW, who also indicated that if parcel 7000639 was available for “purchase” through the side lot program, he was interested in acquiring the parcel as he has been using it for a number of years.
Council can review the documentation that has been sent. Council will need to vote whether to approve or reject the side lot application as part of the process.
Efficiency Smart – E-newsletter. Every resident who signs up for Efficiency Smart’s e-newsletter will receive one entry into a drawing to win a $100 visa gift card (three winners) or a $50 visa gift card (four winners). In addition, residents can earn a bonus entry for each person from your community that lists them as a referral.
Efficiency Smart – Rebate for Community Room Project. The energy-saving improvements the Village of Brewster incorporated into the Community Room Project resulted in the Village receiving a “rebate” check in the amount of $205.00.
Storm Drainage Projects. The current list of storm sewer projects in their priority order, with updates on their status:
- Cleveland Ave south of Main on east side. COMPLETED except for patching.
- Catch basin on Tuscarawas (sump pump). COMPLETED except for patching.
- East Main Street Drainage. Project has begun and will continue as weather permits.
- Dartmouth/Amherst relief line. Easement has been signed. Will need to be recorded. Work to start when it can be scheduled.
- East end of 1st Street SE. Will have to coordinate with US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Open ditch east of Mohican. We are consulting with Stark County Soil & Water.
- Drainage from Harmon west of 264 Harmon. Survey needs to be completed
- Drainage on north side of 7th west of Baymere.
These are not necessarily on a first come/first serve basis but based on their criticality and/or ability to fit into the schedule. We are also looking to repair deteriorated catch basins, so if any Council person is aware of any, please let me know. Also, if there are any storm drainage projects/issues not on this list please let me know.
- May is Motorcycle Awareness Month in the Village of Brewster.
- Grace Church of Berlin was in for park clean-up in Bimeler Park on May 7th. There were 10 adults and 10 children from 9:00-11:00am. They did a beautiful job. I would like Council to consider a donation for their help. I spoke with their pastor, and he would prefer we donate to one of their missions and not the church. Last year they brought 50 boxes of food to distribute to the community. Council Member Hilliard asked if it was okay to make a donation. Solicitor Anthony stated if the Council determines it to be a public purpose then it is permitted.
- I would like to recommend sponsoring a high school student to Boy’s State at a cost of $300 through the American Legion.
- I am requesting Council to review and sign the check register for this set of bills.
- Legislation passed after 02/18/2020 and up to 04/18/2022 have been submitted to American Legal for codification.
- Still waiting on the auditors to come complete the audit. They had some staffing changes and stated they would be in as soon as possible.
- We received an $1,838 rebate from BWC as a result of the audit.
- I have an estimate for holiday lights for the new light poles. For 36 poles, the cost of everything required to match the other poles would be $8422.00 plus shipping. I would suggest using Parks and Grounds Capital Outlay for this purchase.
- The first half of 2022 contract payment from Tuscarawas Township was received and put in the Ambulance Replacement Fund as directed by Council. The current balance is $199,028.07.
- I received a letter from the IRS stating we now have an overpayment of one cent. Lol!
- The dump truck and truck cap are being auctioned off on The auction ends on May 26th at 3:00 pm. There have been no bids received. I have all the information on the generator on the website but the price. Once I have the price, I can make it a live auction also.
- Utility unpaid balances: When we purchased the old Sturm’s Store and lot, there were unpaid utilities. There were unpaid utility charges that were probably paid through assessments. At that point in time, assessments were not identified as to where they came from and to who they should be credited. The last payment made on this account was 3-17-2009. There are four more accounts that between 2011 and 2016 were sold with outstanding balances that total $2,593.94. Finally, we have two bankruptcies from 2005 and 2016 for a total of $776.14. The total uncollectible debt is $5,497.54. I am requesting Council to allow us to write-off these charges and remove them from our system.
- The Village’s 2021 check register has been sent to the Treasurer of State’s Open Checkbook. This is part of the Ohio Treasurer’s transparency goal.
- The estimated delivery on the chairs for the community room is June 28th.
- Today I spoke with our new representative at Sedgwick, our worker’s comp third party administrator. He alerted me to a substance use recovery grant from the BWC. I’m going to look into seeing if it would be beneficial to the village. It’s for up to $1,500 a year in reimbursements.
- Council Member Hilliard asked if the Boy Scouts had received their money for working at the recycling center. Clerk King thinks she missed it and will look back and take care of anything that is owed.
VILLAGE SPEAKS (Communications received by Council Members from Village Residents):
- Council Member Schwab received a thank you for Council from Bobby Thomas for getting the property next to his mother’s house cleaned up.
- Paul Codispoti is requesting stop signs at the intersection of 6th St. and McKinley Ave. to slow traffic. The Mayor will speak to the Police to have more traffic monitoring.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
- Mayor Hawk and VA Miller met with the Officers of the Fire Department. Mayor Hawk is looking to have better communications with the Fire Department.
- None.
- None.
OLD or NEW BUSINESS:Council Rules require a two-week waiting period before any expenditure of funds unless determined an emergency.
COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to go into executive session for the purpose of considering personnel matters as it relates to consideration of an investigation/complaint against a public official. The vote: All yes.
Council, Solicitor, VA, and Clerk-Treasurer left the room at 7:57 pm and returned at 8:10 pm.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to exit executive session at 8:10 pm. The vote: All yes. No action was taken.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHWAB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to permit the Fire Department to close the 100 block of 2nd Street for the 2022 Firemen’s Festival. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to purchase Christmas decorations for the newly installed light poles at a cost of $8,422 plus shipping from Parks and Grounds Capital Outlay. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LONG and motion carried to write-off $5,497.54 in utility charges from 2005-2016 including bankruptcies and other uncollectible charges and have them removed from the utility system. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to donate $250 to the Grace Church’s mission from the Parks and Grounds Fund. The vote: All yes. Mayor Hawk reported that they did an excellent job.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to sponsor one Fairless student to Boy’s State through the American Legion at a cost not to exceed $325 from the Recreation Fund. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Godwin brought up the Pierce Ladder Truck training. Council Member Hilliard would like to hear more from the Chief before moving on this. He wants to make sure there is going to be more than 3 people attending the training.
Ray Heitger asked that the Recreation Board have reservations for the Community Room on Nov. 26 for the Children’s Christmas Party.
COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to adjourn at 8:23 pm. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Charles Hawk, Mayor