May 20, 2019 - Meeting Minutes
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Mike Schwab presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Asst. Clerk-Treasurer
Joyce Cunningham followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Schwab, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Dave Godwin, Council Member
Chuck Hawk, Council Member Andrew Hess, Council Member
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member Sydney Radich, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Joyce Cunningham, Asst. Clerk-Treasurer
Mayor Mike Schwab asked if there were any additions or deletions to the May 6, 2019 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to accept the minutes as presented. The vote: All yes
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 81,716.77. The vote: All yes.
Ray Heitger, Police Chief Keith Creter were in attendance.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
ORDINANCE 40-2019: An Ordinance Authorizing the Amendment of Chapter 93 with the Addition of 93.255 Duty to Install Sidewalks was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD brought up that this is a good addition and definitely needs done.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pass the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 41-2019: An Ordinance Amending the Village Zoning Code Ord. 30-1974 with the Modification of the Maximum Building Height permitted in a B-1 General Retail – Office Zoning District was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD asked if a structure can be built larger. VA Miller stated yes it can, if they can go through zoning to get a variance.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to pass the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 42-2019: An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Zoning Code Ord. 30-1974 with the addition of Agricultural Zoning District was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to pass the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
Second Reading: A Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of a Employee Military Leave Policy (4.08) and adding to the Employee Handbook.
First Reading: A Resolution Authorizing to make application to the OPWC for Funding a Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project.
First Reading: A Resolution Authorizing to make application to CDBG for funding a Jefferson Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project.
First Reading: A Resolution Amending the Addition of Screening & Buffering Regulations to the Village Zoning Code #30-1994.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD Military Leave Policy is that standard, paying the difference from service pay and what they earn as a village employee. The pay is the difference between the two.
Fire Department: Chief Colucy (Absent)
1. Village Income Tax to fund Fire operations on May 7th Primary Ballot was approved by
Brewster voters.
- Liability Insurance Rider for Firemen’s Festival has been obtained by Fire Association.
- RED Center – 280 calls thru April 30th, 254 calls in same period in 2018.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN stated he would like to applaud everyone who helped get this levy passed.
Police Department: Chief Creter
- Chief Creter talked about the streets that will be shut down for the festival. They are the
same as last year. Streets will be shut down for the car show & parade Thursday-May 30th
6 to 8 PM. Signs to be put up.
- Memorial Day – Shut down the Recycle/Waste site. Talked about putting the dumpsters
inside the fence.
- Blood Drive at the Wandle House, sponsored by the Railroad on Thursday, May 30th. Will be
able to help get people across the streets.
4. Council Member Godwin asked the Chief if golf carts or side by sides are allowed on the
streets. Chief Creter’s response was not at this time.
5. Chief Creter said the end of the school year the Student Ride will take place this Wednesday.
Solicitor John Anthony spoke on the subject of the process of passing an ordinance for a Land Reutilization Program. He feels that this is a good program. This gives the Village and Council discretion on adopting legislation to participate in land reutilization, acquiring abandon land or foreclosed properties in the village, through a community development program. Stark County in the past few years has created a Land Bank. Adoption of an ordinance would work with a Land Bank and in many cases properties can be used to create green space or saleable property. Acquiring some of these properties can be a useful tool. (VA Miller has more information in his section of tonight’s meeting on this subject).
Another comment made by Solicitor John Anthony was on Amish buggies. There are only 2 major requirements. They are to have visible white lights after dark, and a triangle to be displayed on the back. If those exist, they are not violating the law.
Solicitor John Anthony spoke on pending Legislation. HB 166 State Operating Budget. State Tax Changes. Looking to get local government funding to go back to the municipalities. Urging us to contact State Senators to educate them to restore local government funding. He would like to pass a resolution to restore local Government Funding. To bring it back to the level it once was.
Dan Mueller, Brewster native and Author of “Changing Collars: Lessons in Transitioning from Blue Collar Roots to White Collar Success” will be at Dover Library on May 30th at 6:30 PM
Council Member Godwin asked if there could be a Resolution written up for Mr. Dan Mueller
Council Member Godwin noted that beginning June 16th The Football Team will be selling a discount card called a Card Blast for $ 10.00
VA Miller stated that the resident at 435 Wabash Ave. is trying to get Columbia Gas to restore his property after work done there
Administrator’s report for period 5/7/2019 thru 5/20/2019:
- NSF Payment Policy. Utility Billing has had some problems recently with checks and/or payments being denied or reversed because of NSF. In response, I drafted a NSF Payment Policy, which has been reviewed by Utility Billing, Kris King, and the Mayor. I then asked John Anthony if this was a policy that could be administratively adopted - he indicated that it could. So, the NSF Payment Policy was put into effect May 9th, 2019.
- Advertising to Fill Vacancy. As I made Council aware, I am in the process of advertising for the position of Village Technician. We need to fill a vacancy created by the Utility Technician in the Water Department taking a position with a neighboring City. There have been discussions about filling the vacancy involving the Mayor, Water Superintendent Mike Maybaugh, Street Superintendent Rick Patterson, and other employees.
The advertisement seeks an applicant who either fits the needs of the Street Department or potentially has an OEPA Water Supply Class I or II Certificate to fast track that individual in the Water Department. Our preference is to allow our current Village Technician to “transfer” to the Water Department, as our philosophy has been “promoting” from within the Village first. However, we are maintaining flexibility in the event that we receive an application(s) from an individual(s) who already possess an OEPA Water Supply Class I or II Certificate so that we have “coverage” in the Water Department sooner rather than later. As a reminder, it takes approximately two (2) years’ experience in the Water Department in addition to passing the EPA test to get the Class 1 Water Supply License, and then an additional approximate two (2) years’ experience in the Water Department in addition to passing the EPA test to get the Class 2 Water Supply License.
- Employee Recognition. Two (2) employees were recognized and given a $100 reward for suggestions: One for a suggestion that saved the Village money and another that improved the quality of Village services. The Mayor and I are still working out a methodology to reward employees who go above and beyond their normal job duties to obtain grants.
- Employee Handbook Policy. I have previously discussed the need for the Village to have a formal Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in place for its employees. An EAP is a confidential service. I have forwarded to Council an EAP proposal from Life Services EAP, who provides the EAP to Stark County.
One of the issues an EAP deals with is substance issues (alcohol or drugs), both in the event an employee comes forward to seek assistance and in the event there is a positive test as a result of a random test (in which case there is also the need for a Substance Abuse Professional (quoted as a separate service). An EAP also can help employees deal with work-life stressors, family issues, financial concerns, relationship problems, and legal concerns.
The EAP proposal I have forwarded to Council also establishes up front, prior to a need, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) services (quoted as a separate service) where employees have a need after an incident to deal with the physical or psychological symptoms that are generally associated with trauma exposure (an example is the fatality at W&LE a couple of years ago).
The Village last had an EAP in place with Jefferson Health Plan. I have been told that there is no EAP available through the Stark County Council of Government.
The proposal from Life Services EAP I forwarded to Council will cost $3,600 per year ($300 per month) and would cover all full-time employees, as well as our part-time employees such as part-time police officers and part-time (volunteer) firefighters.
I have also drafted an EAP Policy, which I previously forwarded to Council that incorporates the proposal from LifeServices EAP.
I am requesting that Council create legislation to authorize entering in contract with LifeServices EAP for the provision of employee assistance services as set forth in the proposal.
I am also requesting that Council adopt 5.08Employee Assistance Program Policy and make it part of the codified ordinances in Chapter 38 EMPLOYEE REGULATIONS of our Codified Ordinances, and add it to our Employee Handbook.
- Sanitary Sewer – Jefferson Ave Project. As I also related, we have been having a great deal of discussion internally about the potential cost of the project. What we tentatively agreed upon as the best approach is to split the project up in to two (2) phases. The engineering is nearly complete if we proceed just on the first phase. Additional design, testing, time, and potentially money is required to complete the second phase from 5th Street and Jefferson to 4th Street portion. Little is needed to make an adjustment to the portion from 5th Street and Jefferson to the old pump station. By separating the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project into two (2) phases, we can have an initial project with a more predictable cost and lower contingency (10% versus 30%) for the first phase, where we have an identified problem with subsidence and infiltration.
Splitting the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project is a change in scope of our original agreement with Hazen & Sawyer, we have asked for them to provide us with a cost to split the project up and provide the Village with two (2) sets of bid ready plans.
Hazen & Sawyer has submitted a proposed cost for the portion from 5th Street and Jefferson to the old pump station in the amount of $5,900 to:
- complete additional engineering to modify the sewers horizontal alignment and profile to pick up existing sewer at 5th and Jefferson,
- relocate manholeat 5th and Jefferson,
- modify specifications and front end documents to remove replacement of sewer line north of 5th Street to 4th Street.
In addition,Hazen & Sawyer has submitted a proposed cost fordrilling, clearing (if required), and engineering analysis and reporting for the portion of the project to replace the sewer line north of 5th Street to 4th Street in an amount not to exceed $8,900. This is to determine whether (and how deep) installation of piers are required to support the sanitary line and manholes in that portion. Piers are required because the soil won’t support the weight, and would have to be drilled in until they reach bedrock or soil that will support the weight. The current supply and construction estimate for the piers is an additional $120,000 (best case) to $200,000 (worst case).
Finally, once the drilling and analysis complete to establish theactual size and depth of piers for the replacement of the sewer line between 5th and 4th Street, Hazen & Sawyer has submitted a proposed cost in the amount of $6,700 to:
- complete additional engineering, and
- re-profile sewer from 4th to 5th Street, and
- to identify necessary support piers and details, and
- produce specifications and/or modification for the replacement of the sewer line between 5th and 4th Street as separate bid.
As I previously indicated, splitting the project will reduce the first phase of the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project (5th Street and Jefferson to the old pump station) closer to $640,000. That amount will be easier to seek grants (i.e. OPWC and CDBG) than potentially nearly twice that amount. In addition, we can have bid ready plans much more quickly, and having completed plans will get the Village additional points from OPWC if/when this project is turned in for funding.
I am suggesting that the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project Phase 1 project be turned into OPWC for funding at the next round, for which Council has legislation. The deadline for the next round is likely September of 2019.
This approach is more fiscally responsible, as we have not yet completed the Wastewater Rate Study.
I plan to proceed with this approach unless Council objects. I will keep Council informed.
- Spring Clean-Up. A reminder thatthis year’s annual Spring clean-up was held Saturday May 18th on the north side and Monday May 20th on the south side. The amount of the contract with Miller’s is $5,300.
- SRTS – Funding Application. We are still awaiting word on the status of the Village’s application for SRTS Funding after our meeting with the committee on Monday April 22nd. I will keep Council informed of our status.
- OPWC Grant – East Main Street Paving & Rehabilitation Project. Thrasher continues to work to complete bid plans and bid specifications for the East Main Paving and Rehabilitation Project.
- OPWC Grant - 7th Street Project. At this point, the best case scenario for the timeline going forward is now:
- Street Department completes storm sewer work
- Water Department completes replacement of existing water line.
- Central Allied completes curb and gutter work
- Fairless begins and completes the hauling required for installation of a new turf football field
- Stark County Engineer begins and completes replacement of their culvert by the levee (note: they plan to have 7th shut down to all but local traffic, and detour all other traffic down Route 62 to Route 93)
- Stark County Sanitary Engineer completes extension of the sanitary sewer. (new addition)
- US Army Corps of Engineers begins and completes repairs to the levee gate while Stark County Engineer had 7th Street shut down.
- Before the detour is removed, Superior Paving begins and completes repairs to 7th Street, and then begins and completes milling and paving.
I am in contact with all the entities to try to make the scheduling (staging) come together
- Efficiency Smart – LED Light Bulbs. Standard and dimmable specialty LED lightbulbs are available for a limited time for $0.99 each at Belloni Foods. Discount pricing courtesy of Efficiency Smart and Brewster Municipal Electric. Questions? Call Efficiency Smart at 877-889-3777 or visit for more information.
- 2019 Paving Project. OHM Engineering continues to work on completing our 2019 paving specifications. We should be out to bid shortly. Bid opening June 21, 2019
- Electric –Substation Upgrade/Expansion. To keep our steps in perspective, the following is a listing/timeline for our remaining actions needed to keep the Substation Upgrade/Expansion Project on schedule:
Demolition: The Electric Department and Sanitary Sewer Department have almost completed demolition and filling the abandoned equipment from the old pump stations at the substation site. That work has been completed.
Site Preparation: The pine trees that are on the Village easement have been removed so that the area can be prepared for the Substation upgrade/Expansion. We plan to utilize grindings from the 7th Street project as a base prior to bringing gravel in.
Rate Study: Complete.
Project Estimate: The project estimate (including engineering and construction oversight) has been reduced to $2,612,126.
Equipment Bidding: Complete. GPD is finalizing contracts.
Construction Bidding Plan:
- GPD finalizing for advertisement
- Early June or after – open bids for construction for Substation Project
- Late July or after – Council awards contract for construction for Substation Project
Financing Plan: Based on what GPD has provided, our plan is to wait to finalize the paperwork on the Line of Credit with AMP until July or August, at that time we need to make our first drawdown.
The costs for engineering have already been encumbered, so there is no need to borrow for that expense.
In addition, AMP has to draw down in $100,000 increments, so it doesn’t make sense to borrow $100,000 in May and pay interest on that amount, even though we only need $37,000. So, we plan to pay that cost out of our capital funds and reimburse the fund at a later date (if necessary).
I will continue to keep Council informed as to developments. Please feel free, as always, to contact me if you have any questions or need me to obtain any additional information.
- Storm Sewers - General. The Street Department has done and will continue to do storm sewer work on 7th Street from the County culvert near the levee to Amherst, on East Main Street between Cleveland and Park Drive, and on Tuscarawas.
- Water – 2019 Water Line Replacement. The Water Department, with assistance from the Street Department and Electric Department, initiated work on the water line that runs from 7th Street to the High School. We are installing a new to replace the existing water line, and abandoning the old line in place. The vast majority of the line is installed. The final connection at 7th Street will occur when 7th is shut-down or restricted to traffic during summer construction.
- Zoning Variance Applications. Last month two (2) zoning variance applications were filed:
- Consumers National Bank for an additional sign on the building facing north, and for a message sign in the same location (partial right-of-way) that Huntington had their “pillar” sign
- Ronald Kaser at 566 Amherst for a variance from the 15 foot setback from a residence for a carport (12” by 21”)
The Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting has been set for Thursday May 23rd at 7:00 pm.
- Land Reutilization Legislation. I have been reviewing tax delinquent properties in the Village of Brewster. We have dozens of delinquent parcels. There is an ability for Brewster to adopt legislation to participate in land reutilization (at minimum get a list of “abandoned” [tax delinquent] properties that could be considered for tax/Sheriff’s sale and have first crack) via Ohio Revised Code Chapter 5722: LAND REUTILIZATION PROGRAM. I am suggesting that the Village pass an ordinance pursuant to the authority of Ohio Revised Code 5722.02 (attached) to participate in the Land Reutilization process.
Stark County describes its Land Reutilization Program as follows:
The Stark County Land Reutilization Corporation (Land Bank) can acquire foreclosed properties held by banks, by government-sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or by federal and state agencies. It will acquire real estate lost to tax foreclosure and may accept donated properties.
Properties with structures that have potential to be returned to the real estate market may be rehabilitated through SCLRC programs or may be sold to qualified private rehabbers.
Structures being held for rehabilitation will be mothballed responsibly and appropriately maintained. Structures for which there is little hope of rehabilitation will be demolished and the resulting vacant land may be used in any number of ways.
Parcels may be held for assembly and/or used for approved development projects. Land may be used to create public green space for urban agriculture, storm water management, or for other innovative and ecological purposes. In any event, the SCLRC aims to end the unbridled land speculation and flipping of foreclosed properties that has contributed to the current crisis.
I have attached a copy of the ordinance Bolivar passed to participate in the Land Reutilization program in Tuscarawas County as an example.
My thoughts are that by participating the Village gets notice of what property is delinquent, and based on that information there may be property that the Village wishes to acquire through the Land Reutilization process to preserve open space, wetlands, or add to or expand park land.
I look forward to discussing this subject further.
- Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District. It appears that the Sewer District is gearing up for sewer line extension, as they made an OUPS request last week.
The agreement has been executed and forwarded. We are currently working on putting in place the SFE (Single Family Equivalent) portion for billing and the infiltration and inflow allowable percentage for new construction.
- NatureWorks Grant – Bimeler Park Exercise Area. Brewster has submitted its application to become a member of the US Communities/Omnia Partners Cooperative Purchasing Program, and are awaiting approval. Once we receive approval we will be able to purchase the equipment.
We have submitted the Option 2 layout to ODNR and received approval to proceed.
- Trees – Removal. Phase 1 of tree removal is complete. The stumps have been ground, and restoration should occur shortly.In addition, we removed the trees by the substation in preparation for the Expansion/Upgrade Project, and over our culvert on 7th Street SE near Jefferson in preparation for storm sewer work there
An assessment is taking place to determine what sidewalk needs to be replaced due to tree damage.
I am preparing a list of trees to be removed later in the year, so if there are any Council is aware of please forward those to me.
- Safety Training. The Village has again participated in the Annual BWC Canton/Cambridge safety staff Safety Council Challenge in honor of OSHA’s “National Stand-down to Prevent Falls” campaign during the month of May. The State of Ohio’s Safety Councils hold a competition to see which Council can get the highest participation. OSHA promotes its annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in honor of OSHA’s “National Stand-down to Prevent Falls” campaign, to raise awareness and reduce injuries and fatalities. The stand-down encourages employers across the nation to hold events during the workday for topic discussions, safety demonstrations, and trainings in hazard recognition and fall prevention. We held a brief training Thursday May 16th (brief because we already had a full training on Slips, Trips and Falls February 22nd) in conjunction with an employee team building and recognition event pursuant to our 3.16 Employee Recognition Policy.
Council Member Godwin asked it there could be a list provided each week to let council know the status of high grass conditions. VA Miller said that could be done.
Council Member Hilliard asked VA Miller if we are looking for a person with a Class I or Class II Certificate first before promoting within. VA Miller said that is the case.
Council Member Hilliard asked VA Miller if the employees would have to pay for the Employee Assistance Program. He stated that they wouldn’t because it is not health care. Total cost would be $300.00 per month/$3600.00 year. He asked about the Jefferson St. project from 7th St. that crosses the street. Sewer line. Manhole - Jefferson to 5th – there are major sink holes. Needs fixed. Coordinating with Superior Paving this Wed. for the 7th St. project.
Council Member Hilliard wants to know when we will need a variance for the Fire Dept. When the building starts. Plans are being worked on now. Looking at all options.
Council Member Godwin asked about the storage situation of Village Hall. As we always need more storage. This will be looked at by the VA.
Council Member Hilliard asked about the trees at Pinewood & Wabash. They are being looked at by VA Miller. Some issues with the sidewalks there.
Council Member Godwin asked about the sidewalk issues at the 200 block of Main St. VA Miller to take a look at that also.
1. Village Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - May 23rd
- At 7 pm to consider a variance request at 210 Wabash S for the installation of an electronic message sign, and to consider a variance for a two-foot setback request for the installation of an accessory building at 566 Amherst Street
- Specifics covered by VA in his report
2. Village Planning Commission Meeting – May 23rd
- At 7:30 pm to continue consideration of updates to Village Zoning Code
- One topic will be electronic message signs and a general review of the Zoning Code sign regulations
- Mayor will suggest to the Planning Commission that they take a Summer recess and return to reviewing the Village Zoning Code in September; Zoning Board would continue fielding variance requests as needed during June, July, and August
- Update on Fire Fund Revenue/Expenses
- May 17th - Village Clerk advises that the balance in the Fire Fund is at $ 68,176.80 with encumbered funds totaling $ 7235.90 which leaves available funds for Fire expenses which include payroll and operating expenses at $ 60,940.90
4. APPROVED - May Ballot: 0.5% Income Tax for 8 Years for Fire/EMS Operations
- For the Tax – 126 (52.94%) Against the Tax - 112 (47.06%)
- The new income tax will be effective on January 1, 2020 and significant, new funds from the income tax will not be received until late in 2020
- During the morning of May 16th, the Fire Chief, VA, and Mayor met with an Architect to resurrect the discussion for expanding and modifying the existing Fire building
- In the afternoon of May 16th, Fire Chief, VA, and Mayor visited the new Fire building that is being constructed for the Erie Valley Fire District
- We have begun to explore sources of financing as well as sources of grants to supplement the new income tax dollars; new dollars may allow the Village to provide the funding matches generally required by grant sources
- The current approach is to have the Fire Chief, the VA, the Mayor and others provide Council with a proposal for specific use of the new funds beginning with providing Fire and EMS with appropriate facilities and equipment for Fire/EMS operations and Fire/EMS personnel
- Once a specific plan is in place, I would like to have Council and Mayor present the plan to the FD/EMS membership
- Stark Emergency Management Agency – Tabletop Exercise
- Stark EMA will conduct a Tabletop Exercise at Brewster Cheese on Tuesday
- It will involve first responders from the County and the local level
- Brewster PD, FD, and utilities will have representatives in attendance
- Consumers National Bank Grand Opening
- Consumers National Bank – Brewster Branch opened their doors today with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
- Village Clerk has begun transferring Village business accounts to Consumers
- I urge all Village businesses and residents to take a look at Consumers National’s full-service banking abilities
- Welcome to Brewster !!
- Committee Meetings
Council in the past has taken some time during the meetings to go to different departments to see the workings of those departments. Would Council like to do that again?
- Summer project: Painting of Downtown Light Poles and 104 Fire Hydrants
- Quotes will be solicited for the sand blasting and painting of the 24 decorative light poles on Wabash and the Boulevard; funding would be provided by the Electric Improvement Fund
- Quotes will be solicited for the sand blasting and painting of 103 of the 104 fire hydrants within the Village; funding would be provided by the Water and General Funds
9. High Grass in Brewster
Each year during growing season a number of properties in Brewster experience high grass. Chapter 95.21 of the Brewster Codified Ordinances states that when the grass and weeds on a property within Brewster reaches eight (8) inches in height the Village Administrator shall:
- Provide Written Notice to the property owner and tenant with Notice made by the US Post Office utilizing certified mail
- Once receiving Notice, the property owner or tenant has five (5) days to comply
- After the five days a contractor employed by the Village will mow the property to bring it into compliance at a cost of at a rate of $ 75.00 per hour with a minimum charge at $ 75.00
- The property owner will receive one Written Notice per growing season with a Village contractor bringing the property into compliance each successive instance that the grass or weeds reaches eight inches in height.
- At season’s end the property owner will receive a Bill from the Village for all mowing performed by the contractor. If the Bill is not paid by December 31, 2019 the total incurred during 2019 will be assessed to the owner on that property’s taxes.
- A similar approach is also taken with litter, debris, and junk that may accumulate on a property within the Village
- As of May 20th, 11 properties in Brewster have grass exceeding eight inches and are in the process of receiving notice from the Village Administrator. Those that do not comply within the allotted five days will have their property mowed by a contractor and Billed. It is suggested that those that receive Notice call VA Mike Miller at 330-767-3931 to advise of their intent.
FYI - 2019 Paving List – from VA’s communication
Street |
From |
To |
Length |
Width |
Square yards |
Notes |
Elton |
Wabash |
West Corp Limits |
2685 |
20 |
5967 |
Mill 1 inch; 10 foot initial 1-inch course center to improve drainage; Final course 2 inches Funded by Stark County Municipal Road Fund |
Scioto NW |
Harmon |
South Terminus |
1429 |
28 |
4446 |
Mill to depth to remove fabric Partial base repair; Pave minimum 1 ½ Inch Funded by Village Income Tax |
6th St. SW |
Wabash |
McKinley |
525 |
36.5 |
2129 |
Mill to depth to remove fabric; Pave minimum 1 ½” Funded by Village Income Tax |
Bimeler SW |
Wabash |
McKinley |
574 |
18 |
1148 |
Mill & Pave 1 ½ inch Funded by Village Income Tax |
4th St. SW |
Washington |
Lincoln |
590 |
15 |
983 |
Overlay 1 ½ inches Funded by Village Income Tax |
Depot Court |
2nd Street |
South Terminus |
171 |
18 |
513 |
Mill & pave 1 ½ inch Funded by Village Income Tax |
Lake Erie Place |
Alley |
West catch basin |
210 |
13 |
303 |
Mill and pave to reestablish drainage Funded by Village Income Tax |
Seventh Street |
SR 62 |
West Corp Limits |
4718 |
24/29 |
13,062 |
Repair, Mill, Fill, & Pave; Portion of curb & Gutter OPWC Project Funding (49%) Village Income Tax (51%) |
VILLAGE ASST. CLERK-TREASURER: Joyce Cunningham Kris King-vacation
May 20, 2019
Fire Pay for 04/27-05/11/19 $ 3,249.90
We received the final 2018 Yard Waste Host Site Block Grant payment along with additional funding approved 05/03/19 to cover hauling expense exceeding the original amount. The amount was $ 1,678.00.
We received the initial 2019 Yard Waste Host Site Block Grant payment of $ 5,405.00. We have
A remaining balance of $ 5,405.00 that will be paid later this year.
Please review the check register and sign off if there are no questions.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
- Buildings, Parks, and Grounds Committee met tonight.
- June 3rd at 6:30pm – Council of the Whole Meeting to discuss the Welty Cemetery proposal.
May 23rd at 7 pm – Village Zoning Board of Appeals & Village Planning Commission
May 29th -June 1st – Firemen’s Festival; Parade – 7pm on 05/30; Fireworks – 10pm on 05/31
5K race – 7:30 on 05/31; Car Shows – 4 to 7pm on 06/01; Rides & Entertainment Daily
June 17th at 6:45 pm – Public Hearing for Public review of proposed Screening & Buffering
- FD – Donation to defray cost of Festival Fireworks
- Council Committee (11/05): Proposed Trash Aggregation Program; VA provided a revised Draft
for review on January 22, 2019
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to donate $2,500.00 from the General Fund for fireworks for the 2019 Firemen’s festival. The vote: all yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to approve the fire pay of 4/27/19-05/11/19 at a cost of $3,249.90 from the Fire Equipment Fund. The vote: all yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to create legislation to enter in contract with LifeServices (EAP) for provision of an employee assistance services. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to create legislation to adopt 5.08 Employee Assistance Program Policy. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to create legislation to participate in the Stark County Land Reutilization Program. The vote: All yes.
Councilmember Godwin brought up about sharing equipment and manpower with surrounding villages or townships. Is there some potential there? VA Miller will reach out. Will get department heads involved.
Councilmember Fox asked VA Miller about the trash aggregation, if the trash hauler changed days. VA Miller will get in contact with each.
Councilmember Godwin asked about collecting taxes on contract workers within the village. Steve & Kris handle this.
VILLAGE SPEAKS: Communications Received by Council members from Village residents
Ray Heitger gave information about St. Clements Cemetery in Navarre. On Sept. 1st, there will be an increase in costs for the purchase of plots and so forth.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:24PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Cunningham, Asst. Clerk-Treasurer
Mike Schwab, Mayor