February 19, 2019 - Meeting Minutes

FEBRUARY 19, 2019
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Mike Schwab presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer
Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Schwab, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member                           Dave Godwin, Council Member                
Chuck Hawk, Council Member                    Andrew Hess, Council Member                 
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member             Sydney Radich, Council Member                              
John Anthony, Solicitor (excused)                                             Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Mike Schwab asked if there were any additions or deletions to the February 4, 2019 Council meeting minutes.  Councilman Hilliard asked that the minutes reflect that he stated that if Councilpersons’ phones are public records, then the Village should pay for their phones.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the minutes with Councilman Hilliard’s note.  The vote: All yes
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 154,965.61.  The vote: All yes.
Fire Chief Colucy, Ray Heitger, and Anna Crawford from the Independent Newspaper were in attendance.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES:  Titles of each read by Mayor Mike Schwab
ORDINANCE 19-2019:  An Ordinance Authorizing the Modification of the Village Electric Utility Rates was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HAWK to bring the legislation forward for passage.  Councilman Hilliard asked how this ordinance affects the rates.  VA Miller explained that the first three tiers will remain the same.  There will be a reduction in charges for the large power users that use primary metering.  The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) will be replaced by a Power Cost Source Adjustment (PSCA).  This will remove the normal operational costs from the PCA. It will provide a more consistent charge.  Councilman Godwin asked who would benefit from the change in rates.  Shearer’s, W&LE, and Brewster Cheese would receive the reduction in rates and everyone would benefit from the PSCA.  Mayor Schwab mentioned the net metering section of the ordinance.  VA Miller stated this will prevent solar producers from receiving credit for more than the power costs when putting energy back into the system.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HAWK and motion carried to amend the proposed ordinance to have the new rates to be effective on July 1, 2019.  Discussion provided that that effective date would initiate the new rates for July meter readings that would show on the customers’ September bills.  The vote: All yes.
The vote on the amended ordinance: All yes.
Third Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Awarding of Contracts for Major Equipment for the
Southside Substation Upgrade Project (Bid for 8 Items were opened on 02/14/2019).  Mayor Schwab requests Council to table the legislation to allow the engineer to review Bids & make recommendations.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to table the ordinance to allow the engineer to review Bids & make recommendations.  The vote: All yes.
RESOLUTION 20-2019: A Resolution Authorizing Village Officials as Brewster Federal Credit Union Signatories was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.  The vote: All yes.
Second Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Employee 6.19 Nepotism Policy.
Second Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Employee 1.07 Scope of Coverage & Parameters Policy.
Second Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Employee 1.08 Implementation Policy.
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Employee 7.07 Village Telephones Policy.
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Employee 8.07 Investigation of Employee Conduct Policy.
Mayor Intro - First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing Contract for the Seventh Street Improvement & Paving Project.                Council will be asked to consider under Emergency on March 4th.
Mayor Intro – First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing Permanent Appropriations for 2019.
Fire Department: Chief Colucy
January ambulance call receipts total $ 15,370.95.
Scheduled training: J. Hickman and T. Heaton to attend Howell Rescue Auto Extrication in Dayton, May 4th and 5th; Class = $650 each with the Firemen’s Association paying the other attendees’ costs.
Recent training: Water Rescue Class conducted at a pond on Elton Street on Feb. 9th; 12 members are now certified; Three rescue suits and other gear for cold water rescues.  The cost will be between $2,800 and $3,700 if it includes “go bags”.
Application has been made for a $15,000 grant for 24 MARC’s pagers through the State Fire Marshall.
There have been 99 calls to date.  The Chief provided a listing of the average number of calls per year since 2014 he received from RED Center.
Chief Colucy brought up the Income Tax Ballot that has been put on the May ballot.  He stated that he does not think it is right that Council put all the work on the Firemen to get the information on the issue out to the residents.  Councilman Hilliard stated that he felt that the Chief wanted to do it through the Fire Department.  The Chief stated that everyone needs to be onboard in order for this issue to get passed.  He also stated that this issue is not about what the Fire Department wants but that equipment is getting outdated and needs replaced.  Chief Colucy stated that Council needs to help get the information out to the residents.  On a list of needs of the Fire Department, Chief Colucy had $300,000 on the list for equipment.  Councilman Hilliard stated that this needs to be broken down.  Chief Colucy stated this is an estimate and that vendors will not prepare quotes until you are ready to purchase the products.  They will not give you prices.  Councilman Godwin stated that a committee needs to be formed because the election is only two months away.  The information needs to get out to the public quickly.  He asked Council if everyone was on board. 
Councilman Godwin stated Council has permitted the Fire Department to run the department on their own and asked the Chief if they want Council looking into their operations?  He stated that everyone loved the Fire and Police Departments and that no one likes Council.  He stated that Council makes sure the bills are paid.  Mayor Schwab stated he feels that the message needs to come from Council.
Police Department: Chief Keith Creter (excused)
The Department continues to work with Fairless Student Council on a 5k Walk/Run on May 11th on Brewster streets.
Councilman Hilliard would like to see the third electronic speed sign be put back up.  VA Miller would like to see a third one purchased and placed permanently on East 7th inbound.  Councilman Hilliard is not in favor of purchasing anymore electric speed signs.  He feels drivers become complacent to them.  Mayor Schwab thinks they alert the drivers to their speed coming into the Village.
VILLAGE SOLICITOR: John Anthony (excused)
Mayor Schwab stated Solicitor Anthony would be returning from vacation and asked if Council had anything that they would like the Solicitor to address.  Councilman Hilliard would like the Solicitor to research whether Council could receive a phone allowance mid-term instead of waiting until they are re-elected.
American Legion/Andy Codispoti requests that Village sponsor a Fairless student at Buckeye Boys’ State; cost is $ 325.  (Council was provided a copy of the letter).
City of Youngstown invites representatives from Brewster to attend their Tree City USA event on April 23rd, cost is $ 25 per participant and reservation deadline is April 8th.
Donation Request Application: Fairless Youth Baseball & Softball Association (Council was provided a copy).
Recreation Board/Ray Heitger: Request $ 800 budget for the 2019 Easter Egg Hunt (Council was provided a copy).
Administrator’s report for period 2/5/2019 thru 2/19/2019:
  • Electric –Substation Upgrade/Expansion. To keep our steps in perspective, the following is a listing/timeline for our remaining actions needed to keep the Substation Upgrade/Expansion Project on schedule:
     Equipment Bidding:
  • Bids were opened February 14th for equipment for Substation Project. We had 17 bidders.
  • As soon as I get a clean bid tab I will forward it to Council.
  • The apparent low bidders are under the estimate from GPD for the equipment (approximately $300,000 below), but GPD hasn’t reviewed the bids yet.
  • The process from here is that GPD will analyze the bids together with delivery dates and get a recommendation for us to bring to Council.
  • I expect GPD’s recommendation to be ready for our Monday March 4th meeting.
  • At the March 4th meeting, Council can award contracts forequipment for Substation Project (or kill the project) at third reading.
      Construction Bidding Plan:
  • Finalizing Substation Upgrade/Expansion Project Plans and Coordinating with GPD to advertise and receive bids for construction of Substation Project. First advertisement AFTER Council decision to award contract for equipment for Substation Project (or not)
  • Early June or after – open bids for construction for Substation Project
  • Late July or after – Council awards contract for construction for Substation Project
      Electric Rate Study and Rate Adoption Plan:
  • February 19th - Third Reading Electric Rate Ordinance
  • Early as possible – move to new PSCA calculation
  • June or July 1st – new rate structure for 2019 into effect
Financing Plan: We are now looking at being on AMP’s March agenda.
I will continue to keep Council informed as to developments. Please feel free, as always, to contact me if you have any questions or need me to obtain any additional information.
  • OPWC Small Government Grant - 7th Street Improvement & Paving Project.
I am recommending to Council that it award the bid for the 7th Street Improvement & Paving Project to Superior Paving & Materials on the base bid only, in the amount of $180,405.00.
I have previously forwarded a copy of the bid tabulation and recommendation from Engineering Associates. An item was resolved regarding the non-submission of the Non-Collusion Affidavit by Superior Paving & Materials. They have submitted the Affidavit, as after consulting with Solicitor John Anthony, the omission was viewed as an “irregularity”. The Village reserved the right to waive any "irregularities" in the bids.
To recap where we are on 7th Street Improvement & Paving Project, bids were opened at 12:00 Noon on Friday February 1st. We received five (5) bids. The apparent low bidder was/is Superior Paving at $180,405. The construction estimate was $205,000. The current total project estimate, including construction, is $225,500. Our local match to the 7th Street Improvement and Paving Project is $116,025. The OPWC Small Government Grant is $111,475.
We bid alternates for curb & gutter, sidewalk, and handicapped ramps with the 7th Street Improvement and Paving Project. Superior was NOT low on those items. We cannot bundle those items with the base project to determine low bidder because of the OPWC Grant. Installation of curb and gutter on the north side of 7th Street from Park Drive to Amherst, including handicapped ramps, was identified in the Safe Routes to Schools Plan as the new route for a “trail” or sidewalk from “downtown” to Fairless Schools. Going forward with the 7th Street Improvement and Paving Project AND going forward with the curb and gutter would obviously be better to install them now, rather than potentially disturb newly paved portions of 7th Street at a later date. The absolute low bidder on the two (2) most costly items was Central Allied, at $35,700. We continue to review our options on the curb and gutter “bids”.
  • 2019 OPWC Grant Application – East Main. I would like to update Council on the status of our 2019 OPWC Grant Application – East Main Street Paving and Rehabilitation Project. The Village was just outside the cut-off (ranked projects) to be approved for LTIP funding under the District 19 OPWC process. However, the District 19 OPWC Public Works Integrating Committee ranked Brewster’s East Main Street Paving and Rehabilitation Project second on its list for submission to the State of Ohio for Small Government Funding.
The State of Ohio for Small Government program is specific to villages and townships with populations in the unincorporated areas of less than 5,000, and has its own methodology separate from what our District 19 Integrating Committee used to originally score our application. That is the source of funding for the 7th Street Paving Project. A supplemental application process will be required. It is believed that we have a good chance under that process to receive funding. That funding, if successful, won’t be available until July 1, 2019.
The East Main Street Paving and Rehabilitation Project (Main east between Cleveland and Jackson) has a construction estimate of $103,800, plus $2,250 already committed for EA completing plans and bid specifications, for a grand total of $106,050. If successful, the Village share will be $54,086 and OPWC’s share will be $51,964.
As a reminder, the East Main Street Paving and Rehabilitation Project is East Main from Cleveland to Jackson, to include:
  • Paving - most of the actual pavement will be reduced by approximately 3 feet to 4 to 5 feet of pavement, but replaced by 2 ½ foot curb and gutter, slightly narrowing of pavement with installation of curb and gutter on the south side of Main.
  • Narrowing - the elimination of some pavement will offset some of the cost of the curb and gutter and help positively affect speed on Main Street.The final width of pavement and curb and gutter will be the same as the streets such as Scioto and Muskingum – wide enough to support parking on the north side and 25 MPH traffic in the 2 ten-foot travel lanes.
  • Curb and gutter on the south side of Main Street.
While normally the addition of curb and gutter is assessed to the property owner, in this case I have recommended it be part of the project cost because:
  • this portion of Main Street is part of the proposed Safe Routes to Schools pathway and is a recommended safety improvement.
  • the property south of Main between Cleveland and Jackson cannot be built on unless the US Army Corps of Engineers releases them from the existing pondage easement, which is unlikely.
  • as the property south of Main is unbuildable, assessments for “improving” them seems counterintuitive.
  • OPWC - North Water Tower Safety Improvements and Rehabilitation Project. The North Water Tower Safety Improvements and Rehabilitation Project is being closed out.
As Council is aware, the Village received an OPWC grant for the North Water Tower Safety Improvements and Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $104,630 via District 19. The grant was based on the Village paying 51% of the project costs and OPWC Grant paying 49% of the project costs. Dixon Engineering completed their final inspection of the North Water Tower on December 3, 2018. All work in our specifications was completed, and all check list items were completed as well. All that remained was processing payments to the contractor, to Dixon Engineering, and reimbursement to the Village through OPWC for other costs.
Dixon Engineering submitted the final invoice to Brewster in late January from the contractor, L. C. United Painting Company. The documentation for submission of the invoices to OPWC was assembled. Clerk-Treasurer Kris King submitted two (2) separate invoices to OPWC: the first for reimbursement of funds expended by the Village, and the second to make the OPWC share of final payment to L. C. United Painting Company (OPWC is making their 49% share of the invoice for construction directly to L. C. United Painting Company – the Village does not need to pay and be reimbursed).
The final amounts for the project are:


Actual Payment

Original Estimate



Construction & Contingencies




L. C. United Painting Company

Construction Oversight




Dixon Engineering











The North Water Tower Safety Improvements and Rehabilitation Project came in well under budget, most of the savings attributable to the construction bid and the change order coming in well under the estimate. (Original bid for construction was $130,000. Change order for pit filling in the standpipe was $5,360).
  • Street & Water Department – Equipment. For the past number of years, the Village has hired outside firms to do its saw cutting of roads for major projects. Last year on the Chestnut waterline replacement we spent $2,615. In 2016 on the Wabash waterline replacement we spent $2,531.10. We have a couple of storm sewer projects coming up that will also require saw cutting roadway. In addition, our current saw we use for small projects in house has issues as well. Street Superintendent was able to locate a used walk behind “concrete” saw that will accommodate a blade up to 30 inches. It is anEdco Model SS-26-38 K. They are around $15,000.00 new, but we purchased it for $3,750. It has only 300 hours on it. We will also need to buy a blade at this time as well.
  • New Hire – Electric Department. I previously informed Council that Kyle Wade has been hired as a Lineman – Journeyman (Lineman Class A) in the Electric Department, replacing Ryan Swan who was promoted to Electric Superintendent. His official first day of work is Monday February 25, 2019.
  • Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) – Residential. It is that time of year for the CRA Housing Council to meet so that the Village’s annual report can be submitted to the State of Ohio.
One of the requirements for residential tax abatements granted in a CRA is that housing council be appointed. The CRA Housing Council’s is tasked with making an annual inspection of the properties within the community reinvestment area for which an exemption has been granted. We have two (2) properties that an exemption has been granted for:
  • 771 McKinley Ave SW, and
  • 305 2nd St SE.
The annual inspection is to ascertain that the improvements for which the abatement has been granted have been constructed (they have) and are still in use (haven’t burned down etc.)
Ohio Revised Code establishes that the CRA Housing Council is comprised of seven (7) total members. Our CRA Housing Council is comprised of:
  • two members appointed by the Mayor – the Mayor and Jim Spivey (3-year terms effective January 1, 2017)
  • two members appointed by Council - Andrew Hess and Chuck Hawk (2-year terms effective January 1, 2018)
  • one member appointed by the Planning Commission – Ray Heitger (3-year term effective January 1, 2017)
  • two members appointed by a majority of the foregoing members, who shall be residents of the political subdivision – Jerry Layne (3-year term effective January 1, 2017) PLUS one vacancy
I have a meeting of the Brewster CRA Housing Council scheduled on Monday March 19, 2017 at 6:45 pm before Council meeting. The agenda will be for the Housing Council to verify the properties have been inspected and that the abatement should continue or be terminated.
  • Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) – Brewster Dairy. The process for submitting the Village’s annual report for commercial abatements (Brewster Dairy only active commercial abatement) is different than that for residential CRA abatements.
The Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC) is established by Ohio Revised Code 5709.85 and Brewster’s enabling legislation to be made up of:
  • Three representatives appointed by the Board of County Commissioners
  • Two appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of Council
  • The County Auditor (or their designee)
  • A representative from the affected Board of Education in the CRA (Fairless)
The TIRC meeting is set for March 12th at 1:00 pm at Stark County Regional Planning.
  • Employee Handbook Policy. I forwarded a copy of the 1.11 Questions, Suggestions & Ideas Policy. It is the last policy in Chapter 1 of the revised Employee Handbook. It also ties in with 3.16 Employee Recognition Policy.
I am requesting that Council adopt 1.11 Questions, Suggestions & Ideas Policy and make it part of the codified ordinances in Chapter 38 EMPLOYEE REGULATIONS of our Codified Ordinances and add it to our Employee Handbook. 
  • Cooperation with Sugarcreek Township. I have been asked by Sugarcreek Township if their contractor for chip and seal can temporarily store materials for this year’s project in the parking area of Bimeler Park.
  • Mosquito Spraying. I have contacted the Stark County Health Department about using them for mosquito spaying this year. For comparison, a 55-gallon drum of the insecticide will cost the Village approximately $10,000. In addition to that cost, we spray for mosquitos on overtime.
We can contract with the Stark County Health Department for less. The Stark County Health Department charged $33.80 per mile last year. That would be 295 miles. Using a high number of 20 miles of streets, we could have the County spray 15 times before we “break even” with the cost of doing it ourselves.
Councilman Godwin thinks the County only sprays three times a year.  Councilman Fox asked about the pellets in the swamps.  VA Miller stated the Village can still do those.
  • ODNR NatureWorks Grant. We received an executed agreement for the Bimeler Exercise Area Project for round 25 NatureWorks from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). I will be coordinating with the Building, Parks, and Grounds Chair as this project moves forward.
  • Electric Remainder Purchase.  AMP is proceeding with obtaining remainder quotes for 2025 – 2027. AMP should have preliminary prices to the Village by February 15th.
The two (2) of the last three (3) purchases that I have brought to Council have been remainder contracts, which do not obligate the Village to purchase, and have locked in lower rates.  Participation in AMP projects or buying blocks of power require that the power be purchased.
As a reminder, while reviewing our electric rates with Courtney and Associates, it was noted that the market MAY still be favorable to locking in Brewster’s remainder needs beyond 2024 at an attractive price. Brewster has locked in two (2) remainder contracts in the past couple of years: the first remainder contract was from 2017 – 2021 from BP for a net price of $32.91 / MWh. The second remainder contract was from 2022-2024 from Excelon for a net price of $29.47/MWh.
  • MRF - Elton Street west of Wabash. Street Superintendent Rick Patterson and I met with the Stark County Auditor’s Office Friday February 15th to finalize plans for paving Elton Street west of Wabash this summer with Brewster’s MRF allocation of $82,821. An agreement was reached to include Elton Street west of Wabash, how it is to be treated, and that Brewster would enter into a formal agreement similar to what we did in 2017 to have the County Administer the project. I will be getting a copy of the draft agreement to Council in the near future.
VA Miller supplied the following supplemental VA Report:
As Council is aware, our School Travel Plan has been approved by ODOT and is posted on their website (see link below for the final report). This allows Brewster to apply for funds under the Safe Routes to School program.
Brewster has already implemented some of the tasks outlined in the SRTS that was approved by ODOT. For example, a new RFB cross-walk sign was installed on Route 62 at Village expense; the School Speed zone flashers have been updated, and one was relocated, at Village expense; an additional RFB cross-walk sign has been purchased for 7th Street by the Village, that we intend to install once 7th is repaved this summer; an OPWC application to improve Main Street, including crosswalks and curbing (that was identified in the SRTS Plan as necessary for safety for students walking to school) was submitted; and we submitted a MRF application for curb and gutter on a portion of 7th Street, that also was identified in the SRTS Plan as necessary for safety for students walking to school.
The 2019 application period for this round of funding SRTS funding is open now until March 4th. We have been negotiating with Thrasher to “assist” in submitting an application for SRTS funding through ODOT. As Council is aware, Thrasher is the firm which completed the Safe Routes to School Study and Travel Plan. Thrasher has come up with three (3) proposals:
Low level of Assistance - $2,775
Medium Level of assistance - $3,875
High Level of Assistance - $5,038
What that represents is:
The certified cost estimate must be done by a professional engineer, so it is included in each level of assistance.
I would recommend that we apply for the maximum amount under the infrastructure portion of the grant, which is $400,000.
Our local match would be 20%, or $80,000. However, the earliest grant money would be available to the Village if we are successful would be fiscal year 2022 (after July 1, 2022), so we would have time if successful to set money aside over a period of time.
Also, as time is short, I am requesting Council authorize entering into contract with Thrasher Engineering in the amount of $5,038 to prepare and submit a Safe Routes to Schools Application on Brewster’s behalf on an emergency basis.
Councilman Godwin referred to an email he had sent the VA concerning street sweeping.  He had requested that Reilly Sweeping take two separate days to sweep so that cars can be parked on opposite sides of the street.  The VA reported that Reilly will not do two days.  VA Miller has reached out to other communities that have their own equipment but has yet to find someone that will be willing to sweep our streets for a fee.
Councilman Godwin stated that many communities have a video of their community taken from a drone on their website.  He would like to Brewster have one on our website. 
Councilman Godwin also asked when the employees will start using the timeclocks.  Clerk King stated it will be a six to eight-week process to get everything set up.
Councilman Hilliard asked for a list of the 2019 projects.  VA Miller is working on it.
VA Miller reported on the 7th Street Paving Project timing issues.  The County is planning a culvert project in June after school is out.  The high school will be removing the sod and filling it in with stone before they put on the artificial turf.  VA Miller has requested an extension on the start date requirement to the beginning to mid-August to allow these projects to be completed so the new road is not torn up.  Also, the Corp of Engineers is also going to fix the levee gate at some point.  Councilman Godwin asked when the Corp was coming in.  VA Miller replied that their time frame has yet to be determined.  The Corp will take responsibility as quickly as possible.  Councilman Hilliard stated he had a resident offer to give the Village a break on a hotbox and asphalt for 7th Street.
Councilman Hilliard stated the Electric Department gate was open all weekend again and he would like to see the Police Department have an opener.
Councilman Godwin would like dash cams placed in Village vehicles.  VA Miller stated he would put GPS on the vehicles before he would use the cameras.
1.            Brewster Banking Branch:
From Huntington Sr. VP – Corporate Real Estate Director advises:
  • Multiple offers have been made on the building that housed Huntington’s Brewster Branch at 210 Wabash Avenue South
  • Huntington will negotiate a purchase agreement after reviewing those offers
  • Huntington expects to reach a final transaction with a buyer in April of 2019
2.            Stark County Health Department:
A February 11, 2019 email from the County Health Commissioner advises:
  • This last increase in funding from political subdivisions’ contributions was eight years ago
  • Subdivisions' Contributionsfund: Public HealthEmergencies/Issues, Emergency Preparedness andPlanning, Infectious DiseaseControl, TuberculosisControl, Nuisance Complaint Investigations andAbatement, School InspectionProgram, Childhood VaccinationPrograms, Child Fatality Review andRecommendations, Mosquito Control Program, Animal BiteProgram, Environmental Health, and Nursing programs
  • Brewster currently contributes $ 7729.00 annually
  • Proposed is a 2% increase each year in contributions from each political subdivision for 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.  (in 2024 Brewster = $ 8533.00)
  • Health Department asks each political subdivision to approve the 2% increase for Brewster each year in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.
3.            Ambulance Charges Updates     
  • Ohio Billing suggests that the Ambulance fees be adjusted to reflect 2019 industry standards
  • Council has a handout that list current charges adopted in 2017 and those recommended by Ohio Billing
  • I would ask Council to review the recommendations, and if Council desires to make Ohio Billing’s recommended changes amending ordinance 76-2017 would be required
4.            Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Review Update
  • Council may recall that Smart Grid metering for Electric and Water is an integrated system of smart meters, communications networks, and data management systems that enables two-way communication between utilities and customers.
  • AMI will produce data for Electric, Water, and Sewer Billings as well as provide early detection of outages and water interruptions, and provide information such as easy review of water pressures readings when needed
  • To date in 2019 Presentations have been made by AMP, Sensus, and Aclara
  • Each require customer and system data from Village to produce quotes
  • Quotes will have several approaches dependent on range of initial installation services as well as ongoing costs for items such as contracted hosting
5.            Annual Meetings with Village Businesses
  • Village Officials have met with Brewster Cheese and W & LE, and will meet with Shearers Foods, Fairless Schools, and Brewster Parke to touch bases on topics of mutual interest
6.            Pirate Pizza on North Wabash has closed
  • Buddy Emery has decided to retire after operating a restaurant at that location since October of 2004.
  • A letter of appreciation for his years in Brewster and congratulations on retirement was mailed to Buddy
7.            Solar Field Monitoring
  • The NextEra Solar Field on Village property is fully functional and providing electricity to the grid
  • This Solar Field array is rated at a peak production of 1.88 MW in optimum conditions on a bright sunny day at 1 to 2 pm
  • Under a solar power cooperative agreement with American Municipal Power (AMP) Brewster is one of 13 solar array systems located in Delaware, Michigan, Ohio, and Virginia which have a total rated capacity of approximately 36.825 MW 
  • Brewster has a contract under AMP Solar Phase II program to receive up to 4 MW of power from the 13 solar arrays through the AMP agreement
  • The Public may monitor daily energy output of Brewster’s solar field at the following link: http://s44488.mini.alsoenergy.com/Dashboard//2a566973496547334943554b772b71493d
  1. Brewster Cheese Silos - Installation
  • Scheduled to begin delivery and installation of the five silos on February 25th
  • E. Seventh will be closed to traffic by the Village PD during the delivery and installation
  1.            May Ballot Issue – 0.5% Village Income Tax Increase for Village Fire Department
  • The local media and Village residents will be asking about Council’s plans for the revenue that would be received if the 0.5% Municipal Income Tax Issue on the May Ballot is approved
  • Respectfully request that Council formally adopt an expenditure plan for the estimated annual revenue of $ 400,000 that we can share with interested parties           
  • Council Handout based on a 12/10/2018 Council Committee Meeting
Councilman Hilliard asked if McKinley Street would be closed while Brewster Cheese is putting up the silos.  Only the portion of East Seventh Street between Wabash Ave. and McKinley Ave. will be closed.

Kris King
February 19, 2019:
Records Commission meeting request for March 4, 2019 at 6:45 pm.
Fire Pay for 02/03/19-02/16/19 = $ 2,808.16.
The Permanent Appropriations Ordinance has been prepared for your review.
Please take the time to review and sign the check register on the table.
From the OML: HB 54 - LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUND. Sponsored by Rep. Cera (D - Bellaire), and Rep. Rogers (D - Mentor-on-the-Lake), would increase the proportion of state tax revenue allocated to the Local Government Fund from 1.66% to 3.53% beginning July 1, 2019.  In 2018, the Village received $52,738.41.  The increase would result in the Village receiving over $100k per year in the General Fund.
We will be preparing the payroll through Paychex this week.  Work will be continuing on the time and attendance part of the Village payroll project.
Recreation Board: Request for $800 budget for the Easter Egg Hunt.  LaVonne Heitger has requested an annual budget instead of individual requests to help them when scheduling the bands and other events.  The Mayor and I met to go over the expenses over the last couple of years and I would like to propose a $5,000 annual budget for the Recreation Board.  Councilman Hilliard thought this was a great idea.
Fairless Youth Baseball and Softball Association:  Donation request.  The Village has donated $1,000 each year over the past four years.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
Personnel Committee meeting minutes from February 4, 2019.
  • Planning Commission Meeting on March 28th at 7 pm
  • April 15th at 6 pm – Council of the Whole to discuss compensation for Village Clerk’s 2020-24 term of office
  • Fairless Student Council 5K Race – May 11th at 8:30 am on cooperation w/Brewster PD
EXPENDITURE REQUESTS from past Meetings:
Donation Application from Safe Kids Stark County; Village donated $ 250 in 2018
Council Committee (11/05): Proposed Trash Aggregation Program; VA provided a revised Draft for review 01/22/2019.
Tabled at Second Reading: Approve Compensation for Village Clerk-Treasurer Effective April 1, 2020.  A Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for April 15th at 6 pm to review.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SENDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to approve an annual budget of $5,000 for the Recreation Board for community and children’s events.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the February 2nd-16th Fire Pay at a cost of approximately $3,000 from the Fire Fund.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to create legislation approving the adoption of 1.11 Questions, Suggestions & Ideas Policy and make it part of the codified ordinances in Chapter 38 EMPLOYEE REGULATIONS of our Codified Ordinances and add it to our Employee Handbook.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve a donation of $250 to the Stark County Safe Kids Program.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to approve a 2% annual increase for each of the following years: 2020-2024 with the amount in 2024 of $8,533.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to schedule a Fire Safety meeting to create informational material on the Fire Income Tax Ballot Issue on February 26th at 6:00 pm.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to authorize entering into contract with Thrasher Engineering in the amount of $5,038 to prepare and submit a Safe Routes to Schools Application on Brewster’s behalf on an emergency basis.  The vote: All yes.
Councilman Hilliard asked if the cost of the smart meters had been included in the current rate study.  VA Miller stated they were not included in this one but part of requirements for the loan for the substation expansion is an annual rate study in which it will be included.  Councilman Godwin stated he heard there are a lot of bad stuff and headaches with these meters.  VA Miller stated North Canton is currently installing these meters and will watch to see how it goes for them.  VA Miller also stated that the Village could possibly go through AMP or piggyback with another community.
Councilman Hilliard stated that the income tax forms should have gone out by January 31st.
VILLAGE SPEAKS: Communications Received by Council members from Village residents
Ray Heitger discussed the new Recreation Board budget and the Easter Egg Hunt.  Lots of filled eggs and fun for the children.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Mike Schwab, Mayor