June 3, 2019 - Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2019
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Mike Schwab presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer
Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Schwab, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member                           Dave Godwin, Council Member                
Chuck Hawk, Council Member                    Andrew Hess, Council Member                 
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member             Sydney Radich, Council Member              
John Anthony, Solicitor                                  Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael L Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Mike Schwab asked if there were any additions or deletions to the May 20, 2019 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to accept the minutes as presented.  The vote: All yes
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 200,580.25.  The vote: All yes.
Ray Heitger, Fire Chief Chris Colucy, and Police Chief Keith Creter were in attendance.
Alexander Zumbar, Stark County Treasurer and Jim Wallace, Deputy Treasurer were in attendance to promote the Fix-It Funds Home Improvement Program.  This program will provide a 2% reduction on the interest rate of a Stark County homeowner borrowing money through the program for home improvements.  There are only two qualifiers.  The first being the appraised value of the home must be under $250,000.  The second being that the homeowner is current on their real estate taxes.  Loans are available for $5,000 - $50,000 and projects can be combined.  There is no income level threshold.  Treasurer Zumbar asked that a link be added to the Village’s website.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES:  Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
ORDINANCE 43-2019:  An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Employee Military Leave Policy (4.08) and adding it to the Employee Handbook was given third reading.  VA Miller explained that this would pay the difference between an employee’s military pay and their salary from the Village.  This would only cover thirty days.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to pass the legislation as presented.  The vote: All yes.
Second Reading:  A Resolution Authorizing to make application to the OPWC for Funding a Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project.
Second Reading:  A Resolution Authorizing to make application to CDBG for Funding a Jefferson Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project.
Second Reading:  A Resolution Amending the Addition of Screening & Buffering Regulations to the Village Zoning Code #30-1994. (A Public Hearing is scheduled on 06/17/2019 for public review and comment).
First Reading: An Ordinance Adopting a 5.08 Employee Assistance Program Policy and adding it to the Employee Handbook.
First Reading:An Ordinance Authorizing a Contract with LifeServices for an Employee Assistance Program.
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing participation in the Stark County Land Reutilization Program.
RESOLUTION 44-2019: Intro by Mayor: First Reading: A Resolution of Recognition to Brewster Native Daniel Muller (Council Rule #26A - an Informal Resolution of Recognition may be considered at First Reading).
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to pass the legislation as presented.  The vote: All yes.
Councilman Hilliard stated he would like to see the Employee Assistance Program ordinances passed under emergency.  Solicitor Anthony asked under what basis did he feel that they were an emergency.  Councilman Hilliard stated he felt this program is very important and a crisis affecting an employee could happen at any time.  The employees should have immediate access to help.
ORDINANCE 45-2019: An Ordinance Adopting a 5.08 Employee Assistance Program Policy and adding it to the Employee Handbook.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to pass the legislation as presented.  The vote: all yes.
ORDINANCE 46-2019:  An Ordinance Authorizing a Contract with LifeServices for an Employee Assistance Program.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pass the legislation as presented.  The vote: all yes.
A. FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Chief Chris Colucy
1.   Had a successful and entertaining Firemen’s Festival; thanked everyone for their support
2.   May Receipts from EMS services total $12,629.20
3.   Call Summary May 2019; Calls in Brewster = 177, Sugarcreek Township = 68, Tuscarawas Township = 85, other = 18; Totals = 348
4.   Mayor Schwab stated that along with the Chief and the VA, they have been visiting other fire departments and their buildings.  Chief Colucy is hoping to break ground in the spring.
5.   Chief Colucy is asking that the fire department personnel not only be paid by the hour but also per call.  He stated that the department had five calls in a two-hour period.  He feels the responders should be paid for ten hours for the five calls not two hours for the time the calls took.
6.   Chief Colucy stated there were concerns about pool water hauling by the VFD.  He stated that those that receive the pool water make a donation per load of water that is placed in the Firemen’s Association Account.  Councilman Hilliard would like to see a policy put into place and make sure the water is paid for and deposited into the Water Fund.  He doesn’t care about the association getting the donation for hauling but feels the Village should be reimbursed for the cost of the water.
1.   New Officer Alison Rosenberg received the Oath of Office for a Part Time Police Officer on 05/23/19
2.   May Activity Report = 945 calls
  1.  Exploring the purchase of a 2020 Police Cruiser – Handout – he would like to split the cost of the purchase of the vehicle between the Police Car and Equipment Fund and the Police Income Tax Fund.  Councilman Hilliard asked if the purchase was in the budget.  Mayor Schwab stated the replacement of cruisers is usually on a three-year cycle.  The chief is looking at a 2020 Chevy Tahoe Police Interceptor.
4.   Councilman Hilliard asked what would happen if a new car wasn’t purchased this year.  The Chief explained how the department rotates the vehicles to keep the mileage down and that repairs are needed on a couple of the cars that would put them out of service for a while.
  1. The Chief also explained how the department has applied for an overtime grant.  The grant would put another officer on the road for up to 32 hours a week.  A new car would be helpful with this program also.
  1. Report on the status of the annexation application and what to expect – the petition will be filed this week.  This is a rare annexation for the county.  Solicitor Anthony had the petition reviewed by the Prosecutor’s Office as it involves municipal owned property only and anticipates everything to go smoothly with no issues.
  2. Solicitor Anthony met with an Attorney with the Stark Regional Planning Commission about a Land Reutilization Program for the village.
There were none.
Administrator’s report for period 5/21/2019 thru 6/3/2019:
  • AMP Power Supply Regional Conference. I attended the AMP Power Supply Regional Conference in Cuyahoga Falls on Tuesday May 21st. Material was presented that covered:
    • AMP Services and HCI Services
    • Efficiency Smart
    • Energy Market Update 2019
    • Power Supply Update
    • Transmission Costs Update
If anyone on Council would like to review the PowerPoints, let me know.
  • Sanitary Sewer – Jefferson Ave Project. The purchase orders have been opened up to Hazen & Sawyer for the additional design, testing, time, and potentially money is required to complete the second phase from 5th Street and Jefferson to 4th Street portion ($8,900), and for the portion from 5th Street and Jefferson to the old pump station ($5,900) to:
  • complete additional engineering to modify the sewers horizontal alignment and profile to pick up existing sewer at 5th and Jefferson,
  • relocate manhole at 5th and Jefferson,
  • modify specifications and front-end documents to remove replacement of sewer line north of 5th Street to 4th Street.
I am suggesting that the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Project Phase 1 project be turned into OPWC for funding at the next round, for which Council has legislation. The deadline for the next round is likely September of 2019.
  • 7th Street Paving & Rehabilitation Project. I met with Superior Paving on Wednesday May 22nd to go over revised estimated quantities and budget. We are still trying to “dovetail” in the 7th Street Paving & Rehabilitation Project with the Stark County Engineer’s culvert replacement so there is a seamless/continuous shut-down of 7th Street, as opposed to opening and reclosing the road if it is possible.
  • Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District. I met with representatives of the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District on Wednesday May 22nd to go over some of their programs as they might apply to the Village of Brewster. The initial project/program I will be exploring is debris removal from the Sugarcreek east of the bridge on Route 93. There are approximately 4 trees down on this section, which is on Village property, some of which are gathering debris behind them affecting drainage and contributing to potential flooding.
  • SRTS – Funding Application. We are still awaiting word on the status of the Village’s application for SRTS Funding after our meeting with the committee on Monday April 22nd. I will keep Council informed of our status.
  • OPWC Grant – East Main Street Paving & Rehabilitation Project. Thrasher continues to work to complete bid plans and bid specifications for the East Main Paving and Rehabilitation Project.
  • 7th Street Water Line Replacement for Fairless High School. We had 7th Street between Park Drive and Route 62 posted closed Tuesday May 28th between 5:00 am and approximately 5:00 pm. We had the road closure posted at three locations east bound, and appropriately posted for westbound traffic. In addition to the postings, we had an officer on the west side of our work location to keep motorists out of our work zone. We coordinated the closure with Fairless Schools.
We had 7th Street closed so our employees could complete the tie in of 7th Street water line for the High School, beginning on the north side and tying into the new line on the south side of 7th Street. We were completing the installation of a new water line to replace the existing water line and abandoning the old line in place. The task was completed using an employee from the Water Department, two (2) employees from the Wastewater Department, two (2) employees from the Street Department, and two (2) employees from the Electric Department.
We received some criticism because we had “so many people to install a water line”, but we had that many employees, so the project could be completed quickly to allow time for the cement that was poured on top of the ditch and set up without having to keep employees over on overtime. We were able to get everything in place about 15 minutes before the cement truck showed up. We used cement so that we wouldn’t have minimal settlement that would affect our paving project on 7th Street later this summer. We kept 7th Street closed while the cement set up and was reopened just before 5:00 pm.  No overtime incurred.
  • 2019 Paving Project. The 2019 Paving Program has been put out to bid, with the bid opening scheduled for June 21st, 2019.
  • 7th Street Road Closures/Detour. As an FYI there will likely be a number of road closures on 7th Street this summer, for the purposes of:
  • Full or partial closure while the Street Department completes storm sewer work
  • Full or partial closure while Central Allied completes curb and gutter work
  • Full or partial closure while Fairless begins and completes the hauling required for installation of a new turf football field
  • Full closure while Stark County Engineer begins and completes replacement of their culvert by the levee (note: they plan to have 7th shut down to all but local traffic, and detour all other traffic down Route 62 to Route 93), estimated to be approximately two (2) months beginning in June
  • US Army Corps of Engineers begins and completes repairs to the levee gate while Stark County Engineer had 7th Street shut down
  • Possibly before/during the Stark County Engineer closure/detour is removed, Superior Paving would like to begin and complete the repairs to 7th Street, and then begin and complete milling and paving. HOWEVER, it may be a separate closure
  • Possible closure while the Stark County Sanitary Engineer begins extension of the sanitary sewer
I remain in contact with all the entities to try to make the scheduling (staging) come together
  • Efficiency Smart – LED Light Bulbs. Standard and dimmable specialty LED light bulbs are available for a limited time for $0.99 each at Belloni Foods. Discount pricing courtesy of Efficiency Smart and Brewster Municipal Electric. Questions? Call Efficiency Smart at 877-889-3777 or visit www.efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio for more information.
  • Rate Studies. The Mayor and I met with Courtney & Associates on Thursday May 30th to go over preliminary data on their Water Rate and Wastewater Rate Studies. They were seeking input and confirmation of some of the data and expect to have results that can be presented to Council in the near future.
  • Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District and SFEs. As Council is aware, an agreement has been executed between the Village and Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District. In our discussions with Courtney & Associates, they provided us with a number to use for both our residents and users that connect through the Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District in the future. The number of the average residential usage is 4400 gallons per month.
This number (4400 gallons per month) will become what is referred to as a Single-Family Equivalent (SFE), which is used for customers of our wastewater utility to calculate the usage charge portion for billing because those customers do not have a water reading to base the bill off. The customers that have their bill calculated based on SFE will also be responsible for the service charge and capital charge as other customers are.
Council will need to pass legislation to adopt the SFE number of 4400 gallons per month to use for customers who do not also have Village water.
  • Electric –Substation Upgrade/Expansion. To keep our steps in perspective, the following is a listing/timeline for our remaining actions needed to keep the Substation Upgrade/Expansion Project on schedule:
Demolition: The Electric Department and Sanitary Sewer Department have completed demolition and filling the abandoned equipment from the old pump stations at the substation site.
Site Preparation: The pine trees that are on the Village easement have been removed so that the area can be prepared for the Substation upgrade/Expansion. We plan to utilize grindings from the 7th Street project as a base prior to bringing gravel in.
Rate Study: Complete.
Project Estimate: The project estimate (including engineering and construction oversight) has been reduced to $2,612,126.
Equipment Bidding: Complete. GPD is finalizing contracts.
                Construction Bidding Plan:
  • GPD finalizing for advertisement
  • Early August – open bids for construction for Substation Project
  • Late August or after – Council awards contract for construction for Substation Project
  • Begin construction – September or October
Financing Plan: Based on what GPD has provided, our plan is to wait to finalize the paperwork on the Line of Credit with AMP until July or August, at that time we need to make our first drawdown.
The costs for engineering have already been encumbered, so there is no need to borrow for that expense.
In addition, AMP must draw down in $100,000 increments, so it doesn’t make sense to borrow $100,000 in May and pay interest on that amount, even though we only need $37,000. So, we plan to pay that cost out of our capital funds and reimburse the fund at a later date (if necessary).
I will continue to keep Council informed as to developments. Please feel free, as always, to contact me if you have any questions or need me to obtain any additional information.
  • NatureWorks Grant – Bimeler Park Exercise Area. Brewster has been approved to become a member of the US Communities/Omnia Partners Cooperative Purchasing Program. We have subsequently submitted an order for the equipment (and for the poured in place surface where applicable) to GameTime, as soon as I know a projected delivery date, which we will base the construction start date from, I will let Council know.
  • Trees – Removal. An assessment is taking place to determine what sidewalk needs to be replaced due to tree damage.  I am preparing a list of additional trees to be removed, so if there are any Council is aware of please forward those to me.
  • Meters. The Mayor, Electric Department Superintendent, Water Superintendent, and I have been meeting with various meter providers. We met with representatives of Sensus and Core & Main on Thursday May 23rd. Sensus (through Core & Main) has been our source for water meters for some time. But this meeting was specifically regarding potential future purchases of electric meters, with the need to have net metering capabilities starting in July. (Customer with Solar roof top unit putting electric back into our system).  We are also reviewing additional capabilities.
  • Storm Sewers. The Street Department continues to do storm sewer work. Projects remaining to be done are, in order we hope to complete them:
  • 7th Street between Park Drive and Amherst (ahead of 7th Street Paving) – 4-5 catch basins and 590 =/- pipe
  • East Main between Cleveland and Park Drive (ahead of East Main Project) – up to 3 catch basins and up to 460 feet of pipe
As a reminder, storm sewer work already completed includes:
  • Scioto – 2 catch basins and approximately 380 feet of pipe
  • Church – 3 catch basins and approximately 185 feet of pipe
  • 7th Street between the culvert and Park Drive (ahead of 7th Street Paving) – 2 catch basins and approximately 460 feet of pipe
  • Wastewater – Pump Station Relocation. Superintendent Dan Klein coordinated the submission of the final paperwork to get the new pump station to receive its “Project Performance Certification” confirming that the facilities are in compliance with the applicable performance standards cited in EPA’s letter to the Village dated November 13, 2013.  It is vital because it indicates that Brewster has satisfactorily fulfilled the requirements referenced in our WPCLF Loan Agreement.
  • Zoning Variance Applications. As an FYI, the Zoning Board of Appeals approved both requests for variances at its meeting held Thursday May 23rd at 7:00 pm.
  1. Consumers National Bank for an additional sign on the building facing north, and for a message sign in the same location (partial right-of-way) that Huntington had their “pillar” sign
  2. Ronald Kaser at 566 Amherst for a variance from the 15-foot setback from a residence for a carport (12” by 21”)
Councilman Hilliard asked why we are only paying the seasonal gentleman $11 per hour.  VA Miller stated that is in the ordinance passed by council.  Councilman Hilliard suggested looking into raising it to get more people interested in the position.
Councilman Hilliard doesn’t see any reason for people to get worked up over the swimming pool water policy.  The policy can be written to reflect how it is currently being done except the cost of the water is to go to the Village not the association.
Councilman Hilliard suggested getting the soccer nets cleaned up around before they get swallowed by the weeds.
Councilman Hess asked about the new poles on 7th Street.  VA Miller stated they were put up by First Energy for during the culvert replacement.
1.            Village Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - May 23rd (Council copy of Minutes)
  • Zoning Board approved variance requests at 210 Wabash S. for (1) the addition of a second (on the north building wall) and third sign (at the northwest corner of the lot) of the property, (2) that the 10’ wide x 2’ 3” high cabinet sign on the west building wall may be illuminated, (3) that the 8’ wide X 9’ high cabinet sign on the northwest corner may be an electronic message sign, (4) that the cabinet sign on the northwest corner may be exceed 50 square feet in size being at 8’ wide X 9’ high (72 square feet) and (5) that the cabinet sign on the northwest corner may be positioned two feet into the established Wabash right-of-way for the installation of an electronic message sign.
  • Zoning Board approved a variance request for a two-foot setback of an accessory building from the principal building for construction at 566 Amherst Street
2.            Village Planning Commission Meeting – May 23rd (Council copy of Minutes)
  • Planning Commission took no actions resulting in a recommendation to Village Council
  • Planning Commission scheduled their next meeting to continue a review of the Village Zoning Code for September 19, 2019; electronic message signs will most likely be a future topic
  1. Stark Emergency Management Agency – Tabletop Exercise
  • Stark EMA conducted a Tabletop Exercise at Brewster Cheese on May 21st
  • It was well attended by first responders from the County and from the local level
  • Brewster Cheese, W & LE, and Fairless Schools had representatives in attendance
  • Brewster PD, FD, and utilities had representatives in attendance
  • Found that resources are available to assist, but the immediate contact to advise of an emergency to local residents and businesses needs some work
4.            Stark County Housing Rehabilitation Program – Administered by Stark Regional Planning
  • Eligibility: Qualified Low to Moderate Income residents who need financial help w/home repairs
  • Council copy of Stark County Housing Rehabilitation brochure; brochures in Utility Office and Village Hall entrance and information will be available on Brewster Facebook & internet pages
  • Four Available Programs:
          1. Full Rehab Program provides a onetime only grant and 0% interest loan for qualified owner
          occupants of single-family homes to rehabilitate their homes. Work can include electric,
          plumbing, roofs, windows, furnaces, siding, flooring, wall repairs, etc. General home remodeling
          does not qualify and projects may range up to $25,000 depending upon qualifications.   There is 12-18 months waiting list
          2. Accessibility Program is a one-time accessibility grant of up to $20,000 to owner occupants of single-family homes for qualified individuals with a permanent physical disability, that limits access to or limits the use of their house.  Work can include the alteration of architectural barriers, such as the installation of wheelchair ramps, doorway alterations, bathroom accessibility, and stair lifts. 
          3. Emergency Grant/Deferred Loan Program is for owner occupants of single-family homes that may qualify for a onetime only emergency grant of up to $9,000 and 0% interest deferred loan of up to $3,000. Repairs under this program are for emergency situations                that occur or have occurred in the past 3 months and include such things as furnace repairs, water wells, roof repairs, etc. that pose an immediate threat to the health or safety of the occupants.
          4. Sanitary Sewer Connection is for owner occupants of single-family homes that may
          qualify for a one time only 0% interest deferred loan for the connection to the Stark County Sewer System
  1.             Update on Fire Fund Revenue/Expenses
  • June 3rd - Village Clerk advises that the balance in the Fire Fund is at $ 100,321.05 with encumbered funds totaling $ 7,867.52.  
  • To date Revenue = $ 155,053.73 and Expenses = $ 103,147.30
  1.    Update: Fire/EMS Operations Upgrades via new January 1, 2020 0.5% Municipal Income Tax
  • The current approach is to have the Fire Chief, the VA, the Mayor and others provide Council with a proposal for specific use of the new funds beginning with providing Fire and EMS with appropriate facilities and equipment for Fire/EMS operations and Fire/EMS personnel.
  • Very Preliminary Options being explored:   I emphasize that no option has been selected
1.            A proposal to expand and modify the current Fire/EMS building based on contracted architectural drawings from October of 2018; current estimate in $ 1.6 million range
2.            A proposal to purchase the property adjacent to the current Fire/EMS building to permit a new expansion adjacent to the current Fire/EMS building site with little modification to current building.  No current cost estimate $$
3.            A proposal to use the Sturm’s property owned by Brewster to construct a new building that will provide a new facility with additional vehicle storage, a community center/senior center/ meeting room, and other facilities such as showers to supplement the current Fire/EMS building. No current cost estimate $$
4.            A proposal to purchase (or have donated) property in Brewster to construct a new Fire/EMS building which would include a community center/senior center/ meeting room and the needed facilities for vehicle and equipment housing, personnel showers, rest rooms, kitchen, and so forth.  No current cost estimate $$
  1. I would emphasize that there could be other scenarios considered and that no conclusion is close to being decided at this time.
6.            Village officials have visited other recently constructed Fire/EMS facilities and will continue to do so to learn from others, and in like manner will talk with those that construct Fire/EMS buildings to acquire additional insight.  Councilman Hilliard asked where Erie Valley was building their new building.  It is behind where the old Surbey Feed store was located.
7.            We have made initial contacts with institutions and agencies that could be a source of the needed financing, and with the assistance of the State and Federal agencies will research ways to leverage the income tax dollars that will become available to the Village in mid-2020 to find matching external funds or grants to maximize any available resources
8.            Village officials have also reached out to a consultant that could possibly assist the Village in wading through the maze of acquiring State and Federal funds/grants or low interest loans
9.            This will not be a project that will occur in the short term.  At minimum formulating and completing plans, securing financing, bidding and awarding the project, and receiving new income tax revenue provide a realistic target of beginning any construction, any purchase of equipment, or any expansion of service hours to mid to late Summer of 2020.
10.          I would emphasize again that there could be other scenarios and additional components of the above listed options to be considered and that no conclusion is close at this time
  1. VA Miller stated that we may need to use a method that is more cost effective for the engineering of the project
  2.     Would Council have any interest in visiting each of the Village departments this Summer?
June 3, 2019:
May Financial and Year-to-Date Report.
Fire Pay for 05/12/19-05/25/19 = $ 3,134.65.
I have my annual finance officers training in Sandusky June 12th - 15th.  I can be reached by email and phone if there are any issues that require immediate attention.  As president of the Ohio Association of the Public Treasurers Association, my room and board will be covered by the association and the village is only responsible for the registration fee.
I plan to present a resolution of supplemental appropriations in the near future for council’s review.  I have added some line items to add more clarification of money coming in and going out of the individual funds.  There are also adjustments due to different projects.
Fund Transfers: I have recommendations for some changes to Ordinance 03-2017.  I have given Council a copy of these recommendations.
Please review the check register and sign off if there are no questions. 
Councilman Hilliard asked how the new Paychex payroll system was coming along.  I told him it was a nightmare.  We were promised that they would put in the general ledger information and it would be able to be imported into the budgetary system.  That hasn’t happened.  They stated they could handle comp time and on-call pay without a problem.  That hasn’t worked out.  Employees have had so many problems logging in and out and have gone back to timesheets.  They are still charging us tax after numerous attempts to get it stopped and refunded.  I stoke with Government Accounting Solutions, the company we were using, and they said to run a year-to-date after the quarter ends and they can import it into their system if we would like to come back.  I am very disappointed in Paychex.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
1. Councilman Hawk reported on the Council of the Whole Meeting tonight to discuss the Welty Cemetery proposal.  Another meeting is to be scheduled.
2. Public Hearing Minutes from May 20, 2019 – Review of two amendments to Village Zoning Code
Summer Concerts Begin: June 14th - 7 pm until 9:30 pm in Bimeler Park w/Tim Gang
June 17th at 6 pm - Council of the Whole Meeting – Review of a Council Donation Request Policy
June 17th at 6:45 pm – Public Hearing for Public review of proposed Screening & Buffering Regulations
  1. None
  1. Council Committee (11/05): Proposed Trash Aggregation Program; VA provided a revised Draft
        for review on January 22, 2019
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to approve the fire pay of $3,134.65 from the Fire Equipment Fund.  The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HAWK MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to schedule a Council of the Whole meeting to discuss the Welty Cemetery proposal and to invite Buzz Belloni and any other members of the Cemetery Committee that wish to attend.  The vote: All yes.
Councilman Fox asked if VA Miller had spoken to any of the trash haulers about the aggregation program.  VA Miller stated he hasn’t had the time yet.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to create Legislation to set a Single-Family Equivalent (SFE) rate as a Usage Charge for any Village sewer customer without a water meter. The SFE would equal the average Village residential customer’s usage - up to 6000 gallons per month.  Bills would also include the existing Service and Capital charges.  Current average Village residential water customers usage per month is 4,400 gallons.  The vote: All yes.
Councilman Hilliard and Councilman Fox had questions about the 4,400 SFE.  Councilman Fox asked if it would be updated annually.  VA Miller stated it would be updated whenever a rate study was completed.
VILLAGE SPEAKS: Communications Received by Council members from Village residents
Dave Godwin: Rosanne on Main Street was happy that her water bill was corrected after she received a large bill due to a misreading.
No one wished to speak.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:33PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Mike Schwab, Mayor