April 1 ,2019 - Meeting Minutes
APRIL 1, 2019
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Mike Schwab presiding.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer
Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Schwab, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Dave Godwin, Council Member
Chuck Hawk, Council Member Andrew Hess, Council Member
Thomas Hilliard, Council Member Sydney Radich, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Mike Schwab asked if there were any additions or deletions to the March 18, 2019 Council meeting minutes. Councilman Hilliard stated on page 12, the third motion from the bottom of the page was made by him and not Councilman Godwin.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the minutes as amended above. The vote: All yes
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 351,786.29. The vote: All yes.
Fire Chief Colucy, Police Chief Keith Creter, Ray Heitger, and Anna Crawford from the Independent Newspaper were also in attendance.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
ORDINANCE 31-2019: An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Employee 1.11 Questions, Suggestions, & Ideas Policy was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.
ORDINANCE 32-2019: An Ordinance Authorizing a Modification of the Fire Department Fee Schedule was given third reading. Councilman Hilliard asked when this would go into effect. An ordinance goes into effect 30 days after passage.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.
ORDINANCE 33-2019: A Resolution Authorizing a Joint Application with Fairless Schools for a Safe Routes to Schools Travel Plan Development Project was given third reading. This keeps this proposal moving forward. It was suggested that both the school and the village make application for the money.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to pass the legislation as read.
Second Reading: An Ordinance Adopting an Employee Policy 6.18 Political Activity.
First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Submittal of a Petition to the County Commissioners to Annex Parcel #10010433. Councilman Hilliard wanted to make sure that everyone knows this is the Solar Field parcel.
Intro by Mayor – First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing a Stark County and Brewster Sanitary Sewer Agreement to Accept and Treat Sanitary Sewage from Justus Avenue and Keller Avenue area. Councilman Hilliard asked how many of the residents of that area were interested in hooking up. VA Miller explained that if the County provides the access, everyone is required to hook up. Councilman Hilliard asked if a pump station would be needed. VA Miller stated it will be gravity fed. The owners will be assigned a single-family equivalent since we do not have water service in the area which is the same as we do for Village residents that have water wells. Councilman Godwin wanted to know if we would be charging more for households outside the Village limits. VA Miller stated he believed that was illegal but could investigate it. Councilman Hilliard thinks it is a win/win for the Village and wanted to know if we would consider supplying water since we would already be digging trenches. Mayor Schwab stated not at this point. The two services cannot be in the same trench. They have to be 10-feet apart. Councilman Godwin stated he is looking out for the 870 households in the Village. Mayor Schwab stated everyone around this table is looking out for the residents of Brewster.
RESOLUTION 34-2019: Intro by Mayor: First Reading/Emergency: A Resolution Authorizing Participation in ODOT Salt Contracts in the winter of 2019-20 (April 19th is the drop-dead deadline for submittal to ODOT).
Councilman Godwin wanted to know who looks at the comparisons. VA Miller discussed the benefits of bulk purchases. Clerk King stated the Village has a couple of weeks to rescind if the Village feels this is not beneficial to our residents.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HAWK and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to pass the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
Fire Department: Chief Colucy
- Donation Request: Village assistance to offset cost of Fireworks at 2019 Firemen’s Festival
- The 36-Hour training class ($354) for Logan Gainey has been cancelled due to lack of class interest. Chief Colucy stated he may have to take the Firefighter I ($2,125) because most departments are requiring it.
- There have been 208 calls to date.
- Chief Colucy provided a flyer that he intends to pass out in support of the income tax issue to Village residents.
- Councilman Hilliard stated he was cornered by a resident that the tires on two of the trucks need replaced. Mayor Schwab asked that the Chief get quotes and the Chief stated he had quotes for $1,700 per truck.
- Monthly Activity Report.
- We will be pushing “SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING”,along with tip line # 330-767-6600.
- April 14-20, National Dispatch Appreciation Week. Will be sending appreciation letter to the fine dispatching crew at the Red Center.
- Working w/Consumers Bank to establish a Bank Alarm Protocol.
- April 2019 Courts Financial Report prepared by Chief - $55.00.
- Councilman Godwin is happy with the Chief’s report.
- Review of the municipal operation of a Cemetery according to State guidelines per Council question. Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 759 allows municipals to own cemeteries in or out of the corporation limits. The ORC allows a wide latitude for municipalities to acquire a cemetery. The Police Department would have jurisdiction regardless of whether the cemetery was in the corporation limits.
- Review of Village restrictions on pigs housed in a residential area in the Village per VA query. A question of a pig being a service animal was presented to the Village Administrator. Solicitor Anthony stated the Village has an ordinance that prohibit livestock and the American Disability Act (ADA) does not recognize anything but dogs and, in some instances, miniature horses. An emotional disability does not qualify under the ADA. Councilman Hawk asked about the enforcement of this ordinance. Chief of Police would enforce it and the penalty would be $150 per day for violation.
1. Opportunity Knocking - United State Census: Hiring Census Takers – Apply at 2020 census.gov/jobs.
2. Local Emergency Planning Coordinator Doug Wood advises that a Table Top Exercise will be
conducted on May 21 at BX Cheese and will include County and local safety forces coordinators.
- BX American Legion: Thank you for sponsoring a young man for Buckeye Boys State; Brewster has been selected to sponsor Fairless Junior - Jacob Renner.
Administrator’s report for period 3/19/2019 thru 4/1/2019:
- Mosquito Spraying – Stark County Health Department. While the formal contract has not yet been executed, we have accepted a formal proposal from the Stark County Health Department to do six (6) sprayings this summer, between the months of June and September, weather permitting. The cost will be $599.76 per spraying, for a total of $3,598.56 if none of the sprayings are cancelled due to weather conditions. They will also be taking care of placing notices in advance of each spraying.
- Water – Well Cleaning & Rehabilitation. The Water Department solicited three (3) quotes to service (clean & rehabilitate if necessary) two (2) wells for this year. “Servicing” includes at a minimum:
- pulling the pump
- cleaning the well
- inspecting the well
- inspecting and testing the pump
IF during the inspection anything is identified as needing repair or replacement, there would be an additional cost.
The lowest quote was from Moody’s of Dayton at $13,600 per well. We checked a nearby utility who has used Moody’s, and they are not only satisfied but are planning to bring them in in the near future to do more work.
Therefore, I plan to enter into contract with Moody’s of Dayton for well cleaning & rehabilitation at a cost of $13,600 per well, unless there is an objection from Council at Monday April 1st Council Meeting. Again, depending on whether the pumps need repaired, there may be additional cost.
- 2020 US Census. A representative of the 2020 US Census visited March 20th and provided information which I have forwarded to Council and posted in our lobby. They indicated they are hiring for the 2020 Census and have flexible hours available.
- Speed Feedback Sign. One of the items listed as a task/goal in the Safe Routes to Schools Plan is the addition of a permanent sign for westbound traffic on 7th Street at the current north corporate limits. We have periodically placed our portable battery powered speed feedback sign on 7th Street. At this location it helps slow traffic down as it enters the Village corporate limits from 55 MPH to 35 MPH. It will continue to do so even after the corporate limits are hopefully extended in the future. This location is good because it doesn’t distract from the school flashers at the beginning of the school zone.
It can be programed during school hours to flash at 20 MPH, rather than 35 MPH. It is solar powered, so that we do not have to run power lines across 7th. The cost is $2,754 with data collection option, plus the cost of a pole. Our Electric Department will install it. This addresses the concerns and accomplishes a goal established by the SRTS Plan, which was adopted by Council.
We currently have three (3) electric speed feedback signs. The first one we purchased (and only one that we COULD use at this location without setting a pole and running wires across 7th Street) is powered by battery. With the traffic count on 7th Street, which is nearly 2000 vehicles per day) lasts about 2 to 2 ½ days before we have to take it down and recharge it. Chief Creter checked, and it is cost prohibitive to convert this sign to solar. It was the first one we purchased and is by a different manufacturer than the others we have (and the one proposed for purchase).
The other two (2) electric speed feedback signs are set up to be directly powered and are an almost “permanent” feature on North Wabash and South Wabash to slow traffic on the way into the Village. In addition, as I already mentioned, to place one (1) of those signs on 7th Street we would have to set a pole and run wires across 7th Street. Chief Creter indicates that he intends to leave the two (2 direct powered signs on Wabash, for the most part, and to use the battery powered sign on side streets, where the lower traffic count will allow it to be up for a longer period than two (2) days without recharging. The battery powered speed feedback sign is currently just north of 4th Street on Cleveland Ave SW.
We have had a number of visits regarding high speed on 7th Street, requesting that the Village to find a way to slow traffic. A resident has called a number of times to request that the speed sign be put up, because in his opinion it does slow traffic down. This is a tool to slow traffic down entering the Village from Route 62 on 7th Street.
The answer given (plan) on how the Village will slow traffic on 7th Street is:
- the Village will put up a speed sign permanently, and
- the Village will ultimately annex the north side of 7th Street, so the speed limit can be lowered to 35 mph, and
- then the Village will explore to see if additional steps can or need to be taken.
I intend to proceed to implement this portion of the SRTS Plan unless there is an objection from Council.
- Tree City and Arbor Day. The Village of Brewster received Tree City designation for 2019, our 26 year of recognition. I provided a copy of the letter from the Arbor Day Foundation.
A task that needs to be done is an event for Arbor Day. Last year we planted a tree in Sabo Park. National Arbor Day is April 26, 2019.
- Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) – Residential & Brewster Dairy. All the annual reports have been submitted as required to the Ohio Development Services Agency.
- Electric – Annual EIA-861 Report. The annual EIA-861Report to the Energy Information Administration Contractor for the United States Department of Energy has been submitted on behalf of our Electric Department.
- Efficiency Smart – LED Light Bulbs. Standard and dimmable specialty LED lightbulbs are available for a limited time for $0.99 each at Belloni Foods. Discount pricing courtesy of Efficiency Smart and Brewster Municipal Electric. Questions? Call Efficiency Smart at 877-889-3777 or visit www.efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio for more information.
Ø 2019 Paving Program. This year, I intend to advertise and receive bids, rather than use the ODOT Contract as we did last year. In speaking with several vendors, as well as some others, it is the consensus that we should be able to get better prices by putting our own bid out with the amount of paving we have budgeted. To help get lower bids, I would like to get the bid out early and have the completion deadline be the same as the 7th Street Project.
Towards that end, I have reached out to an engineering firm, OHM, who is Massillon’s “engineer”, to prepare bid specifications for the Village for this year, in a format that can be reused in future years as well. Their price is $2,450.
I am requesting that Council authorize me to advertise for and receive bids for the 2019 Paving Program.
The award of a contract will come back to Council for their approval.
- Electric –Substation Upgrade/Expansion. To keep our steps in perspective, the following is a listing/timeline for our remaining actions needed to keep the Substation Upgrade/Expansion Project on schedule:
Equipment Bidding: Complete. GPD is finalizing contracts.
Construction Bidding Plan:
- GPD finalizing for advertisement
- Early June or after – open bids for construction for Substation Project
- Late July or after – Council awards contract for construction for Substation Project
Electric Rate Study and Rate Adoption Plan: Complete.
Financing Plan: We have been approved by AMP for funding.
I will continue to keep Council informed as to developments. Please feel free, as always, to contact me if you have any questions or need me to obtain any additional information.
- ODNR NatureWorks Grant. As Council is aware, the Village was awarded in Round 25 of the NatureWorks grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The Village requested a grant of $36,979 but was awarded a grant of $19,602 - $17,377 less than its request.
Council determined to proceed with the project at a reduced cost based on the difference between the request and award. Council passed legislation limiting the total cost to of the project to $35,000. As I informed Council at that time, that budget will result in less pieces of equipment in the completed project.
On Tuesday March 26th, the Mayor and I met with DWA, who supplied the original equipment layout and prices for the NatureWorks Grant application. Chair of the Building, Parks, and Grounds Committee was unable to attend the meeting with DWA because of his class schedule.
We have a preliminary plan/layout. We are looking to reduce the number of pieces of equipment from nine (9) to four (4), keeping the most expensive pieces of equipment, so it is easier for the Village to add less expensive pieces in the future should we want to expand the exercise area. Also, I plan to switch up two (2) pieces of equipment to handicapped accessible (chest press and lat-pull down) from the original layout. It will add almost $3,000 to the equipment cost, but in my opinion, it is better to get it done right now, rather than to go back and try to change out equipment in the future to make it more handicapped friendly. DWA is going to prepare a couple of proposed layouts, and price them out for us to review.
- Storm Sewer – Scioto. The Street Department completed installing approximately 470 feet of storm sewer line and two (2) new catch basins on Scioto and tied in some drainage from behind the curb into the new storm sewer, ahead of paving, to address a long-time drainage issue. There will be some curb repair that will also take place.
- Stark County and Brewster Sanitary Sewer Agreement. We recently received a proposed agreement from the Stark Metropolitan Sewer District regarding the District constructing sanitary sewers in the Justus area, which I previously provided. It provides that the Village will agree to accept and treat sanitary sewage from Justus Avenue and Keller Avenue Area, and ultimately when the constructed sewers are paid for the Village will accept the sewer lines and take over their maintenance. Also, once complete the Village will maintain the lines and bill anyone connected for their use in the same fashion we bill our residents (same rate).
As Council may recall, there is currently a home located outside the corporate limits on Route 62 that was sold and has no access to sewer (possible failed septic?). Homes in that area have septic systems and wells, on smaller lots, and were identified in the NEFCO (Northeast Ohio Four County Regional Planning and Development Organization) for future sanitary sewers.
The agreement is similar to that the Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District already has in place with Navarre, Canton, Massillon, and Alliance. The Stark County Metropolitan Sewer District will provide the Village with a draft agreement for us to review.
The agreement has been reviewed by our Solicitor and Wastewater Treatment Superintendent and meets their approval. The Mayor has placed an ordinance for first reading on tonight’s agenda.
- Spring Clean-Up. Miller’s has given us a price to do this year’s annual Spring clean-up. The dates agreed to are Saturday May 18th on the north side and Monday May 20th on the south side. That weekend falls between Mother’s Day and Memorial Day Weekends.
Any items have to be at the curb by 8:00 am the day of clean-up, with the condition that no tires, mattresses, box springs, TV’s or building materials would be acceptable.
If Council agrees, we can move forward with the dates listed above.
- 2019 OPWC Grant Application – East Main. The Village received official notification today that it has received a $51,964 grant (full request) for the East Main Paving and Rehabilitation Project from OPWC Small Governments. The Grant Agreement will not be released until after July 1st, 2019.
The construction estimate is $103,800, plus $2,250 committed for completing bid plans and bid specifications, for a grand total of $106,050. The Village share will be $54,086 and OPWC’s share is $51,964.
I met with Thrasher Engineering on Thursday March 28th to negotiate a price to do the bid book and bid specifications for the project, so it can be advertised a soon as possible once the Grant Agreement is received.
As a reminder, the East Main Street Paving and Rehabilitation Project runs from Cleveland to Jackson. The project will include a slight narrowing of pavement with installation of curb and gutter on the south side of Main. The elimination of an average of 4 to 5 feet of pavement offsets the cost of the curb and gutter based on the prices we received last year and this year. While normally the addition of curb and gutter is assessed to the property owner, in this case I would recommended it be part of the project cost. The project includes and/or takes into account:
- Main Street needs paved.
- The property south of Main between Cleveland and Jackson cannot be built on unless the US Army Corps of Engineers releases them from the existing pondage easement, which is unlikely.
- As the property south of Main is unbuildable, assessments for “improving” them seems counterintuitive.
- The actual pavement will be reduced by approximately 3 feet +/- but replaced by 2 ½ foot curb and gutter.
- The final width of pavement and curb and gutter will be the same as the streets such as Scioto and Muskingum – wide enough to support parking on the north side and 25 MPH traffic in the 2 ten-foot travel lanes.
- The curb and gutter and width of the street will encourage slower speed (traffic calming).
- Because of the “narrowing”, approximately 60% of the cost of the curb and gutter is paid for by the savings in asphalt.
- Handicapped ramps at Jefferson and, at a minimum, the SE corner of Cleveland and Main
- This portion of Main Street is part of the proposed Safe Routes to Schools Plan, so we will be accomplishing one (1) of the listed tasks.
As we are fast approaching July 2019, I am requesting Council approve authorization to both execute the Grant Agreement with OPWC and to advertise and receive bids for the East Main Street Paving and Rehabilitation Project.
Councilman Fox asked where the speed limit starts at the south end of town. Chief Creter stated at the Village limits which is even with the last trailer in the trailer park.
Councilman Godwin asked for the number to Stark Metropolitan Housing. He would like to ask them questions about the sewer extension. VA Miller stated his name is Ken Troike and his number is on the website. VA Miller also said that if Councilman Godwin is not going to believe what he says and is going to go around him then why is the Village paying him to be the Village Administrator. Mayor Schwab stated it is best to go through the VA or the County will think that Council is disgruntled. They like to deal with a lead person not have multiple individuals all asking the same questions especially at the State and County levels.
Councilman Godwin would like someone assigned to follow the street sweeper and make sure they are using water. VA Miller will see if someone is not busy that day.
Councilman Hilliard asked the residents along the Safe Routes to School will be assessed for the sidewlks. The VA stated the residents will not be assessed. The sidewalks will run from Park Street to the school and are designed to slow traffic and keep the kids safe. The curbs and gutter on 7th are not going to happen at this time. The handicap ramps are also not going in at this time but the drops for them will be.
Councilman Hilliard asked about the mosquito licenses for the employees that would normally do the spraying. Clerk King stated they had just been renewed for a three-year term. It was stated that was good in case the County spraying didn’t work as well as expected.
Councilman Hilliard would like the Planning Commission to look at the old Sturm’s property. VA Miller stated they were using it as a hold out in case Huntington didn’t sell the property to another bank, so the Village wanted to maintain control of the property. VA Miller suggested letting someone build on the property and lease the land from the Village. He stated there was also the thought of a stand-alone fire station. Councilman Hilliard stated he would like to see something done with the property instead of letting it just be an empty lot.
Councilman Hilliard is against the purchase of another electronic speed light. Too many flashing lights. VA Miller stated it would be put up permanently on Seventh Street facing west. It would alert drivers coming into town to slow down.
Councilman Hilliard stated he was unhappy about the work being started on Scioto. He feels that is one of the least used streets in the Village. VA Miller stated that it was discussed at the Street meeting on March 19th. It is gutter work that will prevent further deterioration of the street. The streets chosen for this year were based on an unbiased outside professional coming in and rating the streets. Councilman Godwin feels there are worse streets out there. VA Miller stated we are no longer just paving over our problems but fixing them before they are paved.
Councilman Godwin would rather see our guys spray for mosquitos. He also would like to see the storm sewer at 2nd and McKinley. He stated that Council talked about running it into the park. VA Miller said that was not a good idea being the park was once a dump and that it would create more sink holes.
VA Miller stated McKinley needs rebuild and will cost about $50,000 a block.
Proclamation: Dr. Edward Hill Day has been proclaimed as April 26, 2019. I would like to suggest that council approve a resolution honoring Dr. Hill as he celebrates his 100th birthday.
Proclamation: Motorcycle Awareness Month is May in Brewster. We ask that all drivers:
“Look Twice for Motorcycles”
1. Update on Fire Fund Revenue/Expenses
- April 1st - Village Clerk advises that the balance in the Fire Fund is at $ 7142.76 with encumbered funds totaling $ 14,740.03 (temporarily a negative balance)
- Fire Levy Real Estate Taxes of an estimated $ 55,000 are expected in second week of April and a portion of a Township contract in late April
- As Council was advised on March 4th a freeze has been declared on any expenditures from the Fire Fund for training and non-emergency repairs or purchases of equipment or vehicles until further notice
2. Update: Welty Cemetery Proposal
- On March 4th Council was advised of a proposal by two members of the Welty Cemetery Board for the Village to assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of Welty Cemetery
- Welty Cemetery is outside of the Village corporation, approximately a mile South of Brewster, and is 5.5 acres in size (originally 2 acres of land with 3.3 new acres added in recent years)
- I met a second time with a member of the Welty Cemetery Board and was advised that the proposal may include that ownership of the Cemetery property and a portion of the Cemetery Board’s current maintenance funds would be transferred to the Village of Brewster
· I would like to create a Special Welty Cemetery Review Committee appointing Chuck Hawk as Chair. The function of the Committee will initially be to meet with members of the Welty Cemetery Board. Councilwoman Radich and Mayor Schwab volunteered to be on this committee
3. Consumers National Bank Update
- Per a March 29th call Senior VP Derrick Williams advises that the purchase of the building on Wabash S has been completed
- He also stated that the Consumer’s Bank staff has the building’s keys and will be getting the Brewster Bank Branch ready for a target of a May opening
- Planning Commission March 28th Meeting Minutes
- Copy of Meeting Minutes
- PC recommends that Council create an A-1: Agricultural Zoning District as provided in draft
- PC recommends that Council modify the maximum height permitted in a B-1 General Retail Office Zoning District from the current 80 feet to 35 feet
- PC recommends that Council create language in Chapter 93 – Streets & Sidewalks in the Village Codified Ordinances to include 93.255 – Duty to Install Sidewalk “It shall be the duty of every owner of a lot or parcel of land situated within the corporate limits of the Village to construct a new sidewalk along the public street, alley, or way adjacent to the owner’s lot or parcel at the time a new building is built on the owner’s lot or parcel of land when there is an existing sidewalk that terminates at either side of the owner’s lot or parcel of land.” Councilman Godwin asked if this included businesses. VA Miller replied yes.
- The above language for the three recommendations is attached to the Minutes provided to Council
- Project Update - Annexation of the Solar Field Property – Parcel #10010433
- Council had a first reading on legislation authorizing the proposed annexation and submittal to the Stark County Commissioners
- The surveying division of GPD engineering is awaiting information from the Office of the Stark County Commissioners and will provide a proposed cost to provide the required annexation documents (plat & legal description) once received
6. Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) – A Quick Review
- A Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) is an arrangement in Ohio where one or more municipalities and a township agree to work together to develop township land for commercial or industrial purposes. The benefit to the municipality is that they get a portion of the taxes levied in the JEDD without having to annex it. The benefits to the township are that it does not lose prime development land, it can still collect property taxes as well as a portion of the income tax collected, and it normally receives water and sewer from the municipality, which it may not otherwise have. (In Brewster’s instance the Village could offer electricity service as well.) To create a JEDD, the municipality and township work together to create a contract. This contract specifies details such as how taxes are levied and shared, annexation prohibitions, and water rates. The communities then vote on the agreement. The issue must pass in each community for the JEDD to be approved.
- Example of a possible scenario: a company has contacted Brewster to relocate its business because of Brewster’s ability to provide the needed infrastructure. Brewster is interested but does not have any available land to make the deal happen. A township that borders Brewster has some available land that could support the prospect’s needs but lacks the requisite infrastructure. What can Brewster do? Brewster can create a JEDD with the Township. This allows the company to relocate its business onto the township’s land while Brewster extends its infrastructure (UTILITIES) in support. Both Brewster & the township now can collect & share equally in the increased income tax revenue brought in by the economic activity the new industry has brought in, such as increases in jobs, consumer spending, or community investment.
- Council member Dave Godwin has expressed an interest in exploring the formation of a JEDD with either or both Tuscarawas Township and Sugar Creek Township
- I would like to appoint Dave Godwin to Chair a Special Brewster JEDD Committee to explore the nuts and bolts of the formation of a JEDD and would suggest that one or two other Council members serve with him on this Committee. (I would caution the Committee that the VA has much on his plate at this time and probably will be unable to assist with exploring this endeavor). Councilman Hawk volunteered to be on this committee.
- Informational Handout for Councilmember Godwin and the Committee to review
7. Village Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Eligibility
- Stark Regional Planning Commission administers several federal and state programs on behalf of the Board of Stark County Commissioners. These include the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and others to benefit low to moderate income families throughout Stark County.
- For some years based on HUD guidelines only a small portion of Brewster south of Seventh & west of Wabash was eligible to apply for these assistance programs
- Through some research it was found that beginning on April 1, 2019 a section of the Village east of Wabash and north of Seventh will be added to this eligibility
- Village will work with Lynn Carlone of Stark RPC to establish when and what assistance may be available under the new guidelines. VA Miller will be exploring if the Jefferson sewer line would be eligible.
8. W & LE Railway Letter of Appreciation concerning the “Brick”
- A Letter from the Mayor’s Office was sent to the W & LE President/CEO Larry Parsons recognizing the improvements made on the exterior of their Home Office building on First St E.
- The four-story structure built in 1910s had the mortar removed & replaced on the building’s brickwork (tuck-pointed)
9. Letter of Congratulations sent to Navarre Mayor and Navarre Village Council
- It was announced on March 29th that Hendrickson USA will bring 100 to 300 jobs to the County Farm property in Navarre and southwest Stark County; this is definitely a win for Navarre and a win for our area
Fire Pay for 03/04/19-03/18/19 = $ 3,858.95.
Fire Pay for 03/04/19-03/18/19 = $ 3,858.95.
I am still spending a great deal of time working on the new payroll system. A couple of departments have gone live and we will be submitting their pay information electronically for next pay. Our sales person has been contacted to look into a quick way for the fire department to clock in.
The check register for this week will not be available until next meeting. The invoice report provided shows all the expenses for this period.
I’ve been approached by multiple residents over the last few years to change the garage sale dates. Would Council like to change the date? I was looking at June 28th & 29th as a suggestion.
An account has been opened at the Brewster Federal Credit Union.
Councilman Hilliard ask what was more important? Tire for the fire truck or fireworks? He wants to hold off on donating anything for the fireworks until after May 1st. He asked the clerk where the fire pay should be paid from. She recommended to pay from the Fire Fund and that it should be replenished by the end of the month.
Councilman Godwin was upset about the tree buffer on Scioto because the residents by Brewster Cheese don’t have a buffer. VA Miller explained the tree buffer on Scioto is on Village property and the Village cannot put a buffer on private property. The VA has been speaking to Brewster Cheese and they have plans for McKinley once the construction is completed.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
- Fire Safety Committee Meeting Minutes from March 18th
- Street, Alley, Curbs, Sidewalks Committee met on Tuesday, March 19 – 2019 Plans
- Village Tree Board met on Tuesday, March 19th – 2019 Plans
4. Public Records Commission Meeting Minutes from March 18; a second meeting should be scheduled Community Reinvestment Area Housing Review Committee Meeting Minutes from March 18th
April 15th at 6 pm – Council of the Whole - Discuss compensation for Village Clerk’s 2020-24 term
April 20th – Recreation Board - Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Noon in Bimeler Park
April 18th at 7 pm – Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting to consider a zoning variance
Fairless Student Council Mothers’ Day 5K Race – May 11th at 8:30 am in cooperation w/Brewster PD
EXPENDITURE REQUESTS from past Meetings:
- None
1. Council Committee (11/05): Proposed Trash Aggregation Program; VA provided a revised Draft for review on January 22, 2019
2. Tabled at Second Reading: Approve Compensation for Village Clerk-Treasurer Effective April 1, 2020 (A Committee meeting is scheduled for April 15th at 6 pm to review)
3. Fairless Linebackers: Purchase of Mulch at $ 4.00/two cubic feet to benefit Football Team training
Councilman Godwin shared a new donation ordinance that reduces what is paid each year. It would require a 501c3 for donations and have a $500 max. He created a formula and is asking Council to review his proposal.
Councilman Godwin is proposing a Council Rule that requires all meeting to be recorded and put on the Records Retention Schedule. He provided a printout to Council.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to pay the Fire Pay out of the Fire Fund. The vote: All yes. Councilman Hawk stated that the Fire Department must be paid.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to schedule a Council of the Whole meeting on June 17th at 6:00pm to discuss an ordinance on donations. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to authorize the Village Administrator to advertise for bids for the paving project. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to schedule a Utility Committee meeting on May 15th at 6:00pm to discuss the sewer extension to Justus. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to create two separate ordinances to amend the Village zoning code to (1) create an Agricultural
Zoning District, and (2) to set a maximum height of a building in a B-1 District at 35 feet. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to schedule a public hearing on May 20th at 6:45pm to review the two Planning Commission zoning amendments. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to create legislation to amend Chapter 93 of the codified ordinances to require new sidewalk in front of a new building where sidewalks are in place on either side of the property. The vote: All yes.
Councilman Hilliard thanked Councilman Hawk for all his work on the Planning Commission. He stated that everything looked great and that things were getting accomplished. Councilman Hawk stated they have had a lot of help from VA Miller and he has been a real asset along with a great group of people that show up for all the meetings.
Mayor Schwab stated that while we are on the subject of the Planning Commission, a long-time member of the Planning Commission passed away last Friday, Tim Gardner. He was no longer on the commission but contributed for many years.
VILLAGE SPEAKS: Communications Received by Council members from Village residents
No one wished to speak.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:59 PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Mike Schwab, Mayor