October 21, 2019 - Meeting Minutes
OCTOBER 21, 2019
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Mike Schwab presiding.
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Mike Schwab, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Dave Godwin, Council Member
Chuck Hawk, Council Member Andrew Hess, Council Member
Tom Hilliard, Council Member Sydney Radich, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Michael L. Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Mike Schwab asked if there were any additions or deletions to the October 7, 2019 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to accept the minutes as presented. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $ 520,542.69. The vote: All yes.
Ray Heitger, 219 East 7th St and member of the Recreation Board wished to make a comment concerning a discussion at the previous committee meeting of taking all donations from the Recreation Fund. He stated with the current balance and the Recreation Board’s current $5,000 budget, there would not be enough money for everything. Councilmen Godwin and Hilliard stated that it will be worked out and the other budget items will be adjusted appropriately to allow the Recreation Board to continue with their activities.
Also in attendance were Fire Chief Chris Colucy, Police Chief Keith Creter, Brett Long, and Joshua Bowen of the Independent newspaper.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
ORDINANCE 77-2019: An Ordinance Authorizing a Modification to Water Utility User Rates and Fees (Based on the consultant’s recommendations; reduce by 10% in 2020, increase 2.75% each year after) was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS to bring the legislation forward for passage. Mayor Schwab suggested an amendment with a handout for review.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HAWK and motion carried to amend the legislation that every three years a water study will be performed in a timely manner to provide Village Council with relevant information to allow them to conduct an informed review of the water rates and the financial stability of the Village water operations. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to pass the legislation as amended. The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 78-2019: An Ordinance for the Addition of Employee Policy 5.13P - Police Uniform Allowance was given third reading. Chief Creter gave his comments in support of the legislation.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to approve the legislation as presented. The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 79-2019: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 95 of the Village Code Ordinances with the Addition 95.06 Unlawful Deposit. Mayor Schwab stated the current regulations (many from 1917) have limited control of what is dumped in the streets. This will permit the Police to enforce rules such as residents not being permitted to blow grass in the street and residents not being permitted to use public trash receptacles for household trash. Dumping chemicals and hazardous materials in the storm sewers would also be forbidden. The Police Department can now issue fines for such offenses.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HAWK and motion carries to approve the legislation as presented. The vote: All yes.
ORDINANCE 80-2019: An Ordinance Amending the Village Code Ordinances with the Addition of Chapter 117 - Solid Waste Hauler Regulations in Village was given third reading. The following items are covered in the ordinance:
- Regulates trash hauler only
- Each hauler must have a Village of Brewster permit
- Proof of insurance will be required
- Prevention of spillage will be required
- Collection will be only Wednesdays – Fridays
- Hours of collection will be prohibited from 11 PM – 6 AM
- Penalties have been established and the Police Department will monitor haulers
How other communities handle trash trucks was discussed.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HAWK and motion carried to pass the legislation as presented. The vote: Godwin, no; Hawk, yes; Hess, yes; Hilliard, no; Radich, yes; Fox, yes. Ordinance passes.
Second Reading – An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of a Purchases Utilizing Federal Funds Policy.
Second Reading – An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of a Federal Grant Record Retention Policy.
Second Reading – An Ordinance Authorizing the Adoption of an Equipment Management Policy.
Second Reading – Authorize the Preparation for and the Advertising for Proposals for
the Sale of a Village 69 kV Electric Transmission Line. Council Member Godwin asked if someone else could come and scoop up the transmission lines other than AMP. VA Miller stated it goes to the highest bidder.
First Reading: An Ordinance Amending Village Zoning Code to Designate Parcel #10010433 as an Agricultural (A-1) Zoning District. (Public Hearing scheduled at 6:45 pm on November 18th).
Intro by Mayor: First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Renewal of Village Participation in AMP Efficiency Smart Program.
Intro by Mayor: First Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Designation of Bimeler Park Field #1 as Terry Fowler Field
Intro by Mayor: First Reading: An Ordinance Amending Village Code of Ordinances to Permit the Substitution of Insurance Coverage for Surety Bonds for Village Officials and Employees. Solicitor Anthony explained it further for Council Member Godwin. Council Member Hilliard asked if it covered Council Members. It covers employees and certain elected officials. It was mentioned bonds are for personnel that handle money.
RESOLUTION 81-2019: Intro by Mayor: First Reading/Emergency: A Resolution to Adopt Stark County Amounts & Rates for 2020 Village Budget and Declaring an Emergency was given first reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three separate reading and bring the legislation forward for passage. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to pass the legislation as presented. The vote: All yes.
Fire Department: Chief Chris Colucy
Calls to date = 676.
Chief Request: Send Firefighters Kyle Hershey & Trevor Heaton to Firefighter I & II Courses (240 hours) at Stark State College for Spring 2020 Semester; cost estimate = $ 2,400 each (Council copy of cost sheet).
Suggest that once the new SCBAs are received and in service that Council consider donating the old SCBAs to an area FD.
The BWC still has about $ 8,000 in a grant money that needs to be used by the first of year. There are only four items that can be purchased and there is a 5:1 match.
The department held a mock disaster that went well at Brewster Parke Nursing Home on September 17th with other local departments. There will be a similar exercises in the future.
Police Department: Chief Keith Creter
New Police Tahoe SUV in service, photo provided. It will be available for Council to check out after the meeting.
Council Member Fox asked how “Fill the Safety Vehicles” went? They collected over two thousand pieces that will be donated to the Fairless Food Cupboard.
VILLAGE SOLICITOR:Attorney John Anthony
August 30th Solicitor Anthony reported on an opioid manufacturer’s lawsuit. This is called a negotiation lawsuit. Brewster is automatically in the lawsuit unless we opt-out by November 22nd. We can separate and file our own lawsuit or just stay in the class lawsuit. You can only get one settlement and not do both. He stated that for all intents and purposes the Village can stay in the class. Summit and Cuyahoga Counties have settled their suit.
The Jefferson Health litigation was presumed to be completed until the State Auditors Office performed an audit. It turns out there is not as much of a deficit as thought.
American Legion: Invitation to Veterans’ Day Dinner on Monday, November 11th at St. Therese Church Hall (Council copy); RSVP no later than October 30th
Council Member Hilliard: “Sights of the Unknown” will be November 2nd at the Wandle House which includes a dinner for $20. There will be a paranormal expert that will provide a presentation.
Council Member Godwin: “Blue Ladle” will be through the 31st which is a competition between Fairless and Tuslaw to collect food.
Administrator’s report for period 9/17/2019 thru 10/7/2019:
- Efficiency Smart – Smart Thermostats. Efficiency Smart will have special Black Friday deals on smart thermostats through the Online Product Store from 11/19 -12/4. A smart thermostat can help reduce heating costs this winter! Get special Black Friday deals on smart thermostats from 11/19- 12/4 through Efficiency Smart’s online product store. Residents can learn about deals on smart thermostats by visiting www.efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio or calling Efficiency Smart at 877-889-3777 for more information.
- Efficiency Smart – Rebates on Heat Pumps. Residents can learn about new rebates on air source and cold climate heat pumps.
There is a$100 Rebate on select air source heat pumps. Air source heat pumps work by absorbing heat from the outside air and transferring it into your home. Modern heat pumps can reduce electricity use for heating by approximately 50% compared to electric resistance heating such as furnaces and baseboard heaters.
There is a $750 rebate on select cold climate heat pumps. Cold climate heat pumps are designed specifically for very cold climates and can efficiently extract heat from air with temperatures far below 0°F. These heat pumps provide a very efficient way to heat homes, lower electric bills and improve comfort.
Residents can learn about new rebates on air source and cold climate heat pumps by visiting www.efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio or calling Efficiency Smart at 877-889-3777 for more information.
- Efficiency Smart – LED Light Bulbs. There are stillstandard and dimmable specialty LED lightbulbs are available for a limited time for $0.99 each at Belloni Foods. Discount pricing courtesy of Efficiency Smart and Brewster Municipal Electric. Questions? Call Efficiency Smart at 877-889-3777 or visit www.efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio for more information.
- Efficiency Smart – LED Street Lighting. I was informed by Efficiency Smart that there were additional funds they had to spend by the end of the year. Based on the past projects that Brewster Electric has successfully completed and received rebates for, they indicated that they would be willing to pay ½ of the cost we have been submitting to add LED street lights. After some additional discussions (how much), they indicated they would pay for ½ of 50 replacement LED Street Lights. That amounts to $10,222. The projected payback on the total investment is 3.8 years and the annual energy reduction is 35,135 kWh.
- Paving Program – 2019. Our paving contractor began work Thursday October 3rd. All our work has been completed (except for painting), which is:
- 7th Street – center repair from Route 62 to Levee Gate, plus paving, striping center lines and edge lines, and berm work. Painting the School Zones and crosswalk at Amherst remains
- Bimeler – between Wabash to McKinley
- 6th Street SW - between Wabash and McKinley
- Lake Erie Alley – between Wabash to McKinley
- Depot Court – 2nd south to alley
- Chestnut – repair of approximately 1200 feet
- Scioto – entire length
- Harmon – Scioto to just past Muskingum
- Church Street – full depth repairs
- Village Streets – Pavement Condition Rating (PCR). We are in the process of obtaining proposals to have a NEW evaluation of the condition of Village streets, as we did in 2016. In 2016 we contracted with Midwest Paving Analysis & Design to rate the streets and to provide a spreadsheet summarizing what their recommended steps were. Council was provided a copy of the spreadsheet, and we have been using it as our guide in determining what streets to pave.
As background to refresh Council’s recollection, the Pavement Condition Rating (PCR) process is a numerical rating between 0 and 100 which is used to indicate the general condition of a pavement. It is widely used. It is used by ODOT. I have attached a copy of the Asphalt Institutes’ version and ODOT’s manual for background in case you wish to get more information. It requires manual survey of the pavement using the PCR standardized system. It takes into account deficiencies in the pavement such as:
- Low ride quality Alligator cracking
- Bleeding Block cracking
- Bumps and sags Corrugations
- Depressions Edge cracking
- Joint reflections Lane/shoulder drop-off
- Patching and utility cut patching
- Polished aggregate Potholes
- Rutting Shoving
- Slippage cracking Swelling
- Weathering and raveling
- Longitudinal and transverse cracking
It requires trained personnel to complete the survey procedure, which is why we are seeking proposals. Once we have an updated PCR for Village streets, we will have an excellent guide to develop a street maintenance and repaving program for the Village.
I will keep Council informed.
- 7th Street – Repair at Levee Gate. The US Army Corps of Engineers has informed me that a contract has been awarded to makes repairs to the sill on levee gate. The company is Brannon Contracting & Maintenance, Inc. of Duncan Falls, Ohio. I have reached out to attempt to coordinate the repair with our paving.
- 7th Street Road Upcoming Closures/Detours. The US Army Corps of Engineers will be scheduling a closure (unknown at this time full width or single lane) for the upcoming repairs to the levee gate.
- 7th Street – Ramps for “Crosswalks”. Work will begin in the near future to installramps at the “crosswalks” at the remaining intersections on 7th Street SE where we installed the curb & gutter, as well as some changes to the two (2) that were installed. The work includes:
- Adding additional concrete to the ramp on the north side of 7th Street at Amherst, to transition to a future Shared Use Path (SUP) running on the north side of 7th Street SE between Amherst and Park Drive. The ramp that was installed is difficult to transition to as it exists.
- Adding additional concrete to the ramp on the south side of 7th Street at Amherst, to transition to a future SUP running on the south side of 7th Street SE and extend the “start” of the SUP out past our catch basins. The ramp that was installed ends at a slope down to Fairless Schools’ fence. These two (2) additions, and the painting of the crosswalk when the 7th Street Paving is finished will complete the new school crosswalk on 7th Street.
- New ramps on both sides on the north side of 7th Street SE at Dartmouth.
Note: the ramp at the northwest corner may be held up while some additional investigation is completed.
- New ramp on the northeast corner of Park Drive and 7th Street.
The total cost is $6,912, which has been encumbered out of the sidewalk fund.
- Safe Routes To Schools. I continue to meet with Thrasher to negotiate scope and price for the Safe Routes To Schools Grant. We are trying to get some “set” hours for tasks reduced from what ODOT normally “requires”.
- 7th Street - Shared Use Path on the North Side 7th Between Park Dr. & Amherst. Work will begin in the near future, weather permitting, to build a Shared Use Path (SUP), similar to what the Stark County Parks installs with a base with a fine limestone topping, on the north side of 7th Street between Park Drive and the ramp at the crosswalk at Amherst.
- Note: As with the ramp at the northwest corner of 7th Street and Dartmouth, the Shared Use Path (SUP) at the northwest corner of 7th and Dartmouth may be held up while some additional investigation is completed.
- NatureWorks Grant – Bimeler Exercise Area. I have compiled the required information to be reimbursed for the Bimeler Active Exercise Area from ODNR (NatureWORKS Grant) in the maximum amount of $19,602 and forwarded it to ODNR. I plan to file the required Notice of Grant at the Stark County Recorder’s Office Friday afternoon and scan a copy and send it to ODNR, as it is the final document required to obtain reimbursement.
- Bimeler Park – Security & Surveillance. Staley has been given the go ahead for the equipment/work to add cameras for additional security in Bimeler Park, both near the concession stand and the western most pavilion near the basketball courts and the new exercise area. The Electric Department has added two (2) additional poles necessary for the enhancements. I will keep Council updated on the progress.
- Bimeler Park – Walking Path Repair. Work is scheduled to begin shortly to repair a portion of the walking path in Bimeler Park that has been disturbed by tree roots by moving the path further north towards the pad for the port-a-potty. It will be down in concrete, and the port-a-potty will be faced away from the path with a walk around to the other side.
- MRF Funding – 2020. We recently received notification that 2020 Municipal Road Funds are available. This is problematic for the Village, in that MRF funds are only available for designated roads. For Brewster, the roads designated as MRF are:
- Elton west from Wabash to the Corporate limit - Paved this year with MRF Funds
- Elton east from Wabash to the Corporate limits – Paved in 2017 with MRF funds
- 7th Street from east corporate limits to west corporate limits – Paved this year with OPWC funds and Village funds
- Route 93 from north to south corporate limits – Scheduled to be paved by ODOT in Spring of 2020
So, based on what is currently designated as MRF within the Village, all our MRF streets have been paved within the past 2 years or will be paved next year.
I am attempting to have Chestnut from Wabash to Muffly designated (added) as an MRF Street. I do not know if I will be successful, but as it was at one time designated as an MRF street and it certainly still needs work, that seems our best option at this time.
- CDBG Application - Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Project. The Village’s application (and 6 copies) for a CDBG Grant for the Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Project was submitted October 16th, 2019. The deadline for submitting the application is November 1st, 2019 at Noon.
Our request is for $441,959 in CDBG funding. Our match will be the engineering we have already encumbered/spent ($74,805) plus construction oversight and advertising ($26,840). The CDBG compliments our application for OPWC funding. The Jefferson Ave Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Project budget breaks down as follows:
$1,065,889 |
$312,378 |
29.3% |
$209.907 |
19.7% |
$441,959 |
41.5% |
$101,649 |
$74,805 expended |
7% |
$26,840 to be expended |
2.5% |
Note: OPWC Loan Request will in long term will also be part of our Local Match, as it will be repaid from Village Funds
$1,065,889 |
$312,378 |
70.8% |
$209.907 |
29.2% |
- OPWC Grant – East Main Street Paving & Rehabilitation Project. The Mayor and I met with Thrasher to get a cost to rebid the project out and to discuss when the best time would be to rebid. The cost to assist the Village in rebidding is $800. They will be getting back to us on when the best time is to re-advertise. I will keep Council up to date.
- Future OPWC Grant – East Main Street between Wabash & Cleveland. I have had discussions with Thrasher about preparing specifications for East Main Street between Wabash & Cleveland a project to apply for OPWC funding in 2020. The Village receives ten (10) points for any application where the plans are complete. This portion of Main Street needs repaved at a minimum, and with the Fire Station Addition Project it is a good time to look at this portion.
Prior to having plans prepared, I have asked Thrasher to prepare different variations/concepts for Main Street with estimated costs, so that Council can review and choose the approach they want to pursue when plans are prepared for East Main Street Rehabilitation Project between Wabash and Cleveland. The cost for preliminary variations/concepts is $2,600. I will be proceeding unless there is an objection.
- Potential Transmission Project. Council will be reviewing a draft RFP for the sale of the Village’s transmission and 69kV assets, as well as a requirement to construct a second diverse feed to our electric substation. The RFP has been prepared by Courtney & Associates, with some information supplied by GPD.
The request for proposals includes the following:
- Sale of the Village’s transmission line from First Energy’s Harmon Substation to the Village’s Substation, at a minimum price of our investment cost less depreciation.
- Sale of the 69kV switches and assets at the substation, again at a minimum price of our investment cost less depreciation. (As some of these assets are going to be constructed/installed between now and May 2020, we may have to phase the transaction).
- Requirement that within a reasonable period of time that the purchaser construct a diverse second feed to our substation (i.e. from feed to west, east, or south that does not directly interconnect with our Harmon feed from First Energy).
- The ability to repurchase the transmission line(s) and other 69kV assets in the event that the purchaser fails to construct the second diverse feed and/or the purchaser divests itself of the transmission line(s) and other 69kV assets for any reason (first option to purchase) at the price paid (and documented cost of construction of the second diverse feed, less depreciation).
- An option for maintenance to be done on the transmission line(s) and other 69kV assets by the Village of Brewster.
- That the purchaser of our transmission line and 69kV assets files to recover all its costs, including the construction costs for the second diverse feed) either through FE’s and/or AEP’s zonal transmission rates (PJM) and not directly assign any of said costs to Brewster.
- That the Village MAY enter into negotiations with the HIGHEST best proposer. (I used lowest in the last VA Report because that is what is normally used in a bid, but because this is a sale it would be HIGHEST, not lowest).
- Even if it enters into negotiations the Village MAY STILL determine to withdraw if the Village feels it is in the best interests of the Village to do so.
To recap, some of the advantages of the proposed Village Transmission Project are:
- to allow for and have constructed a diverse second feed to our substation (i.e. from feed to west, east, or south that does not directly interconnect with our Harmon feed from First Energy) to provide redundancy.
- to have a diverse second feed to our substation without the Village having to pay the cost with Village funds (considerable savings).
- to return a considerable sum to the Electric Department, allowing rate stabilization and/or even rate reduction.
We can discuss the RFP in more detail, but keep in mind that because this is a sale based on value of assets, the assets depreciate on a monthly basis. The sooner we get the RFP out and choose an entity to move forward to negotiate with, the sooner we lock in the value/number the Village will receive.
- Street Lights Out at 7th Street Culvert. The street lights east of the levee over the County culvert on 7th Street since prior to July 8th when the full closure of 7th Street at the culvert immediately east of the levee gate began. It was completely shut down until September while the Stark County Engineer completed replacement of their culvert.
Prior to the County beginning, the Electric Department had to take down the Village electric lines so that the Stark County culvert project could be done safely, both for the safety of the County crew while they worked, and because if the lines had remained energized and were contacted, it would have shut down electric in the Village as well. The culvert sections were lifted into place and contact with our live lines had to be avoided.
Once the County completed the project in early September, we couldn’t immediately schedule the re-erection and re-energization of the electric lines because we were not sure when the paving contractor was going to begin work on 7th Street. I met with the Contractor September 4th, prior to the County reopening 7th Street at their culvert, and was pressing them to start before or right after the County completed their work. We couldn’t afford to delay start of 7th Street paving any longer, as we were beyond the time we were supposed to have started 7th Street. I didn’t want to jeopardize $105,000 in OPWC Funds by not getting the paving started/completed in time. They began work on 7th Street the week of September 23rd, which also happened to be the week Fairless had a home game on that Friday. The paving was completed September 27th. Painting of lines occurred after that (except for “SCHOOL” pavement markings and the crosswalk). The berming was completed this week. The re-erection and re-energization of the electric lines couldn’t occur until the contractor had completed all their work on 7th Street and we wouldn’t potentially delay that completion.
The Police Department and Electric Department are scheduled to re-erect and re-energize the electric lines next Tuesday October 22nd, weather permitting, with the rain date being the following day, Wednesday October 23rd. We had to be able to schedule our Police Department to assist with closing off a lane of 7th Street and help with flagging, so the Electric Department could safely re-erect the electric lines and re-energize them while traffic is maintained.
Once the electric lines are re-erected and re-energized the street lights will be back on again. It will happen within a week of the Contractor completing 7th Street.
- ODOT – Route 93 Paving and Drainage Issue(s). Street Superintendent Rick Patterson and I met with an ODOT representative regarding the drainage at the northeast corner of the underpass (and the northwest as well) prior to paving beginning next Spring. He believes based on his initial assessment based upon field observations that there is a failure in the conduit approximately 12’ south of the inlet. We informed him that we had a video inspection that was completed by the village on this run of conduit, and we would try to provide it to him/ODOT. But his initial assessment is that it appears a small portion of curb and gutter needs removed and replaced and a new 5’-10’ section of conduit installed attached to the existing with concrete collars.
At the northwest corner, we looked at a similar inlet and conduit that also could use some minor repair. It is currently plugged up, so it is difficult to determine the extent of the problem at that location.
We plan to attempt to locate the video and schedule cleaning both sides so that it is easier to see the issues on both sides, so that we can jointly continue to investigate the possibility of completing this repair before or during the next season.
- Electric – Substation Upgrade/Expansion. The contract with Thompson Electric in the amount of $1,324,835 (doing all the work without any outages) for the construction of Substation Upgrade and Expansion Project is being finalized.I will continue to keep Council informed as to developments. Please feel free, as always, to contact me if you have any questions or need me to obtain any additional information.
- ODOT Survey – Access Ohio 2045 – Offers different projects to vote for.
Council Member Godwin asked if the paving of Rt 93 is going to be paved in 2020. VA Miller stated the contract has been awarded to Karvo, so they have a deadline they have to meet.
Council Member Hilliard asked about painting West First Street. VA Miller stated it was already completed.
Council Member Fox asked who was responsible for the patching of Rt 93. VA Miller stated the patching is going to be done by Brewster Street Department
Council Member Fox asked when the paving condition rating will be done. VA Miller would like to see it done as soon as possible to get it scheduled.
Council Member Fox asked what the zoning is north of the car wash. It’s R-3 on the west with a business district on the corner. The east side is light industrial at Shearers.
Council Member Hess noticed trucks parked on East 7th since the paving has been completed.
Council Member Hess asked if businesses can dump at the yard waste. VA Miller stated his official answer is no but he doesn’t understand if some in the district is cutting grass in the district why they can’t bring the clippings here. Council Member Godwin stated he thought it was big trees. VA stated they haven’t seen the trees but he doesn’t understand why an elderly person can’t have their grass clippings deposited that someone who does their yard has collected.
- Planning Commission Meeting on October 17, 2019 (Council copy of Minutes)
- Continuation of their review of the Village Zoning Code.
- Next Meeting is scheduled for November 21st at 7 pm.
- A Continuation of a Zoning Code review.
- Solar Field Dedication – October 8
- The amount of solar that was received by the Village from 01/01 to 10/01 = 2.154 Gigawatts
- The amount of electricity used by Brewster customers from 01/01 to 10/01 = 38.465 Gigawatts
- Solar provides 5.6% of the total village load. Remember that the sun doesn’t shine 24 hours per day
- The primary reason for the solar field is to help with Peak Shaving, the 1CP and 5CP factors
- In attendance: Officials from NextEra and AMP
Fairless Supt Broc Bidlack
Brewster Officials and Supt. Ryan Swan and Mike Radich from Electric
Fairless Band
- It was a nice event with a large tent, a speaker’s dais, and was catered by Main Street Deli
- AMP Solar’s Willey Sanderson advises that AMP is looking for a site for a 2MW Solar field
- AMP Is considering the installation of a 2MW Solar field in the Brewster area
- Brewster would benefit and we plan to cooperate fully with AMP
- Purchase of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
- In March of 2018 Council approved the purchase of three AEDs for the Village PD
- Cost in 2018 was $ 1195 each; recent quote = $ 1275 each including shipping
- I would request that Council purchase an AED for Village Hall at a cost of $ 1275
- Asst. Fire Chief Jen Mohler would provide training for Village Hall personnel
4. CPR Classes
- Jen Mohler has agreed to provide all Village employees with CPR training
- I’ve asked the VA to require all Village employees to attend CPR classes this winter
- Would any member of Council be interested in attending a CPR training class?
5. Fire Building Expansion Project
- The architect, Bill Griffith, is working toward finalizing the Drawings and Bid Documents for the Fire Building Expansion Project
- On October 17th he and a mechanical engineer were at the FD to assess the electrical and plumbing in the current FD building
- We will meet with Bill in the next weeks to finalize the exterior design, construction, and finishes
- The Solicitor is reviewing the required procedures for soliciting a construction loan and then we will take the steps required to provide Council with a recommendation for financing the project
- The timeline at this point is to complete the drawings and Bid Documents by December 1st
- To Bid the Project and apply for required building permits in early December
- Open Bids in mid-January at which time Council would award a Construction Contract
- Contractor will break ground in March or April with construction taking 6-8 months
- Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
- Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is a system of smart electric and water meters installed at the customer’s location, a communications network (smart grid) constructed Village-wide, and a data management system in the utility office that enables two-way communication between the utilities and the customer
- AMI benefits electric, water, and sewer customers by detecting meter failures early, accommodating faster service restoration, and improving the accuracy and flexibility of billing. Further, AMI allows for time-based rate options that can help customers save money and manage their energy consumption
- AMI benefits the entire grid by improving the accuracy of meter reads, energy theft detection and response to power outages, while eliminating the need for on-site meter reading
- AMI brings financial gains to utility operations by reducing equipment and maintenance costs, enabling faster restoration of electric service during outages and streamlining the billing process
- AMI technology enables enhanced monitoring of system resources, which mitigates potential threats on the grid by cyber-terrorist networks.
- In recent years Village officials and members of Council have met with five or six AMI vendors
- Members of Council have expressed significant interest in establishing AMI in the Brewster utility operations
- In preparation in recent years the Village Water Department have installed water meters with smart water meters capability in more than half of the Village’s residential customers homes in preparation for using AMI in the Village water and sewer operations
- To get the ball rolling, at the November 4th Council meeting the Mayor will introduce legislation that will direct and enable the VA to request proposals for the installation of an AMI network for the Village electric, water, and sewer utilities
7. BREWSTER LEAF PICK UP – 2019 (As posted on Village Web and Facebook pages)
The schedule for Leaf Pick Up is as follows:
Start Date is Monday, October 21st
The End Date is slated for November 21st (in 2018 crews finished on December 6th)
These dates may be modified due to weather or unforeseen delays
Brewster residents are urged to rake their leaves onto the tree lawns adjacent to the street in front of their homes for vacuuming by Village crews. Area residents may also take their un-bagged leaves to the Village Yard Waste Drop Off at Bimeler Park. Bagged leaves are not accepted on the tree lawn or at the Yard Waste Drop Off site. Landscaping companies or similar commercial operators are prohibited from using the Brewster Yard Waste Site
8. JVM Letter of Appreciation to be signed by Council
- JVM is closing after forty years with Ellen Everett moving to agency partner Mercer Financial Group in Navarre
- John Viront and Abby Garber have retired
Fire Pay = $ 3034.60
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council.
1. Parks, Grounds, & Buildings Committee meeting minutes from 10/07
2. Council of the Whole meeting tonight to discuss a proposed Donation Policy
Of Note:
October 31st – Trick or Treat from 6 – 7:30 pm followed by Halloween Party in Bimeler Park
November 7th - Jackson Township is offering a Zoning Training Workshop
November 21st – Planning Commission Meeting
EXPENDITURE REQUESTS from past meetings:
Fire ChiefRequest: Send Firefighters Luke Bruce & Cody Henry to EMT Class at Buckeye Career on
02/19/2020 at a cost of $ 975 plus books per firefighter (requires Council OK – will exceed the $1,000 threshold)
Welty Cemetery Proposal from Welty Cemetery Board: Council has met w/Welty Reps; a Council of the Whole was held on 09/03 to discuss the proposal; Council has requested an outline of how the Cemetery would be operated by the Village if the proposal is accepted.
OLD or NEW BUSINESS: (Council Rules dictate a one meeting review period for expenditures, unless deemed an emergency)
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to create legislation for a Donation Policy based on a draft provided by VA Miller. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to approve the Fire Department pay of $3,034.60 from the Fire Equipment Fund. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to donate the old SCBA’s to an area Fire Department once the new SCBA’s are in service. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to schedule a Utility Committee meeting on November 4th at 6:30 PM. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to approve EMT training for Luke Bruce and Cody Henry at Buckeye Career Center on 02/20/20 at a cost of $975 plus books for each from the Fire Fund. The vote: All yes.
Council Member Hilliard asked about the Welty Cemetery and would like to see the Village vote and get this finished. Councilman Hawk stated he is still waiting to hear back from the Township Trustees and would to talk to them first. Councilman Hawk will continue to try to contact them and report back.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HILLIARD and motion carried to create legislation to create a Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) with Tuscarawas Township and for the Solicitor to work with Jim Mathews of Tuscarawas Township on the JEDD. The vote: All yes.
Village Speaks:
Council Member Godwin stated the new café’ will be opening late November/early December 6:00 AM -2:30 PM.
Council Member Hilliard reported he is still receiving a complaint about not having a buffer zone on East 7TH Street by the new walking path and baseball field. VA Miller stated the walking path may be as much as 10 years out.
Audience Remarks:
Chief Creter stated he will have 7th St. E. closed while the poles and wires are installed for the street lights.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Mike Schwab, Mayor