May 20, 2019 - Parks, Grounds, and Buildings

The Village of Brewster Parks, Grounds and Building Meeting


May 20, 2019

On the 20th of May the parks and grounds met to discuss a budget slash projects meeting. The first topic that came up was the outdoor workout station and council was giving pictures of how it would be set up, there was discussion where the station would be positioned in the Park. We decided it would be located beside the first playground closest to Bimeler Park parking lot. The second discussion was what needed down to fix field three’s outfield. There some discussion of how to fix it, the VA was going to get with the street superintendent and get back to us. The field lighting was discussed and was recommended to be rewired and change to L E D fixtures and bulbs themselves. Staying with the park we decided to install a new drinking fountain will also for Handicap individuals and Animal friendly.  The next topic was replacing the door at the police station and a new lock system. The last topic was raising the amount put in the Parks, Grounds and Building fund. All was in favor of raising the amount. That was the last discussion of the meeting was over at 6:40 PM.  All Councilman, Mayor and VA were present.       



David Godwin