July 16, 2018 - Meeting Minutes
JULY 16, 2018
7:00 P.M.
Brewster Village Council met in regular session with Mayor Mike Schwab presiding.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HESS and motion carried to excuse Council Member Hilliard from this evening’s meeting. The vote: All yes.
Council Members bowed their heads for the invocation provided by Clerk-Treasurer
Kris King followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Schwab, Mayor
Dale Fox, Council Member Dave Godwin, Council Member
Chuck Hawk, Council Member Andrew Hess, Council Member
Sydney Radich, Council Member
John Anthony, Solicitor Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Michael Miller, Village Administrator
Mayor Mike Schwab asked if there were any additions or deletions to the July 2, 2018 Council meeting minutes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the minutes as presented. The vote: All yes
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to accept the bills in the amount of $40,792.41. The vote: All yes.
Ray Heitger was in attendance.
CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: Titles of each read by Solicitor John Anthony
RESOLUTION 35-2018: A Resolution Authorizing the Adoption of 2018 Supplemental Appropriations was given third reading.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to pass the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
RESOLUTION 36-2018: A Resolution to Authorize an Application to the USDA for a Loan for the Jefferson Avenue SE Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Project and declaring an emergency was given second reading.
Mayor Schwab asked VA Miller to explain. VA Miller stated this puts the Village in queue for possible funds should they be available. It reserves us a spot.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings and bring the legislation forward for passage. The vote: All yes.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RADICH and motion carried to pass the legislation as read. The vote: All yes.
From the Mayor: First Reading: Authorize an Application for a 2019 OPWC Application for a Water Treatment Plant Filter Improvement Project (September 14th application deadline).
From the Mayor: First Reading: Authorize an Application for a 2019 OPWC Program and/or LTIP Application for a Main Street E. Improvement Project (September 14th application deadline).
Fire Department: Chief Chris Colucy
From RED Center: 2018 Fire Calls thru June = 385; 2017 Fire Calls thru June = 322; a 19.6% increase.
Chief Colucy attended the Ohio Fire Chiefs Conference over the weekend.
FEMA awarded grants starting last Friday. 10 Ohio departments have received funds so far. Nothing for Brewster yet.
Chief on medical leave; he is scheduled to provide administrative duties when cleared by his doctor. Captain Taylor has been filling the Chief’s role.
From RED Center: 2018 PD Calls thru June = 1137; 2017 PD Calls thru June = 1323.
Review of recent court decisions involving immunity and public records.
District 19: Ohio Public Works Commission infrastructure applications are due by September 14th.
Stark County LEPC: Planning & Response Conference on October 3rd at R.G. Drage (Council provided with a copy).
AMP 2017 Annual Report available for review – provides an overview of AMP’s services, projects, and staff. AMP has 135 members in 7 states serving 650,000 customers.
Administrator’s report for period 7/3/2018 thru 7/16/2018:
- OPWC - North Water Tower Safety Improvements and Rehabilitation Project.
The Village received the agreement from OPWC for the North Water Tower Safety Improvements and Rehabilitation Project (CS02V). After the agreement was reviewed by Law Director John Anthony, the agreement was executed and returned to OPWC.
In preparation to bid, the bid specifications were again reviewed by our Village Solicitor and myself a final time to assure compliance with all legal and OPWC requirements. Changes were forwarded to Dixon Engineering.
The project is being advertised in the Canton Repository July 17th and July 24th, and bids are scheduled to be opened at 2:00 pm on August 2nd. The primary bid is to have the North Water Tower Safety Improvements and Rehabilitation Project completed by November 16th this year. We are also adding alternative to the bid for start and completion by June 25th, 2019 because we were informed that many painting contractors may have a full schedule already for 2018. By adding an alternative, the Village should be assured the lowest cost.
Dixon Engineering will coordinate the bidding process.
Once bids have been opened and a recommendation made, Council will be asked to award a contract. If it is the alternate bid for start and completion in early 2019, we will have to request and receive an extension from OPWC.
OPWC will also have to give a notice to proceed before construction can begin. Dixon Engineering has been contracted to conduct construction oversight in the amount of $16,142.50, which was included in our budget for the OPWC grant.
- OPWC - 7th Street. The Village received the agreement from OPWC for the North Water Tower Safety Improvements and Rehabilitation Project (CT80V). We requested and received a change to the schedule, allowing the Village to bid out and construct the project in the first half of 2019. After the rest of agreement was reviewed by Law Director John Anthony, the agreement was executed and returned to OPWC.
We are working to make sure that various projects that are within the limits of the project are completed BEFORE paving begins, such as:
- The County culvert project is slated to be constructed this summer – potentially in conflict with our 7th Street Project
- The Army Corps of Engineers plans for the levee gate, which needs the “roadway” portion repaired
- Construction of the solar facility, which will require a number of trucks for delivery of the solar equipment
- Columbia Gas completing gas line replacement on 7th Street
- 2019 OPWC Grant Application. Applications for the 2019 OPWC has been released. The deadline for applications is Friday September 14th.
Based on that timeline, a project (or projects) need to be identified quickly if an application(s) are to be submitted. One of the criteria that helped us be successful with scoring well and being funded in last year’s applications was readiness to proceed; that requires that plans be completed, signed, and sealed by a Professional Engineer and submitted with the application. With that in mind, at this time the only two (2) projects that could meet this criteria by September 15th are Filter Media Replacement Project at the Water Facility or a paving project, although a paving project may not score high enough on some other criteria to be competitive. If we choose to submit a paving project, I would recommend Main Street East between Cleveland and Jackson.
I am requesting that Council identify a project (or projects) to apply for and grant me the authority to submit an application(s) by the July 16th meeting.
- Jefferson Ave SE Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Project. As I informed Council at the last meeting, we have been talking to the United State Department of Agriculture about financing for the Jefferson Ave SE Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Project. The current rate is 2.375% if we can meet their health and safety standards. If not, the rate would be 3.125%. The potential term could be up to 40 years. What we have been told is that even though we do not yet have a final number for construction, that it would be prudent for the Village to apply for funding now, as funds are currently available and could be reserved, effectively reserving our place in line. If we wait, funds might not be available at that time. The Village could alter either the amount or decline the loan in the future.
- Paving. The contract has been executed with Central Allied Enterprises, Inc. for installation of curb & gutter. This work was scheduled to begin right after the 4th or the week starting July 9th but has been pushed back.
Once the curb and gutter has been installed, Central Allied Enterprises, Inc. is then scheduled to begin milling and paving Village Streets.
- Solar Project. The Brewster Solar Project continues to move forward.
- We received our copy of the executed Solar Project Lease Agreement (AMP Contract No. 2016-002946-LEASE) between Brewster and DG AMP Solar.
- The laydown area lease continues to be negotiated between NextEra and Fairless Schools.
- The interconnection agreement has been finalized.
I will keep Council informed as we move towards the beginning of construction in September.
- Property Maintenance. I am still sending letters out for high grass and weeds. If any Councilpersons notice a location that they feel is in violation, please let me know.
- Efficiency Smart. For a limited time, Efficiency Smart is making appliance recycling even more rewarding for Brewster Municipal Electric residential customers. Schedule a FREE pick-up of a working refrigerator or freezer between July 1 and August 31, and you’ll receive $60 for recycling your unit! You can also save up to $150 a year by not running your old appliance. Call 844-260-3487 or visit efficiencysmart.org/brewster-ohio to schedule.
- Street Trees (and Electric Hazard Trees) – I thought that it would be a good time to update where we are in the 2018 Tree Program and go over the process that is currently in place. At the beginning of each year, Council establishes a budget for addressing hazardous trees that are located in the right-of-way, primarily between the sidewalk and curb.
A list is developed from resident reports and employee observation of trees that present a hazard (i.e. dead, dying, diseased, or threat to electric lines – electric line trees are paid out of the Electric Fund). We then solicit bids for removal of the trees on the list, as well as grinding out the remaining stumps. This year we solicited bids from five (5) different to contractors and received prices from four (4). A departure from the past is that we solicit bids for each individual tree, so that an award can be split up to reduce the cost for removal.
Tree stumps are normally ground out soon after the tree is removed. Occasionally there is an exception, such as five (5) trees stumps on Pinewood that were removed very late in the season by a contractor clearing electric lines. While those were removed last Fall, we added those to this year’s bid rather than pay a premium for removal last Fall/Winter.
This year ultimately contracts were awarded to two (2) contractors. One has completed their list of trees and the other has removed the trees and is in the process of grinding stumps.
The process of removal and grinding stumps results in three (3) separate waste “streams”:
- Wood chips. Wood chips are created as a result of grinding the leaves and branches. We allow the contractors to deposit these wood chips at our yard waste facility, because we have determined that this is the most cost-efficient method for our residents and the Tree Budget. The Village can then dispose of the wood chips at $85 per haul/dumpster. ALL our contractors would have to haul those same wood chips long distances, costing them down time (money) during that process, which would be passed on to the Village. To make the Tree Budget go further so we have more money after removal to address tree replacement and sidewalk replacement, any money we can save by using our employees (i.e. to load dumpsters) results in more money to cover everything that needs done each year. We track those loads so that they do not get billed to the Stark-Tuscarawas Solid Waste District.
- Tree trunks. All the contractors have been told the tree trunks belong to them. They are not to be disposed of at the Village yard waste facility. Occasionally when the tree is on private property a resident will “claim” the tree trunk for fire wood (i.e. electric line hazard but on private property)
- Grindings. Our current approach is to save money for the Tree Program by having Village personnel remove grindings and restore the area. We do this rather than have the contractor employed being responsible to remove all grindings and other materials from the site of the stump removal, and for the rehabilitation of the site by backfilling with appropriate topsoil and planting of grass seed for cost savings for the Tree Program. The last time we bid out the contractor to do this, the cost was $100 per tree – about 25% of the tree removal and stump grinding cost. This year it would have been approximately $5,100 to remove grindings and restore with topsoil and grass seed. We spent so far $8525 for tree removal and stump grinding. $5,100 represents a 60% increase.
After the tree is removed and the stump ground out, we normally repair or replace it the same year, if the sidewalk adjacent to the removed tree has been damaged by the tree and if funds are available. Last Fall we replaced a number of sidewalk panels (assembled them together so that they would be a large enough project that cost should be lower) Have a list for this year, again depending on budget.
Finally, pursuant to Village policy in the Fall, when the prices for trees normally come down, we plant trees that are appropriate for the location they are planted, to “replace” those removed. They are not always “replaced” in the same location (i.e. if the tree was interfering with electric lines, we wouldn’t replace the tree under the electric lines again).
- Electric – Elm. The new poles on Elm have been installed on the north side. The Electric Department has been working on installation of the new lines the past couple of weeks.
- Electric –Substation Upgrade/Expansion. GPD continues to work on design.
- Electric – Shearers Shut Down for Maintenance. Our Electric Department worked overtime on July 4th to assist with Shearers shut down on the holiday for maintenance. I am attaching an e-mail from Shearers contractor, Hilscher-Clarke, that outlines what work was done.
This has been standard practice for years – Shearers shuts down on a holiday (the holiday varies) and has the Village de-energize and re-energize various parts of the plant to perform maintenance. Last year the shut-down and work was scheduled and performed on Easter Sunday.
This was a scheduled shut-down. Hilscher-Clarke had approximately 4 employees and a crew leader/coordinator, and they had a crane brought in as well.
- Safe Routes to Schools Study – Crosswalk on Route 62. The Safe Routes to Schools study continues to progress.
A suggestion that was brought up prior to the study, and has since been discussed as part of the study, is upgrading the signage for the current crosswalk at Route 62 between the High School and Administration to the Middle School. Discussions were held between the Village and School Administration at the beginning of the year, and the consensus then was to upgrade the signage to add “rapid flashing beacons” to allow students, faculty, and residents to more safely cross Route 62 with a more effective warning device(s) and signage. This will greatly enhance safety at the crosswalk.
Rather than wait for completion of the study to implement that recommendation, I am proceeding to implement that upgrade now. The cost for equipment will be approximately $7,300, and our Electric Department will coordinate the installation.
Councilman Fox asked if there would be enough light for cars to see the pedestrians when it is dark out. VA Miller stated that LED lights have been put up in different areas that should provide plenty of light.
- Water Department - Asset Management Plan. Work continues on the Village’s Asset Management Plan for the Water Department. An initial draft is expected to be completed in the next couple of weeks. The final plan is required to be completed by October 1st, 2018.
Mayor Schwab asked the VA to show Council the new signs for the Disc Golf Course. Councilman Godwin asked if the Village planned to install similar signs in Bimeler Park. VA Miller stated eventually.
Councilman Godwin would like to see research on different street sweeping companies. He doesn’t feel the current company is doing a good job. VA Miller has looked at other companies and will do so again for next year.
Councilman Fox asked if the VA had looked at the manhole on Mohican Street. It’s been checked out and Supt. Patterson will be taking care of it.
1. Resident Judge David Stucki:
1. Resident Judge David Stucki:
- Retired Judge David Stucki has been elected Deputy-President of the International Association of Youth & Family Judges and Magistrates during the 2018 World Congress on Justice for Children in Paris (Letter of Congratulations sent to Judge Stucki on behalf of the Village)
2. A Proposal to Close the Rail Crossing on Baymere Avenue:
- Letter sent to Ohio Railroad Development Commission expressing concern about the proposed closing of the Baymere Road rail crossing in Sugar Creek Township
- Mayor and VA met with Sugar Creek Twp. Trustee Bob Wentling this morning to touch on this issue and two possible future small Village annexations in the Township
3. Welcome to Brewster Brochure:
- Latest “Welcome to Brewster” brochures have been printed and are available in the Utility Office and at the Police Station (Council provided with a copy)
- 4. August 7th Stark County Schools Ballot Issue:
- Chief Creter and Mayor will meet with Fairless Supt. Bidlack in next several weeks to review Village PD’s role in Fairless Schools and the employment of a second School Resource Officer
- In preparation for the possible employment of a second SRO by Fairless or by the Village, Chief has reserved a spot for a Police Officer to participate in SRO training in October
- Yard Waste Drop Off Expansion Project:
- New East side 20’ X 32” Concrete Pad was poured by contractor over the weekend
- New front 16” X 48’ Concrete Pad to be installed
- Supt Patterson has purchased and picked up the Bunker Blocks and will install after concrete is completed to increase the facility surround
- $ 8600.00 Project financed by grant from Stark-Wayne-Tusc. Joint Solid Waste Management District
6. Question from 07/02 concerning scheduled Council Meeting:
- Ordinance 21-2011 approved on August 15, 2011 states that regular Council meetings are at 7 pm on the first and third Mondays of each month
Fire Pay: $ 7,249.47
Workers’ Compensation:
- Billion Back = 85% of our 2016 premium = $18,911.65
- Group Rating: I spoke to CareWorks concerning a decrease in our group rating discount. Our discount is being reduced by 4% but was scheduled to be increased 4% if we were able to stay with the CompManagement Group. I questioned a representative of CareWorks and was told it was due to an increase in claims. I researched the claims and discovered that the actual claims for the experience period decreased by $325.
Online Bill Pay:
- 84 payments made in June
- 87 to date in July
I will be preparing the ordinances passed since June of last year to send to American Legal to update of Codified Ordinances.
Tammy Fox has assumed the full-time position of Utility Clerk.
COMMITTEES or COUNCIL REPORTS: The Goal of any committee meeting is to discuss an issue or proposal and to provide, by a consensus of the committee members, ONE recommendation to Council
Utility Committee Meeting is scheduled for August 20th at 6 pm.
Assistant Village Clerk Joyce has updated the Village Contact List (Council provided with a copy).
Will members of Council participate in September’s Arts in the Boulevard annual event? Several members agreed to participate.
REMINDERS: Next concert: July 21st – The Changes Band – Country western music
Planning Commission meets on July 19th at 7 pm: review of Village Zoning Code
Village Wide Garage Sales – Friday, August 10th and Saturday, August 11th
Utility Committee Meeting is scheduled for August 20th at 6 pm
Arts in the Boulevard – Saturday, September 22nd from 11 am to 5 pm
EXPEDITURE REQUESTS from past meetings:
From resident: 7th Street speed limit modified to 25 mph (Council has been provided the info).
From Councilman Godwin: Restrict use of tobacco and vaping on village grounds and parks.
From Mayor: Adjustment of Village Clerk’s salary be considered to begin with 2020-2024 term. Provided to Council by VA on May 7th - Council, Clerk, & Mayor Salary Comparable Lists.
From Mayor: 2018 Fire & EMS Budgets submitted to Council: suggest that Council meet to discuss future funding of Fire and EMS operations.
From VA/Mayor: Advertise for Proposals for a Village Solid Waste Opt-Out Program.
COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER FOX and motion carried to approve the June Fire Pay of $ 7,249.47 from the Fire Equipment Fund. The vote: All yes.
VILLAGE SPEAKS: Communications Received by Council members from Village residents
Councilman Hess asked if the tennis courts and walking path are going to be sealed this year. VA Miller is looking at contracting it out next year.
No audience comments were made.
COUNCIL MEMBER FOX MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GODWIN and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 PM. The vote: All yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris King, Clerk-Treasurer
Mike Schwab, Mayor