Current Advertised Bids
Sealed bids for supplying a loan for the Addition and Remodeling for the Brewster Fire Station will be received at 302 Wabash Ave. South, Brewster, Ohio 44613 in the Village Hall until 1:00 PM local time, on January 23, 2020, at which time they will be publicly opened and read.
Bids will only be accepted from “Eligible Institutions” as that term is defined by Ohio Revised Code Section 135.01.
Each bid shall be in conformity with the Ohio Revised Code and all bids and certificates shall be upon the forms furnished with the specifications, including a non-collusion affidavit and no findings for recovery affidavit that are provided with the specifications. Each bid shall contain the full name of the corporation submitting the bid.
Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope upon the forms furnished with the specifications, or a copy thereof, and shall contain the full name of each person, agency/company, submitting the bid and shall be signed by an official authorized to execute a contract.
No Bidder may withdraw his Proposal for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the date and time of receipt of bids, except as provided by State law.
Copies of the Invitation to Bid, specifications, proposal and contract forms are available at the Village of Brewster Village Hall, 302 Wabash Ave S, Brewster, Ohio 44613 or can be found on the Village of Brewster Website ( Bid envelopes shall be marked: “Loan for the Addition and Remodeling for the Brewster Fire Station”.
Bids shall be delivered to Michael Miller, Village Administrator at the Brewster Village Hall at 302 Wabash Ave. South, Brewster, Ohio 44613 at or prior to the date and hour specified for receiving bids. The Village is not responsible if documents are received too late for timely bid. Bids received after the scheduled bid opening date and time will neither be read nor considered.
Any questions pertaining to interpretation of Contract Documents are to be submitted in writing to:
Michael Miller, Village of Brewster Administrator
302 Wabash Ave S Brewster, Ohio 44613
Email: ‘’
The Village of Brewster reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids received, and to award the contract to the lowest and best bidder whose proposal is deemed most favorable to the Village of Brewster.
Publication Dates: December 20th, 2019, December 27th, 2019, and January 3rd, 2020.
Sealed bids for the Addition and Remodeling for the Brewster Fire Station will be received at 302 Wabash Ave. South, Brewster, Ohio 44613 in the Village Hall until 12:00 noon local time, on January 23, 2020 at which time they will be publicly opened and read.
Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope upon the forms furnished with the specifications and shall contain the full name of each person, agency/company, submitting the bid and shall be signed by an official authorized to execute a contract.
Bid envelopes shall be marked: “Addition and Remodeling for the Brewster Fire Station Separate Bids will be received for the following:
General Construction (Including Site Work)
Mechanical (HVAC)
The Contract Documents may be reviewed for bidding purposes without charge during business hours at the following locations:
Builders Exchange of East Central Ohio 5377 Lauby Rd, Ste 202
North Canton, OH44720
Any questions pertaining to interpretation of Contract Documents are to be submitted in writing to the Architect:
SōL Harris/Day Architecture
Attn: Bill Griffith 6677 Frank Ave.NW
North Canton, OH 44720 Phone:330-493-3722
Email: ‘’
Contract Documents may be purchased from the printing company. The cost for the Contract Documents, plus shipping is the responsibility of the bidder. Only bidders of record will receive addendum to the specifications, if any. The printer is as follows:
AA Blueprint Company, Inc. 2757 Gilchrist Rd.
Akron, Ohio44305
Tel: 330-794-8803 or 1-800-821-3700
Fax: 330-794-8348
The only bids that will be accepted will be those of bidders of record. Bidders of record are those who have signed the bidders list, obtained specifications, and paid the prescribed fee.
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the site at 110 Main Street S.E., Brewster, Ohio 44613 at 2:00 p.m. on January 8th, 2020 to advise all prospective bidders of the various contract requirements, and to answer any questions that might occur.
Construction work shall be subject to the prevailing wage rates established by the Ohio Department of Industrial Relations.
Each bid shall be in conformity with the Ohio Revised Code and all bids and certificates shall be upon the forms furnished with the specifications, and shall be delivered to Michael Miller (Village Administrator) at the Brewster Village Hall at 302 Wabash Ave. South, Brewster, Ohio 44613 at or prior to the date and hour specified for receiving bids. The Owner is not responsible if documents are received to late for timely bid.
In the case of corporations not chartered in Ohio, the bid shall be accompanied by a proper certificate of the Secretary of State, certifying that such corporation is authorized to do business in Ohio.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid guaranty in the form of: (1) a certified check, or cashier’s check, or letter of credit, equal to 10% of the bid; or (2) a bid and performance guaranty bond for the full amount of the bid; both forms of guaranty as provided in Chapter 153 of the Ohio Revised Code. The amount of the bid for said guaranty purposes shall include all additive alternates if appropriate. All bid guaranties shall be on condition that if the bid is accepted within sixty (60) days of the bid opening, a proper Contract shall be executed, and that upon failure or refusal to enter into said contract within ten (10) days after receipt of notification of award the bidder and the surety on any bond shall be liable to the ‘Village of Brewster’, Ohio’ in an amount not to exceed ten (10%) percent of the bid.
No Bidder may withdraw his Proposal for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the date and time of receipt of bids, except as provided by State law.
The Village of Brewster reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids received, and to accept any bid or combination of bids which is deemed most favorable to the Village of Brewster at the time and under the conditions stipulated.
The Village of Brewster further declares that it will award the contract for this project to the Lowest and Best Responsible Bidder, which may not necessarily be the lowest bidder. The Specifications contain AIA Document A305, Contractor’s Qualification Statement designed to gather certain information that may be considered in this regard. No single factor will control the Owner’s decision to award, and the Owner reserves the right to exercise its full discretion.
BY ORDER OF Village of Brewster
Publication Dates: December 13th, 2019, December 20th, 2019, December 27th, 2019, and January 3th, 2020.