The Brewster Police Department is committed to serve with honor and protect all citizens of our culturally diverse community, through a partnership focused on public trust and providing a safe environment for all.
The Village of Brewster is recognized for its Police Department. Highly trained and skilled, they set a model for protecting our community. We are proud of our Police Department. Please feel free to visit your Police Department and get to know the brave men and women that protect your community. The Brewster PD appreciates the support of the Brewster community residents and businesses and welcomes any question or concern you may have. Please call them at 330-767-3191 to voice any concerns. If you need a Police Officer to respond at your home or business please call Dispatch at 330-830-4272.
Emergency: Dial "911"
Dispatch: 330-830-4272 (for calls for service)
Office Phone: 330-767-3191 (for emergencies press "0" right away)
Office fax: 330-767-0200
This Safety Force is a 24/7 operation that protects and serves our community. The Police Department is located at 145 W. First Street. Our Full-Time Officers wear several hats as you may note in the following list of the Village Police Department's Officers:
Sergeant Benny Truman/School Resource Officer
Our Police Department also consists of 7 full-time officers and 7 part-time officers. Our part-time officers cover several shifts each week, serving and protecting our great community the same as our full-time.